Why Did My Ex Block Me All Of A Sudden?

If your relationship ended and you’re trying to figure out why your ex blocked you, the simplest explanation is that your ex doesn’t want to talk to you and get any reminders of you.

Your ex wants to be left alone and self-prioritize after the breakup and leave the past behind.

This is true regardless of who left who and where your ex blocked you as blocking a person whether it’s an ex, a friend, or any human being shows that a person feels overwhelmed with unwanted emotions and that he or she wants to stop feeling those emotions.

Blocking is a desperate attempt for peace and quiet.

Some people think that exes block each other to bring a reaction out of each other, but that is very rarely the case. Exes tend not to care about each other that much which is why they often make a last-ditch effort to move on and focus on themselves.

It may not be something you want to hear if you’re still hoping to get another chance with your ex, but it’s the truth and it’s better that you hear it now than later. You don’t want to develop an obsessive attachment to your ex just to later find out that your ex has already moved on.

That would put set you back emotionally and also waste your precious time.

So if you’re still thinking to yourself, “Why did my ex block me,” remember that exes block each other for two reasons.

Either because they feel smothered or because they want to stop hurting.

Couples, on the other hand, block for slightly different reasons. They resort to blocking when they’re displeased with each other’s behavior and when they want more power and control in the relationship.

Such couples block each other to hurt each other and to gain control by force.

In this topic, we’ll try to answer two questions.

1) Why did my ex block me?

2)How to respond to blocking?

Why did my ex block me

Those who block after the breakup either have too much or too little control over their exes. It all depends on whether they’re dumpees or dumpers.

If they’re dumpers, they have too much control because they feel:

  • anger
  • annoyance
  • repulsion
  • frustration
  • and bad reminders from negative experiences/associations

If they’re dumpees, on the other hand, they lack control because they feel:

  • abandoned
  • separation anxiety
  • nostalgic
  • and a desire to protect themselves from getting hurt again

If your ex is the dumper, the reason why your ex blocked you is that the thought of you triggered unwanted emotions in your ex.

It brought out the negative, self-empowering emotions your ex has attached to your persona and made your ex want to avoid you.

Avoiding and running away from the self-created discomfort essentially does two things. It allows your ex to feel stress-free and gives him or her a chance to start afresh.

If your ex is the dumpee, however, then your ex probably blocked you out of self-protection. Your ex must be tired of hurting and wants to focus on himself or herself from now on.

Your dumpee ex will most likely need some time to forget about you. Not messaging, calling, or seeing your social media posts will help your ex regain independence quicker.

Why did my ex block me all of a sudden?

If your ex blocked you months after the breakup out of the blue just when things were starting to look better, something may have happened to your ex.

Something that affected your ex emotionally and changed your ex’s mind about you.

Here are a few possibilities.

1)Your ex met someone new

One possible explanation why you got blocked is that your ex met someone new or went back to an ex—and doesn’t want you to find out. Maybe your ex doesn’t want you to get hurt and do something to meddle with your ex’s new relationship.

Or perhaps your ex’s new partner requested that you get blocked and stay away from their relationship. It’s impossible to speculate.

One thing is for certain. Your ex or your ex’s girlfriend or boyfriend blocked you to avoid discomfort, drama, and awkwardness.

2)Your ex regained his or her strength

Many times, when couples go separate ways, they resent each other for the way they treated each other during or after the relationship. It could be that your ex blocked you all of a sudden because your ex got out of the depression stage of a breakup for the dumpee and recovered to the point where your ex is angrier than he or she is sad.

Anger means power and so does blocking.

3)Your ex got tired of waiting

Iit’s possible that your ex blocked your email, phone number, social media, or other forms of communication to climb out of depression and get rid of any remaining false hope that he or she may still have for reconciliation.

You have to understand that dumpees are full of false hope. The more they talk to their dumpers, stalk them on social media, and think about them, the more they long their ex’s affection and the more hopeful they feel.

So if you’re asking yourself, “Why did my ex block me,” consider it a possibility that your ex got tired of waiting for you and decided to force-stop his or her self-undulged feelings of nostalgia and false hope.

4)Your ex wants to forget about you and the pain you’ve caused

Blocking you on social media may not instantaneously solve all your ex’s problems, but it does provide some relief from anxiety, fears, and worries for your ex. And that’s because it gives your dumpee ex some of his or her lost power back and partially enables your ex to close one of the most difficult chapters of his or her life.

5)Your ex doesn’t want any reminders of you anymore

Since your ex blocked you, it’s obvious that your ex wants to stop receiving and seeing updates on your life. Seeing your happy, relieved, sad, or depressing posts does nothing good for your ex.

It just confuses your ex and hinders your ex’s healing/moving on process.

6Your posts anger your ex

After the breakup, your ex associates all the bad feelings and experiences with your persona. Your ex remembers the good times, but also the bad ones. We could say that the bad ones stand out the most because they gave your ex power and caused the separation.

Anyway, when you post something that reminds your ex of you and the unhappy/unsuccessful past, your ex immediately feels the emotions you’d made your ex feel in the past.

He or she basically relives the past and feels victimized as a result.

This is why staying friends with an ex after the breakup is often very difficult. No matter how hard you try to be better than the person you were throughout the relationship, dumpers make sure to remind you why you got dumped in the first place.

They may not tell you that directly, but they nonetheless treat you as the person you were ages ago and prevent you from regaining your worth in their eyes.

What to do when your ex blocks you on social media?

If your ex blocked you and the blocking hurt you, you probably want to know why your ex did that. You’re thinking to yourself, “I didn’t know my ex was capable of blocking me and hurting me this much. I’m seeing a different side to me ex.”

If this is what you’re thinking, I can tell you that you’re not wrong. Your ex is definitely acting differently from what you’re used to, but there’s a reason for this behavior. That reason is that you never had an opportunity to see your ex’s dark side.

You only saw your ex’s good side and not the side that shows itself when your ex is furious and fed up with you.

It may be difficult for you to accept that your ex’s bad characteristics are a part of your ex, but, unfortunately, they are because actions don’t lie. People show us who they are not when they need us but when they don’t need us.

They especially show us if they value our health and well-being when we’re dependent on them and not when they’re dependent on us.

So if you haven’t already acknowledged your ex for his or her post-breakup behavior, now is a good time to do that. Give it some serious thought.

You’ll probably realize that your ex was capable of much worse than you initially thought.

You just didn’t know your ex’s true colors because you never backed your ex against a corner and forced him or her to react on impulse.

Now that your ex has blocked you, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Firstly, reaching out to your ex to find out why you got blocked isn’t something you should do because it’s too early for you to push your ex for an answer.

If you demand an answer ahead of time (before you and your ex are ready for a serious conversation), you’ll most likely just smother your ex and make your ex even more frustrated with you.

You’ll bring an even worse reaction out of your ex and cause your ex to ignore you or block you again. So don’t do it. Don’t confront your ex about blocking you.

The last person you should ask for an explanation is your ex.

Your ex may hold the answers you deeply desire, but if you got blocked and ask your ex for a reasonable explanation, the truth or your ex’s inconsiderate actions are only going to hurt you.

They will reopen your breakup wound and make you desperate for attention again. Consider this a warning.

Instead of causing a tantrum about getting blocked, accept that it’s okay to lack control of your ex’s actions because your ex has a mind of his or her own. Your ex can do what he or she wants.

But so can you! So redirect your thoughts and get over the fact that you got blocked.

Do so by memorizing what you mustn’t do when your ex blocks you.

What not to do when your ex blocks you

Now that you know what not to do when your ex blocks you, let’s talk about what you should do.

First of all, you should understand that your ex’s blocking has very little to do with you. Even if you did something to get blocked, it was still your ex who initiated the blocking.

Your ex was the one wh couldn’t control his or her emotions and blocked you. So keep that in mind.

Here’s what to do when your ex blocks you on Facebook, Instagram, or anywhere that requires signal.

What to do when your ex blocks you

My experience when my ex blocked me on social media

When my ex left me, he gave me the all-inclusive dumpee experience. Not only did he block me on social media, but he also ghosted me, monkey-branched, and went back to his ex.

He made me feel completely worthless. So much so that he destroyed my confidence and trust in men and stopped me from being able to eat and sleep.

I became a hot mess.

But despite all the the anger, depression, and nostalgia boiling inside me, I knew that contacting my ex through his friends and family would be suicidal.

It would destroy my remaining self-respect and as a result, make me feel even ore desperate for attention.

Even though I had thousands of questions for my ex, I still valued my pride, dignity and self-respect above my ex. The realization that I had to be strong kept me from reaching out.

Sometimes I thought that I at least deserved some kind of explanation for getting ghosted and blocked, but on the other hand, I also knew that I shouldn’t drill my ex for answers.

The rational side of the brain told me that it wasn’t my ex that I needed to feel better. It was the happiness that my ex took away from me by hurting me.

That’s why it didn’t take me long to stat following the indefinite no contact rule. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but it seemed that ceasing all contact with my ex was the most logical thing to do.

There were days when I felt angry and days when I felt, sad, depressed, nostalgic, and hopeless. My emotions and well-being varied each day.

But luckily, I promised myself not to reach out and embarrass myself, so I diligently stayed in indefinite no contact even during my worst days. I just couldn’t empower my ex and appear needy.

It would make me look and feel weak.

That’s why I focused on sports, fitness, crafts, and arts and made some new friends at work.

The more I focused on the things that made me happy, the more the black cloud over my head disappeared. It didn’t take long before the cloud was gone and the sun began to shine.

If there’s something breakups taught me, it’s that they hurt so much because we lack control over them. They are completely in our exes’ control—and knowing that torments us.

But when we start to regain our self-esteem, self-love, and independence—our exes quickly lose their power. Their absence no longer affects us because deep inside, we realize that we’re better off on our own or with someone who appreciates us.

It’s sad that we don’t always get to say goodbye and get closure from our exes, but sometimes, that’s the way relationships unfold. Some dumpers aren’t emotionally ready for a difficult confrontation, so they chose not to deal with us and run away.

In such cases, it’s best that we get closure on our own. No one says we need our exes to move on with our lives.

That may indeed help us and make us feel better, but it’s also very important that we try to get over the breakup without our ex’s help.

We need to develop the strength to be self-sufficient and better equiped for our next relationship whether it’s with our ex or someone new.

So if your ex just blocked you and you don’t know how to get unblocked, focus on yourself. Enjoy the hobbies and activities that make you happy and believe me that a few months from now, you’ll be glad that your ex blocked you and left you alone to heal.

Did this article answer the question “Why did my ex block me?” Did you learn why it’s important to leave your ex alone? Share your thoughts and realizations with readers below.

22 thoughts on “Why Did My Ex Block Me All Of A Sudden?”

  1. Hi, my ex blocked me on facebook and instagram (he deleted me prior to that) during NC (31 days). I think it’s because he saw that I post indifferent posts on my blog, even if he posts some provoking posts on his (he didn’t block me on the blog template though, he just unfollowed).

  2. Hi your story is similar to mine but just that my stupid mind didnt understand that i was being ghosted so a month later i texted him again and we spoke but he wasnt himself and then we bid bye. another month later i messaged again asking if he loves me and he said yes but t wont work n then i asked him to answer my phone call he to which he made escuses and left me on read.. i feel very small and like a loser right now.

    • You’re not a loser. Sounds like you weren’t on the constant defence wondering if you were going to be ghosted, you were probably being yourself and that’s good. I don’t see anything wrong with asking someone if they love you if you had a relationship with them. Yes it makes one vulnerable to ask that, and it’s being pretty straight forward. Now that you know he WAS ghosting you, just remember you were being your raw self, you didn’t do anything wrong, and this is all about him and very little about you. Don’t be hard on yourself, because from an outsider perspective like mine, you are not the loser. I do have a word of advice, though, as I’ve been in similar positions: don’t be scared to choose someone next time who isn’t your “type”, you may be surprised.

  3. Hello, I would like you to help me. My ex left me on the phone 3 months ago, for discussions, she told me that in the future who knows if we would return together (breadcrumbs) I accepted the breakup and started my contact 0. A month ago I wrote to her to return a object of great sentimental value, I did not initiate any conversation, I asked him to send it to me or to give it to a friend. She started asking me how I was doing and I said okay, we started talking, but then she didn’t answer right away. At that moment I told her to speak later, since I understand that now it is early (as she had told me in the breakup, to maintain a cordial treatment) I said that, to speak later, who knows what could happen. She told me that she was glad to have this relationship but that we were not going back. At that moment I got angry, I said to him “ Thank you now it is clearer to me, really what you told me when you finished with me was a lie since today you tell me otherwise ” and he ended up blocking me from WhatsApp, he deleted me from Facebook (but he did not block me there, something I do not understand) nor did he return the object to me knowing how important it was to me. I have not contacted him again, and I made contact 0 again. My question is
    Why does it restrict me from whats, and only remove me from facebook?
    Why haven’t you returned my item if you know it belongs to my family?
    Does this block mean that I will not be contacted again?
    Two years of relationship, a little longer, at a distance.


    Hello, I would like you to help me. My ex left me on the phone 3 months ago, for discussions, she told me that in the future who knows if we would return together (breadcrumbs) I accepted the breakup and started my contact 0. A month ago I wrote to her to return a object of great sentimental value, I did not initiate any conversation, I asked him to send it to me or to give it to a friend. She started asking me how I was doing and I said okay, we started talking, but then she didn’t answer right away. At that moment I told her to speak later, since I understand that now it is early (as she had told me in the breakup, to maintain a cordial treatment) I said that, to speak later, who knows what could happen. She told me that she was glad to have this relationship but that we were not going back. At that moment I got angry, I said to him “ Thank you now it is clearer to me, really what you told me when you finished with me was a lie since today you tell me otherwise ” and he ended up blocking me from WhatsApp, he deleted me from Facebook (but he did not block me there, something I do not understand) nor did he return the object to me knowing how important it was to me. I have not contacted him again, and I made contact 0 again. My question is
    Why does it restrict me from whats, and only remove me from facebook?
    Why haven’t you returned my item if you know it belongs to my family?
    Does this block mean that I will not be contacted again?
    Two years of relationship, a little longer, at a distance.

  5. I have borderline personality disorder.

    When my boyfriend who is a dermatologist but also has learned about the human psyche, broke up with me. I asked him to block me everywhere. Because I have poor impulse control. I get very angry and handle rejection poorly. I asked him to block me everywhere to spare us both, but he did not block me on mail. So I sent angry e- mails and asked him to block me, but instead he replied with angry emails about how manipulative and bad I am.

    I know he’s with someone else. Why is he bothering us both this way, when I asked him to block me everywhere? 😔

    • Hi Mari.

      Your ex doesn’t want to block you because he finds it rude (or he just doesn’t want to). Besides, it’s your responsibility to take care of your emotional well-being. If he won’t block you, it’s best that you disable your social media and delete his number. That way you’ll stop yourself from sending mean things. I don’t know what to suggest about the email, but now is probably a good time to develop better self-control.

      All the best,

  6. Thank You Angela!

    This article was an mental life saver to me.

    It’s been some months to the divorce and three months ago my ex just vanished out of my universe. She’s there, but she just dropped all and anything from her side (i’m wasn’t contacting at all before that) and also hid herself in social media, in a way. She didn’t block me out totally, just did some changes so i can see she’s in there, but not there.

    Month ago she didn’t hesitate to contact me when her elderly dad had minor stroke and she seemed to need some comfort and support from me, which i gave, modestly. Anyway, we we’re in very good terms with my father in law and i do care about him a lot, so it’s not surprise she gave me heads up about the stroke. But after that, pufff, nothing there anymore. Now after that lately i’ve been wondering, should i ask her to get little conversation, slightly closure kind of a one, to just understand her view on what went wrong and to get better idea of things on which i should focus my self development.

    But reading Your excellent article reminded me to just stay away and get my closure by myself.

    Thanks You!

    • Hi Randombypasser.

      If your ex isn’t speaking to you, you shouldn’t speak to your ex either. She probably reached out just for comfort and sympathy, but after she got it, disappeared again. She clearly needs more time before she’s ready to talk to you about anything other than her problems.


    • Hi ECS.
      Thanks for the comment. I understand you’re going through a very difficult time, but you have to persevere. Stay optimistic and you’ll soon feel much stronger.


  7. Happened to me, reason told to my friend was “it would help him move on”. Either way great article Zan
    Always find comfort in them, keep it up!

      • Thank you! Its been a month or so. Confusing times my minds jumping all over the place. Its a confusing situation and reading these articles help alot so thanks for the response

  8. Such a powerful article! Well done for your strength Angelie my ex cheated and monkey branched! But now I see that power inside of the dumpee… I’m more then a year in NC and now I feel so much better thanks to Zan website so thank you again for this ❤️


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