Ghosting After A Serious Relationship

Ghosting after a serious relationship

As we all know, romantic rejections are the worst predicaments most of us go through at least once in our life. They cause us unbelievable separation anxiety, fear, and depression, and force us to experience unbearable pain. But if you think that there’s nothing worse than hearing your partner say “I don’t love you anymore,” … Read more

What Does It Mean When a Guy Says You Are Amazing?

What does it mean when a guy says you are amazing

If you’re a girl, you probably have a soft spot for compliments and flattery. You enjoy hearing sweet words such as, “You’re amazing, sweet, smart, kind, and beautiful” because it makes you feel appreciated, cared for, and comfortable in your skin. It tells you that someone out there loves you for who you are and … Read more

What Does It Mean When A Guy Talks About His Ex All The Time?

What does it mean when a guy talks about his ex all the time

When it comes to uncovering the truth and obtaining information about guys’ relationship history, women are extremely curious creatures. We’re prepared to put our gloves on and dig deeper than any excavator can dig. I’d say that people, in general, are extremely inquisitive. We need to know what’s going on with our partners to feel … Read more

Why Did He Leave Me With No Explanation?

Why did he leave me with no explanation

If a guy left you with no explanation, there is actually a good explanation for his behavior. That explanation is that he didn’t want to tell you the truth. He was afraid of your response/emotional reaction, so he just left without causing a scene and making things worse. If he was brave enough and a … Read more

Should My Boyfriend Tell Me Where He Is Going?

Should my boyfriend tell me where he is going

If your boyfriend doesn’t always tell you where he’s going and you’re contemplating if he should, the quick answer is yes. He should inform you of his whereabouts and where he’s going as often as he can. Such thoughtfulness strengthens trust in the relationship whereas hiding, forgetting, or avoiding telling the truth and arguing about … Read more

He Loves Me But He’s Marrying Someone Else

He loves me but marrying someone else

Are you interested in a guy who says he loves you but is marrying someone else? If you are, you need to know that people don’t always say “I love you” because they love you. Sometimes they say it because they’re afraid of telling you the truth and hurting your feelings. They’d rather not see … Read more

Why Do I Get Jealous When My Boyfriend Talks to Another Girl?

Why do i get jealous when my boyfriend talks to another girl

Do you wonder why you get jealous when your boyfriend talks to another girl? Does it increase your heart rate and make you feel angry, sad, hurt, or anxious? If it does, you feel this way because you perceive other girls to be a threat to your relationship. You’re afraid that another girl will fascinate … Read more

My Boyfriend Likes Other Women’s Pictures On Facebook But Not Mine

My boyfriend likes other women's pictures on Facebook but not mine

Finding out that your boyfriend likes other women’s pictures instead of yours can be very upsetting. It can make you feel as if your boyfriend doesn’t appreciate you as his girlfriend and that he’s looking for something from someone else. His reckless behavior can affect you badly. So much so that it takes a toll … Read more

My Boyfriend Doesn’t Do Anything Special For Me

My boyfriend doesn't do anything special for me

Do you feel like your boyfriend doesn’t do anything special for you? Like you’re bending over backwards for him but he’s still not returning your level of investment? If you do, you’re not alone. Lots of girls feel emotionally unfulfilled by their boyfriends from time to time and struggle to communicate their wants and needs … Read more