People are desperate to find someone new after the breakup for various reasons. Dumpees are desperate because they’re hurt and want to feel validated and secure whereas dumpers are detached and eager to meet new people.
They want to forget about their ex and experience everything life has to offer. For many dumpers, “everything” includes dating someone they know nothing about. They finally feel unburdened by their ex’s expectations and presence, so they’re ready to look for someone new and get to know him or her intimately.
Dumpers are convinced their ex was the problem, so they fail to see the need to take some time for themselves and reflect on their shortcomings. Blaming their ex for the demise of the relationship feels much better to them as it gives them strength and allows them to progress in life.
Of course, they don’t really progress. They merely feel that they do because the breakup provides them with a false sense of direction. In reality, dating someone new hinders their growth. It immediately makes dumpers feel accepted and wanted, which destroys any desire or need to self-improve.
Why would they do anything about their flaws when they can just distract themselves and feel adored by someone new? Unlike dumpees who are in pain, they’re relieved and elated and see no reason to change who they are.
Hurt, sad, and anxious people make changes. Angry people with power and control don’t. They see those around them as problems and themselves as victims.
You shouldn’t expect such people to stay single after they’ve broken up with their exes. You should expect them to start looking for someone new soon after breaking up.
Sadly, the majority of dumpers don’t do much to fix the issues that caused the breakup. They don’t even want to think about the problems because thinking about them drains their energy and makes them feel uncomfortable.
They’d rather look for someone who gives them attention and love and makes them forget about the horrible experience they had with their ex. Ignoring the past and focusing on the present feels emotionally and morally acceptable to them because they think it’s time to prioritize themselves and let their ex think and feel what he or she wants.
So if your dumper ex is desperate to find someone new and you can’t figure out why, you need to understand that dumpers are typically eager and impatient to meet someone new rather than desperate.
They don’t have any strong feelings for their ex, so they often look for new romantic opportunities and date the first person who wants to date them.
By dating, they replace unwanted thoughts and emotions associated with their ex with positive perceptions of their new partner and release their limiting beliefs about love. They basically restore their faith in relationships and look forward to getting to know the person they’re interested in.
This get-to-know-each-other phase feels refreshing and exciting to them and makes them feel infatuated (strongly desired and obsessed with someone they feel positive about).
It shows them that their new relationship makes them feel better emotions than their previous relationship and that it’s worth their time and effort (even though it requires no effort at first).
Months into the relationship, though, that tends to change as they start to encounter arguments and differences and discover that all healthy relationships require relationship skills and an understanding of themselves.
In this post, we talk about why your ex is so desperate to find someone new.

Why is my ex so desperate to find someone new?
Your dumper ex wants to find someone new because your ex is ready to date. Contrary to you, your ex had detached a long time ago and is emotionally capable of connecting with someone new.
Not only is your ex capable of a new romantic relationship, but your ex also yearns for it. Your ex feels a strong desire to love and be loved by someone totally new and different.
It’s the lack of understanding of what the new person would be like that excites your ex and pushes your ex to receive attention, respect, and care from his or her new potential boyfriend or girlfriend.
Don’t take this personally, but that’s one of the reasons your ex broke up with you. He or she didn’t see a future with you, so your ex opened up to the possibility of being with someone else.
That person may or may not have been around prior to the breakup, but the point I’m trying to make is that your ex wanted more out of life and thought someone else could do a better job than you.
A better job implies that he or she could make your ex feel happier emotions, tire/bore your ex less, and directly or indirectly make your ex work harder on the relationship.
Some people don’t appreciate relationships in which they get care, affection, and security with no effort and for no reason. They haven’t grown up yet and developed gratitude, so they only appreciate people who have power over them.
In essence, such people want to feel anxious, fearful, codependent, and uncertain about their partner’s feelings for them as such emotions scare them to the point where they invest in their partner emotionally and feel that their relationship has value and meaning.
Maybe your ex wasn’t ungrateful to that extent, but your ex certainly didn’t show you much respect by looking for someone else this quickly.
Anyone who desperately looks for another person to date right after the breakup doesn’t know or understand that you’re still searching for reasons the relationship ended and struggling with separation anxiety and a loss of self-esteem.
You probably haven’t even accepted the end of the relationship yet while your ex is already on the lookout for a new person to bond with. To me, that sounds like someone who has no compassion for what you’re going through.
He or she just wants to cut off the past and move forward with someone new. With someone your ex could potentially get married to, have kids with, and overcome his or her loneliness or mental health problems with.
Your ex might (now or later) feel guilty for leaving you, hurting you, and dating this soon, but guilt doesn’t excuse your ex’s behavior and solve your problems. It just makes your ex question his or her wrongdoings and morality.
Always remember that your ex’s actions that follow as a result of guilt are your ex’s problems and that they don’t signify love and regret.
I’m not saying that a dumper who dates someone new shortly after breaking up is evil and incapable of change, but that person does currently lack the integrity, respect, self-awareness, self-control, and empathy necessary for putting your pain before his or her temptations to start a new relationship.
Because your ex lacks these things, nothing is stopping your ex from getting to know new people and being with them. Your ex doesn’t see anything wrong with it because your ex believes he or she has the right to date and be happy.
It’s this “I deserve to be happy” idea that denies dumpees closure and causes them so much pain. If dumpers were more self-aware and caring about how their behavior affects dumpees, they could help their ex cope with the breakup or at least not make it worse.
But since they think they’ve been victimized, they believe it’s okay to forget about their ex’s wants and needs and just focus on their own. This is why they appear heartless and desperate to find someone new.
Dumpers can find new people to date in various places and in many ways.
Some dumpers meet people through friends and colleagues and others find them on apps like Tinder and Bumble. No matter where they meet new people, they often meet them way too quickly – while their ex is still in denial, trying to make sense of the breakup.
Such self-centered behavior tends to obliterate dumpees’ self-esteem and delays their healing.
We could argue that they shouldn’t be checking up on dumpers and asking to get hurt, which is true, but dumpers also shouldn’t be messing around with other people the moment they break up with their exes. They should be taking some time away from dating and showing dumpees that they took the relationship seriously.
So if your ex appears super desperate to find someone else soon or right after the breakup, know that your ex has no moral responsibility. Your ex is okay with dating someone else because your ex thinks that he or she has the right to do anything and everything.
We can compare this moral issue to people in relationships who think they have the right to message and call their exes. Those who engage in such behaviors (especially behind their partner’s back) sadly can’t tell the difference between rights and moral responsibilities.
That’s why they feel judged, controlled, and victimized by their partner and are inclined to react in anger and defend themselves. They want to do what’s best for them rather than hear their partner out and do something about their behavior.
With that said, here’s why your ex is so desperate to find someone new.

Why are dumpees desperate to find someone new?
In contrast to dumpers, dumpees are often desperate to find someone new. They’re in excruciating pain, so they think they could get over their ex by getting under someone else. But sadly, this couldn’t be further from the truth and ends up being one of the most painful lessons of their life.
A heartbroken person simply can’t process the breakup by replacing their ex with someone new.
If he or she tries to replace their ex, the dumpee soon realizes that the new person doesn’t make him or her feel even half as good as the dumper did and that the dumper was their ideal partner.
This realization then forces the dumpee to start missing the dumper like crazy and makes the dumpee lose interest in his or her new partner.
In breakup terms, the dumpee rebounds as he or she can’t form a connection with someone new while he or she is still emotionally dependent on the dumper.
That means dumpees are desperate to find someone else because they want to heal from the breakup and be as happy as their ex. They want to prove to themselves and others that they can find someone who loves them and wants to be with them.
Some dumpees even look for someone new to date just to make their ex jealous of their romantic success.
Little do they know that dumpers are unreceptive to jealousy attempts and anything that shows dumpees are romantically successful. Dumpees are emotional, so they forget that their ex doesn’t care what they do and who they’re with.
They’re fine with their ex dating because they don’t have any romantic expectations of their ex.
So keep in mind that dumpees are often desperate to find someone new because they’re anxious and want to boost their self-esteem. Their ex made them think they’re unlovable or undeserving of affection, so they try to improve the way they feel by getting involved with another person.
Many dumpees know they aren’t emotionally ready for a new relationship. But because they’re hurt and miserable, they date anyway. They get close to someone who might really like them and develop feelings for them.
Dumpees essentially use people to make themselves process the breakup faster. Only those who have (mainly) gotten over their ex get into a new relationship for the right reasons. Such people don’t talk about their exes and appear tired of life.
Instead, they focus on their new partner, show consistency, and appear eager to invest in the relationship.
Forget about your ex’s life
Whether your ex is a dumpee or a dumper, the breakup happened for a reason and must be respected. You should let your ex do what he or she wants while you do what’s best for you.
If it’s best for you not to know what your ex is doing, don’t keep an eye on your ex on social media and ask for updates on your ex. Your ex is no longer your partner, so your ex technically has the right to date right away.
That right, doesn’t however excuse his or her lack of care for you or respect for himself or herself.
Just keep in mind that what your ex does and who he or she dates is irrelevant to you. The only thing your ex’s post-breakup life shows is what your ex is like as a person.
If your ex is a dumpee, it shows your ex is looking for a person to date shortly after the breakup with the expectation to patch his or her wounds. And if your ex is a dumper, your ex is in a hurry to disconnect from the past and embrace the present.
That should be enough for you to understand that your ex sees relationships as opportunities to distract himself or herself from the mess he or she created or was forced to experience.
Whatever you do, don’t message your ex and tell your ex he or she is desperate to find someone new. Even if that’s true, your ex’s desperation, morals, self-awareness, and relationships aren’t your concern anymore.
They’re your ex’s responsibility, which is why your ex has to singlehandedly discover whether the path he or she is on is fruitful and worthwhile.
Did you learn why your ex is so desperate to find someone new? Why do you think your ex is looking for someone to date already? Comment below the post.
And if you want to talk with us privately, sign up for breakup coaching here.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Now I have learn why my ex was so desperate to find someone new. Actually he cheated me before our relationship was over.
Thank you Zan for helping all of us see the situation as they are! I donβt know where I would be without your help β€οΈπ«
Hi Linda.
He cheated and left you for someone else. Cowards do that because they lose sight of what’s important and think they deserve more out of life.
Hello Zan,
I would like to have your opinion on a question regarding one of your previous articles I just read, “why the dumper is silent after the break up”.
I divorced my ex-wife three years ago and stayed in no contact since then (she monkey branched and left me with no reason, without even saying that she had met someone new).
We had been together for 10 years.
I have not heard from my ex since the divorce.
My question is : how can someone, with whom you spent 10 years of your life and have so many memories with, never contact you again ??
Hi Rick,
I had a similar experience but I was not married. I was with my ex girfriend for 13 years and left me almost 2 and a half years ago and haven’t heard from her since (total radio silence). In my case she also monkey branched but I knew about it (went for a married guy with kids).
I also struggled a lot with the same question as you, as I always felt it was unfinished and it made me feel like she was with me all this time only for (material) comfort, not that she actually cared about me. I gave up many things for her well being (hobbies, jobs, career etc) and never cheated or disrespected her. All the things that I was sacrificing was to keep the relationship together, at the cost of my happiness. If she ever cared about me she would have at least broke up with me kindly and respectfully. I ended up realizing that there are two possibilities: either she was/still is too ashamed to contact or is too scared of what I would say OR she simply does not care at all and is just going on with life. The last one being the hardest pill to swallow, but you cannot force anybody to like you, no matter how much history there is behind.
If it is the first one I think that as a dumpee, and even for the dumper, a lot of time has to pass (years) after being together more than a decade for feelings to calm down and become neutral and maybe then there could be a change for communication. Especially if the breakup was a mess.
But by then you (as dumpee) do learn a lot, realize your mistakes and all you can do is take these lessons to another relationship, because most likely you both will not be the same people anymore. Also you cannot put your life on hold waiting for somebody who doesn’t have the courage to even give you closure.
Focus on yourself, and somebody else will come in your life who will respect you for you and then you will realize what it means to be cared for and loved.
Hi Rick.
People show their true colors when they no longer have feelings for their ex and want to be with someone else. They laser focus on the new person and quite frankly, stop caring about their ex. 10 years of memories or not, that doesn’t matter to them because they’re attracted to someone new and want a future with that person. You must understand that people are emotional beings who do what they feel. Your ex feels like focusing on her new partner, rather than you. Most dumpers are like that. They focus on the present and ignore the past, often due to guilt and unpleasant reminders.
Kind regards,
I know my ex felt unloved and unappreciated when he left me after 23 years but he had no understanding of what I was dealing with in regards to my relationship (and issues) with our two teenage daughters.
I can look back a year later and see how unsupportive he was.
This past year I’ve put the emotional needs of my daughters first, mine a very close second. My relationship with both of them has deepened and become stronger.
His need to be with someone else so quickly after leaving (6 days) is actually pitiful. Why? Because she treated him, and my daughters, appallingly. So much so he has had an on/off relationship with her and his mental health has deteriorated to the point he’s seeking support from a men’s peer group.
Dating has been the last thing on my mind. Yes, I still felt attached to him but no way will I start dating when my 16 year old daughter has had her own mental health battle.
I’ve used this past year to look inwards to discover who I truly am, what I want in a relationship and learn about the relationship I had with my ex. Blogs such as yours Zan have been my saviour.
The most interesting observation is that the dumper/dumpee stages of a break up have acted out exactly as Zan detailed.
My ex left feeling elated and declared on Linkedin he’d never felt happier. A year later he’s admitted to me he’s not in a better place mentally and he’s gained 3 stone in weight after having shed 6 when with me.
As for me, I’m actually happy π there’s no stress in the home and the relationship with my daughters is growing stronger each day.
Dumpees often get blamed for everything that is wrong in the relationship and dumpers life, including the dumpers ultimate unhappiness. Give them the breakup they want and more often than not they’ll discover 1) happiness is not guaranteed and 2) we are responsible for our own happiness.
To all dumpees. I understand the pure heartbreak you are going through. The abandonment alone can be soul destroying, then there’s the guilt heaped upon you as you’re ultimately blamed for the demise of the relationship. The desire to be loved and wanted is over whelming but you won’t find it in a rebound relationship. You’ll ultimately find it in yourself. Love yourself and learn to want/enjoy being with yourself. The love that then radiates from within is the purest and warmest.
Thank you for your sharing,Beverly. Your words are very comforting and give me strength as a dumpee who is still struggling after 8 months of breakup. Thank you.
Hi Beverley.
I’m glad you’re doing so much better now. Your relationship with your daughters has improved as a result of the breakup, and you also see things much better now. You see that his problems haven’t improved by leaving you and that you don’t need him to be happy. You need yourself and those who truly support you and care about you. Your attachment to him will wane as time goes on. You just need to keep doing what you’re doing. Clearly, it’s working for you.
Thanks for commenting, Beverley. I know your experience and advice will be of great help to many dumpees.
I was ready to date casually after my breakup, but it took a couple of months for me to be ready for a new relationship, and that only happened after I moved away. In the meantime I shared nothing of my dating life publicly, so if my ex knew anything about it, I didn’t tell him. I also didn’t join any dating apps or go to any clubs; guys just sort of came to me. But I had been taking the possibility of causing my ex pain for weeks leading up to the breakup. By then it was the only thing keeping me from breaking up with him sooner.
Hi Jaycie,
Just out of curiosity were you the dumper or the dumpee? It is not really clear from your reply.
Since you said you “took the possibility to cause your ex pain for weeks leading up to the breakup”, I am guessing you are the dumpee?
In this case I understand why you may have wanted to do so, as probably you were in a bad emotional state. But it is never good to intentionally cause pain on any side.
I am saying because myself I was also a dumpee. My ex girlfriend caused so much pain to me when she broke up (cheating, left me in bad financial state etc) and I loved her so much that even so I was literally unable to do anything to harm her back. Maybe you did not love him as much? Just an idea π
No, I was the dumper. The relationship was so miserable by then that there was no way to get out of it without causing my ex pain. And, yes, I had tried to make it better before. My efforts amounted to nothing.
Hi Jaycie.
Thanks for sharing your experience as a dumper. You initially felt bad for hurting him, but despite that, you knew that leaving him was the right thing to do. If that happens again, be empathetic once more, but don’t delay the breakup because of guilt. Fading out of a relationship isn’t any better than initiating the breakup out of the blue.
Kind regards,