11 thoughts on “Disappearing After Being Dumped”

  1. Six months ago I was rejected (dumped). It were four reasons… The reasons important to him and his family. Six months of “no contact” but watching when he was online on Instagram… After I posted my only (in 8 month) reel on Instagram where I do my ballet class, my dumper went online a lot often maybe annoyed (hurt) by seeing my look and then he unfollowed me and kicked me out of his followers (though he didn’t delete our chat.) It hurt me like hell like I was rejected twice. How low is my self esteem? And I deleted my Instagram permanently next day. Maybe if he ever looks at my profile after unfollowing me then he will see “account deleted” but it is unlikely he will ever want to check after unfollowing… He made his account private so in case his new gf becomes his follower then her name is protected. I can’t chase someone who doesn’t want me. I deleted my Telegram account too because I was constantly checking his time stamp… Why I have to remind myself I can’t force him to like me. Never, never again. Six months of my life in depression…

    1. Hi Rose.

      The guy associates negative thoughts and feelings with you and doesn’t want to be reminded of you. Don’t blame yourself for his actions and behavior, Rose. His contempt is destroying him just like your depression is hurting you.

      Work on loving yourself. Things will get better when your self-esteem improves and when you stop caring about his validation.

      Best wishes,

  2. So good in every new article, Zan!
    I know that is so important and highly recommended to disappear after being dumped, and I did it and was best thing that I did for myself include starting no contact. And is all thanks to you Zan ❤️

    1. Hi Linda.

      I’m glad you disappeared when you weren’t wanted anymore and regained your self-worth. You did the right thing.

      Kind regards,

  3. I’ll admit that I thought a little more highly of my dumpee’s emotional strength when he went NC. It didn’t alter any of my opinions about his other attributes, but it was the respectable thing for him to do.

    1. Hi Jaycie.

      Thanks for sharing your experience as a dumper. I’m glad you agree that the best thing the dumpee can do is to respect the dumper and disappear.


  4. clairetheengineer

    I realize you are asking Zan your question. I think I would like to comment here that by not seeing and answering your ex’s message on IG immediately, you made yourself look stronger. His message was just a breadcrumb. He was bothered by how HIS behavior looks and was trying to overcome guilt, that’s all.
    If he wants you back — he will make sure you know by contacting you on your cell, email, and so on. Don’t keep beating yourself up, keep moving on. You are stronger than you think. You did the right thing. You are appearing to him, by not reaching out, as a decisive, strong person.

  5. Hi Zan,

    Thanks for the article. All your articles is really help me to feel better after break up.

    I do apologize before because i have asked you similar question in some of your articles but i think i havent explained it clearly.

    i am still confused about do i make mistake after break up. i go to no contact immediately after break up. and one week after breakup, i found out from IG that my ex dated our mutual friend so i deleted my IG but i still have my whatsapp and FB messenger and i didnt block or unfriend my ex.

    one month after breakup, few of my friends told me that they are official. at that time, i think there is no chance to get my ex back. two months after breakup, i installed my IG again and found out that actually he contacted me two weeks after break up to say hi and check my condition. After read the message, i replied the message politely and decided to uninstall my IG again.

    i still love him eventhough im not sure do i still want to be with him. I am wondering, did i make a mistakes like ignoring him? did he official in relationship because i didnt see the message? Is there anything i can do to fix my mistake?

    Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi Eve.

      Feel free to ask the same question as many times as you need.

      You didn’t ignore him because you didn’t even have Instagram installed. Your ex probably thought you were inactive or busy. You even replied politely when you read his message, so it’s completely fine. Feel free to stay off Instagram for a while.

      Also, a reply from you wouldn’t have stopped him from being in a relationship. The dumper always does what he wants. He doesn’t care about your responses and feelings.

      Stay in no contact, Eve. You’re doing great!

      Best regards,

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