Missing An Ex Years Later

Missing an ex years later

It’s not unusual to miss an ex for a year or so after the breakup. Breakups cause an emotional shock and make dumpees question their worth and direction in life. They completely shatter their world and force them to idealize their partner for weeks or months.

Some dumpees get hurt more than others, but the time it takes them to get over the breakup and stop missing their ex depends on many things.

Things such as:

  • self-esteem
  • happiness in life
  • new romantic interests
  • the way they handle the breakup
  • and whether their ex strings them along

Generally speaking, most dumpees miss their ex at least for a few months after the breakup. They need a few months to stop blaming themselves, rebuild their self-esteem, and take their rose-tinted glasses off. Once they’ve done that, they then realize that their ex isn’t worth losing sleep over and that they’ve got better things to do than to obsess over their ex and analyze his or her every move.

They’ve got to get themselves back—and they do just that.

So if it’s been years since your ex broke up with you and you’re still missing your ex, then this is probably happening because you haven’t been following a strict regimen of indefinite no contact. You’ve been in contact with your ex and kept your hopes up.

Or if you have been in no contact, you haven’t been following all of its rules. Rules that would have shut your ex out of your life completely and allowed you to focus only on yourself. The rules of no contact state that you mustn’t check up on your ex, ask about your ex, or in any way, shape, or form learn what your ex is doing and who he or she is dating.

You simply mustn’t know anything about your ex. The less you know, the quicker you heal and move on from your ex.

On the other hand, if you’ve been focusing on yourself but still miss your ex, then you’ve probably been neglecting your emotional health, ambitions, or goals in life. You haven’t given some part of your life enough care and attention, so you should probably figure out what that is. Discovering the reasons for missing your ex is important as it’s the first step towards solving the problem and regaining control of your life.

I encourage you to give self-reflection a try and begin working on things immediately.

Dumpees who stay hooked on their ex for years normally aren’t very happy with themselves. They don’t like where their life is heading, so they need to talk about it with someone (a therapist preferably). A professional can help them realize that they don’t miss their ex because their ex is perfect for them but because certain aspects of their life need improving.

So if you’re missing an ex years later, forget about your ex for a while and figure out what’s going on with you. Are you happy with yourself, your job, ambitions, hobbies, friends, and family? Do you have regrets, anxiety, fear, or a lot of stressors? Write them down so you know what the issue is and how you can begin working on it.

In this post, we’ll talk about missing an ex years after the breakup. We’ll discuss why people miss their exes and what you can do to stop missing yours.

Missing an ex years later

Why am I missing an ex years later?

As you know, there are a number of reasons why you’re missing your ex years later. Your job as a dumpee is to put yourself under the microscope and get to the bottom of your nostalgia and one-sided love. Ask yourself what drives you to put your ex so high up on the pedestal.

Surely, someone who left you shouldn’t be so important that you keep obsessing about him or her for years? Most dumpees get tired of thinking highly of their ex sooner than later because they prioritize themselves. It’s normally those who don’t do anything productive with their lives that stay emotionally dependent on their ex.

I don’t want to sound mean, but such dumpees ignore the need to grow and consequently, feel that they can’t accomplish their life goals without their ex’s love and support. That’s why they stay laser-focused on their ex, wait for their ex, and refuse to detach from their ex.

If you’re one of those people, you need to change your obsessive patterns. You need to acknowledge that having expectations of your ex is bad for you because it’s keeping you in the past and preventing you from finding a better romantic partner.

Although it’s completely normal to miss your ex and want to be with him or her even after 2 years, it’s not healthy for you to stay in love with your ex for years (plural). At some point, you need to gather your strength and decide to cut your ex out of your life both physically and emotionally.

You need to let go of someone who doesn’t love you back so you can create better opportunities for yourself. Opportunities that have nothing to do with your ex.

My advice is to figure out why you feel the way you do and begin working on it. You can sign up for therapy if you want to as long as you learn where your ex-cravings come from. You’ll be able to make a lot of emotional progress once you discover your reasons for thinking that your ex is your savior.

If you can’t figure it out, keep at it until you do. Understanding the cause of your unhealthy thoughts and emotions is extremely important.

Here are some reasons why you might be missing your ex years later.

Missing my ex years later

You’ll stop missing your ex much quicker if you understand why you’ve been missing your ex. You’ll be much happier too because you’ll finally be able to leave the past behind and focus on the present and future. Your ex simply won’t matter to you anymore because you’ll fix the thing or things that have been making you miss your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend.

Most of the time, it’s not the dumper’s qualities and compatibility that make dumpees miss their dumper. It’s their lack of self-love, self-forgiveness, and happiness as well as beliefs that their ex was the best they ever had. That’s why dumpees must get rid of such notions and adopt healthier beliefs.

What to do when you miss your ex after years?

If you suddenly started missing your ex after years of being apart, the most reasonable explanation is an emotional one. You haven’t been feeling happy recently, so you started craving a person you were (or think you were) happier with.

That person is, of course, none other than your ex. You had a strong connection with your ex, so you wish to once again experience that connection and feel secure and happy. I don’t blame you for wanting to feel happy as every person has the right to be happy.

But you should keep in mind that happiness comes from within. If you rely on other people for it, you’ll be in trouble because your happiness will rise and fall unpredictably, depending on how people treat you. If they treat you the way you want to be treated, you’ll be happy.

But if they ignore you and fail to meet your expectations, they’ll cause you unbearable emotional pain and self-doubt. You should always (no matter who you’re with or who you were with) strive for emotional independence. By developing it, you’ll rely only on yourself for happiness and significantly lower the chances of others bringing you down.

So if it’s been years and you only recently started missing your ex, something unpleasant obviously triggered your sentimentality. Something made you anxious, worried, sad, depressed, or uncertain and caused you to turn to your ex for healing.

Once you’ve dealt with the unfortunate event, you should stop missing your ex right away. You won’t miss your ex anymore because you’ll be back to your cheerful independent self.

But if you haven’t gotten over your ex after years of being broken-hearted, then you should start by analyzing your behavior and asking yourself some important questions.

Have you been making breakup mistakes such as stalking your ex’s social media, reaching out to your ex, and entertaining your ex’s breadcrumbs? If you have, you must stop doing that immediately.

Tell your ex you need time to yourself and that you’ll let your ex know if you want to communicate.

But if you haven’t been in touch with your ex, then you’ve got a different problem. You have unprocessed feelings for your ex, so you’ve got to focus on healing. Sign up for therapy, start journaling, talk to other people, throw away your ex’s gifts/belongings, avoid going to places that remind you of your ex, and work on your shortcomings and goals.

Do whatever keeps you busy and helps you get your ex off your mind.

Sooner than later, your ex will be just a distant memory. At that point, all you’ll need is to find someone else to date as that person will keep you distracted, validated (just the right (healthy) amount hopefully), and give you something better to plan and look forward to.

So stop missing your ex by figuring out why you’re missing your ex and what makes you happy and gives you purpose. I promise that things will get much better when you find something or someone you’re passionate about.

You’ll stop missing your ex if you take charge of your life

When you miss an ex-partner years after the separation, you do so because you’re letting yourself miss your ex. You’re not reminding yourself why the breakup happened, why your ex isn’t the right person for you, and how your ex treated you and should have treated you.

All you’re doing is focusing on the missing part and ignoring the fact that you can do something about it. It’s, therefore, for your own good that you understand you’re in charge of your thoughts and feelings and act that way.

Do that by investing in your lackings and the things you love. That’s how you’ll get out of the self-pitiful state and embrace your new life.

If you continue missing your ex, you could become way too obsessed with your ex and fall deep into depression. That will create tons of new problems that will likely take months if not years to get rid of.

So control your bittersweet feelings by forcing yourself to think and feel differently. Grab a friend, go for a jog, or journal when you feel like your ex is starting to mess with your brain. You simply mustn’t ponder about your ex and wonder if your ex was the right person for you.

This is especially true if your relationship was toxic or unhealthy because in that case, the chances of missing your ex are even higher. You had an imbalanced relationship with your ex in which your ex had the most power and control. This kind of relationship will take more time and effort to get over.

But that’s okay. It doesn’t matter how long it takes as long as you stay in no contact and avoid reaching out to your ex on days when you miss your ex the most.

Are you missing your ex-girlfriend/ex-boyfriend years after the breakup? What have you done to stop missing your ex? Post your post-breakup experience/questions below the post.

And lastly, if you think you could benefit from therapy and breakup coaching, you can sign up for a session here.

10 thoughts on “Missing An Ex Years Later”

  1. I was in a relationship with someone for 17 years, 8 of those being married.
    We remained friends & I decided to move to the other end of a big country. Divorce went well and I used to see her all the time after while I was living in the same city.

    I had my own life and the social side of it was extensive and I worked on my fitness. She is definitely a dismissive Avoidant type of person which I only just learnt a few days ago.

    We kept in regular contact and then she gave me a hard time about something and I just ended the call thinking, well I will probably never hear from her again.
    About 6 months later, she booked a cruise that was stopping in at the town I live in & we caught up. Completely platonic and not interest either side but it was such a good day and I really enjoyed her company. At this point I had been living thousand of KMs from her and it was the first time we had seen each other in 3 years.

    After this point a solid friendship developed and she even came and stayed with me for Christmas one year (again platonic) So I made the big mistake of allowing her to play a part in my life.

    Fast forward to covid hitting and my world fell apart due to a few issues and my awesome life came crashing down. I moved to a little town close but isolated without a car and for the last 2 years I have been hear and apart from seeing my mum once a week, that is the only person I see.

    So my situation is not good & my self esteem is low and this woman knows outside of my mum and dad, she was the only person that stuck by me through all these issues and rightly or wrongly, I had used her as a bit of a crutch.

    So one day she becomes really angry at me and I find out that she has been seeing someone else for the past year and we can no longer communicated. Totally understand that and was happy to hear the news.
    What I did not realise is her email telling me was my queue to exit her life and never contact her again. I did send a bunch of emails that were not responded & she then used that to blame me for the whole situation.

    25 years & I considered her a really close friend. I found out she had been doing a heap of shady things to get me to contact her less over 6 months & I asked her, why she did not just tell me about it & I would have went out of my way to be the good friend I have always been. She turned it round and said she did that for me.

    Went through all this other stuff and this is 8 years after our divorce, the feelings I have about it is complete betrayal and rage that I have not felt before due to the way I was treated. Its been 8 months & I am still angry with the way she treated me and once I discovered the attachment theory, it all fell into place.

    She was able to so easily walk away with 1 days notice and treat me like this because she does not put the same importance on those 25 years of memories as I do. It actually made me even more sad to know I actually do not matter at all. I would have rather gone through 2 divorces than the feelings I have now.

    It is not based on missing her or anything & I would never have anything to do with someone that can treat someone that badly, to be discarded then ghosted on the day you find out plus knowing underhanded stuff had been done and that you are now so much of a problem that every interaction just made her angry.
    Worst emotional pain & yet I may have only texted her once a week tops so we were not a big part of each others lives.

    Being in a bad place also makes it much harder, any other time than these last 2 years & the treatment would have stung a little but not impacted me so much and I understand that is my problem to deal with.

    1. Hi Adam.

      When a person leaves the relationship, she usually doesn’t want to communicate. Communication smothers her and angers her. This is especially true if she’s seeing someone else because in that case, she can’t focus on her new relationship and be excited about it. She feels that she owes you explanations, time, and affection.

      So now that she treated you badly, stay away from her for good. She doesn’t deserve any more messages after what she’s done.

      Best regards,

  2. This article really spoke to me Zan! I’ve been broken up for over a year and still struggling very bad. After reading this article all became very clear to me. My ex started reaching out to me after 6 months and we’ve been hanging out together from time to time. It’s always fun times when we’re together because we still have a strong bond. But of course this gave me a lot of hope but it didn’t seem to go anywhere serious. It was only recently that I discovered she is dating a new guy and this crushed me. I realized I still want her very badly so I had a talk with her about where this is going between us. Although she started crying and told me she still loves me she made it clear she only wants to be friends for the time being. I told her that I’m not okay with this and it’s best we do not see each other anymore unless she wants something more. This crushed me and sent me back to day 1 of the breakup. Now I’m filled with anxiety again and can’t function properly. I hope my next year will be better! Thank you Zan for all you do! You’re the only coach who keeps it real.

    1. Hi Ruben.

      I’m glad you liked the article.

      This person kept stringing you along. She enjoyed your company but didn’t want to commit. She was too busy looking for someone else. If you want to feel better, Ruben, you have to cut her off immediately. No more talking and hanging out because if she still loved you (she claims she does), she would have shown you that. But all she’s shown you so far is that she feels guilty for not being able to give you what you want.

      So don’t settle for friendship. Show her that if she can’t be with you, someone else will.


  3. What a good article. It’s been about two years since my breakup, I can say that I’m totally fine, even better, I feel like I’ve overcome a depression apart from my breakup. But I have to be honest and ask him about this doubt, sometimes I feel the “need” to write to my ex and tell him that I knew he cheated on me. I wouldn’t go back to her crazy. I also write and reflect from that, which made me analyze that I still feel remorse because my ex never told me the truth and proposed a friendship in the future. My question to you Zan is the following, what could I do with this resentment? On the one hand, I thought of writing to my ex, but on the other, after reading him for a long time, it would be falling into a trap and showing my ex the impact he has had on my life. I would like to know what is the healthiest solution. I don’t need to go to therapy, in fact, I’m very happy with the life I currently have, but every time I remember my ex, I feel a little discomfort. However, with other exes, I have never felt like this because they did not treat me so badly, in fact today we wonder how we are doing. What is your advice? thank you very much man🤟

    1. Hi Charlie.

      Great job on getting this far. You’ve recovered and feel ready for a new relationship. As for the lingering resentment, you have to deal with it on your own or with the help of your friends, family, or a professional. You mustn’t reach out to your ex, thinking he’ll be able to help you. I suggest that you start dating/get serious with another person. That should help you let go of your ex completely.


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