Why Do We Keep Coming Back To Each Other?

Why do we keep coming back to each other

Exes come back to each other for different reasons. Some come back because they don’t want to break up (merely want to extort power and force their ex to change) whereas others fail to move on and find happiness outside of the relationship. They get their post-breakup dreams and expectations crushed and contact their ex … Read more

Why Did My Ex Move On So Fast?

Why did my ex move on so fast

When an ex moves on quickly after the breakup, there’s always a good reason for it. That reason may be obscured from you, but it usually has something to do with the fact that the dumper had developed a negative view of the dumpee and detached from the dumpee before he or she initiated the … Read more

Why Would My Ex Unblock Me?

Why would my ex unblock me

If your dumper ex unblocked you sometime after the breakup, you’re probably wondering why he or she did that. You want to know who or what changed your ex’s thinking and made your ex unblock you all of a sudden. Although every dumper’s reason for unblocking is different, the most common reason for unblocking is … Read more

My Ex Unfollowed Me During No Contact

Ex unfollowed me during no contact

If you hoped your ex would get nostalgic and reach out during no contact, but your ex unfollowed you instead, you probably suffered a big shock. You realized your ex was distancing himself or herself further from you instead of becoming more interested and getting closer to you. This hurt you badly and got your … Read more

My Ex-girlfriend Has A New Boyfriend

Ex girlfriend has a new boyfriend

The thing dumpees are the most afraid of is not their ex moving on but rather their ex dating someone else and being happy with that person. They worry that someone new will take their role as a romantic partner and have a better long-lasting relationship than them. They don’t want to think that someone … Read more

When Your Ex-girlfriend Tells You To Move On

When your ex girlfriend tells you to move on

When your ex-girlfriend tells you to move on, she sees or feels that you’re not accepting the breakup and that you may be thinking about how to impress her and reattract her. In a strange way, she wants to help you let go of hope and completely give up on getting back together. She knows … Read more

Dumper Blames Dumpee For Everything

Dumper blames dumpee

It’s common for the dumper to blame the dumpee after a breakup. The dumper feels pressured by the dumpee and relieved by his or her absence, so the dumper wants more freedom. If he or she gets it, the dumper stays away from the dumpee and enjoys his or her space and quiet. However, if … Read more

Radio Silence After The Breakup

Radio silence after breakup

After a breakup, it’s important to have a period of radio silence. Radio silence gives both parties time to process their emotions and helps them avoid hurting each other due to conflicting wants and needs. Typically, dumpers want to be alone and do their own things. They want to enjoy their freedom and emotionally distance … Read more