11 Reasons Your Ex Won’t Talk To You Anymore

Reasons your ex won't talk to you

Today, we’re going to talk about 11 reasons why your ex won’t talk to you anymore.

We’re going to analyze the dumper’s mind and point out the many possible reasons why your ex refuses to talk to you, ignores you, and even blocks you after the breakup.

I know it hurts when your ex suddenly refuses to communicate with you and directs his or her attention toward something or someone else.

Things, such as drinking, partying, celebrating, dating, working, or anything that interests your ex can’t help you feel any better.

But don’t let that affect you!

Don’t let your ex’s lack of care for you after the breakup hurt you and depress you. It’s not worth your time, feelings, and quite frankly—life.

You know that worrying is the last thing you should be doing with your one and only healthy life when your ex won’t talk to you and tell you that you’re worthy of love and attention.

If only your grievous emotions from the separation anxiety would let you forget about your ex that easily though.

Contrarily, the pain from the breakup only intensifies your feelings toward your ex and makes you think about your ex even more.

But that’s just the way breakups are.

If your breakup is still fresh, you may not realize this right now—but the time will come when you’re able to completely detach from your ex and forget about his or her attitude altogether.

However, until that happens—I encourage you to learn the truth behind your ex’s actions and inactions and expand your breakup knowledge.

You never know who’s going to need your help in the future.

So if you’re ready to absorb some information, this article is going to provide you with 11 genuine reasons your ex won’t talk to you after a breakup.

Reasons your ex won't talk to you

1)Loss of hope

When a romantic relationship comes to an end, your ex doesn’t only lose hope in your relationship—but in you as well.

Your ex feels so exhausted from “trying” to make the relationship work that your ex doesn’t have any energy left to spare.

Due to your ex’s negative emotions, he or she consequently thinks that you’re the only one responsible for the end of the relationship.

That’s why your ex doesn’t want to talk to you anymore and give your relationship another try no matter how convincing you sound.

Your ex has lost all hope after all.

reasons your ex won't talk to you and lost hope

You can beg and plead all day long and promise all kinds of internal and external changes.

But your ex just won’t care about what you have to say. He or she will hear you, but won’t feel you anymore.

To your ex, it will feel like you’re speaking an alien language.

That’s why you must understand that your ex doesn’t want to hear your excuses after your ex has detached, moved on, and completely lost hope in your relationship.

Your ex has given up and wants you to do the same.

2)Need for space

As carefree as your ex appears, you need to know that breakups are tough even for dumpers.

Your ex may not appear to be struggling emotionally with grief, nostalgia, and melancholia like you are, but your ex nonetheless experiences the dumper’s syndrome—which is essentially a need for space.

This syndrome first occurred in your ex when he or she felt trapped and miserable in the relationship with you.

So now that your ex is finally free, he or she feels an overwhelming desire for space and distance as a result.

Reasons why my ex won't talk to me anymore

This is one of the biggest reasons your ex won’t talk to you—and it’s so important for you to understand.

But understanding the breakup dynamics is just the beginning.

Since your ex’s departure wounded you, your addiction towards your ex immediately spiraled out of control. That’s why you’re now looking for a way to control it and soothe your pain and anxiety.

Due to the dumpee’s syndrome which is exactly the opposite of what your ex feels, you crave love and attachment more than ever before.

You now feel more attracted to your ex than you did when love sparks were flying all over the place in the honeymoon stage of a relationship.

And because you want your ex to take care of your strong emotional needs, your ex now craves peace and quiet more than he or she ever did.

That’s why you can’t expect your ex to want to talk to you right after the breakup.

Not as long as your ex lacks self-control and is too selfish to sympathize with you and help you out.

So if that’s what’s happening to you and you feel your ex isn’t being of much use, distance yourself from your ex too.

You will protect your self-esteem and get over your ex as quickly as possible.


One of the reasons your ex won’t talk to you after a breakup is your ex’s repulsiveness for you.

All the pent-up emotions your ex developed prior to breaking up with you, your ex is now directing toward you.

These emotions are especially intensified when you desire your ex’s attention and expect him or her to converse with you.

That’s why it’s probably an understatement when we say that your ex doesn’t see you in the brightest light possible.

Your ex has such a low opinion of you that your ex blames you for the way you made your ex feel in the past.

My ex hats you is a reason your ex won't talk to you

And because the past is all your ex has to associate you to, your ex refuses to talk to you and open up to you in the present.

To your ex, everything is about the time before the breakup. So don’t try to get him or her to see the present before your ex is ready to let go of the past.

4)No value

Another reason why your ex won’t talk to you after the breakup even if it’s been months is that your ex doesn’t value you for the person you are.

He or she doesn’t appreciate you and everything you’ve ever done for him or her in the past.

Your ex just doesn’t notice everything you bring to the table.

Reasons why my ex doesn't love me anymore

And that’s not something you should take responsibility for.

Not when you’ve been doing your very best and tried to make your relationship work in whichever way you could.

That’s why you can’t expect your ex to respect you when your ex likely doesn’t even respect himself or herself after the breakup.

If your ex had respect for you, trust me that he or she would want to talk to you.

It’s the mature thing to help one another even if it doesn’t make us feel happy.

This is especially true if it’s about the people who we’d spent a portion of our life with.

So if your ex doesn’t see your value, don’t blame yourself for your ex’s mentality and the way he or she perceives things.

You’re more valuable than your ex is making you feel.


Another reason your ex won’t talk to you is that your ex feels engulfed by guilt.

Your ex didn’t initially realize that he or she has hurt you badly. Your ex was merely reacting on impulse by saying or doing the things that seemed right at the time.

But when your ex’s destructive emotions subsided, your ex probably came to a realization that treating you badly wasn’t something an emotionally mature person would do.

My ex feels guilty - reasons your ex won't talk to you anymore

It’s not appropriate to act badly toward anyone no matter the reason—and your ex probably knows that.

That’s why your ex now doesn’t want to converse with you because he or she is too afraid for his or her own conscience.

Your ex would rather just lay low and hope that his or her misdeeds are forgiven.

6)No reason

Your ex has broken up with you for a reason—to get some space from you.

That’s why your ex doesn’t have any more reasons to talk to you after a breakup. Especially not after your ex has been meaning to cease contact for days, weeks, or months prior to the breakup.

Your ex knows that there’s nothing else to say to you that wouldn’t hurt you.

Broke up for no reason

And if he or she talked to you, it might give you the wrong idea, hurt you, or cause an argument.

If your relationship ended badly, your ex knows that talking to you would be completely meaningless. It would be a short, awkward conversation between two ex-partners who don’t share the same vision anymore.

That’s why your ex would rather just save his or her efforts and continue moving forward.

7)Different priorities

Now that the breakup has ensued, your ex doesn’t intend to do the same things that he or she did with you.

Your ex expects to find or create different sources of entertainment, education, and romance—so that your ex doesn’t depend on his or her past for his or her comfort.

Reasons exes won't talk to you

Your ex wants his or her past to cease to exist so that your ex can prioritize his/her present and future.

In doing so, your ex can find new things to do. Whether it’s making more friends, dealing with depression, or dating someone else—your ex expects a big change.

Something wasn’t working out for your ex—and that’s essentially what your ex is going to figure out now.

But for that to happen, your ex must first explore his or her world so that your ex can determine the source of his or her unhappiness.

8)Perceives you as a threat

One of the more important reasons your ex won’t talk to you after the breakup is that your ex is afraid of talking to you or reaching out.

He or she probably still thinks that you will try to get close to him or her the first chance you get—so your ex avoids you like the plague instead.

Due to his or her trepidation of finding the truth, your ex naturally prefers to stay in his or her comfort zone where it’s safe.

Your ex doesn’t even want to think about reaching out first as your ex likely reckons that it’s not worth taking the risk.

My ex doesn't trust me is a reason your ex won't talk to you again

Since your ex wants to be single/with someone else, your ex thinks of you as a threat who will try to sway him or her from his or her breakup decision.

Perhaps this isn’t your ex’s first breakup and your ex is aware of how persuasive dumpees can be. Or maybe, your ex is just listening to his or her intuition and would rather be safe than sorry.

Whatever the case, your ex is afraid of talking to you right now so you have to let your ex trust you again while you do the indefinite no contact rule.

9)Hasn’t processed the breakup

Another obvious reason why your ex refuses to talk to you is that you’re overpursuing your emotionally-exhausted ex-partner.

Despite wanting to talk to your ex, you need to realize that your ex isn’t thinking, nor feeling the same.

Your ex hasn’t had enough time to naturally let go of his or her negative thoughts and emotions yet.

Sign my ex won't talk to me ever again

Depending on the dumper’s maturity, empathy, self-awareness, and his or her surroundings—it can take the dumper months and months to naturally process the breakup.

That’s why you shouldn’t try to rush your ex and expect and demand from him or her to contact you before he or she is ready.

Only your ex knows when he or she is ready—so wait for your ex to contact you on his or her own terms.

It doesn’t leave you with any other options but to patiently focus on yourself and follow the rules of no contact.

They are intended for you and your ex to get what you need.

While your ex needs room to breathe, you need to self-prioritize to recover.

So if you don’t want to give your ex space and distance that he or she needs, do it for yourself.

Follow the rules of no contact, increase your healing rate, and decrease the time it takes to get over your ex.

10)A lack of breakup knowledge

One of the reasons your ex won’t talk to you, text you or reply to you is that your ex doesn’t understand himself or herself—as well as the pain he or she is causing you.

My ex doesn't care about me and won't talk to me

Your ex is merely choosing to react on impulse and doing what your ex believes is best for him or her.

Due to your ex’s post-breakup power which is made of anger, annoyance, and repulsion—your ex is now doing things based on what he or she currently feels.

So even if your ex was nice in the relationship with you, your ex is acting selfish and disrespectful right now.

He or she is being inconsiderate of your emotional well-being and doesn’t care about you because of his or her powerful state of mind.

That’s why you mustn’t try to talk to your ex or argue with him or her. You will only make things worse if you do.

Instead, allow your ex to learn more about breakups when he or she has to—and your ex will understand that refusing to talk to you is ethically wrong.

11)Refuses to acknowledge your change

The last reason why your ex won’t talk to you is that your ex is refusing to see you as a new and improved person.

He or she still perceives you as the person you were before the breakup and doesn’t see that you’re trying your best to be a decent human being.

Your ex is instead fixated on the past and the person you were—rather than who you are and want to be.

And that’s not something you have any control over.

As long as your ex is stubborn, impulsive, and, close-minded—you can’t reason with your ex intelligently.

Reasons your ex won't talk to you anymore after the breakup

Since your ex feels hatred for you, he or she isn’t capable of “normal” non-emotional conversations.

Your ex is only interested in digging up the past so that your ex can find more reasons not to talk to you.

So don’t sit around and hope your ex will stop ignoring you.

It’s not your concern what your ex thinks an feels toward you.

When your ex lacks the self-awareness to want to help himself or herself as well as you—all you can do is run.

Run far away because your ex isn’t going to change for a very long time.

Did you enjoy reading about the 11 reasons your ex won’t talk to you? Have you got a story to share? Leave a comment below the post.

42 thoughts on “11 Reasons Your Ex Won’t Talk To You Anymore”

  1. Hi Zan,
    I know my ex is done with me, we have had a ton of toxic moments and he broke up with me for the last time months ago. I have since been blocked because I couldn’t leave him alone. I know he is done forever, he told me he didn’t know why we would even talk again and I know he means it. He was very toxic during the relationship but I was as well. We were constantly breaking up and getting back together. I was still in love with him and wanted to make it work but he wasn’t feeling it anymore and didn’t have romantic feelings for me anymore, just contempt. What’s your advice for moving on and accepting he is out of my life, most likely for good? This back and forth went on for 6 1/2 year.

    1. Hi Lacey.

      You must keep reminding youself that you had a toxic relationship and that you became dependent on the highs, followed by lows. You think you loved him, but you actually need him to feel validated. My advice is to go to therapy and do plenty of journaling. It will take a while to get him out of your system, but when he’s out, you’ll be happier than ever.

      ps., I changed your nickname.

      Kind regards,

      1. Thanks for your reply. You would think I would know better in my 40s but love addiction can happen at any age I guess. I’ve seen a couple therapists lately but still haven’t found the right fit. I know eventually I will feel better. In some ways I’m relieved to be off the rollercoaster and not walking on eggshells.

  2. I processed my divorce and after the way my ex wife spoke to me, treated me and called me everything under the sun it is my choice never to speak with her again. Strictly only about our child.

    1. Hi Mike.

      I would do the same if I were you. Talk only about your child and things that you need to discuss. She became spiteful and showed her worst colors. Friendship is out of the question right now.

      Best regards,

  3. I’ve had a very tough experience with a lass over the last 20 months. I’m currently having therapy for it but I basically got dumped 3 times by her over that time period. It was tough because every time that happened I tried to walk away but wasn’t strong enough and she would get angry and would then block me and refuse to talk to me.. and then would come back a month or so later… she expected me to be friends with her immediately after each break up and I didn’t know how best to deal with it. I loved her/still love her. Anyways she last split up with me in November 3 days after my birthday after sending a really nice card saying she had loved our times together and was looking forward to seeing me soon. I reacted badly the last and rang her too much and now she’s blocked me (apart from my phone for some reason) I’ve had to block her back to stop myself from trying to contact her. It’s tough I gotta admit and I’m open to admitting my mistakes. My therapist is helping tho. I hope one day she will get back in contact but I probs have burned the bridges too far this time. My therapist has warned me that it’s likely she will get in contact again but I’m trying to rebuild my self esteem after quite a lot of emotional abuse… anyways good to read all the messages above. x

    1. Hi Musicdude.

      Your ex has dumped you 3 times, which means that dumping you has become a routine. It’s not very hard for her to leave you because her feelings and fear of losing you have subsided. The best thing you can do is to stay in no contact indefinitely. Be strong and resist the temptation to reach out at all costs.

      You could hear from your ex in the future. But it may not be to get back together as you’d been down that road enough times before.

      Best regards,

  4. Well, it’s getting close to 2 years of being blocked. Actually it’s a good thing and keeps me from checking what she’s up to. It’s a great help for me to continue to move on and realize my own worth. I continue to work on myself in many ways and get many compliments from women I’ve met. I analyze the mistakes I made in our marriage and make the necessary changes so that my next relationship will hopefully be my last. It’s sad that my ex can’t see her own faults and deal with them. Hopefully in her relationships they will be exposed and she will realize she needs help.
    I know that sometimes the hurt takes along time to go away but, it will and you will meet someone that will value your worth. Don’t lose hope it will happen.

    1. Hi Bill.

      It must have hurt when you realized your ex blocked you, but if you ask me, it’s better that getting breadcrumbed and confused for many months.

      Thanks for the comment!


      1. I agree. My ex and I have stayed in contact for eight months…since the break up, up into three days ago when he ceased all contact. I’m mourning the break up and going through separation anxiety all over. I am heartbroken

        1. Hang in there, Bonnie!

          Now you can heal completely and get your ex out of your system for good! It will get better. You’ll see!


  5. She has to find herself it sounds like, but when a person hurts us we blame ourselves or over analyze thinking of ways we could have possibly made the relationship better, but some break ups are for the best. In my case I was with my boyfriend around 4 years, but knew him for 9. His addictions, temper, unreliability&negative comments pushed me away. I ended 9 months ago, but am still emotionally attached to him&have talked to him once in person since the break up! But it was for the best, but I’m still healing where he just moved on within a month or so after our break up. Hopefully God has a plan for us&its something better than what we had. Amen. God bless

    1. Hi, Jc!

      Some relationships need to end so couples can learn from their mistakes and have better/stronger relationships.

      Stay strong!

  6. I think when ex’s block you on everything it’s to extreme. After all they did spend time with you and some of it was good. If you pester them then they might have no other choice but to block you. In my case I don’t exactly know why I’m blocked. My guess is either she doesn’t want me to know what she up to or she trying to forget me and keep me from contacting her. I really don’t know. I’ve been blocked over a year. It is also immature. I didn’t stalk or pester her. Hopefully someday she’ll realize I’m not a threat to her and that I respect the life she chose. The weirdest thing is that she kept my last name after our divorce. If I wanted to forget about an ex- husband I would definitely change my last name back to my maiden name. Go figure I can’t. Hope this might help someone to know their not alone when they get blocked. It happens to a lot of us.

  7. Hello, my ex broke up with me 9months ago. I was honest with her and didn’t hide anything. She said she was unattracted to me and didn’t know why. (That’s what she told me at least) we also did long distance and then covid hit she told my friends she will talk to me some time. However has not and went on tinder dates. I feel like it’s my fault because I wasn’t strong enough to tell my roommate he couldn’t sleep in my bed and he should have left but didn’t, so I left. 2 days later she broke up with me. And have not contacted me again and unfriended me on social media.

  8. Hello,
    I was in a relationship for 3 year’s with a women I loved very deeply. We did have our issues. She wanted to be friends, so I agreed. However, we still were romantically involved. We said we loved eachother and did everything together. One weekend I caught her in a bunch of lies, then I caught her sleeping with a friend and coworker of mine. It crippled me, of course I acted out badly. Anyway she has done no contact and I wonder if she will ever contact me at all. Apparently she has a long history of monkey branching from one partner to the next. It is awful. I wonder if she will ever sympathize with how this tore my heart out. And affectedme? I been trying to do my best not to think of her, him and the situation and focus on myself it is definitely easier said then done.

    1. Any wonen who lies, leads you on and sleeps with your friend and coworker has absolutely no morals and is gross. She has learned this behavior and made a pattern of it. She does not care about you, her family, friends or anything but herself, she is like the story of the black widow. This is very narrsistic behavior and sick. Best to learn from your mistakes getting involved with her. All she will do is point the finger at you! Blame you! Tear you down! She will never say she is sorry for hurting you! Everything will always be your fault! She did not appreciate you ever. Remember 100% of her relationships have failed and you wonder why? That is disturbing she would hook up with somone you know and work with. TRASHY. Move on like the rest of her victims… Trust me she did you a favor. Remember women like that jump from man to man with no remorse. They have no respect for themselves little own you or anyone else. Just say a prayer Mark and thank God she is not sleeping in your bed tonight.

      1. Hello Sam,

        Mark here read your post. You pretty much have been explaining things to the T. so essentially she used me now, hates me and will never forgive me for acting out? I was like really intoxicated went to her place and essentially had an adult temper tantrum. Kicked the door i was intoxicated, sad heartbroken exc… I saw her, him and I went into a shock. I feel i have PTSD from that event. Whats your advice here. Seems like you have had experience?

        1. My advice is to lawyer up! If what you are explaining about her is accurate she will try to ruin your life completely now Mark. She will use every dirty trick in the book, she will say the worst things she can possibly come up with. Trust me this is not a good person you are dealing with. She hooked up with your friend and co worker. Of course you lost your shit who wouldn’t? Even if you just broke up or trying to be friends, nonone does that. Everyone has issues she will exploit yours as much as possible and she loves every second of destroying you! There is nothing you can do. You seem like a sincere guy trying to understand her, you would not be on her otherwise. Just remember this you will never understand a person who is as sick as she is. Focus on yourself and try to prepare for the worst. Dont ever expect a women like her to be nice, sincere and understanding. They are not.

          1. It is hard to believe that someone I cared for so much, did so much for has a heart of stone and can be so cold Sam. However, her actions show me her true colors. People say I had a sucker attack that terrible evening. In any event she rebounded with me from her x. Cheated on him 7 times. I honestly have only been in 3 relationships. My x wife contacted me recently and said this lady contacted her about me and to be careful. Thankfully I have a great support system, good family. I know things will eventually go south for her. She really picked up with a bad person this time. He was not a good person for me to associate with. I do thank her for taking him out of my life completely. They are both sick people obviously and it is sad.He has a baby coming too with another women. It is worse the a Jerry Springer show. Prayer is going to be my only saving grace! You are right! She never cared about me, the things I did or appreciated anything I offered or sacrificed. I opened my home immediately to her as if it were hers.

    2. My ex and I broke up because her son got taken into Foster care….. I miss her deeply I’m trying to communicate she says she still likes me but is unable to commit herself to anything whilst it’s all going on… She never arranges to meet.. However we bumped into each other and we talked and she ended up kissing me… And then now we barely talk she’s always.. “too busy” she barely speaks to me what do I do?

    3. I’m here with you partner. 3 years here…

      One of life’s tougher pills to swallow. “Everything always sucks”. Just trying not to hurt anyone else while I kill time til the end now.

      It is what it is

  9. Zan,I don’t understand I swear I was with this person 2 years in a half I swear I did many things and changes he asked to do ,but still he will just leave me any time I try to talk to him after we separated for few times times I call I send mesages he agree to meet few times and still last time when he agree and I give him time then I ask would he keep his promise to meet he did nt even reply it’s very shame and disrespectful this was the moment I really bloke him because 6 months I try it I try it I beg I am even shame of my self for doing this ,and he would just ignore me or just make some fake promises ok ok we will meet and then nothing .i hope u can answer what’s going on his mind ?

  10. Hi Zan, I have a question for you

    My ex broke up with me last 2 weeks apart from being in a 4 months relationship with her. After na break up we still talked to each other but something is off for me I got hurt pretty badly, she gave me so many reason and assured me that she’ll stay single for a while because she was tired for having a failed relationship in her past, that im the right person for her but its not our right time to be together and then last week I found out that she is seeing someone else I confronted her telling me that I should trust her on everything that she said to me, “it just happened” meeting someone new then she didnt want to talk to me anymore. Should I still believe her? I wanted to believe her but the possibilities that she may not come back after giving me assurance

    1. Why would you believe her if you found out she’s seeing someone else ? Sounds like she’s just stringing you along.. Stay strong!!

  11. Hi Zan, question for you. My ex called (5min call) me and broke up with me because she was not attracted to me anymore. unfriended me on SOME social media. My friends do not know why she broke up with me and I do not know either. She said I could be friends with her however it does not appear that way. I am respecting her space, but its hard. The only category from my perspective falls under is number 7) different priorities. ( I never cheated on her, Never cursed her name or at her. and wanted to take the next step moving in together) however that step really was never pushed more. thank you for your time, cheers.

    1. You said it yourself: “she’s not attracted to me anymore”. Try to forget about her and become the best version of yourself 🙂 … We’re all going to make it!

    2. You said it yourself: “she’s not attracted to me anymore”. Just try to forget about her and become the best version of yourself 🙂 … We’re all going to make it!

  12. I’m sorry but some of these reasonings are so narcissistic. Maybe an ex would rather not speak to you because they don’t care to anymore. Not because they’re holding a grudge, not because they can’t take responsibility for their part in the breakup, not because they are close minded to the idea that you maybe changed but maybe because they realized that maybe your relationship with them was probably a lesson that they needed to learn from in order to be successful in a new relationship.

  13. Hi,
    We were in a relationship for 2 years but it was indeed a very difficult one. I took initiative for most of the things be it dates or anniversaries or even physical intimacy. All through the relationship I kept telling him that I felt like I’ve been taken for granted. Last year he told me that he doesn’t want to take intiative and he is the way he is and if I can’t accept it he will break up with me.

    I broke up with him last February. I couldn’t handle being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t check upon me at all. By then our relationship had dwindled down to text messages twice a week. That’s it.

    But ever since the breakup I’ve been miserable. I can’t even see a picture of us without crying. I had called him and asked him whether he wants to get back together and he firmly said no.

    I feel quite foolish ever since and I wish every day that he would just atleast treat me as a friend. I was his bestfriend before becoming his girlfriend after all. It’s been four months now and I still cry thinking about it.
    Help please 😭

    1. You need to move on. It won’t do you no good if you’re constantly thinking, crying over your ex. I’ve gone through a horrible breakup. I thought I wouldn’t get over him but I did. Focus on you, and enjoy yourself.

  14. My ex decided to take a break 3 months ago and broke up with me 2 months back when he asked me to move on. All your other articles have really helped me and now I am in position where I don’t hate him or blame him for anything nor do I have any hopes or expectations about getting back together from him. The only thing that bothered me that he hasn’t spoken to me and the points you mentioned in this article gave me my answers. He follows me on social media and looks at my posts and stories but doesn’t talk to me. I wish I can talk to him again normally without bringing our past as we were very close earlier. That doesn’t mean I have completely moved on, I just know that I shouldn’t hope for anything and focus on myself. I just wish he also goes through these articles to understand what he is feeling and deal with it better. He is someone who likes to avoid emotions and doesn’t know what he wants in life and what makes him happy. I know it’s a long way for him, I was just there to support him earlier. But he chose to let go of me. I wish he does find whatever he is searching for.
    Thank you for all your articles- they have really helped me.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Pooja.

      Your ex likely isn’t going through these articles because he doesn’t feel incentivized to look for answers. He’s in a relieved state of mind and probably needs professional help to figure out why he feels the way he does.

      Best regards,

  15. It’s been 5 months, mine still won’t talk to me. Dumped me via text after years living together. She won’t let me get my stuff, won’t take our Keys back. She won’t change her profile to single, keeps 50+ photos of us, kissing, gifts I’ve bought her. Added 200 single guys then deleted them. Watches my social media stories within 5 minutes of me posting them but has me blocked. Hasn’t apologised for all the rage stuff she said. Is just silent, reads my messages but doesn’t respond. Will reach out and then goes silent for a week when I respond? Oddest behavior I’ve ever seen from a dumper, she talked so bad about me she would rather break her heart then admit she made a mistake.

  16. I’m thinking only reason why she won’t talk to me is cause properly knows she hurt me and doesn’t realize by how much.she may think I am mad her for hurting me yes I am hurt.really there was no reason for the break up between us.i feel that could be more as to why so won’t talk to me ignore me.we both hurt each other and in her mind I do believe that she though I was with one girl and I never dated her.we have of this miss understanding that we can’t work on between us.

  17. Hi Zan, question for you.

    Ex left me 5 months ago because she was seeing someone else and “didn’t feel the same way about me anymore”. 7 year relationship. We’ve gone through trying to be civil, trying to her her back, I’ve said some hurtful things in the heat (which I apologized for) and attempted to be friends. She’s told me she can’t be friends or talk to me now because of her emotional and mental health. She decided to move in with the new guy after 4 month. I understand she is probably distancing herself because our conversations have all not been great but do you think there is some guilt there? Or she wants to distance in addition because she is totally invested in the other relationship?

  18. Hey Zan , i do have a question on the subject.
    I ran into my ex on Uni ( we do study together ) we were together for almost 3 years , she broke up 7-8 months ago and we have been in no contact for almost 6 .
    When i saw here i looked her directly in the eyes , wanted to say hello at least but she changed her expression to serious/mad turned her head and walked away , then she sat at the table with some friends and it seemed she was laughing on purpose just to show me she was having good time .

    Whats up with that ? 😀 Thanks in adnvace .
    PS , i am not really hung up on her or anything , just wanted to say hello and quite frankly i feel really stupid about it.

    1. Hi Wadap10.

      Your ex probably holds a grudge against you. I believe she hasn’t let go of the negative association she attached to you 8 months ago.

      As for her pretentious behavior, she probably acted fake to appear stronger, confident, and not affected by you.

      Forget about her, friend.

      Kind regards,

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