Every time your ex sees an update from you on social media, your ex immediately thinks about the “bad times” when the relationship wasn’t working out.
Your ex doesn’t just think about the times from months or years ago when you argued with your ex or when you didn’t live up to his or her expectations. He or she doesn’t need to travel back in time to pick and choose the very worst moments.
Your ex has a way more reliable way of feeding his or her resentment toward you. And that’s by reminding himself or herself of the last few weeks prior to the breakup when his or her repulsive emotions reached their peak.
So even if your pictures or posts on social media appear innocent and non-bragging, your ex might still not like them. That’s because your presence is continuously reminding your ex how he or she felt toward the end of your relationship.
And that’s part of the reason why an ex can block you seemingly out of nowhere even if you don’t do anything threatening to abuse your “friendship.”
Sometimes it’s way less about you and your actions and more about what’s going on with your ex. And that’s what dumpees often find difficult to comprehend. They think it’s “me, me, me, me” when it’s really “them, them, them, them.”
So if you’re in pain or anxious because your ex blocked you on social media—such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, this article will provide you with some insight.

My ex blocked me on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, everywhere…
Due to your ex’s resentment toward you, your posts on social media quickly took your ex back to the boiling point and brought out the worst emotions imaginable. Anger, annoyance, hatred, irritation, repugnance, and impatience are just a few to name.
Since these emotions are all emotions of strength, they indicate that your ex had used them out of self–defense. Your ex essentially relied on these primitive emotions for self-empowerment so that he or she could fight against injustice that was done to him or her.
If your ex was generally a “nice” person, your ex probably first tried to bring his or her temper under control and fight his or her outbursts. But since he or she likely didn’t do anything special to soothe such intense feelings of bitterness, your ex soon lost control and acted on impulse.
Instead of unleashing his or her fury on you, your ex suddenly blocked you and kept you out of sight. In doing so, your ex thought that he or she could finally stop feeling angry by avoiding reminders of you and coincidentally—start feeling happier without you in his or her life.
Similarly to how you would delete and block a person that threatens your health and safety, so would your ex.
He or she, just like everyone else is still a human being with emotions—capable of liking and disliking, loving or hating, blocking and unblocking. Just because your ex was in a relationship with you, doesn’t mean that your ex can’t block you once he or she is no longer with you.
He or she shouldn’t but can do so nonetheless.
Why did my ex block me on social media?
If your ex broke up with you recently, then you are likely still recovering from the breakup by trying to build up your self-esteem. You’re probably going out more and showcasing change and improvements, hoping your ex will take notice.
Since you still desire your ex’s attention, you are probably posting pictures on various social media platforms and making sure that your ex sees them.
You just want to show your ex how far you’ve come since the breakup.
But one day, something unpredictable happens and your ex randomly blocks you on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and other social platforms and leaves you perplexed.
Your ex’s immature behavior completely catches you off guard, so you shortly begin to wonder, “Why did my ex randomly block me? Did I do something to anger my ex? Is my ex trying to bring out a reaction out of me?“

You probably can’t fathom why your ex of all people would block you on social media when you used to have a special place in his or her heart.
His or her behavior is probably so new to you, you’re desperately trying to make sense of your unfortunate situation.
If you are, you first need to collect your thoughts and observe your ex’s actions from a third person’s point of view. When you do, you will be able to understand why your ex blocked you and see your ex for who he or she truly is.
But until you detach enough and see your ex from a better perspective, I may be able to address some of your concerns.
Did my ex ever love me?
There’s a good explanation why your ex blocked you on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Moreover, there’s also a good reason why your ex is acting so rampant post-breakup as if you did something horrible to him or her.
But before we get to that, you must first accept that the way your ex had felt about you while he or she was in a relationship with you is all in the past.
The “I love yous,” the plans for marriage and children, and the dreams about retirement are all a matter of the past now. These are the things that no longer exist as your ex is no longer your partner.
However, before you call your ex a liar, you need to know that when your ex said all the nice things and promises to you, he or she meant every single word. Your ex was in love with you after all and saw a future with you.
But now that your relationship has ended, you mustn’t hold your ex responsible for promising you the world. People are emotional creatures after all and we make decisions based on what we feel.
And what we think and feel, unfortunately, can change very quickly. This is especially true if we aren’t completely happy with ourselves or with our partner.
That’s why you shouldn’t doubt whether your ex ever loved you as your ex’s words were likely genuine at the time.
As long as you weren’t just a rebound, that is.
What does it mean when your ex blocks you?
When your ex blocks you on social media, he or she obviously no longer loves you. Your ex instead feels repelled by you and quite frankly—doesn’t want to see you, hear you, and even think about you.
Your ex has an identity of his or her own—which means that your ex has the right to ignore and block you on Instagram and Facebook, and even start dating right away. He or she owes you absolutely nothing as an ex-partner.
Giving you closure, on the other hand, would be beneficial to your recovery. But then again, a lot of dumpers don’t even provide that.
They are just so furious that caring about their dumpees’ well-being is not possible. They feel emotionally drained—which tells them that they are the victims.
So now that your ex blocked you for no apparent reason, you might wonder what that means for you as an ex-partner.
If you do, here’s what it means when your ex blocks you on social media.

When your ex deletes you from social media and blocks you, try not to panic and initiate contact because of hurt ego and self-esteem.
If you do, your ex won’t be merciful and pity you. If anything, you will only make things worse and get more hurt in the process.
That’s why you should accept the situation for what it is and stop yourself from delaying your post-breakup recovery.
Your ex blocked you out of anger, annoyance, and frustration
When your ex blocks you out of nowhere, your ex does so because he or she feels annoyed with you. It’s got nothing to do with the nature of your posts, but everything with the fact that you’re there—posting. Or it might even be just because you’re still friends and he or she sees you on his or her friends’ list.
Your ex doesn’t have any expectations of you anymore and just wants silence from you to focus on himself or herself.
So when you post on social media or somehow remind your ex of your existence, you inadvertently obstruct your ex’s happiness and make him or her furious. This is especially true if your ex is the impulsive type.
That’s why it’s often only a matter of time before a spiteful ex will either unfollow you or block you. You really can’t control your ex’s emotions when you’re just minding your own business and keeping your distance.
So if your ex randomly blocked you on Facebook, Instagram or on social media, remember that it’s not your fault. Your ex has lost the patience to control his or her temper and acted on instinct.
Your ex merely did what he or she thought would relieve his or her anger. And unfortunately, pushing you out of his or her life seemed like the best solution.
My ex didn’t block me everywhere/completely
When your ex blocks you on Instagram but doesn’t block you on Facebook, for example, this is what I call a partial block.
It means that you’ve somehow pushed your ex into blocking you. Whether it happened because you begged and pleaded or for no apparent reason doesn’t matter. What does matter is that your ex’s mindset had forced your ex into blocking you—limiting the platforms for you to communicate through.
This doesn’t mean that you should contact your ex first and use your last available channel of communication to annoy your ex further.

It merely means that your ex had left one last social platform open for emergency purposes—and expects you to respect that.
If you don’t, your ex will swiftly block you on the remaining social platform as well. And the sad part is that he or she won’t feel bad about it.
Not as long as you don’t respect your ex’s need for space.
My ex deleted our pictures on social media
When your ex blocks you online, deletes your pictures on social media, and starts avoiding you like the plague, it’s a clear sign of an angry ex.
Your ex is likely in the relief stage of a breakup and is desperately trying to move on from you and his or her past. And since your ex has the victim’s mentality, looking at your pictures only makes him or her feel angrier.
That’s why deleting your pictures off Facebook, Instagram and everywhere else seems like the best solution to avoid bad reminders.
So if you’re wondering why your ex deleted your pictures off social media, think about your ex’s emotional state. Remember that he or she didn’t delete them out of happiness and nostalgia, but rather out of frustration, annoyance, and spitefulness.
Is blocking someone immature?
Blocking someone you don’t like is incredibly immature. It’s equivalent to a temper tantrum—much like that of a child.
So just how children get cranky when they don’t get their candy, blocking is the adult’s version of that.
It essentially showcases an inability to deal with an unpleasant situation—which makes blocking and ignoring the same as running away from the problem.

Anyone who consistently avoids their problems does so because he or she never learned how to deal with them. And that person will continue avoiding predicaments until he or she matures.
Some people eventually mature when they get older—while others unfortunately never do. It really depends on what’s going on in a person’s mind and the circumstances he or she is surrounded by.
So if you’re ever thinking of blocking a person, remember that it’s incredibly immature. That’s why you should resolve your interpersonal issues quickly and efficiently before they get ugly.
The only time when you should consider blocking an ex or anyone for that matter is when you become afraid for your safety.
Is my ex immature?
Your ex knows that blocking you is immature, but your ex doesn’t care much. To your ex, you are just a stranger who was once in a romantic relationship with him or her.
Not only that. A stranger would probably get better treatment. Your ex instead sees you as someone who’s hurt him or her badly. So the only way for your ex to regain control of the situation is to block you.
That’s why we could say that your ex is immature or not mature enough to work through his or her personal issues.
My ex blocked me randomly in no contact
As you already know, dumpers can be incredibly impulsive and unpredictable. They can say and do the most unforgiving things you can possibly imagine.
Blocking, unfortunately, is one of them.
When your ex blocks you randomly – seemingly for no reason, you shouldn’t worry about whether you’ve done something to offend your ex.
Not as long as you’re diligently following the rules of no contact and doing your best not to break them.
Instead of panicking, think about what could have happened in your ex’s life that made him or her block you.
If you can’t think of any, here are a few things that could have triggered your ex’s hatred toward you:
- remembering “your” unfair treatment
- seeing no value in you
- meeting someone else
- getting angry that you aren’t chasing
- trying to elicit a response out of you (rare)
- detaching further and no longer caring about you
- you dating someone else
- accumulated hatred
These are just a few events that could have caused your ex to block you out of the blue.
Whether it happened on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp or Twitter, your ex doesn’t want to be reminded of you right now. And that’s’ why you now need to resort to plan B.
What to do when your ex blocks you?
We have previously discussed the actions you can take when your ex blocks you and discovered that you can’t force your ex to unblock you.
You can’t cry and beg your ex to unblock you or do anything that your boyfriend or girlfriend wouldn’t find attractive.
That’s why you must instead count on one of the most reliable traits a person can have – confidence.
You must show your ex that you will be okay on your own and avoid seeking validation by staying away from your ex.
You might not like staying quiet because getting blocked is highly disrespectful, but it doesn’t leave you with any other options.
Complaining to your ex how he or she has no manners is only going to make your ex want to speak to you even less. And that’s why the cure to getting unblocked by your ex is so very simple—yet so hard to do.
All you need to do to get your ex to unblock you is to let him or her win. So allow your ex to have it his or her way while you work on the things that matter to you.
Here’s what you must not do when your ex deletes you from social media and blocks you.

The time will most likely come when your ex will no longer feel threatened or annoyed by you—and that’s when your ex will unblock you.
But until that happens, you must respect your ex’s decision.
My ex unblocked me. Do I message him/her?
When your ex blocks you or unblocks you, it’s very important for you not to act rashly and contact your ex.
You must remember that your ex has so much power post-breakup that messaging him or her won’t help your case at all.
If anything, it will only push your ex further away and cause long-term damage. And the reason for that is very simple.
The moment your ex unblocks you, he or she is far from ready to talk so the only thing that’s changed is his or her hatred toward you.
And that’s a good start because it means that your ex has processed some of his or her repulsive emotions.
In other words, 50% of work is done. As for the other 50%, it consists of your ex’s interest in you.
Since your ex has no business with you, forcing your ex into wanting to speak to you won’t happen. That’s why you must wait even longer for something or someone to change your ex’s emotional state.
So when your ex is finally forced to soul-search and do some introspect, he or she will likely change his or her thoughts and feelings about you.
But for that to happen, life must teach your ex a lesson.
Did your ex block you on Instagram, Facebook, or on various social media platforms? Let me know how that went for you by commenting below.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
She broke up with me August 22, 2921 and after some exchanges I initiated she said she did not even want to be friends (I’ve known her and liked her for over 20 years) and told me to not contact her on September 15th. I was deeply hurt but obligated her as people in her life often have not respected boundaries she sets. This week I received email notices of her changing her work schedule-automated asking for me response. I considered emailing her to ask her to please remove me from those alerts.
Today I noticed she blocked me on WhatsApp, kinda weird as I haven’t contacted her. And truthfully blocking people has never been something I’ve done adopted as a policy so I’ve not blocked her.
Hi Ben.
I suggest that you unsubscribe or block her work emails. Your ex currently isn’t capable of overcoming her negative associations for you, so stay away from her until she unblocks you and reaches out.
Best regards,
I feel Gigi so much on here lol. My ex did exactly the same ALLLLL THE Time. Blocking is his way of handling things eaither hes hurt, misunderstood something, is angry, mad, or whatever. so he recently did it again. Our situation is a bit difficult, He is American and lives in the States and im from the Netherlands. So we havent seen each other for more than one year but actually wanted to make it work when Corona is over and even get married. He always loved me and i know he still does now. He loved me from the first moment on when we met in Europe and was crazy about me, but back then i wasnt ready for a relationship and everything went too fast But after a lot of ups and downs and blocking me several times, and after i visited him in the states last year, we decided to make it work and ill move over. However, since i havent appeared yet, even thou i have no chance right now cuz of Corona, he thinks im not real and will never appear and stuff like that – cuz he is suuuuper insecure and always tells himself i could have been with him before but i didnt, so i cant be real now and blabla… he told me the same things probably 5 times the past year already, and since i know his psychology a lot i always could get him back sending him videos where i spoke my heart out and giving him reasurance and stuff like that- because i know exactly that he loves me but is just scared and insecure! When i get him again he immediately goes from playing hard and pretenting to have no feelings anymore to finally confessing ‘ i love you so much and want to marry you’. So yeah he is psychologically very hard to deal with, always hard on the outside but just a lil insecure and scary man on the inside who just finally want to have real love)
He already left me for another girl last winter, while we were actually wanting to make it work but since hes so insecure he was parallelly desperately searching for another one to finally forget me- but then after two month he came back telling me he did a big mistake . then we were fine for some month again, finally talked about everything. but as soon as i make one wrong, misunderstood comment, he freaks out again. and then hes back on his blocking and thinking we should end this and blocks you without any further explanation.
Usually he comes back but now i have big doubts thou because he said he really cant handle it anymore and our situation is really hard, the distance, the not knowing if and when i will come and all that, so he said he cant hurt me or himself anymore and cant take it anymore. This time he even blocked me on all channels (usually he only does on the one im pissing him off). This time its everywhere except for one where i asked him whats going on and he just said we need to be friends cuz he cant take it no more. However i know he actually wants me but is too scared to wait cuz he has big trust issues and thinks its just easier with an American girl and he cant deal with the insecurity anymore. last week i saw a post on his friends page, that they were in a restaurant- and he with a new girl again, which i think is the reason why he dumped me AGAIN, cuz he always needs someone else to forget me.
Sorry for the long text but does anyone has experience with that behavior or an advice what do to? I know it sounds stupid but he really does love me, but he just gives up..If the borders are open again i still would want to visit him, but i dont know what to do when he has a new girl (which he def will cuz he is searching and dating a lot and always gets crushs pretty fast, so its easy for him to displace things).
Like do men think back at you even when they are happy with a new girl and the situation of being with you would be much more difficult? – In our case it is really love and been a very long up and down rollercoaster trip, but he is just deeply insecure and just thinks it will not work cuz its difficullt, so he basically gives up – again – just this time i think he really did!
We were having a romantic conversation, just at the end I didn’t say goodnight and left but text him next day, he hardly answered that he doesn’t have internet connection (he live in different country), I texted him twice he never open the message on WhatsApp, I sent him email he never reply.. but he was online on Instagram, after 2 days he unfollow me. never heard from him since 2 weeks. What all that’s mean and is it over?
I’m blocked on everything for over a year. I didn’t know it until I tried to contact her for the divorce settlement. Anyway for someone that wants me totally out of their life she kept my last name after the divorce. I respect her wishes and don’t try to contact her in anyway. Everything changes so I’ll see what the future brings.
Hello Zan and everyone, thanks for the article. When an ex acquits you for having pressed for, does indefinite contact work for the second time? In terms of reconciliation is it possible? (The relationship was long distance) If you know that you have pressed, we should apologize within a reasonable time for not end up in this drastic way? It would be great if someone could shine some light on this situation. I will appreciate any response.
PS: This blog has helped me more than any other site. Thanks for that. Thank you 🙂
My ex broke up with me 7 weeks ago. Prior to that, we were together for 3.5months and we weren’t have much issues. He was looking for a job and subsequently got very stressed up and depressed over being jobless. After that, he stop wanting to meet or initiate any contact for 10 weeks. Only reply with one word message when I initiate. As I had ask if he has met someone new in his silence/ghosting (a few times), he broke up when I ask again.
After he broke up, I text him 1 positive message a day (like ‘have a good day’) for 2 weeks and asking how was he. He read them but never reply, I began NC for 1 month. Few days ago, I accidentally called him, it rang for just a second. But he blocked me on WhatsApp immediately after that. Only to unblock me 20mins later. And blocked again after 2hrs. He must have given it a serious thought before doing it.
What I don’t understand was, I wasn’t even disturbing him prior to that accident call. It was just a quick ring. Why does he have to behave so extremely and decide to never want to hear from me again? 😔
My ex always blocked if he was angry.. It got to a point where I just assumed I was and didn’t care anymore.. Every couple of days he would. The last time he let me know he was going to block me and never wanted to speak again. Then a month later he unblocked me said hey.. And I said hey… Then I was blocked again.. Never understood that one…..
10 months break up. 9 months No contact and My ex recently made her instagram public, removed all photos of me, but still has photos of previous exes up. So not an ex purge, just a me purge?
I have an opposite situation…..what should I do if my ex’s new girlfriend and her friends are requesting me on social media (currently just Instagram). Prior to the split, I unfriended my ex on all social media (didn’t want to see what was leading up to the breakup). I have had no contact with my ex since the end of June (doing no contact), and even when we were together, we kept our relationship off social media. What gives with the new girlfriend and her friends??? (I know it’s partially age….so I can only assume that it’s immaturity showing through)