If your ex agrees to meet you, it means that your ex has thought through the breakup. Your ex has processed the worst breakup emotions and now thinks that meeting up with you is safe and okay to do.
This is because the willingness to meet up with you indicates that something has changed with your ex’s thoughts and perceptions and that your ex is interested in conversing/hanging out again.
Before you get hopeful about seeing your ex in person though, you need to know that the act of meeting up with an ex is usually a good sign only if the dumper is the one who invites the dumpee out.
If the dumper doesn’t put in any effort and merely agrees to meet up, it’s highly likely that the dumper won’t express the desire to reconcile.
He or she could meet up with the dumpee just to:
- be on good terms with the dumpee
- become friends
- and pass the time
Preferably, a friend zone is something you don’t want to get stuck in with your ex. You want to steer away from your ex and guarantee the quickest and safest route to recovery.
You can do that by following the rules of no contact and investing in parts of your life that need the most self-care.
So if you’re wondering what it means if your ex agrees to meet you, know that the meaning usually depends on whether you invited your ex or your ex invited you.
If your ex invited you out, your ex could be missing the good memories he or she had created with you and wants you back as a friend or a partner.
But if your ex agrees to meet you after you’ve done all the work, your ex probably wants to see if it’s possible to be on friendly terms with you.
In this post, we’ll talk about what it means if your ex agrees to meet you in person.

What does it mean if your ex agrees to meet you?
Many dumpers are over their exes and don’t want their exes back.
But just because they’re over their exes and feel happy doesn’t mean that they never want to speak to their exes again.
Sometimes, they still want to keep their exes in their lives in some capacity, become their friends, and get the most out of them. I know this sounds selfish (and it probably is), but most dumpers want the cake and eat it too.
They want to talk to their exes and enjoy the conversations, but they don’t want to commit and reciprocate their exes’ effort.
The moment they see their exes invest more time and energy than them, they realize they got too close to their exes and raise their defenses. They protect themselves from smothering emotions and run away from a situation too heavy for them to control.
So before you meet up with your ex, know that your ex hasn’t put the work in to be with you. Your ex probably just agreed to meet you because it’s been a while since he or she saw you and talked to you.
While it’s true that sometimes dumpers agree to meet up and get back together with their exes, it’s also true that such spontaneous dumpers oftentimes leave again. They don’t think about their wants and needs and their exes’ worth, so they take their exes for granted again and fall out of love again.
For your ex to appreciate you and love you for who you are, your ex must discern your worth and regret breaking up with you. He or she must undergo a process of self-reflection and identify you as a person of equal or higher value.
By inviting your ex to meet you before he or she does, you won’t let your ex realize your worth. You’ll just do your ex’s work and make it extremely easy for your ex to talk to you, meet up with you, or get back with you.
You have to understand that your ex doesn’t want it “easy.” Your ex secretly wants to work hard so that your ex can pour a lot of blood sweat, and tears into you and emotionally invest in you again.
Your job as a dumpee isn’t to encourage your ex to invest by asking, demanding, or manipulating your ex. Your job is to wait for your ex to find the motivation or the desperation to invest on his or her own.
With that said, here are 5 different reasons why your ex wants to meet you.

I invited my ex out and he/she agreed to meet me
If you’ve invited your ex out and your ex agreed, you can only “hope” that your ex has made the necessary emotional progress to process the breakup and disassociate pre-breakup associations from you.
You can hope that your ex has improved his or her relationship mentality, acknowledged your significance, and fallen back in love with you.
I say that you must hope because you don’t have any proof that your ex wants to meet you for the right reasons (to get back with you). It’s highly likely that your ex wants to meet you only because you came up with the idea to meet up.
Your ex could have thought that you’re over him or her and that you’re ready to be friends.
So be careful about meeting up with your ex on your terms the first time after the breakup. If your ex rejects you, tells you about seeing someone else, or sleeps with you for old times’ sake, you’ll probably feel used and abandoned.
You’ll feel that your ex is playing games with you—even though your ex had made it clear that you’re no longer a couple.
What to do if your ex agrees to meet you?
If you went to the trouble to invite your ex out, I suggest that you meet up with your ex. Choose a place that is populated with people and make sure not to overstay your welcome.
It’s important that you keep your expectations low at all times and avoid asking questions that you’re not ready to hear answers to.
Don’t ask things like:
- are you dating anyone?
- did you sleep with anyone?
- do you still love me?
- do you want to get back together?
Don’t compliment your ex for no reason either because your ex hasn’t done anything to earn the compliments. As far as you know, your ex is still the same person inside and hasn’t gained your trust back.
You can compliment your ex for his or her achievements, of course, but don’t sugar coat it or you’ll appear pretentious.
The meetup should be pressure-free, polite, and fun. There’s no room for pretentiousness, negativity, arguments, and unhealthy reminders of the past.
If your ex wants to reminisce about the past, that’s fine. You can talk about the good times and express your emotions. But don’t go down memory lane and say you haven’t been happy since the breakup.
That would tell your ex that you’re meeting up with him or her because you’re miserable.
If you want to leave a good impression on your ex, mention only the positive things you’re working on. Don’t brag about them. Just remain calm and let your personal improvements speak for themselves.
Oftentimes people ask me, “How will my ex know I’ve changed if I don’t directly tell my ex I’ve changed?” I always tell such dumpees that they don’t need to prove they’ve changed.
If they truly changed, dumpers will be able to detect acceptance, self-love, and a much different vibe coming from dumpees a mile away. They will see that something has changed and become curious about it.
That’s when they’ll ask about it.
Remember that during the meetup, your job isn’t to prove change. Your job is to stay strong and in control of your emotions. Everything else will fall in place on its own.
Including the reconciliation if your ex is ready for it.
How do I know my ex wants me back?
This is another super important topic that we must cover.
How can you know if your ex wants you back during the meetup? Will your ex give you signs that he/she wants you back or wait for you to make the first move?
When you meet up with your ex (on your terms), your ex most likely won’t ask you to get back together. If your ex didn’t ask you to get back together prior to the meetup, your ex likely won’t ask you in person either.
Your ex won’t need to because your ex won’t have any romantic feelings for you.
That’s why you don’t need to look out for signs that your ex loves you and wants you back. You just have to be on your best behavior and mind your own business until the moment your ex admits that he or she has made a mistake.
That’s when you should take action and take control of the reconciliation.
I know that waiting for your ex to make a move may seem manipulative at first, but you have to understand that you’re not playing a game with your ex. All you’re doing is protecting your feelings from getting hurt and at the same time, portraying yourself as the person that you are or want to be.
There’s nothing wrong with that.
If at any point during the meetup, your ex says that he or she wants you back though, then your ex will tell you what you want to hear. Your ex will own up to his or her mistakes and act how a person who’d made bad decisions in the past should behave.
A great way to tell that your ex will want you back during the meetup is if your ex appears extremely nervous and looks at you with puppy eyes. This is how you can tell that your ex is afraid of rejection and that he or she is mustering up the courage to ask you out.
Before your ex asks for another chance, your ex could ask you lots of direct and indirect questions related to your relationship status and interest in your ex. You can expect your ex to ask you, “Are you seeing anyone, what are your plans for tomorrow, do you want to come to my place” and see your ex staring at you, trying to read your thoughts and feelings.
It’s important that you answer all questions honestly and wait for your ex to ask for commitment.
That’s when you should start taking your power back and ask what’s changed since the breakup. Ask your ex why he or she wants you back all of a sudden and tell your ex that you’re curious to see if he or she is capable of growing and that you’re not going to jump headfirst into something uncertain.
This should convey that you respect yourself and that you want your ex to respect you as well.
The most important thing you’re looking for in an ex who wants you back is commitment. You want your ex to show you or tell you that he or she was able to grow from the breakup and that your ex is going to keep working on himself or herself if you get back together.
What does it mean if your ex meets you but doesn’t want you back?
When your ex meets up with you but doesn’t express the wish or the need to get back together, you need to understand that your ex didn’t meet up with you to work on the relationship.
Your ex met up with you out of boredom, sentimentality, or guilt and wanted to see if it’s possible to be cordial with you.
The best thing you can do in this situation is to stop meeting up with your ex. No more calling, texting, and stalking your ex and setting yourself back. You need to acknowledge your ex as a person who’s lost feelings for you and avoid false hope as if your life depends on it.
You’ve probably already noticed that your emotional well-being is extremely dependent on what your ex says and does. So don’t put your health into your ex’s hands and focus on healing and detachment.
It’s possible that your ex will want you back in the future (possibly after your ex has been with others), but the future is uncertain. It’s much more productive to focus on yourself and invest in people who want to be with you.
Did you learn what it means if your ex agrees to meet you in person? Have you met up with your ex before? How did it go for you? Publish your comment below.
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My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
My ex ended it the day before my bday Feb 12, 2021. I had been keeping a distance bc he was in a bad mood in the weeks leading up to it. Anyway, after losing 13 pounds, and a lot of tears, I tried no contact. He texted me two weeks ago and asked if I was up. I said yes. His work truck tire had blown out a few days prior and he was at Firestone. He did not ask for a ride back to his house, but I said, ” I can give you a ride.” He said he could take Uber. Well, then why was he texting?? I said I could pick him up and he said, “Ok, maybe we can grab breakfast after.” When I got to Firestone, he got in car and gave me a peck on lips and said hello. We went to breakfast, small talk.. drove him home. When we got there I wasn’t sure if I should get out.. I did. He comes out to patio and says he has my birthday present… anyway, another peck on lips as I left and he said we would talk soon and smiled. Next day he took his motorcycle out for an overnight. sent me pics and a kiss emoji… didn’t talk for about 10 days. I just called last week and said I am trying to figure this out.. his response was “Do your thing, live your life, I don’t want to give false hope. I am not here.” I immediatley said (bc of mixed signals!) “If you do not want to ever see me, speak to me or be with me again, you need to let me know( I still have his house keys and my stuff is at his place). His response was “It is not that I don’t want to every speak to you again, I am still mad and pissed off.” WTF!!! It has been 7 weeks. I told him I am waiting but not forever… HELP
I’m no expert or anything, but it seems like your ex doesn’t really know how he feels about you. If I were you I would go no-contact again, and DO NOT reply to any ‘half-assed’ texts. From what you wrote here it feels like you are still at his beck and call. You aren’t dating this person anymore, you have no obligations towards him. Until he commits, which may never happen, you owe him nothing. Don’t entertain any lazy texts (‘u up?’, ‘wyd’, etc.). And even if he does man up its YOUR decision whether you want him back or not, but he needs to figure himself out first. You should not let yourself be strung along until he decides what he wants from you, you deserve wayyy better than that. Go hard no-contact and work on yourself, find things that make you happy that aren’t related to him and focus on that.
If she lied and cheated on you before she left, you should never ever associate yourself with her again. Not even as a friend. If she tries to communicate with you, ignore her. If you insist on responding because you want to be “polite” even though she shat on you in the worst and most disrespectful possible way, do it once in a blue moon if and only if it’s anything royally significant. Otherwise, associating yourself with such a low life, not only makes YOU look weak and pathetic but no one will respect you no matter what they say to your face.
A cheater is trash and belongs nowhere else but there. Yes it sucks, yes it’s hard, esp. if you had a fantastic relationship otherwise but once she crosses that line, she’s not worth sh*t. Move on to someone younger, smarter, more fun and more importantly, more honest and mature. Trust me, once you do, you will kick yourself for having been so stupid for having wasted all your precious emotions on someone that worthy of none of it. Above all, make sure YOU’RE life is epic. A woman means absolutely nothing if you have nothing amazing going for you in the first place. She is and should be absolutely nothing more than a compliment to your happy life.
I did see my ex once, after the break up. She invited me to her house, I thought it was a good thing. So i went, I was very stressed out, recited my lines, took every advice I had read up to this point and try to act casual.
Things were okay, but after about 2 hours of talking, I could see that there was nothing more than “friendship” in her offer to get together. To me, it was pure torture. I tried to keep calm, but all I could do is try to find ways to turn her opinion of me around, making me very stressed out.
In the end, I just said my goodbye and left. Never saw her again. Honestly, I left more ashamed of myself for believing that I was still on her mind. I knew right then that it was her own way of getting rid of her guilt for what she had done to me, to see if I was doing well so she could feel somewhat good about herself.
I wish deep down that we could revert everything back to the way it was, but how can you regain the trust that was broken? Legitimate question here
For my ex to win my trust back, she would have to work real hard spanning over long months to to prove that she honestly regrets what she did and I mean the world for her. So I don’t understand your predicament. If she is the dumper, that means she broke your trust, right? Why do you nervously try to earn her good opinion of you? It should be the other way around. If she doesn’t make an effort, then I’m sorry, but it’s really over for good. I know it sucks, my ex monkeybranched a year ago to one of my best friends and I’ve never heard of her since. My “friend” never had a long term relationship and at times dated multiple women simultaneously. So I have a hard time believing they’re still together and so it hurts even more that she didn’t regret it. So trust me, I know it hurts.
Hello Zan,
It’s such a good article this as well! I don’t think that will happen to me tho but I enjoyed reading as always, learning what it means if your ex agrees to meet you in person :))
Thank you as always 🤍
Please halp, this applies to my situation
after almost 10 years. I was addicted to adderall and depressed for 3 years which took a toll on the relationship becoming completely physically and emotionally disconnected. I got clean finally 2 weeks before the breakup last August but she had been going on walks by herself when this player approached her and filled the void thus leaving me. Made tons of post breakup mistakes although i was also trying to focus on improving my physical and mental health. She almost came back in October and we made progress but i pushed her right back to him by being impatient, jealous…. I think the player only wanted one thing and hes rejected a relationship with her but shes still obsessed with him as i saw her with him walking a week or so ago..
We actually hungout a few weekends ago after 45 days NC which went great, didnt talk about us and got stoned, laughed and snacked out. I kept my composure and still have. I asked her if she wanted to go to a rage room and break some stuff and she said she couldnt last weekend and couldnt this recent weekend and said “maybe a different weekend!!”…. Sooooo yeah. What do you think i should do?
Dude… she cheated on you. She should have to move mountains for you, before you even considered taking her back.