If you’ve been browsing the internet in hopes of finding the perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend, you need to know that there is no such thing. Nothing you say (or do) will make a difference because your ex doesn’t want things to be different. Your ex wants you to remain quiet and not interfere with her new way of living.
If you take some internet guru’s advice and try to “reattract” your ex, all you’ll do is show your weak and desperate side and push your ex even further away. You’ll prove that you don’t understand your ex at all and that your ex made a good decision to dump you.
Keep in mind that if ex-girlfriends could be won back with mere words, there wouldn’t be any breakups. At least not one-sided ones because all dumpees would be able to say the perfect thing and make their ex regret breaking up with them.
But, unfortunately, dumpees don’t have that much power. They lost their ability to influence and impress their ex when their ex developed doubts about the relationship and decided to call it quits. That’s why in this world, there is no such thing as the perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend. It doesn’t exist because ex-girlfriends (dumpers) need space from dumpees.
They don’t want to hear, see, or even smell their ex. The thought of their ex interacting with them or being close to them smothers or repulses them and makes them want to avoid dealing with their ex. By running away, they don’t have to be reminded of their ex and the difficult decision they had to make. They don’t have to feel guilty for doing what’s best for them and can just focus on themselves.
So if you hoped to find the perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend, know that it exists only in fairy tales and on hope-giving websites. Any real psychologist or person with breakup experience will tell you that you can’t reason with the unreasonable.
You can’t convince someone who needs space from you that you’re a person of value. You can only give that person space and “hope” that he or she learns some valuable lessons from life itself.
But why is that? Why are people so stubborn?
It’s because they are resentful, out of love, and tired. They are highly emotional and very sensitive to the person they associate unpleasant thoughts and feelings with. They can’t and don’t want to feel differently about the person who has hurt them/made them feel uncomfortable because their negativity is their form of defense.
It helps them feel victimized and allows them to stay in control of their life.
That’s why you should stop looking for the perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend right away. You won’t find it even if you visit thousands of sites. All you’ll find are mixed opinions and a lot (and I mean A LOT) of fraudsters who give you false hope on a silver platter.
They’ll say you can get your ex back if you do this and that, but what will actually happen if you contact your ex is that you’ll reach out way ahead of time (before your ex becomes curious, nostalgic, develops respect, and falls back in love with you). By reaching out, you’ll essentially extinguish your ex’s curiosity and pressure your ex into responding to you and giving you whatever you’re looking for.
So don’t fall for any quick solutions that sound too good to be true. Don’t talk to your ex in person/over the phone or send your ex closure texts, letters, emails, pictures, or anything that demands attention from your ex. You won’t trigger your ex’s soft spot for you and make your ex come running back.
The only way your ex will come back is if you depict strength and self-love and give your ex a chance to realize your worth without your interference.
Since many if not most dumpees look for reconciliation hope, it’s only fair that we talk about things to say to your ex-girlfriend to get her back. We need to discuss what hope does to you and why you should give up on saying the perfect thing.

The perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend
Let’s reiterate what we already know. There is no perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend whether you want her back romantically, as a friend, or just to make her jealous. Anything that intends to make your ex feel something other than what she already feels is a big mistake as it intends to manipulate your ex into thinking and feeling differently.
Therefore, telling your ex anything that she doesn’t want to hear is a waste of time and counterproductive because it makes her feel uncomfortable. She doesn’t want to talk with you about the things you’ve realized after the breakup.
This includes:
- your mistakes and shortcomings
- your wish to do better
- your love for her
- how sad and hurt you are without her
- that you’ll never find someone like her
- how important she is to you
- how little she means to you
- that she made mistakes too
- that she’ll regret leaving you one day
- that you’re moving on and staying busy
- that you’ve met someone new/better
- and that you’ll wait for her in case she changes her mind
Whatever it is that you want to tell her is what YOU want to tell her. That doesn’t mean she wants to hear it. You should always remember that dumpers want space and privacy. They don’t want to listen to their exes vent and feel sorry for themselves.
They wish their exes would leave them alone and find friends, family, or therapists to confide in.
So forget about saying the perfect thing to your ex-girlfriend and instead, do the right thing. Leave your ex-girlfriend alone and give her a chance to go through the stages of a breakup for the dumper. Once she’s gone through them, she’ll be much more comfortable around you and willing to converse with you.
Here’s why you shouldn’t look for the perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend.

Give up on trying to impress your ex
It doesn’t matter who’s reaching out to who because your “perfect response” won’t impress your ex. It will probably just make your ex feel guarded and less interested in speaking with you. That’s why the thing that matters the most is that you stop communicating with your ex and re-establish a connection with yourself.
The quicker you cut your ex off, the quicker you’ll recover and realize that you can’t make your ex suddenly want to respect you and want to be with you.
As long as you have expectations of your ex, you’ll unknowingly show too much interest in your ex, give away your power and importance, and ask for too much attention, affection, or validation from your ex. That will push your ex further away and ask for an unwanted response from your ex that will make you suffer unimaginable pain.
So as difficult as it may be, work on detaching from your ex and losing hope. Figure out why your ex is so important to you so you can stop thinking so highly of your ex. The moment you get your happy self back, you’ll see that you overprioritized your ex and undervalued yourself. And that will allow you to seek internal happiness instead of chasing after your ex.
I know it can be extremely difficult to lose hope after the breakup, but you don’t need to lose all hope in one day. You just need to be willing to let go of your ex and acknowledge that getting over an ex is a process, full of ups and downs. You’ll have days when you feel like you need your ex as badly as air and days when you barely think about your ex.
This is normal. But no matter how tempted you feel to text or call your ex, you must refrain from doing so. You must stick to breakup guidelines, also known as the rules of no contact. These rules will help you get your ex off your mind, improve your self-esteem, and return your lost happiness to you.
What if I don’t want my ex back anymore?
If you don’t want your ex back anymore, then you don’t have to search for perfect things to say either. You just have to determine whether you want your ex in your life as a friend and then express it to your ex.
You can say that you’ve taken some time to yourself and that you’re ready to be friends if your ex wants that too. If your ex agrees, you can discuss what you’d like out of the friendship and give suggestions on how the friendship is going to work. But if your ex and your ex’s partner aren’t okay with it, then say that you understand and that you wish her the best of luck.
This is how you can end the conversation with an ex you don’t have feelings for and start/resume no contact.
You shouldn’t explain why friendship is good for the two of you and what you expect from your ex. That will pressure your ex and make your ex feel criticized and disrespected. Just accept whatever your ex proposes and never reach out again.
As a dumpee, you can only reach out when you’re fully healed and unsure about whether your ex wants to be friends. That’s when your ex’s rejection won’t destroy your self-esteem and force you to experience another painful withdrawal.
If your ex wants to be friends or more, you need to keep in mind that your ex knows where to find you. You can be certain of that because not having you in her life will be very stressful for your ex. This is especially true if you used to be very supportive of your ex.
So if you want your ex back only as a friend, reach out when you’re over your ex and can handle rejection. But also, make sure to give your dumper ex at least half a year to process things and want to speak with you. Most dumpers will breadcrumb you and propose friendship themselves, so luckily, you won’t have to reach out to your ex and find out if your ex wants to be friends.
As for dumpers who don’t want to be friends, you’ll probably know they aren’t interested in being friends before you even reach out. You’ll be able to tell because you’ll remember that they lost respect for you and treated you poorly during and after the breakup.
In my opinion, it’s always better to wait for the dumper to reach out first because when she does, you’ll know that she’s processed the most difficult post-breakup emotions.
Are you still looking for the perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend? What do you think that saying the right thing will even do to your ex? Do you think it will make your ex see your improvements/worth and care about it? Let us know in the comments section below.
And if you’d like to confide in us and have us analyze your breakup, click here to learn more about the services we provide.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Perfect thing to say to an ex ???
Well I’m sorry that you lost me ….but someone else more worthy of my love has found me …
I’m convinced that all my past relationships have been a learning curve to bring me here….. now ….. to this moment in time…
Finding the most beautiful connection imaginable
Keep the faith your ex is sn ex tor a reason …
Hi Martin.
You’re right. There is no perfect thing to say to an ex. You should save your words for someone who wants them and deserves them.
Kind regards,
And this weekend I introduced her to my two boys 10 and 14 …. a very big step for all of us …
It went REALLY well 🥰
Hi Martin.
I’m glad everything went alright! Keep moving forward and great things will continue to happen.
Great Post as usual Zan, thank you. I have a little request and I would really appreciate it, could you write something about how you should behave if you see your Ex in public, Alone/with friends/with the new person.
because it happened to me a few weeks ago, I was sitting on a bench and she was walking by with two people, I think friends/coworkers, no idea, it was dark and she really stared at me (I’m not sure if she was shocked or trying to figure out if it was me) but I didn’t do anything, I tried to smile a little but couldn’t, and I didn’t talk or say hello, I figured it would be the right thing to do seeing that she has me blocked on all possible modes of communication. I would still appreciate your input, its a small city and she works right across the street from me, there’s a chance I might see her again, and I don’t know the right thing to do
cheers, Lou
Thanks for reading, Lou!
Thanks for the request. I have written a few articles on this subject already. I’m not sure what the exact titles are, though. Here’s one of them.
You can smile and wave if your ex looks at you. It shouldn’t be a problem. But if she avoids eye contact and appears visually disturbed, then pretend like she’s not there.
Best regards,
Always having good information. Now that time has passed, I understand even more what you say and it’s easier to read and accept that.
Thank you ❤️
Thank you, Linda.
I hope you won’t need all this information in the future, but if you do, you’ll know what to do and what not to do.
Thank you. This is good information. Not anything I would’ve liked or listened to at the beginning of the break up. But now that time has passed, this message is easier to read.
Hi Juan.
The truth is always hard to hear at the beginning of the breakup. But when you get out of denial (normally a couple of weeks into the breakup), you realize that hope isn’t helping. It’s making things worse as it’s forcing you to stay attached.
I wish you a speedy recovery!
Zan another great article..ill say this best and trust me there is nothing to say to an ex at all to change or what not !!! Leave walk away go no contact work on you and build a better self…this last year learnt some valuable lessons. One i dealt with breadcrumbing for a year. 2 months ago i called her out and said no more dont contact me anymore best thing i did . Haven’t spoken since its been great. Friendzoned is terrible stay out of it ..especially if you are not ready. And to be honest why would u want to. They chose to leave u as a best friend. A person should have more friends that value/respect u and want u in there life ..later down the road and maybe years sure. But listen to zan. THERE WILL
BE NOTHING YOU CAN SAY OR DO TO AN EX TO MAKE THEM STAY OR CONVINCE OTHERWISE..walk away go no contact meet others. Let them go !! Karma does wonders. Never wish it upon anyone though. If u were a good person and had good morales/respectful kind loving to her she ll regret it one day ..trust me the grass isnt greener like they all think .. walk away with your pride and self worth !!! Cheers zan 🇨🇦
Hi DR.
Thanks for reading. The friend zone is indeed a trap as it prolongs hope and suffering. It makes you obsessed with your ex and causes unnecessary anxiety. I’m glad you pulled away for good and got your happy self back, DR. It wasn’t easy, but things are a lot better now. Maybe your ex will regret it or maybe she won’t. It doesn’t matter anymore because you feel secure and ready for a new relationship.
Best regards,
Hi DR, Zan, maybe the grass happens to be greener sometimes, I don’t know.
My ex wife has not contacted my for two years now and I am wondering whether she is happy now in a new relationship.
I do believe that I was decent husband as I always provided her with affection and never cheated on her, but I made some mistakes (like not taking care enough of myself, focusing too much on my work and neglecting her, forgetting about romance). Maybe she has found a new partner she feels she is more compatible with, and for her the grass is indeed greener.