If you’re looking for signs your ex-girlfriend misses you during no contact, you have to understand that most signs are hidden from you. You won’t be able to tell if she misses you unless she shows you or tells you that she does. And a girl or woman won’t always do that.
Depending on her personality, she might miss you without ever telling or showing that to a single soul. That’s because she might not feel the need to share it with anyone. She might just have brief moments of weakness/missing you and wondering whether she’d made the right decision.
Keep in mind she can miss you in different ways and for different reasons.
She can miss you just a little bit and occasionally. She can miss you quite a bit, quite frequently. And she can think about you and miss you often and intensely. The more she misses you, the more likely it is that she’s having trouble letting go of you and that she wants you in her life for some reason she can benefit from.
Dumpees like to think that their ex can only miss them romantically, but that’s not true. There are other types of missing. There’s missing the friendship, missing the connection, missing the support, missing the validation, missing sex, and then there’s missing the romance.
If you’re feeling hopeful, you’ll have a hard time distinguishing between these types of missing. You’ll hope for the best type of missing (which is romance) and miss other (although less important) signs that your ex misses you.
There are also certain things that make the dumper think that she misses the dumpee but doesn’t. For example, she might be afraid of letting go, feel guilty for breaking her ex’s heart, feel sad because the relationship didn’t work out, be puzzled due to self-doubt, and be miserable about how her new life turned out.
She could confuse all of these things for missing you when in reality, they’re not about you and getting back with you. An ex can miss you simply because emotionally the post-breakup life has been difficult for her.
So keep in mind that even if your ex tells you she misses you, she may not actually miss you in ways that you want her to miss you. Something or someone might just cause her to become emotional and nostalgic because she didn’t expect to encounter problems.
In this article, we’ll talk go through 6 signs she misses you during no contact. These are not simple signs like “she’s not dating anyone” or “she’s staying home most of the time.” They’re actual signs you should be aware of and know how to handle so you don’t get your hopes up and strung along.

1)Your ex tells you she misses you
Let’s start with the most obvious sign first. When ex-girlfriends break no contact and say they miss dumpees (soon) after the breakup, they normally do this because they’re having a difficult time abandoning the life they’d created with the dumpee and feel guilty. They don’t want to lose the dumpee completely (just the romantic part), so they indirectly tell the dumpee they’re struggling emotionally and that they want the dumpee to know he or she is important to them.
Dumpers tend not to sympathize and care about others when they themselves are struggling with something. They normally put themselves first and try to rely on others for support. The problem is that sometimes they try to rely on their dumpee. But because they’re sneaky, they don’t directly express what the issue is and what it is they’re missing. They just tell their ex they miss him or her and that the breakup hasn’t been easy for them.
If your ex said she missed you, this, unfortunately, doesn’t indicate that your ex wants you back. She may miss you as a person and parts of the relationship that worked very well, but that may be as far as her missing goes. She probably has no romantic cravings or any desire to reconnect on a deeper level even though she’s aware of the fact that someone else may take her place.
If an ex who tells you she misses you wants you back, bear in mind that she’ll do much more than just tell you a bunch of sweet words. She’ll also show you that she misses you by arranging a meetup and asking you to get back together. She’ll do this the very same day or the next day if it’s already late. She won’t be able to wait because she’ll be too anxious and in too much pain to postpone the meetup/reconciliation.
Long-distance dumpers will jump in a car/plane or call their ex and say they’re sorry. They’ll do whatever it takes to get back with their ex.
So if your ex-girlfriend tells you she misses you but does nothing about it, know that she’s not just being passive or afraid of getting rejected. She most likely just misses other aspects of the relationship—and hasn’t been specific about them. You need to think of her sweet talk as breadcrumbing and get some space from her.
If she doesn’t miss you romantically and isn’t 100% certain she wants you back, she doesn’t want you back and is doing more harm than good. That’s because she’s giving you false hope and making the breakup more difficult to process.
2)She posts photos of you
The 2nd sign she misses you during no contact is when your ex posts photos of you or things that are related to the relationship on social media. She could post the jewelry you got her, the (romantic) places you visited, the things you did together, and anything that reminds her of you.
That would show that she’s reminiscing and feeling sentimental.
Please don’t think that her posting photos of you means the same as keeping pictures of you (not deleting them off social media). Non-resentful exes tend not to delete pictures of their exes right away as they want to make sure they’re deleting them for the right reasons.
But almost all of them eventually remove them. They discern that holding on to them won’t make them feel any better and that it’s time to let go completely.
2 to 3 months after the breakup seems to be the time when many dumpers purge their profiles of unwanted reminders.
So if your ex-girlfriend posts pictures of you or comments that aren’t just filled with anger and vengeance, bear in mind that your ex misses you and is likely trying to communicate with you indirectly. Whether she misses you romantically or in some other way, you mustn’t make it easy on her and message her yourself.
You must let her put in the work and come to you. She’s the dumper, so take a step back and be patient.
3)She’s sending birthday cards and gifts
Dumpers may send birthday greetings, but they tend not to send physical items. Especially not when those items are personalized (written or made just for them) as they would be too personal. They’d show thoughtfulness and that dumpers are happy to spend money, time, and effort on the dumpee.
Of course, your ex could also be clueless as to what she’s doing to you, but if that’s the case, your ex will likely just want friendship. She’ll speak to you as if nothing happened and continue confusing you for weeks or months. That’s how she’ll get your attention without commitment and get the best of both worlds.
If your ex is sending you custom, thoughtful, or boyfriend-girlfriend gifts to your home or work, it’s possible that she misses you as well as the connection she had with you. You should find out very soon because if she has romantic expectations of you, she’ll expect the same from you and get hurt or upset when you don’t reciprocate her actions.
My advice to you is not to say or do anything as long as you’re ex-partners. Exes shouldn’t be sending each other presents unless they agree they want friendship or some other type of relationship. You can send each other gifts when you’re over each other and think that friendship is the right thing to do.
But until then, spoil yourself and avoid giving your ex the attention she doesn’t deserve.
4)You learn she’s unhappy/cries a lot
A crying ex-girlfriend isn’t a very happy ex-girlfriend. She’s experiencing problems, so it’s almost impossible for her not to miss the good old days. That is if the good old days were good. If they were unhealthy or just so-so, she may not crave them. She may despise them and focus solely on the present and future.
So keep in mind that your ex could miss you if she’s ill, anxious, depressed, or in a new relationship that isn’t going well for her. Unhappiness could trigger her longing for the past and make her want to escape the situation she’s currently in.
If she’s unhappy, your ex-girlfriend will either tell you or show you she’s unhappy. If she tells you, she’ll probably say that she’s been crying a lot and/or that her new partner has been hurting her and that she’s miserable. That will automatically make you more desirable than her new boyfriend.
But if she shows you she’s been miserable, then she’ll probably try to communicate with you and keep you engaged for a very long time. She’ll talk about the past and everything she regrets.
You could also learn online or from others that she’s unhappy. That could be one of those signs about her missing you that you aren’t aware of. Unfortunately, that’s how most dumpers miss their dumpees. Dumpers aren’t particularly happy about the situation they’re in (whether it’s because they monkey-branched or because they have a guilty conscience).
As a result, they feel ashamed and suffer in silence. Such dumpers reflect a lot and may or may not come back when they’ve improved their perceptions of their dumpee and got tired of hurting.
So if your ex-girlfriend appears to be in a lot of pain (especially because of someone else), keep in mind that she’s probably comparing the present to the past and wondering if this is the kind of future she wants for herself.
Your job as a dumpee is not to interfere. Even if she’s in a toxic relationship with someone else, you must wait for that relationship to end. Not only must you wait for the relationship to be over, but you must also wait for her to come to you. If they break up, she could come back to you for familiarity and comfort.
5)She’s going through old conversations and photos
One of the best signs your ex misses you during no contact is when you see her going through old conversations and photos. Some apps notify couples (or ex-couples) when someone opens shared files and makes changes to them. It shows that the dumper is a bit nostalgic and wants to see if he or she overlooked anything.
Just how the dumpee can go through old texts to make sure he or she understood the situation perfectly, the dumper can as well. The only difference between the dumpee and the dumper is that the dumper usually doesn’t obsess about it. The dumper checks once or twice and then stops checking.
But if the dumper keeps checking and analyzing things, then she’s probably more than just curious. It could be that she’s missing the dumpee and wants to know how he’s doing after the breakup. If she doesn’t stop checking, she could become anxious and even develop feelings again.
It all depends on how she perceives the dumpee, how good her life is, and how healthy her thoughts are.
I believe you can also see what a person is playing on Netflix and Spotify. If you notice that your ex is watching breakup movies or listening to breakup songs, that doesn’t mean that she’s missing you. It means that she’s been affected by the breakup and that the things she’s doing are helping her relate to her experience.
She would be missing you if she’s playing relationship-specific songs or movies – things that only you and she did together. This brings us to our last point.
6)Your ex is going to places you would visit as a couple
Don’t get me wrong. If your ex is bringing her new partner to places you two went to as a couple, that doesn’t indicate that she’s missing you and being nostalgic. It means she’s lacking creativity and being inconsiderate toward your relationship.
Your ex probably misses you only if she’s going to such places alone and spending a lot of time there thinking, indulging in nostalgia, and writing romantic/regretful things. Things like, “It’s sad how places that once made you feel happy now make you feel sad.”
That would be an ideal example of nostalgia. So pay attention to the kind of things your ex says and does. Don’t stalk her, of course, but do keep in mind that an ex who misses you will feel bittersweet about you. She may even try to bring a reaction out of you.
Whatever she does, don’t bother her with texts and calls. Don’t even like her stories and posts on social media. If she misses you enough, she’ll do everything you want her to do and more. She’ll make sure you understand what’s going on with her and what her intentions are.
Are you still looking for signs that your ex-girlfriend misses you during no contact? Did you receive any other signs from your ex-girlfriend? Comment below and let us know.
And if you’d like to discuss these or other signs with us, click here to visit our personalized coaching options.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Always always the best! One-on-one help with you made me be here where I’m off articles as well, and I’m forever grateful, Zan 🤗
I’m grateful to you too!
Thanks for reading, Linda. Have a great weekend!
Ahh yes a another great read Zan.. my ex reached out constantly i feel it.” Crumbs” got the miss u got the apology sorry s .have had it all. Not once did it mean talk on reconciliation. All it meant is was to be friends not commit keep me around and probably not feel guilty.. this went on for 8 months till i finally just walked away. Never blocked her still havent. Wont either. No need. I suggest do not look at social media of theirs. Waste of time. She always liked mine. Messes with head. So I deleted her off. Im private anyways. Letting her know not putting up with shit anymore. Its been almost three months of zero contact. Think she has got the hint. Either piss or get off the pot. So dont think they reach out ever to reconnect. Mostly guilt nostalgia missing ya. But guarantee s nothing. Walk away give them what they want work on u and let them figure out what they really want. By then im sure we ll all be ya no thanks. Or who knows. But until. Stay away dont stalk media stay far away let them feel the loss and that u wont put up with bs. We all deserve better and someone who isnt making us an option!!!!! Cheers 🇨🇦
Hi DR.
As you said, exes usually reach out of themselves. They feel guilty or nostalgic, so they expect you to entertain them for a while. You need to pick up on their breadcrumbing tactics quickly so you don’t let them confuse you.
You did the right thing, DR. Now you don’t have to analyze her behavior anymore.
Best regards,