If you’re wondering how to get out of friendzone with your ex, I can tell you that it’s going to be one hell of a difficult task.
You’re probably going to get tired of chasing your ex and give up on your ex before you accomplish your task. You’ll get so fed up with constant rejections and seeing your ex happy that you’ll reach the tipping point and give up on trying to make your ex feel something for you again.
Most dumpees do because they heal to the point where they start respecting themselves and seeing their ex for the person he or she is. In other words, they improve their self-esteem and take their rose-tinted glasses off.
I strongly suggest that you don’t try to directly convince your ex to give you another chance. Instead of fighting for your ex’s love, take a few steps back and reassess the situation. You should notice that you want to get out of the friendzone with your ex mainly because you feel rejected and hurt.
You’re trying to feel the way you did back then when you were with your ex and felt secure.
Once you break free of this unhealthy attachment, you’re most likely going to recover emotionally and become much less obsessed and patient with your ex.
You’re going to lose the drive to chase and as a result, forget about your ex. You’ll have realized that running after someone who doesn’t want you is a waste of time and emotions.
There’s nothing more humiliating and self-destructive than putting high hopes on a flaky ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. Especially if your ex is avoiding you like the plague and refusing to acknowledge the positives of the relationship.
If you focus on yourself, you’ll be glad you’ve distanced yourself from your ex and stopped worrying about getting out of the friendzone with your ex.
Today we’re going to talk about leaving the friend zone with your ex. We’ll discuss the things you need to do to get out of it as quickly as possible.

How to leave the friend zone with an ex?
If you still have some fight left in you and you want to know how to get out of friendzone with an ex, let me first tell you some hard-to-hear truth. As long as your ex perceives you as just a friend, you’re going to remain just that; a friend.
You’re not going to crawl out of the friendzone any time soon. Not even if you flirt, show change, quit your addictions, guilt-trip your ex, or become a millionaire.
Your ex isn’t ready for personal changes nor does he or she care. There are too many negative associations preventing your ex from recognizing your worth and wanting to be with you.
More importantly, your ex still sees you as you were before he or she broke up with you – as a person of no romantic value. That’s why there’s no point in pretending that everything’s fine and that you’ve fixed your shortcomings (become someone your ex wanted you to be all along).
If you try to push your changes and convictions onto your ex, he or she will likely just get angry with you and push you away.
Your ex might think to himself or herself, “Why are you telling me this now? You had years to change your demeanor. Now, I’m p**sed that you’re reasoning with me and trying to win me over.”
You see, the thing with exes is that they prefer to see us in whichever way empowers them the most. If we weren’t their ideal partner, they hold on to that imperfect image of us for dear life and use it for self-defense.
Our image serves them as a life vest that enables them to empower themselves with negativity, frustration, hatred, and emotions that give them power and control.
They tend to get empowered when we find them on a bad day or when they feel that we wronged them. When they feel that way, it’s best that we leave them alone or we could bring out the worst in them and get hurt.
Dumpers seem to own an imaginary archive of old pictures of us and use them as a reminder to prevent us from growing in their minds.
They browse through the pictures that make them the most furious and say, “Aha, this is when my ex messed up badly. It makes me so angry that my ex wants me back after he/she behaved this way. I don’t know what’s going on inside my ex and I don’t care. I just want to be left alone.”
Dumpers basically dig up the past just to remember how badly they were treated. If their memories make them feel victimized, they sometimes even lash out in anger and make us regret dating them.
Whether they experience such outbursts depends on how emotionally mature they are.
If the dumper is very immature, you can expect angry, disrespectful, and victimized behavior. And if your ex is mature, you will likely witness friendlier, more ethical, and more respectful behavior.
No matter how self-aware and mature your ex is, you will likely see signs that your ex wants to keep you in the friendzone for convenience and that your ex doesn’t want you back. Your ex just wants friendship with freedom. That means your ex is going to do what’s best for him or her (not what’s best for you).
You need to be aware of that so that your ex doesn’t prolong your healing.
Getting out of the friendzone is difficult
If your ex sees you as a friend, you’re most likely going to stay on friends’ terms for a while. You’re going to remain your ex’s go-to friend when your ex encounters issues and needs your advice, support, or something else.
Maybe you’ll go out for lunch or go to the movies sometimes. I don’t know what you do or used to do when you were together with your ex.
But under no circumstances will your ex express any romantic interest in you. Not as long as your ex views you in a poor light and feels nothing toward you.
You need to understand that your ex currently sees you as a friend (someone your ex can benefit from non-romantically).
Your ex isn’t attracted to you, nor interested in dating you. He or she merely likes you as a friend and maybe even told you so. But your ex definitely doesn’t love you or want to love you. It’s hard to hear that, but you already know that. You feel your ex’s distant behavior and see that he or she has no intention of returning to you as a romantic partner.
There are too many negative thoughts circulating in your ex’s mind right now. Those thoughts prevent your ex from wanting to reconnect with you and seeing you as his or her best dating option. And this is something most dumpees don’t understand.
They think that getting their ex back is as straightforward as professing their love to their ex. But unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
Dumpers usually take weeks or months to build up the courage to leave. So when they finally initiate the separation, they feel extremely elated that their suffocating relationship has ended. They’re finally in a good spot.
This is the reason why they don’t intend to come back. Who would when they’re finally happy and think the breakup was a blessing?
So for as long as your ex is happy, try not to think about getting out of the friendzone. It won’t happen because your ex won’t have a reason to think about getting back with you. Dumpees think about reconciliation when their new life doesn’t go well.
That’s when they realize their ex’s good traits and start wondering about whether they’ve made the right decision to leave their ex.
So don’t try to get out of the friendzone with your ex on your terms. You won’t be able to make any progress as your ex will see that you don’t respect him/her let alone yourself.
With that said, here are the dangers of leaving the friends zone with your ex.

You won’t leave the friendzone just by wanting to leave it
Leaving the friendzone is extremely difficult. You may really want to get out of it, but it’s not a matter of willpower. Sure, willpower is important, but it will also require other things such as accepting the situation that you are currently in.
Whether you get out of the friendzone with your ex depends on the following conditions:
- How your ex perceives you as a person and whether he or she finds you attractive.
- How you portray yourself as a dumpee. Do you exude confidence and high self-esteem or do you appear weak and helpless?
- What you do in your spare time and what you’re like as a person. Are you ambitious, self-reliant, educated, smart, and compatible with your ex?
- What’s going on in your ex’s life. Is your ex dating someone else already or got attracted to him or her? Does your ex have a lot of stressors? Which of them does your ex associate with you?
- Have the issues behind the breakup been resolved?
- Does your ex have the victim mentality and blames you for the destruction of the relationship?
- Are you extremely patient and in control of your emotions? Are you making any breakup mistakes?
- Is your ex a mature, self-aware, individual with a strong, forgiving relationship mentality?
If you got dumped and you’re wondering how to get out of the friendzone with your ex, you need to understand that it won’t be easy. You’ll have to be patient and leave your ex alone so that your ex doesn’t associate more negativity with your persona and hold on to that negativity.
Getting out of the friendzone is hard because it’s almost entirely out of your control. It’s in your ex’s as your actions alone won’t impress your ex. Your ex will be impressed by you if you give your ex what he or she has asked for and let your ex get in some kind of trouble.
When that happens, your ex will pull you out of the friendzone himself/herself. You won’t even have to do anything other than be yourself.
When will my ex be ready to take me back?
Your ex will be ready to give the relationship another chance when your value as a dumpee exceeds your value as a friend.
When you become the best version of yourself and your ex notices everything you bring to the table is when your ex will naturally gravitate toward you.
But this won’t happen the moment you improve yourself and become someone your ex finds attractive.
Breakups aren’t that simple. Your ex will care about your changes only when a big internal change occurs within your ex.
When something or someone encourages or forces your ex to think inwardly.
That’s when your ex will think to himself or herself, “Maybe I shouldn’t have broken up with my ex. Perhaps my ex understood me and was the right person for me.“
The biggest mistake most dumpees make is that they try to get out of the friendzone with their ex forcefully – by talking their way out of it and flirting with their ex. They don’t understand that such behaviors smother their ex and make their ex raise his or her guard.
So if you’re wondering, “How to leave the friend zone with an ex-partner,” wait for something out of your and your ex’s control to occur to your ex. Wait for him or her to get dumped, get fired, or to experience personal difficulties bigger than your ex can handle.
If your ex doesn’t go through emotional difficulties, chances are that your ex won’t find a motive strong enough to miss you and the life he or she had left behind.
Your ex will just keep moving on and continue to date other people until he or she repeats the same behavioral patterns and realizes his/her mistakes.
No one can say when that will happen, but most dumpers need at least a few months to get involved with someone else. After that, they need a few months to get to know another person and usually another few months to get through the stages of a new relationship and realize that their relationship won’t work.
How to leave the friend zone then?
You can leave the friend zone with your ex if you tackle the separation anxiety head-on.
If you show your ex that the breakup doesn’t affect you so much that you beg and plead with your ex, your ex could eventually go through the 5 stages of a break-up for the dumper and fail in some painful way.
He or she could basically get hurt when something bad happens to him or her—and that’s when your ex could suddenly notice your worth.
Just keep in mind that if you’re still talking to your ex, you will have a significantly lower chance of reattracting your ex. We’ve mentioned earlier that your ex needs a strong incentive to come back; something that makes your ex self-reflect.
Calling and texting your ex every day won’t accomplish that. It will do the opposite which is to show that you consider him or her a friend and that you’re fine with it.
So put an end to unnecessary everyday conversations and start following a strict regimen of the indefinite no contact rule.
By doing so, you will show your ex that you’re perfectly capable of surviving the post-breakup blues and that you don’t need your ex or anyone else to love yourself and enjoy your life.
Indefinite no contact won’t just make the whole ordeal of getting your ex back much easier.
It will also help you regain internal peace and give your ex the freedom to rebound or trip over something unexpected.
Here’s how you can leave the friend zone with your ex.

How to stop being friends with benefits?
Although I don’t have statistics on how many dumpees settle for friendship with benefits, I do know that most of them are women. Women tend to think that they can entice their ex back even if the lack of sex throughout the relationship was never an issue.
That’s why they offer their ex the best of both worlds and hope that their ex will have a change of heart.
But this seldomly works. Here’s why.
Guys leave a relationship when they’re unhappy with their partner or when they feel that they can get more from someone else. This is the reason why they oftentimes monkey-branch to another person almost instantaneously and begin dating her.
They couldn’t care less about having a sexual relationship with their ex because sex doesn’t make them invest in their partner. It helps them get away without committing to anything.
So if you’re stuck in a friends-with-benefits situation with your ex, don’t think that you will attract your ex back just by sleeping with your ex.
Your ex-boyfriend (or ex-girlfriend) is much smarter than that and won’t redevelop feelings that easily. He or she will see and feel that you’re craving intimacy and get overwhelmed by your expectations.
You have to remember that your ex left because your ex couldn’t handle the responsibility that came from being in a romantic relationship with you. Your ex wanted a more independent life.
So whatever you do, don’t become your ex’s play toy – someone your ex goes to when he or she wants to feel sexually fulfilled. Instead, stop empowering your ex and put some distance between the two of you.
If your ex misses you and everything you provided to your ex on a daily basis, you will notice that your ex is getting closer to you.
And if your ex doesn’t care much about you as a person and is only after your goodies, your ex will stop making plans with you and find someone else to date.
This someone will probably be a completely new person that is either the same or completely opposite of you.
Nobody knows what the future holds. But we do know that if your ex is with you only for the three-letter word that he or she will stop communicating with you soon.
Don’t be scared that your ex will find someone else and move on without you because unless your ex’s perception of you changes drastically, you’re destined to go separate ways sooner than later.
It’s only a matter of time and opportunity.
So once again, if you want to get out of the friend zone with your ex, tell your ex that you’d like to focus on yourself and don’t contact him or her anymore. You need to look after yourself now rather than waiting for your ex to fall back in love with you.
Are you still wondering how to get out of friendzone with your ex? Has this article provided you with ideas on how to leave the friendzone? Comment below the post.
And if you want to talk with us about getting out of the friendzone with your ex, sign up for coaching here.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi Zan
Thanks for this article and so many others that have helped me so much. I’d love to get your insight in my case, if possible.
Met someone who had to leave to another country for a job opportunity, we had 6mo of LDR with lots of ups and downs – most downs happened when we were about to reach 4 weeks without meeting in person. Then, we’d meet and things would be fine. Last time a “down” happened though, he decided to break up with me. Said he loved me but couldn’t do LDR anymore.
I went no contact immediately, 2 weeks later he messages me on my birthday with a lovely message, he doesn’t only congratulate me, but kept the conversation going… and we went back to chatting daily. I then told him I’ll go to his town for a work appointment in a couple of weeks (and that’s all I said, didn’t propose to meet up) and he immediately says he wants to meet me, offers me to stay at his place and starts making plans for activities. Our conversation that initiated in my birthday never stopped and actually got better and better each day. And now we had plans to meet again, which excited me but I didn’t say a word about getting back together. I was just letting things flow naturally to see where it would go.
Then, out of the blue, he tells me he’s very happy to see me, that he’s looking forward to that (he sends me plans all the time), but he needs to be clear and honest that he doesn’t see me as a friend. But at the same time, that he doesn’t see himself getting back to LDR, he stands for what he said in the breakup, so nothing can happen between us during my trip. I told him we don’t have to meet, it was his suggestion after all, but he insists he wants to see me. And I obviously want to see him too but I’m keeping this to myself.
For me, it looks like he likes me but he’s trying to remain logical. His words don’t match his actions, and I usually trust reading actions more than words. However, I’m confused and not sure if he’s friendzoning me (even though he said he doesn’t see me as a friend?) or if the breakup can be reversed if we meet and find a logical way to beat the LDR difficulties (as in, meeting more often, for example). I’m also terrified of meeting him and being treated as a friend cause, let’s face it, I want him back.
What’s your perspective and what would you advise, please?
Hi Maria.
He’s making sure you don’t get your hopes up and make a move on him. The reason he’s doing that is because he doesn’t have feelings for you. He doesn’t want you back, but on the other hand, he doen’t want to be friends either (even though his actions show otherwise). Sadly, he wants to talk to you for the wrong reasons. He probably missed the non-romantic part of the relationship and felt bad about what he did.
You have to understand that regretful guys don’t act like this. They don’t act like nothing happened and slowly get back together. When they’re serious about their ex, they take a much more direct approach.
Thanks so much for sharing your point of view, Zan! It means a lot! <3
Don’t mention it, Maria.
Have a great weekend!
Hey Zan, ex gf ended the relationship over lack of communication nov. 6th. She reached out 3 weeks later to meet and give me closure. two weeks later she reached out twice 6 days apart and is giving me this friendly texting vibe. So much so that it confuses me and i let her initiate the communication now which has gone dry for the last two days.
Should i ask her what her intentions are for reaching out (the next time she initiates)? if she says “to be friends” then i tell her i’m not looking for friendship and to reach out when she changes her mind?
what do you think?
Hi Francis.
You already know what her intentions are. She wants to stay friends because she’s used to having you around. If you want to double-check, ask her what she expects out of the breakup, and then tell her you’re not ready to be friends.
Kind regards,
Hi Zan, me and my somewhat boyfriend are taking a long 2 week break after a few arguments happened. I had said and done some things I shoudn’t have and now i’m scared he’s gonna find someone else during this time. It could be safe to assume that he is an ex now, and i’m afraid I might never be able to get him back. I was with him for 8 months, but its kind of an overseas text and call relationship. I don’t wanna let go of him as a person and I still love him in that sense but he says I should just work on myself and try to build up a platonic relationship instead if he does go for someone else. (He IS looking.) What if I never get him back? I feel as though I am relying on him too much but its very hard to cope and go about my day without him. Do you have any suggestions or advice for my dillema?
Hi Lila.
If he’s looking for someone else, he’s going to find that person eventually. You need to be ready for it. Also, if he told you to move on and work on yourself, he’s probably given up. Talk to him about it when he reaches out.
Thank you for your advice Zan! Hopefully it works out in the long-run <3
Let me know how it goes, Lila.
Hey Zan, im afraid he has already moved on with someone else…Im gonna guess there no point in waiting for him? I know hes probably doing better and coping better, and im on friend terms with him and were both still open to talking as friends, but is there any way to ignore the pain and find ways to move on or distract myself? It’s still a fresh wound and its contantly reopened for me everytime I see or hear something that reminds me of him. Do you have any good advice for me? Please get back when you can <3
Hi Lila.
Whether he’s moved on or not, there’s no point in waiting for him. It could take him a very long time to come back. That’s why you have to focus on the things that make a difference in your life. Instead of thinking about getting back with him, think about things and people that give meaning to your life. They will help you process the breakup and lessen the number of setbacks you encounter on your healing journey.
Thank you for all your advice Zan. I won’t forget you or your wise and sage advice you have offered me. I appreciate the effort and hope I can use your words to the fullest extent. I wish you luck, as I go through this process, hoping to find peace eventually. I’ll come back one day and tell you how everything turns out in the end when I’ve come to peace. I hope you have a wonderul day.
Hi Lila.
I’m looking forward to your success! Please come back one day and share how things went for you. I know you’ll find your happiness soon no matter what happens to your relationship.
Kind regards,
Hi Zan,
My ex and I just had a very long conversation almost 40mins via phone. The longest since we’ve broken up 4 months ago. He is overseas and we almost never talk. Just texts once or twice a week because we own a business together.
This Convo tonight was pleasant and about the business but I felt he was very comfortable talking with me.
We talked about Business in general and few other subjects but nthn personal. and he is very fond of how I’m handling in his absence but I’m now worried that I’ve ended up in the Friend Zone. I can’t go indefinite no contact. I’m on my second attempt of no contact the first process went well but I caved. What do I do? I appreciate your advice sooo much Zan! Looking forward for this one
Hi Jodi.
You have to stay in no contact as your well-being depends on it. I know it’s hard, but you must do it so you can detach and heal. I think your ex doesn’t feel that pressured anymore, so conversations seem a lot more natural. This is good. Keep conversations strictly about the business and let your ex come to you. He’ll one up to you when/if he wants to.
In the meantime, work on becoming the best version of yourself and do your best to stay in indefinite NC.
Best regards,
this is my ex send it to me :- I would recommend you to forget about me and go out of our dead love story.You should find some other girl. I don’t love you anymore and I really don’t want to come back to you. I feel very happy now, after breaking up with you, I feel like I can breathe by full chest finally. Only now I am feeling myself alive. But with you till the end I was like a dead soul in alive body. Only now I can feel how all my vital energy comes back to me and I can reconstruct my life after our relationships. I feel like I have a wings after I broke up with you. So, there is no any chance that I will come back to you. No even single chance. You should move on.
and after this message I send to her that :-
Sorry just today I saw your message right now i was so busy with work and taking care of parents, I accept how you feel right now and I’m not going to pressure you to give me another chance anymore. I accept the break up. So, let’s just be friends. We can say hi to each other as friends, with no strings attached. We’re mature enough to do that, right? Just because we’re broken up, it doesn’t mean we can’t be mature adults about all of this and end things on a friendly note.Just as friends of course I promise. Our boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is over and I accept that. Thank you.
and after that she replied simply OK. do you think I did a big mistake by saying that just be friends. do I have any chance to be with her?
This is long distance relationship and we did not met each other since December 2019 and in october 2020 she broke up with me. what can i do I am very much stressed?
Hi zan,
Forgive me for having errors. English is not my first language.
I’ve been reading your blog for quite sometime now. My gf for of almost 5 years broke up with me recently. I found out that she was cheating on me for almost a year now. Our relationship was solid but we became very comfortable with each other and our relationship went to flatline. Since there’s this covid 19. I cannot take her out like how we used to be. We couldn’t bond because of restrictions. We used to go out a lot before. We were happy and contented. We actually work together. Not until last year, she was transferred to another area. I put my trust on her until someone told me that one person in her new workplace has a big crush on her. I put alerts and warnings to her telling her to be cautious and i was not comfortable her being friends with that specific person.
We were on a steady relationship. It feels like really we were meant for each other that I didn’t know, behind my back she was already cheating on me with the person i said she needs to avoid. I recently found out about it and went crazy. I know i have some flaws within me and i am willing to change it for the better. But she decided to choose the other one than me. She said she loves her and her feeling for me changed. That she is no longer in live with me.
I’ve read the monkey-branching blog. And i thought maybe this was the one she did. She cheated and lied to me so cleanly that i didn’t feel any suspicions. It was totally clean. And this is the first time she cheated all throughout her life. I don’t know if it is true. She doesn’t like talking about her past.
I was damaged beyond repair. I really love her that i started planning our lives together one day. And then out of the blue, this one occurred. I don’t know what to do. I am in so much pain. I tried doing NC. But since we work together again now, i need to be civil to her. I’m trying to avoid messaging her but some things need to be answered. So i broke it off many times. And all our friends are accustomed us always being together.
I have this dilemma of staying friends with her for her to see the changes in me or should i totally disappear because I wouldn’t settle for being just a friend. She told me that feelings will always be there. I don’t what she meant by that. I really love her that i know i can wait years for her to be single again. The hardest part was, the person she cheated on me became a good friend of mine. I know I’m stupid. Big time. This person is way better than me. I don’t know how to get my ex back from her. I’m planning to be the best version of myself and move on. Then come back years from now to her life. And I’ll pursue her again once she became single. But I don’t know. This new person in her life said that she won’t let go of my ex gf. That she will do anything for them to stay together until the end. But the future is unknown. She lives like YOLO. And i live by my principle of there’s always tomorrow. We are totally opposite. She always enjoy the present and doesn’t worry about the future. Wherein, I enjoy the moment as well but preparing as well for years to come.
Please help me. What should i do? I really need some help.
Thank you so much!
Great article! Lots of useful info. I waited 6 months to connect with ex but to no avail. Should I wait or give up?
So me and my ex has a very long friendship before we got together. We broke up because she need space and time because before me she had a 2,5 year relationship and we got together too fast, we both admit it. She said she dont want anybody and stay alone. But she know that if we get together later the first time it should have worked because I’m the person she can imagine her future with. I told her I don’t want to be her friend but i know she don’t have too many good ppl around so ye sometimes we can do things together. Do you think this is stupid for the long run? Ofc I really want her to be alone and get her shit together and if ready do something together with our life.
Hi, I started contacting my ex again after a big fight last year, we’ve been separated 2 years and went to fuck buddies, to just buddies, to hating each other and finally loosing any contact for a cupple months, he contacted me to say he was sorry and I let him clear that i didnt want to f**k, develop a crush on him nor get offended, we worked some things out and we started to talk every day (mostly he texts first) , but i realized he’s not in a good zone right now and he has a crush on his roomie (not corresponded),
We’ve been developing a friendship slowly and recently I decided to get some stuff clear before going further with the friendship (going out or talking about personal stuff) we talked on a discord call and he was willingly helping me with my doubts, tbh, I never got over him cause he’s a really nice guy and we have so much in common and he told me so(but i didnt tell him how i feel). But he also said to me that he was somehow impressed by how mature I was making my bounderies with us and he admited he feels lonely.
Right now after talking, he told me he’s not expecting anything from me and doesn’t have an especific plan about this, he just want to have fun with me (cause we really get really along)
also, about 2 weeks ago he asked me to f**k but i rejected him and he thank me for not accepting it, cause he was having a breakdown.
I do enjoy his friendship, but somehow I’m expecting more and I know he’s now actively looking for someone to start a relationship, should I get hopes?
sorry my english is bad.
Can they feel regret 9 months later?
Hi Lincoln.
Sometimes they feel regret years later. Just don’t put your life on hold.
Kind regards,
After one year of NC my ex GF contacted me. She had already done that, asking me to talk to her again. This time she said this Covid situation make her miss me even most and asked me to talk to her again, that she wants/needs our friendship. I steel have feelings for her, I won’t deny that, but I think I can control my self not to beg and plead. I also think that denying contact after so much time was giving weak and suffering idea to her. Am I right? I won’t contact her, also because she’s in a relation. But should I allow her to contact me?
I ended my 3 months long friendzone with ex two months ago. I just said to her that I’m not comfortable with being only friends, and if she changes her mind, she can contact me (I know you don’t like that phrase Zan). Recently I noticed she is liking my posts on Facebook. Are those just breadcrumbs?
Hi Igor.
Those are typical breadcrumbs that you shouldn’t look into. They’re meaningless.
Kind regards,
Zan could you write an article about keeping NC during the pandemic?
Hi Sof.
There are a few articles on this subject already written on the blog. They may not be specifically about the pandemic, but they exist.
Here are two.
Breaking no contact is dangerous.
7 dumpees experience breaking no contact.
Feel free to check them out.
Kind regards,