Did you know there’s an easy way to tell if your ex wants you back or just wants to be friends? All you have to do is wait for your ex to take the initiative, talk to you for a minute or two, and see if your ex invites you out or asks to get back together.
Most dumpees are heartbroken and think they must talk to their ex for ages before their ex finally expresses the desire to reunite, but if I can be completely honest, talking to an ex is a waste of time and emotions. It’s completely unnecessary because an ex who wants you back will tell you that very quickly.
He or she will make plans to see you or just directly tell you why he or she is messaging or calling you and say how he or she feels about you. It’s that simple.
So don’t let your ex confuse you and string you along. If your ex wants you back, your ex will appear anxious and worried and will confess feelings with the intention to ease anxiety.
But if your ex just wants to be friends, your ex won’t mention anything at all. He or she will just talk about random things and never mention the breakup and getting back together.
Your job as a dumpee is to give your ex very little time to say what he/she wants from you. A few minutes are probably enough because a person who doesn’t tell you or try to tell you why he or he is reaching out to you has no intention of reconciling with you.
All that person wants is recognition, guilt-relief, or friendship.
Another thing you should pay attention to and not get confused by is attitude. If your ex appears cheerful, talkative, and strangely normal, your ex has no shame about what he or she has done. Your ex doesn’t regret breaking up with you or fear you which means that your ex isn’t talking to you to get back with you.
Your ex has motives that have nothing to do with the reconciliation because if your ex wanted you back, your ex would be apprehensive. So look at your ex’s behavior and attitude. If your ex appears confident, loud, excited, and relieved to talk to you after a long time, it’s unlikely that your ex is interested in being romantic with you.
It’s much more likely that your ex has merely been missing the friendship aspect of the relationship and that your ex just wants to be friends.
In this post, we’ll highlight some differences between an ex wanting you back and an ex wanting to be friends. You’ll see that it’s not very hard to tell if your ex wants to be in a relationship with you.

Does my ex want me back or just wants to be friends?
If you want to know if your ex is just being friendly or wants you back, you have to look at your ex’s behavior from a rational standpoint. It won’t be easy, but you have to shut down your emotions, expectations, fears, and hopes, and discern how much you mean to your ex.
If you mean a lot to your ex, rest assured that your ex won’t clown around, tell jokes, talk about how great his life is, and appear completely unaffected by the breakup. A man or woman who wants you back won’t appear happy and relaxed (the way he or she acted throughout the relationship). He or she will appear sad, perturbed, fearful, depressed, cautious, and even downright miserable.
Many dumpees think it’s the other way around – that their ex will ask for them back with a smile, but that’s not how it is. I’ve seen many dumpers come back and I can tell you that most of them are very quiet and vigilant.
They’re worried that they blew their chances with their ex, so they act the way people who dread bad news do. They appear visually disturbed and laser-focused on nothing and no one but their ex.
This is why all you have to do is look out for signs of discontent, fear, and apprehension in your ex. You should be able to notice them very quickly because if your ex wants you back romantically, your ex will be in a hurry to reconcile with you. He or she will need help coping with anxiety and various unwanted emotions—and won’t be in the mood to talk about random, unimportant subjects.
Not when his/her happiness is at stake.
Here’s a comparison between an ex who wants you back and an ex who wants to be your friend.

Another significant difference is that an ex who just wants to be friends could also want a friends with benefits kind of relationship whereas an ex who wants you back will try to impress you and do what you want to do. You need to look out for a shift in power as it’s one of the best signs your ex loves you and wants you back.
So if you’re thinking to yourself, “Does my ex want me back or just wants to be friends,” keep in mind that if you have to ask this question that your ex likely just wants to be friends. Your ex is used to talking to you and wants to keep talking to you without a romantic commitment.
In other words, your ex wants the cake and eat it too. It’s better not to spoil your ex or there’s a risk that you’ll lose yourself in the process.
Of course, there’s a small chance that friendship can lead back into a relationship, but, unfortunately, this usually doesn’t happen. More often than not, it just disappoints the broken-hearted dumpee and postpones the time it takes him or her to feel better and fully recover.
Why is that?
It’s because dumpers don’t usually decide to be with their ex through friendship – by talking to their ex and hanging out with him or her. They come back when they’re away from their ex because distance makes them see all the benefits they’re losing out on.
So don’t stay hopeful that your ex will come back to you if you remain friends with your ex. You’ll have a much, much higher chance of reattracting your ex (and feeling better too) if you retain your power by cutting your ex off and showing your ex that you’re an all-or-nothing kind of person.
If you settle for less than you deserve (friendship), your ex will see that you’re okay with anything he or she proposes and feel even less urged to hurry up before you move on. So don’t be a pushover. Stand up against anyone and anything that obstructs or threatens your happiness and well-being.
Exes who come back during friendship usually do so because they date other people. You don’t want to be around when your ex looks happy with someone else. You want to receive a text or call only when your ex rebounds or fails with the new person and wants you back.
That’s when you’ll be able to have a proper discussion with the person who got GIGS and undervalued you.
That’s when you can discuss everything that went wrong and everything that needs to change before you jump back into a relationship that ended against your will.
What do I do if my ex just wants to be friends?
When your ex wants to be friends with you after the breakup, the best thing to do is to say that you aren’t quite ready for friendship yet and that you need more time to yourself to think things through.
You mustn’t say that you want more than friendship because that will make it obvious that you’re aiming for a relationship, but do say that you’re trying to focus on yourself and that you’ll let him or her know if you decide you to be friends.
Once you’ve said that, you should immediately go no contact. It’s necessary to stick to your word so that you let your ex see and feel that you’re not going to pretend everything’s okay.
If you want your ex back, your emotional health is far from okay. It’s suffering because your ex destroyed your dreams and hopes and made you desperate for love and attention. He or she rejected you, hence why you must learn to accept yourself.
This is something your ex can’t help you with. Your ex can’t teach you how self-love works because self-love is something you must figure out on your own.
You must embark on the journey to recovery and self-discovery without your ex so that you can develop your own strength and find purpose in things and people you love.
I strongly encourage you to invest in yourself after the breakup. The breakup is a perfect opportunity for you to make a few healthy changes and adjustments so that you can be happier on your own and later with your ex or someone else.
If you agree to friendship and hope that your ex discerns your worth, know that you won’t learn much about yourself and the mistakes you’ve made. On the contrary, you’ll waste your valuable time as you’ll focus on your ex rather than yourself.
So don’t accept your ex’s friendship and start acting like your ex’s buddy. You can be friends later if you want to, but definitely not right after the breakup when it’s time for reflection and personal growth.
It doesn’t matter how you reject your ex’s friendship. Just make sure you don’t offend or hurt your ex because hurting others is not cool and doesn’t make them care about you.
What do I do if my ex wants me back?
If your ex dumped you and wants you back, don’t immediately accept your ex back and tell your ex how happy you are that he or she is back.
Instead of celebrating early, ask your ex what made him or her come back and what he or she expects from the relationship.
Your ex’s reply will tell you:
- how ready and willing your ex is to grow within and invest in the relationship
- what your ex thinks and feels about you
- and how likely it is that you’ll be happy with your ex
I probably mention this every other day, but if you don’t take the reins, your ex will. And if your ex does, it’s quite possible that your ex will dump you again when your ex gets tired, bored, angry, or overwhelmed.
You only have one chance to get this right. That chance is while your ex respects you, fears you, and needs you.
So simply tell your ex that things are going to be different this time around and that you’ll need his or her full cooperation. If your ex agrees to your terms, you have to remain in charge for a while and guide your ex. But if your ex disagrees, you need to walk away.
How you portray yourself is how your ex will treat you. So put your foot down and politely but firmly state that time for games is over and that it’s your way or the highway.
Are you wondering if your ex wants you back or just wants to be friends? Comment below.
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My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
When my ex (the dumper) contacted me, he did bring up the breakup, explained more about what he was feeling at the time and how some of the things I said to him during the breakup really hurt him and left him feeling taken aback, and told me that he still thinks I’m so beautiful. I apologized for hurting him. He said that he forgave me and that he wanted to be friends. He told me he hasn’t dated anyone since we broke up because both of his parents have been having health problems and he’s been spending most of his free time taking them to appointments and trying to find health aides for them. I immediately went into NC after we spoke – if he truly wants to be friends, he should know how to make an effort and act the way real friends do. I think he was just trying to make himself feel better about what he did, be like “see, I don’t hate you!” and justify his actions of breaking up with me.
Hi Camila.
He admitted he wanted to date but didn’t think it was appropriate due to his parents’ issues. That tells you he’s moved on and doesn’t want you back. Since you’re still hurting, you shouldn’t be his friend. Friendship would make you compare yourself to the people he connects with. He probably contacted you just because he was struggling emotionally and wanted to open up to you. Maybe he thought you wanted to know about his parents’ life and his struggles.
Stay in no contact and tell him you don’t want to communicat and be friends when he reaches out again.
Hi Zan,
Absolutely gutted when I learnt a lot about my ex after she dumped me out of the blue.
I (AA) Great relationship with DA (32F) from the past 5 months. Every weekend, every couple days doing something together. Had a small conflict and she just turned 180. She said she needed space, I gave her space. This was 2 weeks ago.
We spoke a couple days later and after speaking to my therapist I ask her about her past relationships and she deactivates. This was a week ago. Sent her apology notes/ texts. She replied coldly.
Just got off an hour long call with her where in she said she was at work but kept on the call eventually telling me we need to break up and I need to come over and take my stuff from her place. she said there might be a future later but not right now, not in the near future. She said the week apart gave her enough time to think and process everything level headed. She said I constantly kept her needs unheard and it was a pattern. She told me again that she said she was at work but I kept her on an hour long call proved it.
We have a dance class together and she said she would like to meet up as friends there to not make it awkward but I’m not so sure I would like that.
I didn’t know about her DA behavior before the fight/ break and now I can see she’s a textbook DA. My question to the other DA’s or anybody who has been in a relationship with one? Do they come back after a break up where they say ” maybe in the future” or is it the final nail in the coffin? Should I have read the signs ?
Hi KP.
A breakup is a breakup. They don’t always come back. DA or not, something must go horribly wrong for them to regret leaving and want their ex back. Your ex is set on breaking up like every dumper. She’ll need space and time to go through the breakup stages and get hurt.
I suggest you cut her off and heal once and for all.
Kind regards,
This article is well written (as all others)! Zan, I enjoy following and supporting your blog; you were with me on my darkest time, so that I will support you on my brightest days.
Sending you a lot of love
Thank you for being here, Linda. It means a lot to me!
đź–•the ex. Karma will find and give them exactly what they deserve. So many better prospects out there, just focus on your health and wealth – the rest will fall in your lap. I feel like a complete and utter moron for having spent 1 second of my life upset over that low-life cheating trash ex of mine. Live and learn.
I enjoy following and supporting your blog Zan – it’s the best of its kind that’s for sure. I’ll happily chime in occasionally.
Thanks, DK.
You had to grieve and get over your ex. Don’t feel bad for being human. We all go through dumpee stages. What matters is that you learn what you want and don’t want from your future relationships. That’s extremely important.
Best regards,
Don’t trust any ex-dumper who reconnects unless they are obviously humbled and recognize the life-changing mistake they made. Anything else is just an attempt to make themselves feel better about themselves and the decisions they made, or an insensitive, self-centered effort at being ‘friends’ – with no consideration of how the reaching out might make you feel. There will be a feeling-out period during the conversation, but if it doesn’t become readily apparent that your ex is acknowledging that they made a very bad decision and want to correct it, move on. They don’t have your best interests at heart, and you’re only going to get hurt again
You’re right, Doug.
Trust needs to be earned, not given.
Best regards,
This is such a good read. Great insight into the behavioural signs.
Thanks Zan!
Thanks for reading, Mag!