There are people on this planet who enter a relationship for the sake of having a partner.
Such people can’t stand the idea of being single. They think that single life is boring and unfulfilling, so they require someone by their side all the time for their own selfish reasons.
But this doesn’t give them the right to toy with their partner’s feelings and treat him or her poorly.
People are emotional beings who need to be treated with love and care. They are so delicate that once they break, they are never the same again.
Some develop trust issues and uncontrollable anxiety, and others never love the same way again.
That’s why people who hurt others without a care in the world are very thoughtless, self-centered people.
They use and abuse others for their own amusement for as long as they can benefit from them.
But the moment someone new comes along, they forget everything their partner has done for them and leave in the most brutal way imaginable.
Some dumpers even become angry, mean, and nasty and appear completely unrecognizable to the people who know them.
They seem to become different people—as they show the world what they’re really like when they can no longer benefit from their partner.
The same thing happened to my ex-boyfriend when he ghosted me and stopped taking my calls.
He disappeared without a trace and hid from me.
Until I eventually did some digging and found out that he’d left me for someone else. That’s when everything started to make sense.
In this article, I’ll tell you a story about how my ex-boyfriend faked our relationship, cheated and ghosted me, and acted as if I didn’t exist.

My ex faked our relationship
We can say that people who date for the sake of dating alone have a reason to do what they do.
They are egomaniacs; attention-seeking, insecure individuals who use others just to feel better about themselves.
They use and use and use, and give very little in return. Oftentimes only as much as they necessarily need to give in order to keep their partner attracted to them.
Such people enter a relationship but can’t really commit to it. They’re commitment phobics with something valuable lacking in their core.
Something like empathy, sympathy, good moral values, and a healthy relationship mentality.
They just don’t care much about the relationship they’re in and the person they hurt. They can’t when they don’t care about whether their actions hurt others.
This is also the reason why they don’t fight to stay in a relationship. They have too many “me thoughts” that prevent them from asking themselves, “What can I do to give love to my partner?”
And because they don’t ask themselves how they can contribute to their partner’s life, they usually leave the moment their relationship becomes too difficult for their weak minds to handle.
In the end, everyone has the right to leave, but it’s not people’s departure that hurts the most. It’s how they carry on with their lives as if we never existed and never did anything for them.
Hours and hours of investing in them suddenly mean nothing to them. And neither does us dying from the separation anxiety.
Even if they backstab, cheat, monkey-branch, and manipulate us, they don’t care if separation anxiety destroys us from within.
They don’t know, nor care how their actions ruin our trust in others and especially, in ourselves.
Who we are and our perception of what we’re capable of takes a huge toll when they show us how little we matter.
We become absolutely worthless to ourselves. And that’s something that our exes should be held responsible for.
But surprise, surprise, there’s no punishment for those who break our heart.
You can go to the police and say that someone punched you. That person will probably get away with a fine and a warning.
But if someone smashes your heart to a million pieces and causes internal long-term bleeding, he or she isn’t held accountable.
Why? Why is a physical wound that hurts for a few days punishable by law and emotional trauma isn’t?
Well, it just so happens that we’re responsible for who we get involved with. We’re the ones who decide who we let into our lives and what strength and authority we give them.
This makes us responsible for our own emotional well-being.
People will tell you, “If you don’t like this person or if you don’t like being with him/her, you can always leave. You can walk away.”
Technically, they’re right. But it’s not always that simple.
A lot of people are too emotionally invested in a relationship and don’t have the rational strength to separate themselves from an abusive, manipulative, narcissistic partner.
They’re too emotionally dependent on him or her for various reasons.
Maybe they view themselves in poor light and don’t have the courage to leave.
Or perhaps their partner is promising them improvements, so they stick around, hoping it will get better.
But does it?
Well, it almost never does. I’d say that in most cases, people who’d lost themselves long ago never change their ways.
They’re too accustomed to their routine. And also, they don’t have the strength, nor a reason to change their deep-rooted behavior.
They don’t think that what they’re doing is wrong, so they carry on hurting others.
Usually, until they experience injustice themselves.
Getting dumped hurts, but it shouldn’t be that difficult
It hurts like hell when you get dumped by someone who isn’t in love with you.
Even if you give him or her everything you have, he or she still won’t appreciate you and reciprocate your feelings.
Not even if you beg and plead and cry your heart out. He or she just isn’t into you, so there’s nothing you can do about it.
Nothing at all.
It doesn’t matter how much you cherish this person because as long as he or she isn’t ready to love and see value in you, you can forget about loving him or her.
Love yourself twice as hard instead; once for your ex and once for you.
You need it.
But what really saddens me is that dumpers treat their ex-partners worse than animals. The way they leave them is dehumanizing—completely void of respect.
If they genuinely wanted the best for the person who deserves all the love in the world, they wouldn’t break his or her heart with a sledgehammer.
They’d do it gently with care and respect—and with a “thank you for staying with me until the end” message.
They would show their partner how much they appreciate him or her for fighting for a lost cause.
But this rarely happens.
Most dumpers seem to follow destructive patterns. They occur in this chronological order:
- Dumpers become unhappy in a relationship.
- They fail to find a way to express themselves.
- As a result, they fall into a cycle of negative thinking.
- They develop a victim mentality and consequently, contempt toward their partner.
- They start feeling smothered and can’t stand the sight of their partner.
- And because they don’t want to make a quick decision, they delay the inevitable until their ex tips them over the edge.
When dumpers break up with their partner, their life doesn’t get better as most dumpees think.
Dumpers instead continue to feel hatred toward their ex-partner and make sure to tell them that whenever their freedom is obstructed.
Usually, they do this in a very frank, “leave me alone” kind of way and sometimes they even ignore.
Only the more mature ones actually ask their ex if they can somehow be of service.
But the majority are too caught up in their bubble of hatred and self-victimization. They’re too angry and impatient with their ex to realize and care that their ex-partner is dying on the inside.
All that matters to them is that they get away from the person who suffocates them. Even if their ex loves them dearly.
Isn’t it strange how selfish people can be? We don’t even want, nor respect that which is abundant and genuine.
We seek shiny, new, and attractive things instead. Things that are superficial or easy to obtain, but typically don’t last very long.
If only we learned to value those who value us. And I mean REALLY value them. There would be very few breakups and noticeably fewer people who are afraid to fall in love again.
But I guess that’s wishful thinking.
My ex left me for another girl
When my ex left, I noticed that he was using me as a tool to win his ex back. He was always chatting with his ex-girlfriend and had something to say about her.
But despite that, I trusted him with my life and soul. I had good faith in him because I didn’t think he would cheat on me.
Even if I saw him talking to the girl secretly behind my back, I didn’t want to make a scene. I just kept quiet.
But one time, when he let me use his phone and I saw the girl’s message notification pop up, I told him that she messaged him again.
That’s when he got angry and incredibly defensive as if I accused him of cheating.
Perhaps I should have done that because his reaction was way out of proportion. But I just wanted to appear mature and show him that I’m okay with it—and that he needn’t worry.
Looking back at it now, I admit that I should have seen the breakup coming. I had all the proof that he was still in love with his ex even though it’s been two years since they broke up.
Two years and he was still pining after her as if she was the most important girl on the planet.
You know what? I can deal with that. She broke his heart and that really messed up with his brain and increased his feelings for her.
I get that.
But what really took me by surprise is that he was always trash-talking her in a really, really nasty way.
He always told me how bad a person she is and how poorly she treated him throughout their relationship.
But me being inexperienced with relationships, I believed him. I thought that him cursing and ranting about his ex meant that they’re done for good.
I was slightly happy about it and was glad that she was out of the picture.
But boy was I wrong.
I was too foolish to think that him talking badly about his dumper ex had nothing to do with him being in love with her.
He’d told me so himself. Multiple times, in fact—and I believed him because I had no reason to doubt him.
So what the heck? What happened? Why would he fake our relationship and leave all of a sudden as if I wasn’t good enough?
This is the self-doubting question I numbed my brain with. I put myself to sleep with such self-destructive thoughts day after day that I felt brain-dead.
I was so heartbroken I even dreamt about my ex coming back to me and apologizing for hurting me.
I thought I’d gone crazy.
This is what bad breakups do to us when we choose to invest in the wrong person. In a person who has ill intentions, can’t give and receive love, or simply isn’t mature enough to be in a relationship.
This is the part we aren’t responsible for as we don’t always know who we’re getting involved with.
But when we finally get to know him or her half a year later, it’s oftentimes already too late. We’re already emotionally attached to our boyfriend or girlfriend.
Anyway, I later found out that my ex had met up with his ex behind my back and that she had recently dumped the guy she was with.
They basically both left their partners for each other and got back together. I felt so betrayed, used, and discarded.
My ex faked our relationship and everything we went through as a couple.
The breakup permanently scarred me
Initially, the news of my ex cheating on me with his ex crushed me. It squeezed the essence out of my soul and made my daily tasks very difficult to accomplish.
It hindered my productiveness and affected my social life.
But other than my job, friendships, and family, the worst of all is the long-term damage my breakup has caused.
Due to a heartbreaking betrayal, I noticed I’ve become a lot less trusting of people I talk to.
I’m always on edge, thinking about the worst possibilities. I keep asking myself, “Will my partner cheat on me, is he talking to someone behind my back, who’s that girl liking his photos on Instagram?”
I’m not afraid to admit that insecurities have corrupted my pure mind as I no longer trust with my heart, but with my brain.
I don’t tolerate people lying and hiding things from me either.
I always make sure I keep my guard up and get to know the person I talk to before I even consider letting him into my life.
But trust issues aside, another relationship-damaging habit I picked up is that I now absolutely despise promises.
I’ve heard so many things from my ex who promised me the world and left me that I started to detest people telling me how everything’s going to have a happy ever after ending.
Whenever I hear a promise today, I immediately remember how I was let down.
The feeling of extreme disappointment rushes through my body the moment I hear someone say, “I promise…”
It sends chills down my spine, so I usually just respond the safe way, “Let’s just take it slowly. We’ll see how it goes.”
I’m aware of the fact that my past is holding me back from enjoying my life today, yet, this powerful experience from the past is warning me to be careful.
The voice in my head is saying, “Don’t be a fool again. You’d tried your best in the past and it wasn’t good enough. It won’t work this time either. It’s best to play safe and protect your heart.”
The breakup brought me back to the real world
It took me a long time, but I eventually processed the breakup and got over my ex.
I have slowly developed self-respect, care, and love for myself that I never even knew was possible when I was with my ex.
But it took me months and months of detoxication from the breakup before I was brought back to the real world – the world that I feel peaceful in.
Now I’m finally at peace with myself. I don’t want my ex back anymore. The girl he’s with can keep him to herself.
I’m not jealous one bit. There’s nothing to be jealous of because I realized that cheating on someone is one of the worst sins on the planet.
I’ll let karma take care of my ex. This includes his lies and deceit, anger issues, trash-talking, monkey-branching, and things I can’t publicly express.
He reaps what he sows.
Besides, if I’m completely honest, I feel like Karma already got my ex—and I feel bad for him. He accidentally impregnated the girl and got forced to marry her. He doesn’t seem too happy about that.
As for me, I’m happier than ever. My ex may have faked our relationship and pretended that we belong together, but I see things clearly now.
Since I spent some time apart from him and no longer feel attached to him, I know that he isn’t my ideal partner. He didn’t make me happy half the time and can’t do it today even if he tries his hardest.
My opinion of him has changed too much during the many months of self-reflection. I no longer see him as the one and only.
I see him for who he is and how he faked his relationship with me.
I’m also perfectly fine with him thinking that I’m a horrible person who doesn’t live up to his standards.
He can think and say what he wants.
His thoughts and actions don’t define me. They don’t give me value or take any away from me.
Not anymore.
I’m the one who decides how valuable I am—and I intend to keep it that way.
Here’s how you can tell if someone is faking his or her relationship with you.

My post-breakup regrets
The only thing I regret after the breakup is not realizing my worth sooner. I wish I didn’t spend all those months grieving over my ex, asking myself why he faked our relationship and why I wasn’t good enough for him.
I was so hurt that all I thought about was my ex-partner and the reason why he doesn’t love me.
So if I could redo the breakup, the only thing I’d change are the days I’d spent killing myself with worry. I’d force myself to think only about me and those who care about me.
With the strength I’d acquired thanks to my breakup, I would question myself a lot less and focus on the parts of me that needed improving.
Becoming the best version of myself would have been my main priority.
I’d read more relationship books and spend more time with my family.
As for my ex thoughts, I’d force them out of my system and get distracted with my friends and family.
They are the ones who truly matter to me.
Signs that your partner doesn’t love you
If you’re looking for a list of reasons why someone would date you but not be in love with you, here it is.
Someone who doesn’t love you would date you to:
- be your companion and ease his/her depression
- receive financial, emotional, physical support
- absorb his or her stress
- fill his/her void
- share rent money
- get pleasure and relationship benefits from you
- have someone who cares about him or her (ego, self-esteem reasons)
- satisfy sexual needs
- kill boredom
- be entertained
If your ex loves you but isn’t in love with you, your partner will stick with you for a variety of reasons.
So make sure that you always pay attention to the way he or she expresses love to you.
If your partner doesn’t give you much attention, neglects you, lies to you, makes excuses not to see you, or seems to be using you, get out of the relationship while you still can.
He or she will continue to use you and make you even more attention-hungry if you don’t.
Take it as a warning from me.
I know that leaving a person who you’re attached to is difficult, but you need to keep in mind that love is two-sided.
A relationship can’t ever work if only one person is investing in it. And as I mentioned earlier, people just don’t change unless they have a strong incentive to change.
This means that if talking to your partner about your needs doesn’t motivate him or her to invest in you, you’re better off calling it quits.
Things are very unlikely to change for the better on their own.
Most people can’t fake a relationship
It’s very hard for a person to fake a relationship.
He or she might not love his or her partner but might stick around nonetheless.
We often witness such behavior in dead marriages. People stay committed, or rather, married despite having no feelings for each other.
They work together for the sake of children, mortgage, finances, or anything that binds them together.
But on a fundamental level, their relationship is inexistent; long gone.
That’s why couples who don’t love each other rarely remain together forever. I’d say that the moment they meet another person, their marriage or relationship is over and forgotten.
They just don’t have the glue (love) to hold them together.
If you got broken up with and you’re wondering, “Did my ex fake our relationship,” ask yourself the following questions:
- Was I my ex’s priority?
- Did my ex continue to invest in the relationship from the beginning to the end?
- Did my happiness matter to my ex?
If the answer to these questions is a big YES, then your ex didn’t fake the relationship with you.
He or she probably gave up due to a poor relationship mentality and other reasons dumpers usually leave.
Don’t concern yourself with why your ex left!
If you’re racking your brain, wondering why your long-term relationship came to an end, don’t go through what I did.
It’s not worth it.
There are probably answers that you don’t have. And if I’m completely honest, you don’t want them either.
You don’t need closure if you haven’t got it.
The last thing you need is your ex blaming you for his or her cheating or whatnot.
Unless you abused your ex, you need to know that your ex left on his or her own accord. It has nothing to do with you and what you bring to the table.
It’s got everything to do with your ex.
Especially if your ex is experiencing the grass is greener syndrome and left you for someone else.
In that case, rejoice that your ex is out of your life for good. Your life’s going to get much, much better soon.
No matter what happened to you, keep telling yourself that it’s all in the past. For some reason, your ex lost attraction to you and sough emotional and sexual satisfaction elsewhere.
It’s not the end of the world though!
It’s the beginning of a new chapter in your life!
You may not be with the person you want right away, but that’s okay!
Your ex has given you an opportunity to wait for someone who will give you what your ex couldn’t – love.
So be patient and wait.
When you get over the breakup, you’ll realize how silly it was that you cried over someone who doesn’t respect you.
But you have to start/continue to heal. Go/stay in indefinite no contact and cut your ex off completely.
No texting, calling and stalking online.
It’s time you stand up for yourself and put behind everything that’s holding you back.
Starting with your ex and the mistakes you’d made in the relationship with your ex.
My breakup advice
Whatever you do, don’t wallow in despair. It’s the most self-damaging activity you can possibly engage in.
Try to accept the outcome of your relationship instead and forgive yourself if you ever hurt your ex.
Use the pain to your advantage and grow from this ordeal as much as you can.
I promise that if you take this self-improvement phase seriously that you’ll be thankful that the breakup occurred.
You’ll be grateful for learning valuable life lessons that you wouldn’t have learned if you didn’t go through a life-changing experience.
So stay open-minded and keep investing in yourself.
You’ll become self-aware, more mature, and resilient to pain and anxiety. And if you decide to take your self-improvement plan even a step further, you might also learn a thing or two about relationships and change the way you behave in them.
So focus on the things that bring meaning to your existence and be grateful for them.
One day, when you least expect it—you’ll meet a person who will make you a million times happier than your ex.
That’s when you’ll wonder why you dated your ex in the first place.
Thank you for reading until the end. Did your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend fake your relationship? How did the breakup affect you? Share your thoughts below this article. ✌

I’m Angelie, a writer and a designer at Magnet of Success. Whether I’m writing compelling content or designing engaging pictures, I create content that resonates with our visitors and aids them on their self-improvement journey. I enjoy writing about relationship dynamics and the difficulties couples may face.
Hey there! My story is almost the same as you! It really affected me and my life. I am glad that I had already move on from it
Me too my ex left me for his ex seriously!! I have been in this relationship for almost 9 months and I truly loved him.. I really tried my level best to love him and since he was my first love.
I didn’t know anything about love, I didn’t know how to kiss, how to hug and how to touch him the way he wanted.
Yes.. I entered that relationship not knowing he had an ex on the same school we were going to, seriously if I knew he had an ex, I wouldn’t have said yes to him. But I didn’t know cause I was blind folded by him, later I knew about his ex but it was too to hard to leave him cause I had started loving with him.
But we didn’t sleep together cause every time he could talk about sex, I could tell him that it’s still early. So in February a friend of mine told me that my bf is cheating on me with his ex but I couldn’t believe it cause I trusted him with all my heart and when I asked him about it, he denied dat it’s not true.
But later in mid March.. I came to know about it and that this guy was lying to me. It was all true, my bf didn’t get over his ex and he used me to get back his ex. I fekt hurt that I was cheated on, lied to en played.. I really feel bad.
This guy was my first love and I thought he would my last but I really feel bad, So when we talked about it with him, he told me ” yes it’s true I couldn’t get over her and I can’t be with you when my heart is with her” that hurt me Soo much and he wanted us to remain friends coz he knew dat things might mess up with his ex en he would automatically come back to me. I got pissed I told him that I had broken up with him of course to keep my diginity and am under no contact rule and today is my 19th day after that break up, no dumping
Hi, my break up story is quite similar with yours. He broke up with me around 11 months ago. We ve been together for 9 months before that. I only saw his true color not long before he decided that we should go our own way. Initially i agreed considering the logical reasons behind it. We were still talking a month later but after that he seemed cold and ignored my text. I did mot retext him two texts unanswered. Soon i found out he was dating a new girl not long after our break up. I guess the girl has been in the picture earlier which means prior to the official breakup. I was heartbroken, i felt betrayed and my self esteem went to zero. I kept asking myself why am i not goof enough. I sought therapy and managed to get better months after. I have deleted his no too. One day, he texted me, saying to stop disturbing him. I was confused like since when i did that after months of no contact. Then i ignored him and realised he just want to provoke me. I blocked his no. Ive never been feeling so light and happier since he was gone. I can see the clearer picture now.
I’m sorry to hear what you went through. I agree with you, cheating is just not acceptable – whether emotional or physical.
If I am being honest, I think it can make it a little easier on getting over it when someone cheats.
When I was dumped, five years ago, by a girl who had been cheating, I was initially distraught. I felt betrayed, yes, but I also saw them in a more negative light very quickly after the break up.
My recent ex of three years dumped me last September but there is just no evidence it was for someone else. I am in my late thirties. She is in her mid thirties. It came a couple of months after she quit her job to start a new career and after I’d taken her on a holiday to Vietnam and Cambodia. We started talking about moving in together, at her instigation, and then suddenly it was “I need space” and then the dumping.
In my view it is these situations which cause the most long term post break up pain. There is just so much unexplained about why she left.
It would be so much easier if I could just explain it as “She started sleeping with someone else” or even “She fell in love with someone else” but there just is nothing to suggest that this is the case.
If she had cheated, I think the feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem would be short lived for me – as they were five years ago. Cheaters most often regret cheating, and those cheated on end up feeling semi-heroic.
As it is, these feelings are still here, 8 months later. Which is why, I am afraid, amongst your otherwise very good article, the Pollyanna-ish “Your life is about to get much, much better very soon” feels like one of those promises that you dislike so much. Empty.
First, I’m sorry you had to go through such relationship. I wish none goes through it again. But on the brighter side, you’re a wiser person now
Second, beautifully written and great quites and advices!
This spoke volumes:
“ In the end, everyone has the right to leave, but it’s not people’s departure that hurts the most. It’s how they carry on with their lives as if we never existed and never did anything for them. “
Wow beautiful post! And I don’t know relationships for me are very difficult topic (ex cheated and left).
Maybe because of that haha
But thank you for sharing your personal story. Need to be a very strong person to write this article ❤️
Thank you for your kindness, Linda.
I feel like I finally got everything off my chest.
I’m sorry to hear that your ex cheated too.
Be strong,
Hello I have a similar story. I had my friends ex husband make a play for me. I knew both of them since high school. Over 40 years but we were not in contact with each other for over 20 years of that. Any way he asked me to dinner and I went and things escalated from there. We felt like we already knew each other so things felt right. We dated about 3 months and then he moved in with me. We were living together for another 5 months and he was perfect. Love bombed me and I was pinching myself in disbelief how much we were in love. Then he started texting with his ex wife. He told me it was due to the grand kids. He started growing distant and wasn’t acting anything like he was. The next thing I knew, I woke up the next morning and he was packing his things and moving back in with his ex wife with no explanation. Just gone. It was during the holidays in November and December. I was in shambles and After a few weeks was able to start picking myself up and moving on with my life. He had started texting me with pictures of us and different sayings one week after he moved out. I ignored him and didn’t reply. January came and he called me and made small talk and ask if I would meet him for lunch so we could talk. I was still hurting so I agreed to meet with him thinking maybe I can at least find out what went wrong. Big mistake. He of course blamed me and said I had kicked him out and he couldn’t stay with me after I said that. I knew that was total Bullshit and that the real reason was he cheated on me with his ex wife. Well after his charming and apology with I love you and miss you. I started seeing him again with the agreement from him that he wouldn’t have anything else to do with her. Big mistake. We date until May. I got laid off my job and he decided to move back in with me so he could help me out. During this time he is love bombing me again and making future plans with me, telling me not to worry that he was going to take care of me and we would be together till we die. Then September rolls around and all the sudden he is back to texting his ex wife again and who knows maybe the whole time. Then a storm was suppose to be coming towards us and the day before the storm he tells me he has to go help with his grandson during the storm due to he is disabled. I didn’t like it but I told him to go ahead because that is where his mind was any way. I left to run some errands and when I got back he had already left without saying a word. I looked in the closet and his guns and some other things were gone. I text him with what the he’ll and he tells me he wanted his guns with him in case something happened to my house. Never mind that I’d be in my house. He said he would be coming back Anyway I knew he was not coming back. A couple of days later he came to get the rest of his things and told me he was torn between me and his kids and that he cared about me. He took his things and left. He moved back in with his ex wife and left me knowing I was jobless and didn’t care that I was upset. He was cold as ice and I haven’t heard anything out of him since. He faked our whole relationship. I’m still trying to get to where I can eat and sleep because it has knocked the life out of me. He had told me he loved me the day before he moved out. I think back and there were lots of red flags but I ignored them. I hope this shed some light for someone else and they don’t have to experience the devastation that I am going threw. I don’t know if I will ever trust again. Believe me age does not make a mature man.
Will the ex who faked the relationship realize they are faking…? When broke up, my ex said she hasn’t fully fallen in love with me, but she sincerely wanna be with me at the beginning…
Hi Sally.
Perhaps your ex has already noticed that she was faking her relationship with you—hence why she broke up with you. I suggest that you don’t look for approval from her and do your best to move on.
Happened to me, faked our entire relationship. We planned a family, got pregnant and left me for another person. To the point of telling his friends and family that our planned child might not be his. Its really sad how some people just don’t have the courage to be upfront from the beginning. I was completely blunt as to what a relationship meant for me from day one. He played me, I learned and let go. Now, my focus is my unborn child, who he wants no part off. If your in a relationship where your intuition is screaming at you that something is not right, please listen to it. Doesn’t matter how much you love your partner. It is better to be alone and happy, instead of being alone in a relationship.
Wow this is almost exactly my story, except that I don’t think that his ex would take him back, but well we never know.
Hi Happy now.
Thank you for your genuine advice. I hope that others learn from your experience.
Kind regards,
Hi Happy Now — very sorry for your bad experience. While my situation didn’t involve a child, I experienced something similar with my ex GF. We dated for over 5 years and were planning to get married. Then she made a decision to take a job in a different state, and everything changed dramatically. I was supposed to move there also, once I found a job. But she started cheating on me and eventually blew up our relationship to take up with the new guy. She was terribly dishonest, deceitful and callous about the whole situation, and at a certain point I realized she’d just been using me to help her get set up in the new place. Once that was done, it was ‘don’t let the door hit in you in the ass.’ There were signs that something was amiss in the couple of years that led up to the break which, as you mentioned, I should’ve paid more attention to. It would’ve saved me a ton of grief and aggravation. But lessons learned. Best of luck to you with your child and moving forward.
i can relate to you, its been hard when its your heart that has been played on. You develop trust issues with almost everyone if they are really genuine to what they say and show. Im looking forward for the day i can say that those are all in the past now, it is safe to trust and love someone now..
I never really had relationships. Now, I can tell the next time there is. Well said!