If a guy left you with no explanation, there is actually a good explanation for his behavior. That explanation is that he didn’t want to tell you the truth. He was afraid of your response/emotional reaction, so he just left without causing a scene and making things worse.
If he was brave enough and a responsible individual, he would have told you why he’s breaking up with you. He would also have offered to answer any other questions you had for him.
But because he lacked courage, empathy, and sympathy, he ran away, leaving you confused and possibly even more hopeful for a reconciliation.
Now that you’re hurt and confused as to why the breakup occurred, you probably desire some sort of explanation. You crave closure, but the guy isn’t willing to provide it. He’s not mature enough to express himself clearly and confidently, so he just stays silent and hopes that you stop asking questions.
Answering your questions would make him feel angry, guilty, smothered, or uncomfortable.
So if a guy isn’t telling you why he left, I strongly encourage you to get closure on your own. Find the real reasons why he left you by looking at his recent behavior. You’ll probably realize that he fell out of love not because of who you are as a person but because he stopped investing in the relationship.
It’s possible that he fell in love with someone else. But if that’s true, you don’t need to know about it. All you need to know is that he chose the cowardly way out and that he has many personal issues to address.
In this post, we’ll discuss why he left you with no explanation.

How does leaving you without an explanation affect you?
When a guy leaves without stating his reasons for leaving, he causes you a lot of harm. Not only does he make you wonder why he broke up with you, but he also obsesses you with him, prevents you from improving the shortcomings he’s dumping you for, and forces you to stay hopeful about the reconciliation.
He hurts you so much that he makes you blame yourself and slows down your healing process. If you’re not careful, you could also develop trust issues because of this person and think that he’ll come back once he’s fixed himself.
Before you get your hopes up, bear in mind that a guy who dumps you without explanation has no idea how he makes you feel. He’s got no clue because he lacks self-awareness and emotional intelligence. He simply follows his instincts and does what feels right.
And if for some reason he sees that he’s hurting you, he probably doesn’t care too much about that because in his mind, his need for space is more important than your need for closure. He probably thinks that he feels worse than you and that he must look after himself before he should help you and others.
So if a guy you dated left you with no explanation and you still love him, the first thing you need to understand is that the guy wasn’t fair to you. He wasn’t fair because his need for space isn’t as painful and important as your need for intimacy and closure.
The pain you feel is on a whole different level than his pain. And that’s because you feel heartbroken and lack control whereas your ex has too much power and feels in complete control. For him to be willing to talk to you, he needs to lose a bit of that power first, stop feeling smothered, and realize that you aren’t a threat to his post-breakup happiness.
When he realizes that, he might process his worst post-breakup emotions and discern that he’s free. Free to express himself without feeling judged or hurting you. He might not be ready to tell you why he dumped you yet because people hate talking about their pasts or anything that reminds them of the relationships/breakups.
But your ex might at least become ready to converse about unimportant matters. Matters that have nothing to do with the relationship.
For him to talk about the breakup/relationship, a lot of time has to go by. I can’t say how much time exactly since every guy processes breakup emotions differently, but if you’re not sure how much time your ex needs, you can always play it safe by letting him start the breakup topic himself.
That’s when you can ask him why exactly he broke up with you and give him the time to tell you his reasons. Don’t accuse him of anything. Just listen to his explanations and use his answers to get closure (if you haven’t gotten it already). Remember that a guy who wants to tell you why he left you will do so on his own.
He won’t need prompting, make excuses, avoid telling you the truth, or give you the silent treatment.
So give your ex-boyfriend as much space as he needs to deal with the breakup and make sure to look for the reasons for the breakup on your own. With a little bit of self-reflection, you can figure it out without your ex. You don’t need your ex to tell you his side of the story. You already know how he behaved towards the end of the relationship, so use that to fill in the blanks.
Don’t get me wrong. Your ex could make the job easier for you as he could assure you that he gave up because he wasn’t ready for a commitment or something like that. But if he’s not telling you the truth and/or is avoiding you like the plague, I don’t see a single reason how he could be of any use to you. I only see how he could make things worse.
So if you’re still wondering, “Why did he leave me with no explanation,” look at the picture below. It should help you find the answers you’re looking for.

Why should a guy tell you why he left you?
When a guy doesn’t tell you why he’s leaving, he makes you oblivious to the truth and leaves you with nothing positive to improve about yourself. This is why you take your focus off yourself and put it on your ex-boyfriend instead.
Just like guys who say, “It’s just a break” make their ex-girlfriends wait and cause them to improve nothing about themselves after the breakup, guys who say nothing during the breakup do too. They make their ex-girlfriends sit tight and force them to wait while they enjoy their post-breakup experience.
I’m not saying guys should hurt their ex-girlfriends on purpose, but they should at least tell them the truth because the truth helps them engage in introspection and allows them to improve themselves. It makes them into the best versions of themselves and prevents them from wasting their precious post-breakup time.
No one wants to make zero personal changes and just wait after the breakup. Especially not if the problem is with them because in that case, they want to fix that problem (as well as other problems) and keep moving on.
Guys who don’t tell their exes why they left, therefore, don’t give women a good reason to improve themselves. On the contrary, they waste their time and inspire very few positive changes if any at all. I’ve been left without an explanation before, so I know that I only started to improve myself much later – after I learned that my ex went back to his ex.
And not a minute before because I still had hope that he’d return.
Anyway, if your ex left without any explanations, I want you to realize that he wasn’t very concerned about you. That’s probably an understatement because your ex was mostly interested in protecting himself from seeing you hurt, angry, sad, or vindictive. He didn’t want to see you react to the truth because he didn’t have a plan on how to respond to it.
That’s why he chose to keep you in the dark.
It takes strength to tell someone why you don’t love her, I know. But you chose to be with this person and thought that the very least your ex would do is show you some respect and break up with you properly, like a man. Instead, he left like you never did anything right in the relationship.
All your ex needed to do is be extra careful about his approach and show you some care and support. That would have made accepting the breakup and moving on much easier for you.
What to do if he leaves you without an explanation?
When you get dumped without an explanation, there’s only one thing you must do. You must get back on your feet and start moving on. Since your ex doesn’t respect you enough to tell you why he left you, you have to respect yourself and fall back in love with yourself. Doing so will help you get over the breakup and encourage you to find happiness and passion again.
So whatever you do, don’t force your ex to tell you why he left you. Forcing him will probably make him angry and bring a bad reaction out of him. And when he reacts badly, he will likely hurt you, trigger your anxiety, and make the breakup even harder for you.
My advice is to let him go. It won’t be easy to start planning a life without him because you still want him to explain why he left and feel better, but rest assured that you’ll heal much faster if you leave your ex alone. Your wounds will heal quicker than if you demand that he tells you why he dumped you all of a sudden.
He knows why he did it. But he doesn’t want to be kind enough to tell you. He just wants to focus on the present and leave the past behind.
It’d be wise of you to leave your ex behind too. As long as he’s refusing to make the breakup easier for you, he does more harm than good. He gets in the way of your recovery and triggers your setbacks.
So try not to beat yourself up because of the breakup. You don’t deserve to suffer. You need to get busy and focus on boosting your self-esteem, improving your relationship knowledge, setting new goals, and focusing on your healing.
My ex left me without an explanation too
When my ex ghosted me, he denied me closure too. He left me without a warning, apology, explanation, or anything I expected from him. He just left as if we were never a couple.
Initially, I kept blaming myself for the breakup and compared myself to the person he left me for because I wanted to know what she had that I didn’t. I wanted to know what I did to deserve to get dumped in such a horrible way.
But after some reflection, I realized that I didn’t need my ex to understand what had happened. I had everything I needed to understand that he cheated on me with his ex and that he didn’t leave me because I wasn’t good enough.
He left because he wasn’t good enough for me. He still had feelings for his ex.
For a while, I had a hard time trusting people. I couldn’t let my guard down around men because I was afraid of being cheated on and discarded like before. A bad experience with my ex taught me not to let anyone get close to me.
It was only until some time later that I realized that I can’t keep my guard up just because of my ex. I needed to open up to people and let them in.
So that’s what I did. It took time, but I slowly got comfortable around others.
If there’s anything I learned from my breakup, it’s that my ex didn’t give me the explanation I deserved to get. His lack of care affected me so much that it destroyed my self-esteem and made it hard for me to trust others. But thanks to my friends and family, I was able to see that I didn’t need closure from my ex to move on.
All I needed was to detach a little and see my ex for who he really is. That was enough for me to paint a black picture of my ex and move on.
But what do you do if you can’t figure out why your ex left?
In that case, you should acknowledge that your ex’s relationship mentality wasn’t adequate and/or that he wasn’t emotionally ready for the relationship. Your ex detached because he wasn’t capable or willing to stay with you.
He lacked the skills to maintain his relationship.
Everything will make perfect sense when you detach a bit more. So for now, carry on despite the pain and you’ll soon see that your ex gave up because he lost the will to fight.
Why do you think your ex left you with no explanation? Do you think it’s because he didn’t want to hurt you and make the breakup worse? Post your thoughts in the comments section below.
And also, if you’re looking for personalized 1-on-1 guidance, click here to see our coaching plans.

I’m Angelie, a writer and a designer at Magnet of Success. Whether I’m writing compelling content or designing engaging pictures, I create content that resonates with our visitors and aids them on their self-improvement journey. I enjoy writing about relationship dynamics and the difficulties couples may face.
About a month ago, I was dumped by my long term partner. We had dated for over three years and I moved in with him for over a year and a half. It was his house and I moved across the country to give it a try. I was nervous about this because he knew I didn’t date just anyone, but he was encouraging and until very very recently he and I were planning for the future. He has an extremely unhealthy work life balance and whenever the stress is increased at work, he becomes someone I don’t recognise, often using smoking and drinking as a crutch to fall back on. This then has a knock on affect when it comes to his quality of sleep. All of this then affected me and brought me down, as he had become this almost Jekyll and Hyde type person. I could see that he was not happy and was showing signs of depression. This had a huge affect on me. I began to give up myself as I wasnt getting anything productive from him, in terms of action. He would always say he wanted to adapt some of the things he does to live his life and I felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall. This is when I put up some of my own boundaries to protect myself, which he picked up on too. I had been through this a few times before with him always playing the victim. I experimented with pandering to him, then ignoring, then listening and suggesting, I literally tried everything but he would constantly be negative. It was exhausting. The first time I moved in, I could see ‘burn out’ happening way before he could, it was like watching a slow train crash. He would be so stressed with work, it would make him physically ill. It was torture to see so much self sabotage. So this time I didn’t want to put up with this again. I am a usually a happy go lucky type person, happy to get involved in most things and never try to turn an opportunity down, I would just go with the flow. When I started saying no and standing up for myself, getting my independence back (I never fully lost it, but I wanted more control, equal control in a normal relationship) I could see him not being happy with this, like he felt like he had lost control of me. It then got to a crunch point where he was behaving like a brat and I just lost it, saying I feel like I am your flat mate, I get no appreciation for anything I do and it always felt like he put his family and others before me, I just needed some extra support as I felt vulnerable. His response to this was to look back at his phone and roll his eyes. I said, no, we’re sorting this out now. I continued saying the fact your say you’re always tired and ill all of the time is draining and worrying, you can’t keep burning out like this – his response was ‘thats life, you burn out then you get back on it and start all over again’. I said that’s not how one should live? How do you think it makes me feel when I see you continuously self sabotaging and making yourself ill. His response was, ‘well that’s not my problem’. He then started bringing up money – saying my rent was really good for what it should be, I’m not some cash cow you can rely on in the future to fund your life and if I had a million pounds I wouldn’t give you any… I was utterly shocked and devastated by this. I had never asked him for any money, paid him when I needed to etc etc. He then went on about the patriarchy, saying that I would always need to work and I replied to him that he knew I wasnt like that, he knew I wanted to work (I have a full time job and have some creative hobbies on the side which helps), I just want to be with someone I can have fun with that doesn’t necessarily need a label. Obviously like all girls, I would love to eventually have a family and get married, but had never ever pressurised him into doing this. It was like he had put the pressure on himself, or had felt pressurised by people and family friends surrounding us, but not by me. A couple of weeks before all this happened, he was being incredible, being a proper man, stepping up to the plate etc, people had noticed and it was like he freaked himself out. We have exactly the same views, wants and goals in life and as soon as I started to protect myself, he did not like it at all. I have heard this theory that I had been a ‘journey man’ (a boxing term, where I was always the support, the cheer leader, someone who would continuously loose fights to make the fighter look better. Only I had slightly adapted my behaviour and was becoming a fighter and the fighter didn’t like it). I am not a nasty person at all in the slightest, in fact, not meaning to sound big headed at all, but I am someone worth fighting for and not someone to be so carelessly lost. After this interaction with him, he stonewalled me for a day, not speaking to me. I apologised in the evening saying yes I probably should have handled that a little better, but I was glad I said the things I did, someone needed to address them. His reply was ‘you said what needed to be said’. A couple of days later, he then came back home and burst into tears when he came through the door saying he can’t do this anymore, it hasn’t been working for a while, I can’t do us. I obviously asked the questions of why? how long have you felt this (knowing full well, it was when I started to protect myself, like 2 weeks prior) and he just kept saying I don’t know why. I asked him 3 times if he’d fallen out of love with, I need you to say that so that I can have some closure and he said I don’t know and then kept saying he didn’t want this to be the last time he saw me and wants to see me again as he loves hanging out with me… I said you have fallen out of love with me and he replied ‘thats not what I mean’ and I said well what do you mean then and he said I don’t know. I know why this has happened because he is trying to be someone he’s not, proving to certain people that he can be successful in work, but what he really wants to do is be outside, doing the things he loves, instead of being bogged down amending problem after problem within an office environment. I know he’s not happy in his job, I can see it because I’ve seen it before. instead it was like he panicked and ran for the hills, getting rid of the one thing he knew was a good thing and a constant in his life. I said I respected his decision and wouldn’t message him but that I loved him and would fight until the end of the world for him. He seemed like a confused frightened child (he cried and he never ever cries and was almost proud he didn’t). I know full well his feelings for me hadn’t changed, he was just unwilling or unable to ask for any form of self help, even though this was something he always wanted to do, was to help people out. He suddenly became this depressed, negative person I no longer recognised, going on a self sabotaging spiral and this time I couldn’t help. I miss him so much because we loved adventures and exploring new and different things together, but he became bogged down with the minute and blinkered to what was going on around him. It’s been well over a month and I haven’t heard anything from him, my best friend has just disappeared. I have not reached out to him either, I think he thought I would hang around more than I did, but I didn’t. He is just unwilling to communicate anything and is torturing himself. I am trying my best to move on, but it hurts so very much. We had the perfect life, but he is an unhealthy adrenaline junkie, someone who is much more comfortable being miserable. Even when I have seen how happy he can and wants to be, it’s like he is fighting against it. Surrounding himself with negative toxic people who he becomes easily influenced by. He also has people who enable him, instead of saying ‘get a grip and sort your shit out’. Of course I continuously ask the question ‘will he come back and fight’ but I’m not sure he will. this is the age old question, what will happen in the future as I would so dearly love to have him back in my life, we worked really well together, but he needs to sort some things out before. But I also don’t think he will? I am a positive person and just working on myself now, but it’s not easy when there was something we could have worked out together but he just couldn’t/doesnt know how to and continues to self sabotage. Its his problem now and not mine.
Hi SM.
The guy has a lot of things to work on. He can’t be in a functioning relationship until he’s improved the way he deals with pressure and stress. At the moment, he’s heading for a collision. It’s only a matter of time before stress consumes him completely and destroys his other relationship as well. I think you dodged a bullet here, SM. You got rid of a guy who couldn’t even help himself, let alone you. I know this sounds awful, but he shouldn’t be in a relationship until he resolves his problems and develops empathy for others.
It will take some time to detach after everything you went through, but I’m certain you can do it if you stay away from him for a while and learn to love yourself.
Kind regards,
20 years ago during my summer holiday (I was 17) I met a young boy (16yo, from Russia, I’m Polish). It was a summer crush, but he tried hard to convince me it was more to him. He understood that loving a person requires time, but said that that’s just how he felt. It was a magical time, we talked, walked a lot, kissed. It was my first love. I think we both knew the odds were against us lasting (we were very young, barely knew each other, the distance was too big), but we didn’t say goodbye at the end of summer. We exchanged emails. We kept in touch for 2 months, but it wasn’t easy as the Internet was super expensive then and we had no mobile phones. Still he tried to convince me he loved me, he wanted to see me again soon (it didn’t eventually work out due to lack of money, his young age and the fact that we lived in different countries) as I was the most important person to him. I believed him. And then one day he wrote ‘I don’t live. I’m dying’ which, I figured, was a goodbye. A month later he asked his friend to text me he missed me a lot, and I never heard from him again. It broke my heart not to know the reason why. I tried to explain to myself that it was just impossible – no possibility to meet, school duties, poor contact with each other and being in love were maybe simply too much to handle. I tried not to think that it was because of the fact that his feelings for me were just gone. It was easier for me to move on this way, which took me several months. Still, it had a lasting impact on my next relationship – I had trust issues, I didn’t want to hear ‘I love you’, I didn’t believe it and didn’t want to suffer again. 20 years after that summer, I opened my journal and realised I would like to know why so that I could remember this beautiful time we had together without the way he treated me in the end. The harshest truth would have been better that no explanation.
Hi Agata.
Thanks for sharing your story. He probably didn’t want to stay in a long-distance relationship. It was expensive, time-consuming, and most of all, difficult to maintain. That’s why he decided to leave and focus on things and people who were more available to him.
He should have been more direct and explain why he was leaving, but he was still so young and probably didn’t understand all the problems and just wanted to be happy.
I hope you’ve found love and that you’re happy, Agata!
Thank you a lot Zan. That was the first time I ever shared anything like that online. I really needed someone else’s opinion.
When we saw each other last time that summer I knew that was really the last time. That’s why I never even asked about what next. It was him who wanted my email and promised to write to me. I wanted to try, it was hard to block all those feelings. The thing is, deep down inside I also didn’t want and couldn’t imagine being in a long-distance relationship at such a young age, with no money on my own, no freedom to travel, no possibility to see each other at least semi-regularly. I really liked him and wanted to get to know him better, but I wanted him to be around, not so many kilometres away.
It all ended quickly but I still think it was better this way (probably the least painful for both of us) although it would have been slightly easier to move on knowing the reasons for him leaving were the same as my concerns about the future of that relationship. Nevertheless, I still have beautiful memories of us back then that I’ll never forget.
And I’ve found love here.
Thanks for hearing me out.
Hi Agata.
It’s okay to appreciate the past and feel nostalgic. But make sure not to neglect the present and future. Your ex from back then is no longer the same person. But because you think about him in such a positive way, you made the whole experience much better than it was. You wish to exprience it again. I suggest that you focus harder on your current partner and create wonderful memories with him. He’s the one that truly matters.
Kind regards,
Hi my boyfriend of two years just blocked me out of nowhere. He asked me to wait for him but he hasn’t reached out to me at all. Its been about three weeks. 🙂
Hi Tao.
He made you wait because he didn’t want to talk to you. But later, he realized he still didn’t want to converse, so he resorted to blocking.
Stay away from him and you’ll feel better soon!
My ex left saying we were taking things very slowly. Our relationship was very toxic. He was avoidant and I was anxious. We always misunderstood each other and I’d often get angry and start fights for what he called “silly reasons”. Even though I thought I was discussing serious topics. He wasn’t very supportive and we couldn’t see each other because of work. I highly suspect he cheated. I asked him if he was seeing someone else and he said no. But hung up on me when someone arrived.
Hi Leanne.
Your relationship needed to end because it was toxic. I think you’ll soon realize you’re much happier without him. Just make sure to work on yourself.
I have been seeing a guy for a few months. I’ve known him about 5 years but we never met up only in last 5 months. I’ve gone to see him and we live quite far away. I invited him to my home. He was planning to stay Sunday to Thursday. He stayed first night and everything seemed normal and normal in morning to then by 3 afternoon (not even been here 24houes) he said he’s going home. Within 20 minutes he was gone embarking on a 4 hour journey. I don’t understand he didn’t tell me why I did ask but he said unfinished business at home he’s got to deal with. Which makes no sense as we prearranged this.
Im so confused and have never experienced such behaviour that I don’t know how to handle it
Hi Sarah.
It’s possible he didn’t like the way things were going between you and him and decided to pack his things. It’s his loss, not yours. Try to figure out what went wrong. It will give you closure.
Hang in there, Sarah!
My boyfriend just left me. I came home from work to see that he took all of his things. We’ve been together for 3 years, lived together for a year and a half. I tried calling him, he wouldn’t answer then sent me a text that he left and that he just couldn’t be with me no longer. I am completely devastated. I’ve kept calling him and texting him, he replied that he couldn’t talk as he wasn’t feeling well
Hi Nina.
It looks like your ex couldn’t handle his emotions and chose the easy way out. You should do your best not to call him anymore. It’s hard, but you have to let him initiate so that you don’t chase after him and smother him.
Stay strong!
my ex lived in Thailand, retired there. i was commuting for about 6 years to be with him. i would get lonely while here & he was there. mainly because i felt a little insecure of where he was. just before covid hit in Australia, i flew back to australia thinking would be for 3-4 weeks but i have not been back since. granted i was a pain by texting because i wanted to be there with him, but he kept warning me toward the end; counting the times i would text saying it was an attack on him, i was bashing him – in his words. but i just couldnt do anything right in the end. i thought we were okay before i left, i was really trying for him, trying to look past him wanting to be with his mates at the pub, most nights – that was okay, was what he liked to do. so, i would go to the gym a lot, i liked that a lot too. so after covid hit, i couldn’t go back to be with him, he called me less and was counting times i upset him. he broke up with me when i posted happy pics of me on fb. he blocked my entire family & all my friends too. i messaged him, begged again like i always did; but he said i wouldnt like it if i went back to thailand, he was doing different things. it has been 12 months since that happened, and i still hurt & can’t forget him. and i find it difficult to like anyone else too. i am trying to forget him/us & think at least he is happy doing what he wants. thing is, i guess i was used in his process. i realise now, i was always temporary. good luck to me and anyone else, guy or lady going through same thing xxx
Hi Bellee.
It seems that your ex focused on the negatives and forgot about the positives. This is how he developed resentment for you and fell out of love.
Now you need to leave him alone. It’s clear that he needs time to enjoy his space and do what he wants. Don’t date anyone yet, Bellee. I think you should focus on yourself for a while longer to get your happiness and emotional independence back. After that, figure out why you clung to him. Was it that he didn’t give you what you wanted or that you didn’t have a lot going on? It’s important that you get to the bottom of this.
Best regards,
Hello my name is lori
Me and my boyfriend work together at the same job and have been dating for 3 months and every thing was really great till the 3rd month( August) the second week of Aug his family went on vacation so he was at home by himself and couldn’t go with them because he already used his vacation hours I asked him if he wanted me to stay with him to keep him company he said yea. I also asked him if he was sure about it because I didn’t want too interrupt his alone time at home of course he said yea it’s fine. Well I stayed with him that whole week everything was great then in 2 weeks my family was going on vacation and I was going to have the house too myself and I was going to use my vacation time so asked him if he wanted to come stay with me if he wanted too he said yes he will then that week came and he never showed up i messaged him and asked him if he was ok besides being tired and he said he felt off and was busy and don’t have time anymore. I told him that it’s ok that everyone has those days and it’s part of life just got to take it day by day and I was there if he need to talk. the last day of my vacation day i to went too our work to get the schedule so I know when I go into work and I was talking too one of my assistant managers just hangout out with her and he walked out the back door of our work and got into his truck and left didn’t say a word too me when I came back too work he still wouldn’t talk to me and wouldn’t respond to my messages he’s unfriended me on snapchat and were still friends on Facebook but I don’t think he uses it anymore so I can’t find anything out as to why he just up and leave and avoid me
Hi Lori.
Your ex must have felt smothered by the relationship. It could be because he wasn’t ready for a relationship and felt overwhelmed by your desire to bond. The fact that you broke up so quickly either means that he wasn’t ready or that he didn’t have what it took to stay connected with you.
Either way, you have to give him space. Don’t talk to him unless he talks to you. He’s clearly very bad at expressing his emotions, so perhaps that’s something you can use to imagine what a relationship with him would be like long-term.
Keep healing, Lori. It will get better. You’ll see.
I didn’t have this case of breakup but still sucks and thank you fir explaining to us what should we do!
Hi Linda.
Thank you for reading the article. I appreciate it!
The guy is a loser. The only explanation I can think of is he is 100% void of empathy and I don’t know your ex so it’s difficult to put in my two cents worth. Maybe he has NPD , “Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Never-the-less, they are not nice people in a very lot of cases and can be extremely cruel and even be violent as well. You should google NPD, and see if he matches the profile. IFhe doesn’t match the profile then maybe he just doesn’t want to give you the….it’s not you, it’s me speech., which still makes him a loser, coward and everything else in between for not considering your feelings. Had you not been a stronger person, it could have been damaging to your self esteem. Hang in there and don’t wait for him to pop up his head, wanting to come back. Find yourself a guy who will love you and knock your socks off with his attention. Please believe me, he’s out there somewhere just waiting to meet a person like you to also knock his socks off!
Hi BC.
Thank you for your comment.
I’ve come to terms that my ex didn’t care about me, nor himself. He didn’t care how his behavior affected me, nor how it made him look. He probably just wanted his ex back.
Anyway, I have met someone new already and feel that we get along way better than my ex and I did. Communication is better and the relationship is more rewarding. I just needed to get over him and see him for what he’s done.
Thanks for your encouraging words BC! It means a lot to me!