When people say you should ignore a guy and he’ll come running back, they’re basically saying you should hurt him to make him want you.
Although pain is the greatest eye-opener, you shouldn’t play games with the person you’re trying to impress.
As long as you’re thinking of ignoring the person who loves or respects you, you’re only going to cause harm to him.
He’s going to get hurt and definitely won’t appreciate your destructive behavior.
So if ignoring a person who cares about you is playing dirty and more often than not backfires, then guess what ignoring a guy who doesn’t care about you will do.
I can tell you it’s nothing nice.
If your ex doesn’t care about you (which most exes don’t), ignoring your ex is mission Kamikaze.
Not only will you disrespect your ex as a person, but you could also force your ex to retaliate on instinct.
Your ex could soon return the favor and ignore you when you want him to give you attention.
So just don’t ignore him!
Don’t ignore a person who makes an effort to communicate with you.
Not unless you’re prepared to play dirty and get a taste of your own medicine in return.
So if you’re interested in learning more about ignoring a guy and making him come running back, this article will direct you in the right direction and provide you with some alternatives.

Ignore a guy and he’ll come running back psychology
Some dumpees believe that if they ignore an ex who ignored and abandoned them that they will make their ex miss them and respect them.
They think that if they treat their ex like dirt that they will make their dumper ex anxious, hurt, and insecure enough to miss them.
But this just isn’t true.
You can’t expect to keep hurting your boyfriend or girlfriend and expect him or her to continue crying back to you.
Maybe you can do it for as long as that person loves you, but the moment he or she attaches a negative image to your persona, you’re done for.
There’s nothing that will help you redeem yourself after weeks or months of disrespect and abuse.
Moreover, you also can’t ignore your friend and think that he or she will come back after you’ve caused him or her pain. That would be preposterous and incredibly manipulative.
That’s why you can’t ignore and hurt anyone and anything with the capacity to remember your behavior.
Even animals will avoid you if you don’t treat them well. So if that’s not a sign that you shouldn’t ignore a guy “to make him come back,” I don’t know what is.
Ignoring a guy is not about ignoring at all!
When people tell you to ignore a guy and he’ll come running back, they don’t mean it in a literal way.
They don’t say that you should ignore your ex after he or she has caused you pain just to get even with him.
Far from that.
What they really mean is that you should forget, forgive, and detach from your ex—and then he might come back.
So before you ignore your ex’s texts and calls, think twice before you act or don’t act.
Ask yourself, “I know my ex has hurt me but is this the right thing to do? Is ignoring my ex going to make me into the best version of myself? Is this something (the person I admire) would do?
If the answer is yes, then go ahead and ignore your ex.
You may as well take matters of karmic justice into your own hands and do something incredibly harmful to your ex. In that way, you’ll confirm to yourself and others who you really are when you’re operating under the influence of stress.
However, if you care about your image, I strongly recommend that you don’t resort to cunning behavior.
Don’t reveal to your ex why dumping you was a good idea and show your ex that you’re not going to retaliate with dishonest tricks that harm you more than they harm your ex.
What’s going on in the inside shows on the outside.
earl nightingale
Instead of ignoring your ex and thinking he’ll come back, live with integrity and remember that you won’t change a person’s feelings for you through acts of deception.
And even if you ignore a guy and somehow magically make him come running back to you, that person will leave again the moment he stops hurting or when he realizes you tricked him.
So stay true to your moral values and fortify them by making the right decision.
Ignoring a guy and making him come back doesn’t work!
When you try to play tricks on an ex to make him come back, you don’t inspire him to change, improve, and become self-aware.
All you do is cause him to react on impulse and maybe even lash out at you.
A lot of people who get ignored react angrily. They lack the self-awareness and self-control to stop themselves from acting on instinct.
This often occurs due to the dumpers’ victim mentality.
You must remember that dumpers feel incredibly vulnerable and absolutely can’t go through another stressful situation so quickly after the breakup.
To them, getting ignored could be that final nail in the coffin as it can cause them to completely lose respect for their dumpee and detach forever.
And the same can happen to your ex.
Provided he still has expectations of you and wants to talk to you, your ignoring could shut your ex down and make him furious.
That’s when you’ll likely regret ignoring your ex and might even engage in a post-breakup argument with him.
But what you should probably fear the most is when your ex doesn’t react at all. When he just goes “meh” and confirms that you’re really not worth his time is when it’s game over for you.
He just won’t feel anxious or bothered, and will instead refrain from reaching out ever again.

You now know that your ex isn’t a person who still has feelings for you.
He’s a fully detached person who can’t be classified as a romantic partner or a friend. He’s closer to a stranger who’s developed negative beliefs about you.
So when you ignore a stranger who doesn’t like you very much, you could make him show you his fangs.
So why not avoid complications if you can?
Ignoring a guy who hurt you
I know how difficult breakups can be for the dumpee.
They can cause so much pain and anxiety that the dumpee can’t eat and sleep.
But when the dumper reaches out with vague, meaningless intentions also known as breadcrumbs, that’s when things become especially hard.
You might initially think that you should ignore a guy who hurt you and left you.
But this probably won’t rectify your situation.
His texts are still going to hurt you and cause you anxiety whether you reply or not.
That’s why I suggest that you (in a respectful manner) tell your ex to leave you alone.
Tell him you’d like some space to focus on yourself and that you don’t want him to reach out again.
Ask him to respect your space and privacy and bid him farewell.
In doing so, you won’t have to ignore a guy who hurt you or ignored you.
You’ll instead do what’s best for you from a moral point of view.
What does ignoring a guy do?
We’ve already mentioned that ignoring a guy can make him angry and cause him to lose respect for you.
But what does ignoring a guy really do to him mentally and emotionally?
Well, from my understanding, it doesn’t do anything you want to do.
It tells him you’re going to fight fire with fire.
And the problem with this is that your ex doesn’t consider himself as fire.
He thinks you’re the fire to his water—and he doesn’t like that.
That’s why he feels disrespected, belittled, angered, and annoyed at you.
So before you resort to ignoring an ex who reached out, consider how being ignored by a stranger or somebody you don’t care about would make you feel.
My assumption is that you would feel incredibly angry at him or her for disrespecting your time, goodwill, and presence.
You probably wouldn’t want to spend another second of your time thinking about that person.
So if you’ve heard that you should ignore a guy and he’ll come running back, here’s what ignoring actually does.

Should I ignore him for a while at least?
There’s no hurting somebody “just a little bit.” You either care about a person and your image or you don’t.
Although we often unintentionally hurt others with our words and actions, there’s no middle ground when it comes to exes.
The time after the breakup is extremely important for us as dumpees.
When we cause an ex even more pain than we did prior to the breakup, we actually force him to remember our actions for a very long time.
And those actions are the deeds that our ex is going to hold onto for dear life and refuse to let go of under any and all circumstances.
Please understand that you’re not the divine punisher, hence ignoring him for a week or so won’t miraculously bring him back.
Your ex doesn’t think of you as the magical being responsible for his karma.
Your ex is actually in charge of his own health and emotions and will never let you control him. At least not for as long as he’s feeling strong about his breakup decision and thinks of you in a negative way.
Ignoring him to get his attention works while you’re dating!
Ignore a guy and he’ll come running back some dating guides say. But does it work?
Well, although it’s extremely manipulative, ignoring a person might work for you when dating.
It could cause a person’s ego to flatten and make him invest more in you.
If you ignore him, you could get his attention, but you certainly won’t make him feel positive emotions toward you (which is what love is all about).
You will instead hurt him to date him.
So if that’s what you’re after, hurt your date. But remember that your friends, family, and kids are never going to respect you for it.
Ignoring a guy that ignores you
Ignoring a guy that ignores you is a battle of the strongest.
It’s a showdown between two stubborn bulls who fight with power against power.
They both manipulate each other and expect the other to give up.
The only problem with this mentality is that your stubborn ex isn’t as hurt about the breakup as you are.
He stopped investing in you weeks or months before the breakup (depending on the length of your relationship).
You, on the other hand, are extremely dependent on his actions and will sooner than later crumble under the weight of his lack of care.
Your ex will therefore without any effort beat you at your mind games and might even bring you to the ground when you’re having a bad day.
So to avoid this, respond to your ex and be the bigger person.
Show him and yourself that you’re not going to play along and strive toward personal improvement.

Never ignore a guy. He won’t come running back!
Now you know that your ex won’t come running back when you ignore him.
You’ve also learned that you can’t use devious tactics to make him come back the proper way.
So instead of ignoring him and manipulating your ex, become a person of high value and wait for your ex to actually want to talk to you.
You can start by going indefinite no contact and wait in that peaceful zone forever if necessary.
But whatever you do, don’t say or do anything needy or vengeful as it will hurt you severely.
Demanding demeanor is going to push your ex away while seeking retribution is going to come flying back at you like a boomerang in the form of karma.
So lean onto your moral values for guidance and detach from your ex the right and only way.
When you do, you’ll realize that ignoring an ex to get him back is not the solution to your reconciliation.
It’s not the solution even if you don’t want your ex back.
If you really want your ex to regret breaking up with you, become the person your ex dreams of being with.
Become the person you and your ex always wanted you to be and you won’t ever want to ignore a guy just to shatter his ego.
You will instead have grown too content with your own life to worry about those who don’t think highly of you.
So keep working on yourself and improving as a person as you really can’t go wrong by investing in yourself.
Did people tell you to ignore a guy and he’ll come running back? Do you still want to ignore a person? Did you find this post informative? Comment below.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
this article is confusing with NC rule. So why NC rule then was created and advised by the previous artile or even by other psych. 🙁
Hi Mine.
What part about the no contact rule is confusing you? If you’re referring to this article, the point we’ve tried to make is that ignoring a guy might make him come running back in a relationship but not after a breakup.
I hope this clarifies things.
Best regards,
I don’t care about a damn narcissist’s feelings. The point of no contact is because I DON’T WANT CONTACT. If a person is toxic why would you continue to let them mess with your head??? Why? I don’t have time to be burping a malignant narcissist when he reaches out. I am not helping them get any fuel from me what so ever. Do not text, call, message, social media engage with these evil people. I don’t know what planet/people this article was written for but wherever they live, I would like to know where this is so I can mark it on a map and AVOID it. Cause this is not reality. Period.
Hi themsmith77.
If a person is truly narcissistic, you should avoid him at all costs.
Remove him from social media and tell him not to contact you again.
Only when you’ve made it clear that you’re no longer interested will he stay away from you and find someone else to annoy.
Kind regards,
Hey Zan, so this article is only for dumpees that have been contacted after the BU? This kinda makes me feel weird because I’ve been in no contact for several months now. But so has he. And he initiated the breakup. Im guessing he is in a different mindset than the points you described above? I want to reach out so badly lately.
This is about ignoring post break up texts I think. I have been NC for nearly 6 months and haven’t contacted her and vice versa. If she reached out then I would have to decide whether to ignore or not. The article is clearly saying that ignoring is a bad option… .
hi, my ex reach me in no contact period. i didnt read the message because i uninstalled my social media. after 2 months i install my social media again and he already in a relationship. what should i do?
Hi Emma.
You shouldn’t ignore anyone regardless of their status.
So don’t ignore if you hear from your ex and just reply politely.
Also, don’t reach out to him or you will end up hurt.
Best regards,