If you ghosted your girlfriend, wife, fiancée, or the person you were seeing and you want her back, you first need to understand what you’ve done.
You need to understand the gravity of your poor actions and comprehend that you’ve left her in one of the worst ways imaginable.
The only worse way you could have broken up with a human being is if you cheated on her on top of that.
That would have been the ultimate punch to the stomach and the worst form of disrespect.
So if that’s what you did, you probably won’t be able to redeem yourself. Your ex most likely won’t be able to forgive you and trust you after such an offense.
She’ll refuse to offer you her heart the second time as you stomped on it when she trusted you the most.
It’s just the way trust works.
It takes love and nurturing to build it up and one mistake to destroy it completely.
That’s why your ex now thinks that you’re a bad person and that your moral values are too low for her taste.
And they probably are.
The truth is that you’ve done something so disrespectful that your mentality is a far cry from what it needs to be to have a healthy relationship.
Your way of thinking is still underdeveloped and needs a lot of work before it will reach your ex-girlfriend’s level.
This article will guide you on how to get your ex back if you ghosted her. It will teach you how to lay your cards on the table and provide you with some ways to apologize for ghosting your girlfriend.

I ghosted her and want her back
If you ghosted your ex-girlfriend, you showed her that you’re a coward who lacks courage and moral values to be an honest human being.
You also showed her that you don’t care about her feelings and commitment and told her that you shouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone until you’ve resolved your flaws.
You did this by showing her a reflection of your selfish character and by informing her of your capabilities.
With just one egoistic action, you’ve helped your ex complete the full image of your characteristics and values and made moving on easier for her.
You basically made her think poorly of you and allowed her to find someone who will treat her better.
And fortunately for her, it shouldn’t be too difficult because ghosting a person is incredibly nasty.
That’s why I have a piece of advice for you.
If you ghosted her and want her back, I strongly advise you to work on yourself before you attempt to reconcile with the person whose heart you butchered.
Admit your mistakes first and get professional help if you need to.
Just don’t try to get back with the girl before you’d learned how to respect people.
Ghosting is cruel
Although ghosting after a date or two is common, it’s not okay to disappear on someone who’s developed feelings for you.
That person has grown to respect your good side and was giving it her best to invest in the relationship.
She was doing this because she’d developed certain expectations of you and believed in you.
She thought your relationship was going to last.
So when you abruptly pulled the rug out from underneath her, you hurt her really, really badly.
Not only did you deny her the closure that she deserves, but you also kept her wondering what she did to deserve it.
By ghosting her, you, in essence, made her feel naive for trusting you and contributed to the development of new trust issues.
So think really hard if you truly want her back after you’d ghosted her. Think about whether your reasons for reconciliation are legit.
If they aren’t, it’s better that you leave this person alone to regain her self-esteem and recover from the mess you’d put her in her.
Ghosting is cowardly
If you ghosted your ex and you have no clue why you did what you did, it’s time that you examine your behavior.
Sign up for counseling and dig into your past to get to the bottom of your actions.
You’ll soon realize that if you work really, really hard on understanding your behavior that you may be able to correct it.
But it will probably take a lot of time and conscious effort on your end before you’re able to do so.
It might take you weeks or months before you’re finally ready.
But as long as you genuinely want to change for the better, you will eventually improve as a person.
And that’s when you’ll know you’re ready to contact your ex and apologize to her in the most sincere way you could ever express yourself in.
I regret ghosting her
If you ghosted her and want her back, you need to create a genuine apology that could make your ex see the good in you.
This apology has to contain three respectful parts.
- Apologizing for ghosting her.
- Stating your immature reasons for ghosting her.
- Leaving the ball in her court.
After you’d apologized in the best way possible, you mustn’t contact your ex again.
It’s your ex’s turn to get back to you on her own terms, so you need to wait patiently.
Don’t beg and plead, prove your loyalty, call and text, or play mind games.
Don’t argue, throw tantrums, play jealousy games, pretend everything is back to normal, or do anything she doesn’t want you to do either.
All you should do is unblock her (if you ghosted and blocked her) and not make things any worse than they already are.
You essentially need to do a full 180° turn and let your authentic actions speak for you.
They spoke for you when you ghosted your ex-girlfriend so you can only hope that they make a good impression this time.
Apologizing for ghosting
You can apologize for ghosting your ex by owning up to your mistakes.
No relationship should ever start or restart with lies and deceit, so strive to start with a clean slate.
Message your ex with a sincere ghosting response and wait for her to reply to you.
Just don’t pester her and urge her to reply.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you ghost your ex and want her back.

Here are 2 examples of what to text after ghosting:
- Hi Sophia. I just wanted to apologize for ghosting you. What I did was unethical and I don’t expect you to forgive me for my selfishness. Right now I just want you to know that I’m really sorry for hurting you and that I started to work on my behavior. I’m no longer going to be self-centered. If you ever want to talk to me, drop me a message and maybe we can catch up.
- Hi Sonia. I know you probably don’t want to hear from me right now. I’m writing to you to apologize for ghosting you and blocking you out of the blue. What I did was incredibly disrespectful to you as a person who cared about me. That’s why I want you to know that I’d spent the last 2 weeks with a therapist working on my bad behavioral patterns. I hope that you can see me in a better light one day and contact me if you ever feel that you can trust me again.
If you’re going to apologize for ghosting your girlfriend, you need to be transparent about it.
You need to tell your ex that you don’t expect her to forgive you—and to message/call you if she ever feels that she can trust you again.
And that’s it.
You don’t need to cry or appear completely different from your usual self. You’ll only appear pretentious if you do.
Instead, just be authentic, apologetic, and get straight to the point.
Apologizing for ghosting after a short relationship
If your relationship with the person you ghosted was short, chances are that she’s going to get over you very quickly.
She will probably forget about your false promises and view you in a negative light before you even think about crawling back into her life.
And that’s how it should be as you don’t deserve another chance when you ghost a person.
Especially if you ghosted her during the first 6 months before you even got to know her fully.
(Sorry, dear ghosts.)
The thing with ghosting though is that most dumpers don’t regret their decision right away.
They first need to get back in the dating field and date a few people for a while before they rebound and think inwardly.
It sucks, but they just don’t change their minds about their dumpees merely by enjoying their lives.
Only when something bad happens to them is when they finally realize that the grass is greener only where you water it.
Apologizing for ghosting after a long relationship
If your girlfriend is someone you’d spent many years with and it’s been a month since you ghosted her, then your chances of reconciliation are much higher.
Your ex is probably still incredibly hurt by your inconsiderate actions and will, as a result, most likely accept you back to patch her wound.
She might be willing to forget about your wicked deed. and take you back because of separation anxiety alone.
It really depends on how quickly she detaches from you and the kind of coping mechanism she possesses.
The type of girl that will accept you back after you ghosted her
The more hurt, inexperienced, and the lower the girl’s self-esteem is, the higher the odds that she will accept you back after ghosting.
This is true because it will take her longer to rebuild her confidence, recover from your abuse, and stand up for herself.
But that doesn’t mean that you should abuse your situation further.
You shouldn’t carry on with the same thinking patterns just because the girl you ghosted wants you back for all the wrong reasons you can think of.
For you, her, and for the sake of others, you need to change the way you think and behave—so that you never ghost another person ever again.
What if you ghosted her and she doesn’t want you back?
If you apologized after you ghosted your girlfriend and she doesn’t want you back, then there’s nothing left for you to do.
Your ex-girlfriend doesn’t like you, love you, respect you, or want anything to do with you anymore.
She probably developed contempt for you when you were avoiding her like the plague—so she can’t be around you right now.
She just wants to cut off all contact with you and close a very painful chapter of her life.
You did break up in one of the worst ways possible after all.
And that’s why you, unfortunately, don’t get another chance with your ex.
Did you ghost your ex-girlfriend and want her back? Was this article too harsh to read? Post your comment and let me know.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi Zan,
Uptop you said, “If it weren’t lacking maturity, you wouldn’t respect your ex-girlfriend, nor want her back.” Didyou mean to say something else. I’m sorry, I’m a little confused.
Hi BL.
Sorry for the late reply. I’m confused about what I wanted to say too. I’ve removed that part. Thanks for letting me know!
Best regards,
It’s been a little more than a year since I’ve been ghosted by an ex who I was with for about 1.5 years. It’s still painful because there wasn’t closure and while I dated afterwards, I just couldn’t open up anymore so I stopped dating but doing some internal work is so difficult because I want very much to forget rather than deal/understand it. The ex was supposed to pick me up and take me on a staycation to a neighboring town but instead went to Las Vegas the day before and promised to be back to pick me up for our trip. After he was really nice on the phone informing me, he became angry at me while processing this information, he hung up In me when he got to his destination and never picked me up the next day or ever responded. Weeks later, he was posting to social media like nothing. I’ve moved on from the ex and I’m so hopeful for my future overall but I’m just having problems when I meet new people. Some are just really great guys…very lucky to have met them but I can’t open up. One really sweet man almost broke through but my walls are up and I just couldn’t put someone through my issues. He told me that he’d wait for me but I just don’t know when I’ll really let go. I’m learning to forgive…for myself…right now. Any advice for the ex of a serious relationship who was ghosted and wants to really begin again in a new relationship?
Waiting to Begin Again
I was also ghosted. But what you should do to learn to trust again is actually take a break from dating for like 3 months. Focus on you at this moment. I will say date yourself. Go back to your childlike interests. What do you love? What are you about? What are your interests? What kind of person will you love to be with in the future?
Also, you should think about all the warning signs you think this person exhibited? Were there any toxic traits before now that you simply overlooked?
This way, you are able to heal and gain clarity on what it is that makes you tick. You are also able to open your heart for a better person.
Being ghosted is excruciatingly painful but taking time to heal can reveal really intricate parts of ourselves and opening yourself up to better relationships.
You should probably confide in someone who can help like a counselor. What happened to you was really tough, but you can overcome it with the right tools. I wish you the best.
My ex bf of 3 years secretly got married during MCO. Post marriage, he saw me almost everyday and pretending he was single, discussed about our future together.
I only knew he was married 2 months after, I was attacked by his wife.
It was a brutal break up. My dad cried for what he did to me. I was completely shattered for weeks.
We met few times afterwards. He cried when I asked him to let me go, said he lost everything. (My guess is the marriage isn’t bringing him happiness he hoped for)
As I pushed for a closure, he ghosted me.
Now, been almost 3 months, I’ve found a closure on my own. That guy, I heard he has been sick for 6 weeks. Ongoing headache, and other illness popping. Not able to work. But, tbh that wasn’t any of my business anymore.
I think I’m good now.
Hi Zan,
I have been talking with this boy who I met on Tinder for over 1 month and a half. After the second time we saw each other he started pulling away and ghosting me… and when I asked him what was going on, he said he felt a “knot in his stomach” and that this negative feelings made him not want to talk with me anymore.. even though he thought I had been very good with him.. he said something was making him pull away. I said that was fine and thanked him for having answered.
I still had him on IG and didn’t want to block or unfriend him because I did´t want to look as he had hurt me or overreact.. I wanted to seem “fine” and move on and started NC. After he said this to me, he started watching all my IG stories.. and this started affecting me.. I felt like he was interested even though he didn’t reach out at all… he just watched all the stories but didn’t ”like” my pictures.. so I thought he was just bored and saw the stories because of that. Anyway, it felt good and bad at the same time… because he was still making himself present. Last Sunday after 30 days of NC, he was the first person to like one of my pictures and I was absolutely surprised, because it was something he didn’t do after we stop talking and I didn’t think he was going to be so shameless to do it.. it felt like a step forward to just watching my stories and it hurt me at the same time.. This orbiting started affecting me so much, because it put my hopes up even though he was NOT contacting me. I sent him a message and asked him to please stop doing it because he had hurt me with the way he ended things and the orbiting was affecting me.. I needed to set boundaries. He then blocked me and sent me an email saying that he was sorry for pulling away, that it wasn’t the first time this happened to him and that there was no logical reason.. he said “you are an amazing girl”. That was the last time we said something to each other and I just want to know: do you think I did the right thing by telling him to stop orbiting? it was affecting me so much and I really needed to stop seeing his name pop up every time. Many thanks for your help.
Hi Ariadna.
The best thing to do would have been to unfollow him. But on the other hand, at least you finally put an end to his stalking behavior and are now able to heal properly.
Stay strong!
Thanks for your reply Zan.
Do you think that I ruined the possibility for him fixing what he did to me?… I don’t know why he blocked me and I still feel a bit sad for that. He just did on IG and not on facebook.. but still, I don’t understand why.
Many thanks again for your support Zan =)
I hope you’re over it by now. If he wanted to fix it, he would have fixed it. Sorry you went through this.
My ex moved out on March 1st while I was at work and she took most of my house with her and ghosted me that same day. She sent me a “good morning handsome” text and also turned off my power so my ring camera would go off notifying me she was leaving me. What does it mean when your ghosted by your ex? Do the same things in these post apply or ? What should I do any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Zan, thanks for the nice article. I am the one who was ghosted. During those 2 months, I thought the exact same thing you wrote, what did I do to derserve this, am I unlovable… The guy who ghosted me texted me after 2 months… like ‘hey I was scared to check you message how are you doing?’ And I got mad and told him to fuck off. He responded me saying that I am ‘overreacting’ and he also said it is all my fault. After that, since I have so much low self esteem, I doubted and ruminated that if I was really ‘overreacting’… Thanks to your article, now I can have more clear and objective view of that immature behavior. 🙂