Are you eager to learn how to get your ex back when he has moved on (possibly with someone else)?
If you are, you need to know that you can’t force your ex to love you again. Just how you didn’t force this person to be with you when you first got together, you can’t do it this time either. It has to come naturally of your ex’s own accord. That’s the only way your ex can come back for the right reasons and be in a healthy relationship with you.
If you insist that you’re a great couple and that you can work things out if you try again, this won’t make your ex respect you. On the contrary, it will most likely repulse your ex and make it more difficult for your ex to feel good emotions for you again.
This means that you need to give up on saying or doing something to get your ex back. You need to forget about most things you’ve read on the internet and use your common sense. Deep inside, you already know that an ex who has moved on is unreceptive to your words and actions.
He has detached and will not appreciate you if you take the initiative and try to “win him back.” Winning an ex back would imply that you must manipulate your ex’s free will. It’d mean that you must ignore your ex’s thoughts, decisions, and feelings and go against them because they aren’t what you want them to be.
Fortunately, you already know that forcing your way into your ex’s life is not going to work because your ex is the dumper. He’s decided a long time ago that you two aren’t on the same wavelength (compatible) and that he needs to get some emotional distance from you and stop worrying about pleasing you.
Although your ex has moved on, keep in mind that you’ll never get your ex back if you take an aggressive approach. The only way begging and pleading, guilt-tripping, or staying friends with your ex could work is if your ex does his own things for a while and then gets really, really hurt.
That could force him to come back to patch his wounds and obtain your recognition. But then again, that would likely put your relationship at big risk because your ex may not regain respect for you. He may come back just to use you for emotional support and leave again when he realizes you don’t respect yourself.
So if you want to know how to get your ex back when he has moved on, don’t focus on your ex. Your ex won’t care about you more if you show you can be reliable, caring, and better than before. Your ex needs to reset his opinion of you. And he can do that only if he’s a mature, open-minded person who’s capable of improving his perceptions of you.
Either that or he needs to find himself in a pickle and get forced to reflect.
Most people, unfortunately, need to be proven wrong. They need to see and feel that they’ve made a bad decision and that they need to make things right before it’s too late. I suppose we could say that people are stubborn by nature and that most dumpers come back when they fail miserably and have no better options.
That’s when they finally open their eyes, lower their pride, and start seeing their exes’ importance.
In this post, we’ll focus on the question of how to get your ex back when he has moved on. We’ll talk about the things that could help your ex see you in a more positive light and inspire or force him to return to you.

How to get your ex back when he has moved on?
If you’re set on getting your ex back when he has moved on, you now know that reasoning with your ex or even staying in your ex’s life could smother and guilt-trip your ex. It could make your ex lose remaining respect for you and annihilate your self-esteem.
So what do you do? Do you just give up?
There’s only 1 thing you can do whether you want your ex back or just move on. And that is the indefinite no contact rule. You must give your ex space because your ex badly needs to invest time and energy into things that matter to him.
It doesn’t matter what your ex does after the breakup. What matters is that he gets some space from you so he can disassociate the most negative emotions from your persona and hopefully improve his distorted image of you.
I say “hopefully” because no one can guarantee that your ex will improve the way he sees you. No psychic can foresee that your ex will process the breakup maturely and return to you. But generally speaking, the more time goes by, the higher the chances that he’ll one day fail at something important – something like a relationship and come running back.
You just have to stay away from your ex until that happens so that your ex doesn’t start hating you and doing something impulsive that would hurt you and/or ruin your reputation.
Your ex’s return, therefore, doesn’t depend on what you do because you don’t have the power to manipulate his feelings when he feels pressured and is certain he doesn’t want to be with you. If you could change the dumper’s feelings simply by being nice, there would be significantly fewer divorces and breakups. Couples would be able to work things through with perseverance and post-breakup desperation.
But unfortunately, desperation after the breakup is highly unattractive. It puts dumpers off because they aren’t emotionally ready to interact with a person who’s in denial, persistent, and highly emotional.
Breakups aren’t relationships where couples are still in love and want to cooperate. They’re breakups (disconnections)—and they indicate that the dumper has reached a melting point – a point of no return. This, of course, doesn’t mean that it’s over forever. But it does mean that some time will have to go by for the dumper to go through the 5 stages of a breakup and process the breakup naturally.
How much time it will take to get to the last stage depends on the dumper’s happiness. And his happiness depends on numerous factors, starting with:
- stressors and anxiety
- emotional health
- expectations
- emotional strength
- self-esteem
- perceptions of you
- the quality of the relationship
- the mistakes you make after the breakup
If you want to get your ex back when he has moved on, you have to change your whole understanding of the way breakups work. You have to stop Googling things like “get your ex back” and switch your focus to “your ex coming back.”
I’m not saying you should keep hoping that your ex will return to you, but when you understand that something significant has to change in your ex’s life and his perception of you/the relationship, you’ll also understand that your ex needs to come back and not vice-versa.
If you come back for your ex and somehow get back together, you’ll make it extremely easy for your ex to be with you. And easy, dear reader is not what your ex needs. Your ex needs things to be hard so he can work diligently, relearn to respect you, and develop the willpower to stay committed to you.
Always remember that if you don’t love yourself, your ex won’t either. He’ll walk all over you until he gets bored, stops being grateful, and leaves again.
I’ve seen this happen more times than I can remember. The dumpee wouldn’t necessarily beg to get back together, but she would accept her ex back right away and prevent the dumper from investing in the relationship. As a result, she would instantly jump back into a relationship with her ex without standing up for herself and taking control over a situation she previously had no say in.
So if you want to get your ex back when he’s moved on, don’t try to lure your ex into getting back with you. Your ex doesn’t need help getting in touch with you and reuniting with you. He needs to be shut out of your life and shown that you’re not interested in being friends or friends with benefits.
You have actual friends who will make much better friends than him.
Anyway, here are 5 tips on how to get your ex back when he has moved on.

How to get your ex back when he has moved on with someone else?
When your ex has moved on with someone else, it’s clear that your ex is not thinking about you much. There are times when he does, but most of the time, he’s probably dreaming about making the relationship work with the new person.
The best thing you can do about your ex being with someone else is to not bother him or his girlfriend with your presence, texts, or calls. Not only would interacting with them be disrespectful, but it’d also be completely counterintuitive. It’d prove that you’re struggling emotionally and that you’re scared and need your ex close to you.
Your ex probably shouldn’t have gotten involved with someone new this quickly, but now that he has, complaining about it and getting between them is not going to help. It’s just going to complicate things and brand you as the crazy ex-girlfriend who can’t take the hint that the relationship has ended.
I know it’s painful to see your ex dating someone else soon after the breakup as it feels like you’re being replaced by someone your ex doesn’t even know. But no matter how difficult it is, you need to know that you’re not in competition with the new person.
The new girl or woman is just someone new – someone your ex feels limerent about and wants to get to know better. That doesn’t make her better or worse than you. She’s just different. And different is enough for your ex to give her a try.
If your ex left you, he and his new girlfriend likely aren’t in a rebound relationship. A rebound relationship is when a person still has feelings for his ex and can’t connect with someone new emotionally.
If he tries to connect, he becomes nostalgic about his ex and runs back to his ex to be with her because he has strong feelings for her.
What your ex is in is likely just a normal relationship that was a bit rushed. Your ex was impatient and wanted to feel loved by someone new.
To get a guy like that back, you must stay far away from him. You must give him and his girlfriend enough time for them to go through the infatuation phase and discern if they’re compatible. If they are compatible, they’ll go through the same relationship difficulties as all other couples. They could still break up because many couples do.
But if they’re not compatible, then they could prolong their relationship for as long as they could and eventually break up. That’s when your ex could message you and try to get you to love him.
Your job as a dumpee is to be patient and wait for them to break up. Once they do, you’ll likely hear from your ex and may or may not get another chance to make things right with your ex.
How to get your ex back when he has moved on and hates you?
Most dumpers associate some negative feelings with dumpees and crave space very badly. But if your ex downright hates you and/or wants to get back at you for something you did, you need to know that resentments of such a high caliber are extremely hard to overcome.
Your ex would need to get treated really badly by someone he likes or experience such anxiety that he starts feeling sorry for himself and realizes he was a jerk to you. Not only that, but he’d also need to self-reflect and think so fondly of the relationship that he gets rid of anger and resentments.
Positive thinking could change the way your ex thinks and feels about you. But for that to happen, your ex needs a strong emotional incentive. That incentive has to be way, way stronger than his hatred for you.
This means that unless your ex suffers to the point of changing the way he thinks, he’s not going to get rid of negative perceptions of you. He may stop hating you because hatred is an emotion that tends to decrease with time, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop associating negative feelings with you.
Associations are emotional anchors that a person connects with someone subconsciously – without awareness. They don’t disappear automatically with time but rather with deliberation when a person wants to or gets forced to change them. We’ve mentioned that most dumpers don’t improve the way they feel about their ex voluntarily. They do that when they get hit by karma and realize that they’re not as high and mighty as they’d thought.
So if you want to get your ex back when he has moved on and hates you, start by giving your ex what he wants – space. Once you’ve done that, your ex will see you respect him (and yourself) and have one reason less to despise you.
He’ll still need a good reason (or reasons) to completely stop hating you, of course, but at least you’ll break the pattern of annoying your ex and forcing a strong reaction out of him.
You’ll leave your ex alone to his devices, which will enable him to experience life without you.
Work on yourself
If your ex broke up with you, he did it because he lost feelings for you. The relationship wasn’t making him happy, so he decided to separate from you and focus on finding happiness on his own. Whatever you do, don’t blame yourself for the breakup.
The breakup needed to happen because something wasn’t the way it should have been. Something was holding your ex back from staying committed and growing his love for you. You need to figure out what that was so you don’t get back (or try to get back) with your ex before you fix the things that need fixing.
Your ex will have to work on his shortcomings later (if he comes back) because that’s when he’ll feel motivated to improve. He’ll understand he needs to evolve in order to impress you. So don’t worry about your ex improving his flaws just yet. Right now, you’re in different stages in life.
Your ex is focusing on enjoying the space you provide whereas you’re hurt and extremely eager to do something to make the relationship work.
Instead of focusing on your ex, my advice is to use your zeal to grow within and improve the things that need improving. Everyone’s got things to work on, including me. My list of things to improve is longer than Santa’s naughty list. It’s so long I would need multiple lifetimes to reach the kind of maturity I want to reach. I could probably do it in just one life if I had the kind of emotional drive you have.
But unfortunately unlike you, all I have is a (rational) desire.
I’m telling you this so you don’t waste your chance to grow. Don’t waste it by getting involved with other people. For all you know, this could be your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the best version of yourself and content with just yourself.
It’d be wise of you to make use of it.
Did you learn how to get your ex back when he has moved on? Let us know what you think about getting back with someone who no longer wants you by leaving a comment below the post.
However, if you want to talk to us privately, sign up for breakup coaching with us here.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hey i have this ex boyfriend of mine , we have been dating for all most 6 months but then we like broke up many times and got back together ,but then our last breakup ended things for good ,i want to fix things with him but he aint letting to everytime he would tell me that he wants to fix things up but then he is afraid thaat he might hurt me and sometimes he would say that he doesnt see us getting back together, he and i have talking like friends ever since and i secreatly been trying to get on his good books by showing that am there for him ………….he now has a new girlfriend after he had tones of girls after our breakup, sometimes he would lash out at me for no reason ,my last cornvo with him was just smooth but then now he is kinda leaving me unreplied ,i need your help on how to get back with him
Hi Kathy.
You won’t get back with him by contacting him and begging for another chance. The relationship has ended, so if you want him to respect you and perhaps like you one day, you must leave him alone and focus on yourself. Go no contact so he can have the space to do what he wants.
It won’t be easy, but he’s dating other women and doesn’t deserve your attention. Do your best to grow from this experience and everything will be okay, Kathy!
Best regards,
I’ve reached my ex after 2 months of no contact and i regret it. I wanted to see how she is doing then i insisted i want to see her to talk, because i feel.i.want to talk to her. She said she has seeing someone else, right after the break up and she is happy with that guy, and she has moved on, and doesn’t see a reason to go out with me. I reacted that i am seeing someone else too but i want to talk as a friend with her, she responded that i should let her go and date the new girl….do you think that i pushed her away with that ? Or she was allready pushed away, no matter that i telled.her that i am seeing someone else or not?
Also, then we had a argument after that, she said that the sex was bad, i responded as well, finally i telled her that i don’t have any regrets about the break up, se just seen the message. I reacted like a child, now i feel bad about it.
Did i f**ked up bad, like pushed her away more than before?
Do you think i should text her again to say i am sorry that i insisted to see her and that i reacted to bad, i was just missing her?
Do you think she sees me now worse than before?
She still looks at my instagram stories, nevers misses one.
Are there any chanches that if i will do indefinite no contact, she will miss me and reach out even after that discussion?
To be honest, even the relationship was toxic, i still missing her, now i feel kind off bad because i have found out she has replaced me so quick, and also because i reacted like a child, (i see someone else too, i am happy about the break up etc)
I am trying to move on, even that i still have some feelings for her, i am not feeling like entering now in a relationship with someone else, but just that thinking that my ex is with someone else, it encourages me to date a new girl, even that my heart is broken.
Hi Constantin.
You didn’t mess up badly by speaking with her. It’s just that she’s seeing someone else and needs time to herself. You should leave her alone and work on getting over her.
You have nothing to apologize to her for. This isn’t the time for apologies because you both need space (although for different reasons). She’ll reach out to you if she gets bored with the new guy or if things don’t work out. No contact is the best thing you can do.
Kind regards,
Thank you. So even that i said to her i am seeing someone else( i lied, and i think she knows that) and when i was angry i said i am happy we broke up and don’t have any regrets, she might reach out if it will not go well with that guy? After all, i think she doesn’t even care for me so i should not think about it to much…i ll just have to lick my wounds and move on with the broken heart, and forget about her.
I am just hoping i didn’t looked like a loser to her saying those things, after all i just wanted to talk to her cus i missed her…
Hi Constantin.
She might reach out. But it depends on her perception of you as well as how well her relationship/life goes. I know you miss her and wonder if your actions looked desperate, but try not to worry about it. Many if not most dumpees are hurt and make some mistakes.
Kind regards,
Do you suggest blocking?
Not at all, Sally.
In short, hope they un-move on. Hope they’re not so weak-minded that they’ll return to the last tolerable relationship they had instead of continuing the search for a happy one. Brilliant.
That’s the gist of it, Jaycie.
ThNk to your website, I forget about most things I’ve read on the internet and started to understand that I need to do one thing, and that was the indefinite no contact rule (best rule of my life/ hard as hell in the beginning tbh) and also understood that my ex needs to come back and not vice-versa. And he moved on and the same too because you have learned to love yourself and got that time to grow as a person, and now when I look back after more than two years of NC, I see a beautiful time of evolving as a person!!!
And thanks to you, Zan!!! Forever grateful 😊
Hi Linda.
Congrats on getting this far. You’ve detached and learned to value yourself no matter what your ex says and does. Now all that matters is your own perception of yourself.
Your ex hasn’t worked on himself yet because he got with someone new right away, so he has a lot of work to do. But that doesn’t matter anymore. You have your life to live and he has his.
Hi Zan, I have reading your blog since a while now and I have to say it helped me so much, your thoughts are very supportive. This post does not reflect my situation as I am not sure I wish have my ex back some day, but everytime you post something new I read it as it can give me a new perspective. I am curious to understand better why in this case, if the dumper starts a new relationship soon after the breakup you do not define it a rebound. My understanding was that every relationship that starts during or straight after the end of the previous can be defined a rebound. This topic is very important to me as it’s the root of all my stress and anxiety. I’d really appreciate to know your thoughts about it. My ex left me 3 months ago, we were in a LDR made even more complicated due to my ex’s father illness. My ex suffered a severe depression which cause a lot of pain to both of us, the relationship was consuming day after day along a whole year. It was clear that the best for both of us was cutting off but I was not able to leave him alone with his pain and I start being miserable (and unattractive) myself. In November he eventually said he was not loving me as before and he would not come back. When i asked if there were someone else he first denied , then said : I owe you the truth, ‘I do not know if there is or not but yes, I have met someone (an old ‘friend’) who helped me to understand things that I was hiding to myself since a while’. I was expecting the end because our difficulties and bad times and distance, I was in some way ready to accept the end..but this confession had literally destroyed me. I do not know which kind of relationship he is having with her currently as I decided to be in NC successfully now since 5 weeks.But Everytime I rethink about those word I feel again very depressed …especially because she is leaving in another country too and they are possibly having a LDR too, which to me it’s a kind of bad joke. Sorry for the long message and my broken English . And thanks again for your insights , it’s a very positive thinking support for everyone struggling with heart pain.
Hi Paola. Thanks for reading the blog. I appreciate it.
I don’t define new relationships as rebounds because rebounds give dumpees false hope. They tell them that their ex’s new relationship is likely to fail even though it’s usually just a new relationship.
A rebound relationship is something dumpees find themselves in because they’re hung up on their ex and can’t form new romances before they get over their ex. Your ex is having a “normal” relationship with this “old friend” of his. But that doesn’t mean that they’ll have a happy ever after. All it means is that he refused to work on his depression and jumped into a relationship with this new person because she made him feel validated. Once gets out of the infatuation phase, he’ll no longer be able to rely on limerence for self-love. That’s when old issues will hit him hard and force him to deal with them.
Hang in there, Paola!