If you’re thinking about cutting off an ex who dumped you, you’re thinking in the right direction. You’re starting to understand that the dumper shouldn’t be befriended, entertained, pitied, and kept around for convenience and a boost of self-esteem. He or she should be cut off as soon as possible and prevented from messing with your brain.
By cutting your dumper ex off, you’ll be able to stop thinking about impressing your ex and reattracting him or her with your personality and improvements. In other words, you’ll stop obsessing over the breakup (the things you lack control of) and learn to accept the breakup and move on from it.
It won’t be easy to cut off someone you’re in love with and emotionally depend on. You’ll likely question the morality and usefulness of your decision and feel tempted to re-initiate contact. Despite self-doubt and eagerness to talk to your ex, stay committed to staying away from your ex.
Do that by reminding yourself that your ex rejected you and left you with no other option but to boot him or her out of your life.
Your health and well-being depend on your determination to get back on your feet. The sooner you get rid of your ex and prevent your ex from breadcrumbing you, the sooner you can expect to regain your purpose and zest for life.
So know that cutting off an ex who dumped you is necessary for your recovery and self-love. You may not like the idea of losing your ex, but you won’t be losing your ex any more than you already have. Your ex is already gone romantically, so all you’ll do is stop your ex from friend-zoning you and stringing you along.
You’ll do what’s best for you rather than your ex.
This is important so you can regain lost power and control. It won’t happen overnight, but you will gradually feel stronger and realize that cutting your ex off was the best decision you’ve made since the breakup.
If you’re not sure about cutting off an ex who dumped you, I strongly urge you to at least try no contact. Do it for a few weeks and observe what happens to your thoughts and feelings. After a few weeks, you’ll notice that you think about your ex less and feel fewer cravings to communicate, bond, and reconnect with your ex.
That’s because you’ll detach from your ex a bit and see that holding on to an ex who dumped you is a waste of time and effort. It makes more sense to put your thoughts and efforts into productive things such as work, friends, self-development, hobbies, and things that give you purpose and joy.
Most dumpees I talked to regretted not cutting their ex off sooner; especially dumpees who received mixed signals from their ex and thought their ex was partially open to working things out. Such dumpees wished they prioritized their healing, kept their dignity, and cut their ex off instead of wasting their time trying to convince their ex to be with them.
They wished they hadn’t held on to hope for so long and waited for their ex to change his or her heart.
Your ex can have a change of heart thousands of miles away from you. He or she doesn’t have to talk to you and know that you’re excited to give the relationship another chance. If the dumper knows you’re desperate to get back together, the dumper will feel smothered and/or validated by the thought that you’re willing to wait for him or her for a long time.
He or she will feel no sense of urgency to hurry up and get back with you before you move on for good. Hence, it’s better to give up on the idea of slowly reattracting your ex. Reattraction won’t happen as long as your ex knows you’re hoping to resume the relationship.
It will happen when you’re unavailable, mysterious, confident, happy, and detached.
That’s because the dumper will see that you’re enjoying life and that you don’t need him or her to be content. As a contented person, you have more to offer than a discontented one. You can provide support, comfort, and a sense of familiarity when your ex gets in trouble and needs to open up to someone who can listen.
You can appear strong and desirable to your weak and undesirable ex.
So don’t hesitate to cut off an ex who dumped you. Instead, cut the dumper off right away and watch your health, happiness, power, and self-worth improve with time. You won’t regret cutting off an ex who dumped you because you’ll feel much better than when you interacted with your ex and hoped for your ex to recognize your importance and changes and take you back.
Very few dumpees enjoy staying friends with their ex. Those who do usually torture themselves with one-sided feelings and unmet needs and expectations. They keep rationalizing and obsessing with their ex and by doing so, delay their growth and healing.
In this article, we shed some light on why cutting off an ex who dumped you is so important. We show you how to let go of an ex, heal from the breakup, and increase your chances of being with your ex.

Why is cutting off an ex who dumped you important?
It’s necessary to cut the dumper off because you both need space from each other. You need space to heal from rejection and the dumper needs space to do what he or she wants. The dumper broke up with you expecting to be happy and in control of his or her life, so the dumper must experience life without you.
This means the dumper must leave you alone and experience complete freedom. If the dumper doesn’t leave you alone willingly (wants friendship, occasional friendship, or friendship with benefits, you must help your ex by cutting him or her off and finishing what he or she started. You must stand up for yourself and express that you’re not going to stay in touch just because your ex had different post-breakup expectations.
Your ex may not like that, but your ex can’t have the cake and eat it too. He or she chose to let you go and lose all aspects of the relationship, including friendship. It’s too late to complain that no communication was never a part of the deal.
Every dumper knows there’s a high risk of becoming resentful and falling out of touch after the breakup.
Breakups make exes highly emotional, angry, depressed, and bitter. They bring out the worst in them (in both dumpees and dumpers) and often cause a rift between them. When emotions run high, their ugliest personality traits come to light and cause problems.
You can avoid hurting each other unnecessarily simply by cutting off the ex who dumped you. Not only will you avoid hurting yourself, but you’ll also keep your dignity and pride and improve your self-worth. That’s because you’ll eliminate any chance of begging your ex for another chance and allow yourself to heal properly.
Cutting off an ex who dumped you is the most important post-breakup rule. It’s the rule that will let your ex focus on him/herself and help you restore your self-love. In the breakup sphere, we call it no contact. It’s essential whether you want to reconcile with your ex or get over your ex and be done with your ex.
The quickest way to heal from the breakup is to cut your ex off and send the message that you love yourself and won’t beg your ex for love and attention.
Your ex will respect you more if you stop fulfilling his or he wants and needs. He or she will see that your attention and affection come at a price and that he or she has lost access to them. The only way to regain them is to give you something of equal value in return. Something like a relationship.
So don’t bother talking to your ex and tiptoeing around your ex. Instead of trying to prevent problems and impressing your ex through communication and actions, give up on your ex like your ex gave up on you. This is the only gesture that will make your ex think about you as an equal.
Communication, begging, crying, complaining, hanging out, and pretending you can get along as exes, on the other hand, will make you look obsessed and weak. It will show that you need your ex in your life to feel loved and needed.
Having said that, here’s why cutting off an ex who dumped you is necessary.

How to cut off an ex who dumped you?
The instructions for cutting the dumper off are very straightforward. When the dumper reaches out, tell him or her you’ve been thinking about your peculiar friendship and that you don’t think it’s a good idea to pursue it right now. Say you need more time to focus on yourself and process things—and that you’ll let him or her know when you’re ready to chat and be friends.
All you have to do is tell your ex you don’t want to be friends, and your ex will back off. Your ex might even be curious about you at times and wonder why you asked for space. He or she might think there’s someone else in your life and become even more curious and nostalgic.
It’s hard to say how your ex will think, feel, and act when you go no contact, but that’s the least of your worries. What matters is how much suffering you’ll avoid and how quickly you’ll be able to let go and move on.
Moving on isn’t a race. But despite that, you want to ensure a fast and smooth recovery. If you can move on in half a year, why not move on in half a year rather than a year or two from now? One of your only tasks as a dumpee is to recover from heartbreak and find joy in life. The better a job you do at healing, the less the breakup will traumatize you and meddle with your future relationships.
So wait for your ex to contact you to tell your ex you’re done being friends. Tell your ex this in a kind, respectful manner to avoid any negative responses from your ex. Responses that could make you want to argue and defend yourself.
You want to get rid of your ex as quickly as possible. You don’t want to get emotional and explain yourself over and over again.
Also, you could reach out to your ex now and tell your ex not to contact you anymore, but that’d be strange. It’d make your ex wonder why you’re reaching out to say not to reach out anymore. Typically, angry couples (not ex-couples) do that because they want attention and validation. When dumpees do it, they appear resentful.
Dumpees must start no contact without telling their ex they started no contact. That way, they can heal quietly and surprise their ex when he or she checks up on them and finds out they’ve lost the will to talk.
If you don’t tell your ex to leave you alone and don’t get contacted by your ex, your ex won’t know when you stopped caring about him or her and moved on. Your ex will likely think that you moved on very quickly and respect you more because of it.
Respect is earned, not given. So respect yourself by cutting your ex off early on. The sooner you do it, the better your ex will think of you and the more dignity you will retain.
How to stay away from your ex and refuse to talk to your ex?
Your ex might reach out during no contact, talk about things you couldn’t care less about, and make you analyze his or her reasons for conversing with you. If that happens, go back to no contact as quickly as possible.
Reiterate that you need more time to process the separation and that you don’t want to be friends and chat.
No matter how badly your ex wants to talk to you and prevent you from starting or staying in no contact, you must understand that your happiness and health come first. You mustn’t let your ex guilt-trip you into neglecting yourself and doing what’s best for your ex.
You cared about your ex when you were a couple. Now that you’re not, your life is about you. Show this to your ex by refusing to prioritize your feelings over your ex.
If you have a hard time staying away from your ex for any reason, remind yourself that your ex dumped you and no longer wants to be with you. As long as he or she is in control of his or her life, your ex is happy with his or her decision to break up and wants things to stay the way they are.
You shouldn’t contact your ex or agree to be friends or you’ll become your ex’s go-to person. You’ll become someone your ex relies on for non-romantic wants and needs. This includes meaningless conversations that hinder your recovery process.
Think about the benefits of cutting off an ex who dumped you. Not only will no contact give you your rationality back, but it will also respect you for staying away from an ex who doesn’t want you. You’ll learn to control temptations and pain and grow from this ordeal.
When you feel the temptation to converse with your ex, call a friend and/or do something that keeps you busy. It can be anything that helps you get your mind off your ex (even if for a minute). It doesn’t matter what it is as long as you refuse to cave into anxiety and fear of losing your ex.
Most dumpees successfully cut their ex off when they convince themselves that talking to their ex is self-degrading and undeserving of their time. They start healing when they understand they must focus on moving on rather than begging their ex for attention, explanations, and love.
Such dumpees usually stay in no contact permanently and do no contact the right way. They avoid breakup mistakes and get over their ex in the quickest time possible.
Are you considering cutting off an ex who dumped you? What’s stopping you from starting no contact with your ex? Comment below and let us know.
And if you have concerns or questions about cutting off your dumper ex, feel free to contact us for 1-on-1 coaching. We have years of experience helping dumpees put their lives back on track.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
I think this is a smart odea for 95% of people. I have a few questions about it though? 1) How does one do this with children in the mix? 2) How does one navigate it when you are on a trial seperation and have agreed to talk once a week for 8 weeks before seciding if it is worth it?
3) (And this is the big one) If your Ex realizes it was a mistake, but also refuses to contact you because they do not want to appear weak, then isn’t the opportunity of a restored relationship lost because everyone is thinking that they have to be silent even when they do not want to?
Hi A.
You can cut off an ex when children are involved. But you have to do limited no contact. This means you should communicate only about childen. You can always change the terms of the breakup. Say you need space and that you’ll let your ex know when you’re ready to be friends. If your ex wants you back, the last thing preventing your ex from asking for another chance will be the fear of looking weak. When regret kicks in, your ex will be in a hurry to reconcile.
Yesterday I was with my friends who are also friends with my ex who dumped me and monkey branched to someone else just a week after. Like I have mentioned before, there have in the past year since the breakup been sort of a silent expectation that she and I would be able to meed with our mutual friends again.
For a year this has been on my mind but I have stayed away from her, I have done no contact by the book. I have tried to keep my spirits up, despite life bashing me in different ways. Yesterday one of my friends told me that my ex was planning on moving across the country to live with her new boyfriend. And that really destroyed me, whatever progress I had done in the past year went down the drain.
He also mentioned the part the she and I maybe could hang out together with our friends. That’s when I told him that I have had a year to reflect on things and that if they wanted to hang out with her I wouldn’t stop them, but that I would stay away during those particular times. And that I have nothing more to say to her.
It felt okey to get that of my chest, there are no expectations of me anymore.
But I still feel sad, it sort of felt that no it is over for real. And like I mentioned before, I lost not only her but her kids, her dog and her cat. None of them I will ever see again
Hi Gordon.
Secretly, you’d been hoping for them to experience issues and go their separate ways, so you got your hopes crushed. You’ll need a little while to recove from it. You probably feel much better already. Make sure to stay away from her. Let your friends hang out with her if they want to. You’re not ready for friendship with your ex, especially since she’s dating someone else.
Work on yourself and your life, Gordon. That way, you’ll notice the things you’ve gained rather than lost.
Best regards,
Such a good article Zan!
I always enjoy reading your articles!
And learned from you that an ex should be cut off as soon as possible and prevented from messing with brain and heart.
So was best decision I ever made.
Thank you Zan
Thank you, Linda!