If you got dumped and you’re thinking about writing a message to your ex-boyfriend that will make him cry, I need to warn you. Your message most likely won’t make your ex emotional and nostalgic. It will probably have the opposite effect as your ex will feel smothered and confused.
Your ex will wonder why you’re pouring your heart out to him when all he wants is to keep moving forward and focus on himself. In other words, your ex expects you to think, feel, and act like him—and will push you away if necessary. He won’t hesitate to do that if you show a lack of consideration for his feelings and decisions.
So remember, post-breakup messages (especially emotional ones) don’t make dumpers feel cared for and respected. They make them feel disrespected as dumpees violate their space and freedom. They pressure them with expectations and demands and by doing so, decrease their interest in speaking, catching up, and getting back together.
Very few dumpers cry when they receive a love/gratitude message from their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. Those who do tend to cry due to guilt rather than love.
And that’s not a good thing as guilt isn’t an emotion they want to feel and act on to improve their relationship.
Guilt is an emotion they want to avoid. It hurts them to remember they abandoned their ex and enjoyed their life when their ex was struggling to accept the breakup and love himself/herself. Dumpers would rather not remember their actions and the consequences their actions had on their ex.
They’d prefer to not see their ex upset/emotional and stay in charge of the breakup. By being in control, they can avoid unwanted reminders of their ex and keep their ex at a safe distance.
So if you’re considering sending a message to your ex-boyfriend that will make him cry, know that even the sweetest message won’t make your ex-boyfriend want to be with you again. On the contrary, it will show you still want to get back together and that you’re focusing on him rather than moving on.
This will make the guy feel guilty (or angry) and make him even less attracted to you and interested in speaking/bonding with you.
You must understand that texts, messages, and emails are things YOU want to send to feel better. They’re not something your ex asks for and needs to feel respected and safe. That’s why I strongly encourage you to give up on trying to make your ex-boyfriend cry.
If you care about the guy and want the best for him and you, you should show him respect by giving him space and letting him see you’ve accepted the breakup and found your peace. That will make a much better impression on the guy than emotional messages as it will exude high self-esteem and the ability to move on.
Any kind of professing of feelings, expressing gratitude, apologizing, begging, and asking for explanations will show you’re not ready to let go of your ex and that your healing depends on him.
And when your ex sees you depend on him, you can be certain he’ll feel uncomfortable, impatient, and tempted to show his worst colors. Most dumpees do as they lack the experience and empathy to treat their ex well.
Instead of attempting to write a message to your ex-boyfriend that will make him cry, convince yourself that your ex doesn’t want nor deserve such a message. Emotional messages are meant for boyfriends (people who feel the same way about you) as such people actually want to hear your thoughts and emotions.
They want to reciprocate and grow their bond.
Ex-boyfriends, on the other hand, don’t. Their goal is to leave things as they are and focus on activities and people who expect nothing from them. Zero expectations allow them to self-prioritize and be free whereas messages from their exes guilt-trip, annoy, and anger them.
In today’s post, we discuss why you shouldn’t send a message to your ex-boyfriend that will make him cry.

A message to my ex-boyfriend that will make him cry
Dumpers usually aren’t capable of crying after the breakup. This is because of three simple reasons.
- They’re detached from their ex.
- They associate negativity with their ex.
- They want something or someone else.
Because they blame their ex for the breakup and the way they feel, they don’t want to hear from their ex. They especially don’t want to receive messages that go against their decisions and make them feel unwanted emotions.
If they receive such messages, they get frustrated as they feel forced to help their ex cope with the breakup.
Dumpers who receive emotional messages from their ex don’t want to feel responsible for helping their ex get over the breakup. They leave to avoid investing time and energy into their ex. That’s why they expect their ex to respect their boundaries and figure out how to be happy without them.
So if you’re thinking about sending a message to your ex-boyfriend that would make him cry, remember that the chances of your ex loving your message are tiny. It’s much more likely that your ex will thank you for the message just out of courtesy/guilt or that your ex will feel bothered and ignore you.
Your ex could also block you or make fun of you and try to ruin your reputation. That depends on his maturity and way of coping with unwanted situations and emotions. But still, you shouldn’t expect your ex to feel better and come back to you because of a nice message.
The message you’re thinking of sending doesn’t have that kind of power.
It lost its power when your ex broke up with you and showed you that he had no feelings or desire to be with you.
Always remember that your ex will feel and/or react negatively and that your heartfelt message will decrease your ex’s chances of being with you. Every breakup mistake makes things a bit worse. So make sure to avoid mistakes and give your ex what he’s looking for.
And for the record, your ex is looking for:
- space
- freedom
- respect
- happy emotions
If you send texts that aim to make your ex-boyfriend cry, you’ll probably make yourself cry when you notice that your ex doesn’t want to return your texts and feelings. You’ll add problems to an already complicated situation and lose more reconciliation hope than you’re ready to lose.
That will likely send you into a downward spiral and make you regret making your ex responsible for helping you deal with the post-breakup blues.
So don’t send your ex anything. The longer you stay silent, the more you’ll realize that your ex stopped caring about you and that you need to rely on yourself and anyone but your ex for healing.
Others will help you understand things and motivate you to feel better whereas your ex will make you feel more insecure and hungry for answers.
Although there’s a chance your ex will be mature, answer your questions, and support you, it’s much more likely that your ex will not act the way you expect him to act. This is because you don’t know how your ex acts in challenging situations. Not unless you already pressured your ex and brought out the worst in him.
In that case, you shouldn’t even think about sending your ex a message that could make him cry. You should be thinking about protecting yourself by leaving your ex to his devices and letting him be in control of his thoughts and emotions.
With that said, here’s why you mustn’t send your ex-boyfriend a text that will make him cry.

As a dumpee, you shouldn’t be the one making your ex-boyfriend cry. Other people and stressful situations unrelated to your ex should be making your ex cry. They should make your ex see that the life he chose is dangerous and unfulfilling and that he took you for granted.
If you give him space and he cries because of other people and things, chances are he’ll reflect and appreciate the life he had with you. There’s no guarantee that he’ll have an epiphany, but he could if you show him you value yourself and don’t need him to validate you and be with you.
Just like you value your ex more now that your ex is gone, so do dumpers. Dumpers respect, value, and miss their exes when their exes are happy and they’re miserable. That’s because they realize they’re not as happy as they were when they were with their ex and that they can use their ex to feel better.
If you want to increase the odds of your ex wanting to be with you, don’t send a message to your ex that would make him cry. Send him your absence instead.
It will tell him you don’t depend on him and that you’re doing fine without him. Your lack of interest will depict high self-esteem, emotional independence, happiness, and everything your ex needs to respect you and wonder about you.
Sending your ex letters, texts, voice recordings, and other unsolicited messages, however, will prove your ex has been on your mind a lot and that you still have expectations of him. Expectations that he doesn’t have the desire and energy to fulfill.
The perfect message doesn’t exist!
I know you want to impress your ex and make him feel loved and cared for, but no matter how badly you want things to go back to the way they were, know that no message will make your ex cry and realize he wants to be with you.
Your ex convinced himself that he wasn’t happy with you.
Such convictions soon led to emotional disconnection and perhaps even resentment, depending on what your ex is like and what breakup mistakes you’ve made.
If you begged and pleaded for a long time and tried to force your ex to love you, your ex probably associated tons of negativity with you. This is especially true if your ex is immature and blames others for his mistakes and behaviors.
Dumpers just don’t want to be wooed. They stopped wanting it when they lost feelings and decided they were happier on their own.
If their ex insists on getting back together and sends emotional messages, they often feel smothered and react in hurtful ways.
Negative reactions give dumpers more power they don’t need and make dumpees more anxious and insecure.
So give up on sending your ex short messages, paragraphs, last messages, love letters, acceptance letters, and random things. Instead of pressuring your ex and pushing him away, stay in no contact and let the power of silence speak for itself.
Let your ex interpret your silence in any way he wants. If he gets offended by it (very unlikely), he can be offended. And if he respects you for it, that’s fine too. Just keep in mind that if his feelings return he’ll reach out and talk about his regrets and feelings.
He won’t make you do all the work because that’s not what regretful dumpers do. Regretful dumpers are usually in so much pain that they come running after the dumpee and ask for another chance.
If you want your ex back, you have to wait for your ex to make a move. And your ex will make a move when things go awry and force your ex to see you’ve retained your worth and moved on.
Dumpers feel a sense of urgency when their ex is detached and no longer interested in them. They feel that they’re going to lose their ex for good if they don’t act soon.
That’s why it’s so important that you don’t send your ex any messages that show you value him. Instead, you should indirectly tell him you’re doing great. Do this by staying in no contact and occasionally posting things that make you happy.
It’s okay to show you’re happy, just don’t overdo it by posting happy pictures with other guys and saying you’ve never been this happy. Posts like that will probably anger your ex and force him to resent you and block you.
I can’t say what your ex will do, but there’s a good chance your ex will react negatively and hurt you again.
Are you still thinking about sending a message to your ex-boyfriend that will make him cry? What do you think that will accomplish? Feel free to express your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below.
However, if you’d like to talk privately about ways to impress your ex, click here to subscribe to 1-on-1 coaching.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
I totally agree with you Zan now!
I have send that message and the message most likely didnt make him emotional and nostalgic… portably did the opposite! And you said to me that but needed to send and yeah results 0
It’s what I thought was best way after not doing drama after the breakup.
Thank you Zan for being here for all of us 🩵
Hi Linda.
It’s what you thought was best at the time. Today, you understand that exes don’t want to see you emotional and that it makes them feel pressured.
Dumped 09.08.2023.No contact is forever….there is no other way. There are no words, memories, arguments that can lessen the pain I feel. Remember, silence is the language of angels. Stay strong!
Hi Pedro.
That’s right. Silence all the way!
This was so me, at the end of this week I am 2 months into no contact. Before that I spent almost an entire week bothering her, I needed to get things of my chest, I needed to tell her I understand where it went wrong and that I wanted to work on my shortcomings and that I needed to tell her this because I really didn’t want to throw away what we had. When we broke up I was sort of in a shock and didn’t put up any resistance so I needed to at least let her know that the relationship really meant something to me.
Unfortunatly I went overboard with my feelings and in retrospct I understand I did it more for myself, she probably doesn’t give a s**t about my thoughts and feelings.
Afterwards she left me on read and ignored me and that is when I went no contact.
A mutual friend told me a few days later that she understand that I was out of character since this was my first real relationship and also first real break up, and that I didn’t lose face.
But if this is true or not or if she said this just to be nice I don’t know. I’m still in NC and haven’t heard from her.
Hi Gordon.
It was your first serious relationship, so you didn’t know how to react to rejection. Your instincts told you to show care and affection and be a better partner. They didn’t tell you your ex wanted space and that she couldn’t handle your begging.
Now you know what to do and not to do if you get dumped again.
Zan I come to you again after a long time away. I was doing good. We share kids and we came together and I did absolutely everything during an accidental coming together to exhude independence and confidence.
I was nearly perfect. That’s the caveat.
I asked for too much and I believe she met somebody else she got interested in during this time and the route I’d have to take became too hard. The idea that she would go elsewhere, even under no pressure, whilst I was actually there and present in her life sickened me.
But you were proven right for the dozenth time or more.
I was disrespected in a relatively small way and pretty much latched onto that as a way to end the stringing along/time together.
The thing is I actually was exuding that much indifference and mental strength that I didn’t even show I knew of her goings on. I never reacted.
I’m back in no contact now and like clockwork she hasn’t responded to it. She has tried to create small talk when I take the kids and I will answer a few questions and literally walk away.
In an incident such as this would I have been better stating my reason for walking away? I hold no qualms against her as I had shown very little in way of actions or words to get her back but im beyond certain my demeanour gave it away.
I feel awful because the first (real) no contact was tough but this seems even tougher because obviously she’s more detached, is vested in somebody else most likely and has a few more months of my everlasting presence to lean on.
I’m just concerned it will look like I have somebody else, have moved on and moved forwards.
She is every inch the immature and blameful dumper that you often discuss.
There’s a part of me that feels the fact I got away peacefully enough, without mentioning ANY concerns is actually potentially the best possible result long term for both parties, I just stopped reaching out for shared evenings and the like, I guess I’m just hurt that she hasn’t at least asked what’s caused my change of direction but I guess that lack of intrigue speaks for itself.
A lesson for ALL who read this.
I went back into her life, avoided initiating ANY contact, perhaps I gave away a little too much by my demeanour but honestly, seven years together, a breakup with no blame and we share kids together. Iv fixed a lot of the superficial problems too.
ALL that and all I have to show for five months of enduring awful news on a weekly basis (EVEN while she was consciously trying to not tell me) was false hope.
Honestly Id give my demeanour and behaviour a solid 8/10 and it got me nowhere.
Stay in no contact, acknowledge as hard as it is, and as hard as it is to believe that what I’m about to say is true is true, its literally your best and should be only option. The damage is done and the time for earning them back is gone.
She will have to acknowledge one day that she had the very best version of the guy she lived and laughed with for seven years in her face and ready to give her the world. But that’s not our job to force them to see that.
Hi Steven.
You didn’t need to state your reason for walking away. You just needed to focus on yourself and find your inner peace. Your ex isn’t thinking about the good times right now. She’s relieved and is focusing on the bad ones. That’s how she justifies the breakup and keeps guilt and self-blame away.
Perhaps one day, she’ll discover she left a good person. But she won’t learn this without failure and pain. Most dumpers need to suffer to reflect and realize they undervalued their ex and overvalued themselves.
Best regards,
This is a great article. I have posted many times about my situation after being monkey branched, left high and dry after supporting my ex girlfriend for nearly 10 years, and pretty much ghosted since. I sent an emotional email to her which has been posted on a previous article and got no response and it has been 2 months. For nearly a month and a half I was depressed, not eating a whole lot, manic in many ways, and was driven into therapy after ending up in the ER with a severe panic attack after 1 month of separation. Now 3 months later I am moving on but at my own pace. Zan told me that the email was an error in judgement and that was absolutely correct. Despite a few text messages from her stating that she wanted to talk but could not because of her new love and the fact that she is stressed and strung out, I have not heard from her. After looking for closure from her and some kind of explanation for nearly a month and half I have spent the past month and a half in strict no contact. Yes I think of her night and day and yes I miss the hell out of her but know deep down that her selfish actions were a lack of respect, disregard for my feelings after taking her into my home many years ago, and showed me that once a cheater always a cheater as she did this to her husband of 19 years as well. Hard as it may be Zan was right. Refrain from the emails and texts. It’s just not worth the heartache.
Hi Tony.
I’m sorry thing didn’t work out the way you’d hoped, but things happen for a reason. Your ex showed you who she was as a person and revealed some of your weaknesses in the process. She showed you what you needed to work on to become the best version of yourself. So as awful a this experience was, it helped you reach new heighs. Be thankful to your ex for forcing you to evolve.
I think you’ve come very far, Tony. You’ve still got a ways to go, but you’ll get there probably sooner than you think.
Stay in NC and avoid making mistakes.
Best regards,