It goes without saying that both dumpees (people who get broken up with) and dumpers (those who let go of their partners) stalk each other on social media and quite often even offline – in real life.
Although dumpers don’t do it as frequently as dumpees, they do, however, still like to keep tabs on their exes and know what’s going on.
They like to know what their dumpees are up to and how they are coping without them.
In this article, we’ll talk about exes stalking each other and the actions they can take to solve the situation.
We’ll start with dumpers and separate the stalking into online and offline categories.

Is my ex dumper stalking me?
It’s not unusual for dumpers to stalk their dumpees on social media or anywhere online that they can access from a computer, phone or tablet.
Online stalking occurs more often than you may think. Your ex may be grave silent and might appear completely disinterested in you, but your ex is likely stalking you from time to time without your awareness.
Just how you are curious about what your ex is up to, so is your ex. The only difference is that your ex isn’t dying to know everything about you. Far from that.
If your comes across something that piques his or her interest, then that’s fine. And if your ex doesn’t see anything, that’s fine too.
It’s not very easy to tell that stalking is happening in the background, but mark my words. Your ex is stalking you or will stalk you as long as you preserve your value in no contact and leave him or her alone.
Your ex gets curious every now and then, opens Facebook, Instagram or wherever you post your pictures with your dog and patiently scrolls through your profile and reads the comments.
Unless your ex accidentally likes your pictures or blatantly comments on any of your posts, you simply won’t know that stalking is occurring. It’s one of those things that happen while you’re eating your dinner or playing your favorite sports.
The point I’m trying to make is that you really won’t know if your ex is stalking you. As long as your online profiles are set on public or you’re still friends with your ex online, stalking will occur quite regularly.
Why is my ex stalking me online?
Dumpers are creatures of control and power. They like being in charge after the breakup by keeping dumpees away at a comfortable distance. They do so because of the usual post-breakup anger which is a very powerful emotion.
It’s important to understand that dumpers don’t stalk their dumpees because they are afraid they will start dating someone else. They often tell their dumpees to do do so anyway.
It’s just that dumpers are curious about what their exes are up to. They want to keep them around and see if they are having a good time and are moving on with their lives.
In a way, dumpers stalk online to reassure themselves that they’ve made the right decision. They spy on their dumpees to check up on their emotional well-being and occasionally—even to check if there’s someone else in the picture.
This happens provided that dumpees stayed in no contact and let the dumpers process all negative post-breakup emotions.

So, if you’re being stalked online by your ex, it’s not a bad sign. It’s a sign that your ex doesn’t despise you as a person and doesn’t mind seeing your face every now and then.
However, flaunting your new relationship or exposing yourself too often on social media could annoy your ex and get you blocked or unfollowed. That’s why you should probably upload pictures in moderation – to avoid aggravating your ex.
Why is my ex stalking me in person?
Although online stalking is nothing but a gesture of curiosity, we can’t say the same about stalking in person.
When the dumper takes the time and effort to get out of his or her house to stalk you, you can tell that something smells. You can be certain your ex is more than just curious about you and wants to procure the kind of information that he or she couldn’t obtain online or by talking to someone else.

Physical stalking or real-life stalking is serious and usually means only one thing.
Your dumper ex is controlled by high ego and instead of reaching out to you, embarks on a stalking journey to find out more about you. Most of the time, the dumper is ready to come back right away.
Dumpers stalk by:
- showing up where you shop, eat or spend most of your time
- driving around your neighborhood/home
- asking your acquaintances about you
What should I do if my ex is stalking me?
If you want your stalking-in-person ex back, I suggest you do absolutely nothing about it. Wait for your ex to “accidentally” bump into you and make plans with you to take it further.
If you don’t want him or her back, you should confront your ex and advise him or her to stop stalking you. If that doesn’t work, contact your ex’s family, friends, and as your last resort—the authorities.
That should take care of things once and for all.
And just in case it doesn’t help, note that people usually stop stalking when they stop feeling threatened. Time on its own eventually assuages most insecurities, so all you have to do is wait for him or her to give up.
Is my dumpee ex stalking me
If you’re the dumpee and you’re wondering “Is my ex stalking me online on social media,” you can be almost certain that almost all dumpees do in fact stalk online.
Dumpees that don’t follow the indefinite no contact rule stalk their exes online very often—especially right after the breakup. Since they feel hurt and overwhelmed, they check up on the dumpers in hopes of finding signs that their exes love them.
Every time dumpees stalk online, they see something they don’t like, so they re-open their wounds and make getting over their breakup harder than it needs to be.
That’s because they usually stalk in their moment of weakness—which is the most dangerous time to stalk.

There’s nothing to look for on the dumper’s online profile. But if you really need to stalk for some inexplicable reason, do it when you’re feeling great, not weak or depressed. Engrave this rule into your brain.
Most dumpees (probably 99%) initially stalk their dumpers online until they eventually realize it’s not helping them lose hope. That’s when they begin following the no contact rue diligently.
Is my dumpee ex stalking me in person?
Since dumpees feel rejected, heartbroken and at a loss of control, they sometimes do the least attractive things. They take matters of the breakup into their own hands and try to regain the connection they used to have with the dumper.
Some dumpees feel so overwhelmed due to a broken ego and shattered self-esteem that they lose their self-control. They start pulling off big gestures to impress their exes, turn to anger when they don’t impress them and even resort to physical stalking.

These post-breakup mistakes are all equally bad and regrettably—many dumpees are guilty of committing them.
Since dumpees are so desperate for results, they think and feel that they must do something to get their ex’s approval and stop them from moving on. Unfortunately, their good intentions only end up pushing dumpers away Their actions are just too unsightly for the creatures of power. Desperation is not attractive to them and neither is anything that portrays a lack of self-respect.
Dumpees know what they are doing is wrong, but they do it anyway due to their out-of-control emotions—which are not rational, but rather extremely emotional.
So when their exes find out about their impulsive behavior and a lack of self-control, all remaining value quickly diminishes into thin air.
This is why the power of no contact can save the dumpees’ face.
How can I tell if my ex is stalking me?
It’s really obvious your ex is stalking you when he or she is going the exact same way as you and always appears to be doing absolutely nothing when you look at him or her.
You can tell you’re being stalked if you frequently see your ex where you’re at and he or she appears nervous, fidgety, scared, avoidant, dishonest, insincere and inauthentic.

A person who’s not supposed to be where you are will either freeze in place or over-emphasize his or her non-verbal communication.
So if you’re wondering, “Is my ex stalking me in person,” all you have to do is observe your ex’s movements and behavior. It shouldn’t be too hard to spot unusual demeanor since you know him or her inside out.
Treat ex-relationship stalkers with dignity!
Please remember that people who stalk aren’t psychopaths, weirdos or a threat to the society.
They are people who are going through a difficult time so they can’t help but show their insecurities. Their post-breakup weaknesses aren’t shameful just because they lack the self-control to help themselves and stand on their own two feet.
They are warriors for looking for ways to keep fighting.
Try to think of their desperate actions toward the person they love as an attempt to solicit attention, care, and love. I don’t think they deserve to be punished for their good, yet selfish intentions.
Although they are going about it the wrong way, they are heroes in my book. I respect them because they are fighting when the battle has ended, and they have absolutely no chances of winning.
I know they may not look attractive when they obsess over someone who has abandoned them. But at the very least, they exhibit utter dedication.
Is your ex stalking you? Is he or she a dumper or a dumpee? Please leave a comment.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi, I really need some advice. I read your blog and it was informative. But he left me, said we had nothing. It was all in my head. But he’s been stalking me non stop on social media for almost 3 years now daily. But not as himself, on fake accounts. I never let it get to me I just got on with my life, I was fine. Until about a year ago he directly messaged me, wanted to move forwards, wondered if I hated him coz he took so long to come back. I was so confused coz as far as I was aware he felt nothing towards me. I didn’t really give in and he started trying to make me jealous. I know there is another girl in the picture now and it does hurt me coz I question what’s wrong with me all the time. He didn’t get what he wanted from me and blocked me directly again. I assumed he’s done. He’s got her he’ll leave me alone. But without fail everyday I see his fake account stalking me. He has 4 that I know are his. I’m just really confused why he does it if he’s got someone else. Also, recently he’s blocked me on the faking accounts but will unblock me and then block me again. It’s really exhausting to keep up with but this recent change in his stalking has thrown me off. I haven’t been posting anything lately coz I feel like I was expressing too much emotion and he just feeds his ego off it whilst getting it stroked by this current girl. I just feel at loss that not only did he destroy my heart but he’s getting away with this. I don’t class this as harmless stalking. It’s actually obsessive but I can’t make any sense of it. Please any advice would be appreciated coz I’m currently on the verge of a breakdown.
My ex dumped me giving me some stupid reasons but i know i will never find a reason to why we broke up. 2.5 months later i got a job in switzerland and she found out about it as she does indeed live in Switzerland she blocked me off everywhere. Funny enough she even says how there is no second chances. I accepted it and let go and decided there is no point anymore. Then later i see that she watches my instagram stories on her fake instagram account. Its been 2 weeks and i did not message her. She called me by accident once but said it was an accident then i blocked her number. Till now she still stalks me on my instagram by viewing my story.
My ex is usually the one who stalks me, and it’s mostly online. He even got with a 40 year old woman and just recently welcomed a baby, but it looks like they might’ve broken up or whatever.
I’ve been dealing with on-and-off online stalking for the past four years since our breakup. I’ve been doing quite well for myself, as I have a job and I’m about ready to get my undergraduate. But this whole thing with my ex is really either making me feel scared, angry or as though I’m not safe and my friends and family aren’t safe. I would tell my parents and sister but they’ll just tell me to get over it as he’s just “being nice”. Things have taken a rather scary turn, as he found my Instagram and messaged me when I was asleep. I have him blocked on Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram. I even have his number blocked. I even wrote a note warning my parents that if he ever tried to contact me again I would be changing my phone number.
Am I doing the right thing or am I just being a drama queen?
My ex is the dumper, and he is often meeting up where i am, and in my streets. Hes done some hurtfull things post breakup, and flauting his new girl rigth in my face. But i feel sorry for his struggle, and hope he figure things out. Then im willing to talk 🙂
Yeah … funny enough he broke up with me in a very painful way he tried coming back after three months but I ghosted him … and since that I keep seeing notifications that his is viewing my status in Fb … I have decided never to talk to him again
Two weeks after breaking up, I’ve constantly looked at my ex’s FB profile even if we’re not friends anymore. Until one night, I vowed to myself not to look anymore. That if I do have that “obsessive” feeling, I will start looking at other profiles i.e. celebrities and it helps. I still love him very much but “stalking” isn’t going to help me in the long run. Out of sight, out of mind!
i really don’t think my ex is stalking my instagram even though he initiated the break up and even unblocked me as well for some reason. i blocked him yesterday because i couldn’t stand it. i was devastated about the break up (still am) and he’s out there happy about it. i’m not sure if he founded out that he was blocked, i really don’t think he cares.
Hi Atiya.
It’s time you focus on yourself from now on. What your ex does and doesn’t do is no longer your concern. So do your best to enjoy your life as difficult as that may seem and get over him. You’ve got to do it out of respect for yourself.
Kind regards,
i leave him block then unblock then i’ll block again, its that on off feeling. im hurt but at the same time im not? he even posted an indirect about a relationship, i knew thats not for me because were not together anymore but hes still single and he even set it as his instagram highlights. the insta story was about being busy but still making time, when hes actually not busy at all, he post literally insta stories everyday, do you think that could be indirecting to me during times when were still together?
Would a dumper still stalk his ex even if he’s now married? If yes, what would that mean?
My ex – who dumped me – accidentally liked a picture of mine on Facebook, 2 years after he was married. What could that mean?
Hi Nikki.
It means that he’s been stalking you. It doesn’t change anything at the moment.
We broke up about 3,5 months ago. Sounds stupid, but my ex used to watch my stories in instagram after breaks up. But recenty (about a week ago) he didn’t. Does it mean than he is no longer interested? I don’t text or call him since break up.
I am the one who still sometimes stalk my ex online. It’s been 5 months since the breakup. And I am not really proud of it.. I am the dumpee…
Hi Jes.
If you don’t stalk often and you don’t feel much when you look at his profile, it’s not that bad. But at some point, you should try to gather the courage to stop stalking him and start caring about yourself more.
I know you can do it!