If another woman came between you and your partner because she didn’t know you were together, she should have stopped interacting with your partner and backed off the moment she found out.
But if she kept getting to know your partner despite knowing he was with you, then she obviously didn’t care about your feelings and intentionally tried to snatch the guy from you. She put her feelings before you and did what was best for her.
Whether she was aware of his relationship status or not, your partner should also have done something about the mess he got himself in. He was the one who allowed the woman to get close to him, so he was equally responsible.
Because he liked receiving her attention and bonding with her, he didn’t understand or care that talking to this person was wrong on so many levels.
At first, he probably just thought she was fun and interesting.
But as time went on, they grew closer to each other and eventually crossed the friendship boundary. That was when feelings started to develop and things got out of hand. Suddenly, they developed expectations and considered each other irreplaceable and extremely important.
Your partner had hundreds if not thousands of opportunities to back off and do what was right and needed of him. But because he enjoyed getting to know this person so much, he refused to do anything about it. He convinced himself (and perhaps you as well) that she was just a friend and that you had nothing to worry about.
He wouldn’t betray you and put you in a difficult spot.
He probably couldn’t keep that promise because sooner than later they or the woman developed feelings and attraction and couldn’t even imagine not having each other in their lives. At that point, it was already too late for them to just walk away and focus on their lives.
Feelings, urges, and expectations were already present, which implies they waited too long to do something about their close friendship.
So what now?
You have different options in front of you, depending on how far they’ve gone.
If they’re still spending time together but haven’t slept together, the very first thing you should do is make your partner aware of the issue. Tell him that it’s hurting you immensely and that you don’t like them being so close to each other.
That should let him know you don’t like them being so close and that you want him to prioritize you and give you (not tell you) reassurance. Actions speak louder than words, so make sure his response and actions match and meet your expectations.
You have every right to expect the guy to:
- limit the time he spends with her
- cut her out of his life
- talk to her only at work
- show you their conversations
- explain what’s going on between them
As his romantic partner, his first and only romantic choice is you. That means you get to agree, disagree, and change things within your privilege to change. And your privilege includes changing, influencing, asking, or demanding that he pays attention to you and stops interacting with other females.
Some guys will call you insecure, controlling, and clingy for wanting them to stop interacting with other females. But such guys typically lack emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and understanding of how their behavior is hurting their loved ones.
They need to learn to put themselves in others’ shoes so they can stop thinking that their right of having friends is being taken away from them.
In a relationship (especially marriage), a certain level of maturity and selflessness is needed. Couples need to understand their relationship isn’t just about their individual needs. It’s about the needs of both people.
For example, if someone is hurt and feels neglected, rejected, and worthless because of something his or her partner has done, the other person needs to prioritize the relationship and start helping.
He or she can help by:
- communicating
- expressing empathy and care
- understanding the problem both rationally and emotionally
- getting to the root cause of the problem
- putting a plan in place for problem-solving purposes
A third person getting between you and your partner is a serious issue that must be addressed right away. You can’t ignore the problem and expect it to go away on its own. It probably won’t go anywhere unless your partner and the other woman get into an argument.
Counting on that to happen, though is not the right approach here. It’s way too unpredictable and uncertain. So tackle the issue head-on by communicating with your partner. Discuss things openly and as calmly as possible and try to find a solution.
There are several things you can try if you feel that another woman is stealing your spotlight, making you insecure, and hurting you. We’ll talk about those things in today’s article. And we’ll categorize them according to the relationship the other woman has with your partner.
We’ll talk about what to do if she’s your partner’s friend, an ex, a friend with benefits, or someone who likes your partner and wants to be with him.

How to make the other woman go away?
First of all, your partner shouldn’t be communicating with the woman or going anywhere near her.
That’s not what a respectful, empathetic partner does. Someone who loves you and knows your worth won’t risk losing you. He knows that by losing you, he’ll suffer greatly and be forced to detach and let go of hope. Breaking up with you will put his happiness and future at risk and trigger his separation anxiety and his worst fears.
So why does he do it then? Why keep talking to another woman?
It’s hard to pinpoint the exact reason without understanding the kind of relationship he has with this woman, but it’s safe to generalize and say he hasn’t grown up yet. He still thinks it’s perfectly normal to have close friendships with women and bond with them.
He believes his partner should be confident and secure and let him do what he wants.
Sadly, that’s not the definition of a relationship built on love and respect. It’s a relationship that lacks healthy boundaries.
Your boyfriend, fiancé, or husband should be doing everything in his power to push the other woman away and commit to you. As your partner, he has a moral responsibility to avoid hurting you and to support you when support is needed.
Therefore, a person who keeps other women around (especially women he’d been involved with sexually or romantically) isn’t being a very thoughtful partner. He’s inconsiderate as he’s doing what feels right to him despite it hurting you and ruining the relationship.
In essence, his behavior and loyalty show how committed he is to you and how likely it is that he’ll give up on you if something goes wrong and he feels tempted to cheat and/or monkey-branch.
Couples always do better if they don’t have any backup plans to fall back on. They appreciate each other more and stop themselves from developing doubts or feelings for someone else. That’s why your partner needs to stop talking to the woman in question and make you the only woman he cares about.
When you’re his only option, he’ll invest only in you and make the relationship much better.
Until then, expect him to feel pressured, confused, and unhappy. He might even try to mediate between you and her to keep her in his life. Fortunately, that isn’t a decision he can make without you. Sometimes life demands that we choose one person over the other. And this is one of those situations.
It shouldn’t be too difficult for him to choose. That is unless he’s attracted to her/in love with her, doesn’t value you, and doesn’t mind losing you.
Let’s now talk about how to make the other woman go away.
How to make the other woman go away when she’s a friend?
If she’s your partner’s friend and she’s spending too much time with your partner, talk to your partner about it and have him tell her that she’s being too intrusive. He should be the one to tell her that because he’s her friend.
But if you’re all friends and she’s saying or doing things that aren’t appropriate and respectful toward you, then tell her that some of the things she says and does hurt you and that you’d like her to stop. It’s best to have this sensitive conversation in person to reduce misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
If she sees that you’re not trying to attack her, a reasonable person will feel respected and be glad you’ve told her how you felt. She will thank you for being honest and make the changes you’d like her to make. But if you come on too strong or if she perceives it as a personal attack, then she’ll probably get upset and try to protect herself from your accusations.
That will leave you with no choice but to forcefully push her away and damage or ruin the friendship you have with her.
So if you have the option to talk to her about boundaries, talk to her about them. Make sure she understands what she’s doing wrong before you lose your patience and unleash your wrath.
Some people get too involved in other couples’ business and must be shown where the limits are.
Mind you that this advice applies only to women you are friends with. It doesn’t apply to those who you aren’t friends with, don’t get along with, or don’t want in your life.
How to make your partner’s ex go away?
Former spouses don’t belong in or near new relationships. They are people of the past that must stay in the past. Those who try to mix their exes with their partner more often than not find out that it’s nearly impossible to be good friends with an ex while maintaining a healthy relationship with their partner.
When they try to have two incompatible people in their life at the same time, they normally face their partner’s fury and see that they can’t have the cake and eat it too. They have to make a decision. A decision that should be a no-brainer.
Exes have to be told that they can’t be close friends anymore and that they can talk once in a while rather than every day.
You needn’t and shouldn’t be the person to tell your partner’s ex that.
Your partner should be taking the initiative and doing the work. If he doesn’t, he feels some sort of attachment to his ex (it doesn’t have to be romantic) and is afraid of falling out of touch.
That means he’s let their friendship grow after the breakup when he should have let his ex go and made it easier for his next romantic partners to trust him.
If you want to know how to make this woman go away, you first need to know what not to do. You mustn’t take your frustration out on her because your partner is still responsible for sorting things out with her. He decided to keep her around, so he must decide to get rid of her.
If he doesn’t listen to you and keeps doing what he wants, you have a problem with your partner, not her. Don’t try to push this person away from your partner by force. It has to be your partner’s idea or he’s going to resent you and find ways to communicate with his ex secretly.
That will cause more problems for the relationship in the long run.
Here are some things you mustn’t do if your boyfriend won’t cut ties with his ex:
- contact the other person or her new partner
- threaten her
- call her a home-wrecker
- accuse your partner of cheating on you
- or do anything that adds fuel to the fire
You should instead take it up with your partner as such private matters are between you and him. They don’t concern your partner’s ex.
How to make the other woman go away when she wants to steal your partner?
The advice in this chapter is similar to the advice from the previous chapter. You should communicate with your partner and see what he thinks and feels. If he doesn’t see or care how his behavior is hurting you, you probably have only two options.
- Give the guy an ultimatum to cut the woman out.
- Leave the relationship.
Some guys are too self-centered to understand they’re hurting their partner and need to be scared into appreciating what they have. Such guys usually don’t grow much on their own. They grow through intimidation and fear.
If your partner is interested in dating the other person, though, then you need to back off and understand that your partner isn’t worth fighting over. A person who cheats on you and considers leaving you is worthless to you.
He doesn’t deserve your loyalty and tears. He deserves the boot and should be allowed to be with the other woman if he wants to. Never beg a guy to be with you when he feels tempted to be with someone else.
A guy who acts on temptations and has doubts about you most likely won’t choose you. He’ll choose the woman he doesn’t know anything about. That woman will make him feel the butterflies for a while and make him think she’s the one for him.
Of course, this doesn’t mean he’ll never come back. If things go awry, he could come back when he feels afraid for his safety and happiness and thinks you can help him feel better.
So again, don’t get angry with the woman and/or force the guy to be with you. Let them make a decision freely. If the guy doesn’t know what to do, tell him it’s either you or the other person and that he has till tomorrow to decide.
If the next day he still doesn’t know who to be with, he doesn’t see the value you bring to the table and should be made into an ex.
What if you’re not officially together yet?
In that case, you should avoid causing a scene and talk to the guy. Figure out if he’s seeing you and the other person at the same time. If he is, you have an important decision to make. You either stay cool and keep getting to know him or you avoid dating a two-timer and back off.
Personally, I wouldn’t date a person who’s getting to know multiple people at the same time. I’m a guy, but if a woman I’m interested in doesn’t take the time just for me and get to know me, I don’t see the point in going on any more dates with her.
I consider two-timing disrespectful and a waste of time and energy and wouldn’t fight for a woman’s time and affection. There are plenty of people out there who know that dating multiple people at once often makes you picky and causes you to overvalue yourself.
I also don’t like the idea of a person I’m seeing being intimately and sexually involved with another person. Maybe it’s just me, but that’s a big no for me.
As I said earlier, it’s a million times better to be the option rather than an option as someone who dates you exclusively has a significantly higher chance of appreciating you.
Ultimately, what you decide to do about a man dating you and someone else at the same time is up to you. Just make sure you don’t get played and that you can handle the outcome whatever it may be.
Did you learn how to make the other woman leave your boyfriend/husband alone and go away? What do you think you should do in such a case? Comment below and let me know.
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My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi Zan
What if the other woman had a baby from an affair? And was given lots of details about the affair.? He has cut all communication with the other woman but only did that because I reached out asking for details and he got upset? But there’s still a baby involved
Hi Anonymous.
Does she have a baby with the guy in question? If so, he should stay in touch to discuss coparenting. I presume she had a baby with someone else. If he got upset, it’s because it’s a sensitive topic for him. He doesn’t want to talk about it. This tells you he’s not ready for a relationship or that he’s a bad communicator. Maybe both.
If things aren’t progressing naturally, you should consider distancing yourself.
Kind regards,
Wow you are so good in every new article Zan!
Definitely agree with you about the part that a partner has hundreds of opportunities to back off and do what was right but they do what’s right for them! and i’m happy that i’m not around those kind of people!
I saved this to read later :))
Hi Linda.
People have many chances to be moral, but they choose not to be. It’s a shame because they hurt themselves and others.
I’ve never had to worry about other women, because my husband made them go away first. When he was across the ocean for B-school while we were engaged, he had a few women flirting with him here and there. He’d immediately start talking about me, or he’d introduce them to an unattached male friend. His whole cohort knew about me in short order, and none of the girls intruded. That’s what a loyal man does.
Hi Jaycie.
Your husband remained loyal and respectful. He told women about you and by doing so, prevented them from trying their luck with him. That’s indeed a sign of a self-aware and loyal man. He’s a keeper.