3 thoughts on “Does My Ex Still Like Me?”

  1. After a one-on-one session, you helped me realize a lot, but one part is also in this article!
    It’s so easy to realize that If an ex cared as a partner, they wouldn’t have broken up and stayed broken up. We would get back together or stay together while working on relationship issues as a couple.

    You made me realize it and not fantasize about it

    I will be forever grateful for your help ❤️

  2. clairethengineer

    Framing ourselves as “deserving” of anything is entitled. This positions you into a trap — you can’t count on the reasonableness of your views to protect you. There’s only reality and your response to reality. That’s what life is. You do the best you can. If someone leaves you—that doesn’t mean you “deserve” a better partner. You deal with the reality of the situation by getting stronger and moving on, not fixating on some feel good platitude that each of us is somehow cut out to be “deserving” of something from someone else.

    The best thing is to decide what are you going to do with your new freedom in this one precious life you’ve been given? Don’t ruminate over what you “deserve” — go after what you want for yourself, you get to decide.

    1. Hi Claire.

      You decide what person you want and who’s good for you. A “you deserve better” statement in the breakup world is only mean to uplift heartbroken dumpees and show them they’ll find someone to love and be loved by.


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