Is Your Ex Unbelievably Angry? Here’s Why
BreakupOur exes are sad and disappointed that their romantic relationship with us didn’t work out. Things haven’t been going the way they’d planned and it made them very unhappy.
Our exes are sad and disappointed that their romantic relationship with us didn’t work out. Things haven’t been going the way they’d planned and it made them very unhappy.
Relationships require conscious effort to make them work. We need to flourish them to keep the romance going. Simply going with the flow doesn’t work in most cases. All relationships have issues and arguments that need to be taken care of. Here are the biggest relationship killers that can separate happy couples. 1)Neediness One of
Sometimes we know our romantic relationship is coming to an end and other times we don’t. In cases where we do see it coming, we can prepare for the worst. Here are some of the things you need to say to your ex when he or she wants to break up with you. Know that
Yes and no. Whether it’s possible to get your ex back strongly depends on you and how you handle the break-up, not your ex. Usually, we hear them say “It’s over, I’m done, we will never be together again…” Is your ex lying to you? No, she is not. The ugly truth is she really
These guidelines are for those who were broken up with and wish they could reconnect with their lost love sometime in the future. Follow each and every one …
18 Post-breakup Mistakes That Won’t Get Your Ex Back Read More »
Before I get into the details of a push-pull technique (what I call the fishing technique), I would like to say that I am personally not an advocate of this method. It’s a mind game that requires a lot of planning and scheming in order to attract the other person. This can either work with
Push-pull Technique – Psychological Manipulation Read More »
A breakup is a separation of a strong bond a couple once shared. When two people stop sharing lives together they had previously invested in, they create a rift so powerful, it causes turbulence in the space and time. It causes a distortion of reality followed by the post-breakup blues—which is emotionally equivalent to the