Why Do Guys Flirt With You When They Have A Girlfriend?

Why do guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend

The biggest reason why guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend is that they don’t understand the difference between flirting and talking/texting. They think that communicating with a woman in a flirtatious manner isn’t flirting and that their behavior isn’t disrespectful to their girlfriend and the person they’re sending mixed signals to.

Guys that flirt while they’re in a relationship consider flirting to be an innocent, harmless gesture that only jealous and insecure girlfriends pick up on. That’s why they often get angry with their girlfriends when they’re caught redhanded and tell their girlfriends to be more understanding of their needs and freedom.

To be completely honest, many guys engage in flirting because they enjoy the attention they receive from other women. They love it so much that they develop an attachment to them and feel less excited to spend time with their girlfriends. Such guys are convinced that having female friends to bond with is normal and that it’s not just their personal preference to have good relationships with women, but also their human right.

Little do they know (or care) that being so intimately close with another person is damaging their relationship, hurting their girlfriend, and making their girlfriend doubt their loyalty, love, gratitude, and respect.

If you know a guy who has a girlfriend but also flirts with you, you have to understand that flirting in a relationship is extremely harmful. It’s a step beyond harmless banter that can slowly develop into romantic feelings and a loss of interest in the current relationship. This is especially true if the relationship is going through difficult times and needs a lot of care and attention.

As a third party, you need to make sure not to get too involved with guys who have a girlfriend. Giving them too much attention and reciprocating their flirting could cause them to develop doubts about their girlfriends and make them take their girlfriends for granted.

Of course, you aren’t responsible for their lack of commitment to their relationships, but still, you don’t want to entertain guys and get caught in the crossfire. You want the guys to leave you out of their mess and resolve their issues on their own or with their partners.

This post will teach you why guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend. It will explain what guys get from flirting and why you shouldn’t get involved with them.

Why do guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend

Why do guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend?

You’d think that guys would appreciate a person who loves them and has plans for them, but this isn’t always the case. Many guys stop putting their best foot forward a few years into the relationship and allow their relationships to become a bit stagnant and monotonous.

They feel that excitement is missing, so they consciously or subconsciously begin to look for it elsewhere. Sometimes they meet completely new people, and other times, they get close to someone they know at work, school, or town and try to establish a bond with them.

Whatever the case may be, they aren’t thinking about their relationships, which is why they put themselves in situations where they can once again feel validated by someone new (someone whose attention and recognition mean a lot to them) and focus strongly on that person.

By focusing on her, they undervalue their morals and ethics and convince themselves that they deserve to be happy with their “female friend” even if their girlfriend doesn’t like it.

Because they do what they think is right, guys often keep getting closer and closer to the new person and eventually cross the friendship threshold by flirting with the woman they find attractive. This is how they become more than curious about her, develop feelings for her, and oftentimes, leave their long-term partner for her.

Bear in mind that guys don’t leave their partners when they aren’t sure their new crush likes them back. They leave them when they’re (1)excited about someone new and (2)certain it’s safe for them to monkey-branch (jump from one relationship to the next).

This is the only way they can stay in control of the situation and make sure they have a soft cushion to land on in case things go awry for them.

So if you’re wondering why guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend, bear in mind that something’s missing in their life. Something like communication, gratitude, consistency, willpower, relationship goals, and a healthy relationship mentality. It’s much easier for guys to just ignore the need to improve these things and focus on quick emotional and sexual gratifications.

Validation instantly makes guys feel good whereas self-development and putting work into the relationship takes time and… well… hard work.

And, unfortunately, some guys just don’t like work. They prefer to flirt and exploit the loophole that lets them feel the way they would feel if they had the knowledge and will to invest in their relationship.

In other words, flirting makes guys feel the way they felt when they first met their girlfriends. It releases love hormones into their brains and gives them a feeling of importance, understanding, and care. Oh, and it also boosts their ego.

When guys feel empowered by another person, they start to doubt their girlfriend’s worth and begin to fantasize about the way the new person makes them feel and can continue to make them feel in the future. They don’t know or care about the fact that infatuation doesn’t last long and that sooner rather than later, they’ll be forced to face reality.

With that being said, here’s why guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend.

6 reasons why guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend

What should you do when guys in a relationship flirt with you?

It’s not your job to educate guys about the principles of right and wrong and meddle with their relationships. But despite that, you should tell them that their girlfriends won’t appreciate what they’re doing and that they should be respectful of their relationships.

You can state that many guys and women unknowingly and unintentionally fall for other people because of light flirting and that they end up hurting the person who cares about them the most.

A quick moral talk will snap guys out of their flirting zone and make them think about their behavior. It, of course, won’t be enough to change their behavior and flirting personality, but it will give them a chance to reflect. And that’s more than enough.

A healthy reminder from a third party is all that flirting guys need. It’s their second chance at making things right with their partners.

So don’t take matters of justice into your own hands and tell their girlfriends what their boyfriends are up to. Relationship matters are something couples have to resolve on their own. They don’t need interferences from other people because that only puts pressure on their struggling relationships.

It’s better to give flirting guys a chance to confess their wrongdoings. That way, they may be able to mature up and fix their relationships before they get caught and broken up with.

Do flirty guys eventually stop flirting with other women?

Whether guys in relationships stop flirting with other women depends on the paths they take. If they take a righteous path, they usually learn to value the person they’re with and give it their best to maintain the relationship.

But if they remain self-centered and merely go from one person to the next without reflecting, they tend to mature very slowly and may never learn the importance of respecting their partner and committing to her.

Guys who run on autopilot tend to remain underdeveloped as people and go through many relationships in their lives. I can’t say how many relationships “many” is, but if a guy keeps cheating time after time, it’s unlikely that he’ll ever break that pattern.

It’s much more likely that he’ll remain as he is and continue to suffer and make others suffer because of his lack of self-investment. So if you’re wondering if guys ever stop flirting with others while they’re in a relationship, bear in mind that it depends on their realizations.

If they discern that they need to value their partners and be better people, they normally outgrow their old underdeveloped selves and start treating their partners the way they deserve to be treated. But if they merely blame their partners or the relationships for their lack of care and effort, then they tend to drag their poor mentalities from one relationship to the next and find little to no success in their romantic life.

The phrase, “Once a cheater always a cheater” is popular because people don’t change easily. Most of the time, they change only if they have to.

And they have to when their relationships, health, wealth, image, or well-being are at stake.

Don’t give people more chances than they deserve

If you respect yourself and want guys to respect you for it, you have to give people only one or two chances. The moment you give them more than they deserve, they’ll see that you’re emotionally hooked on them and use your feelings against you.

Some guys will try to convince you that they don’t have a girlfriend or that their relationship is over, but don’t let yourself be persuaded. If they’re still with someone, they clearly have unfinished business with their partner and haven’t agreed to end their relationship yet. Such guys are still committed.

You don’t want to be the person who pushes flirty guys to leave their partners. You don’t want guys to choose you because their relationships are on the brink of destruction—and you’re there to let them monkey-branch safely.

Remember that nothing good will come of it. Nothing but pain and suffering for everyone involved, including you. If you flirt with taken men and somehow end up in a relationship with them, you’ll likely wonder and fret that if guys were able to dump their exes coldheartedly that they could do the same to you.

They’d just need to stop working on the relationship and find someone else to flirt with.

So do yourself a favor and stay away from guys who are in a relationship. There are plenty of more available guys out there. And most of them won’t even have to cheat to be with you.

Why do you think guys flirt with you when they have a girlfriend? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas below the post.

2 thoughts on “Why Do Guys Flirt With You When They Have A Girlfriend?”

  1. How lucky we are to have such a healthy advices from you Zan :))

    My ex has flirt while he was in a relationship with me and I know that he consider flirting to be an innocent, harmless gesture. And that I was jealous and insecure, without a reason and that I need to be more understanding of his needs and freedom, little I did know that time but it’s okay.

    I’m learning from every article of you!!!

    Thank you Zan ❤️

    1. I’m the lucky one, Linda. Thanks for being here!

      Make sure not to tolerate flirting in the future and/or to discuss it with your partner. He needs to know what’s okay and what isn’t.

      Kind regards,

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