When a girl chooses another guy over you, you feel undesirable and immediately start thinking you’re not good enough for her. You take the rejection personally and fear that the new guy is a more compatible option for her.
This happens because the girl you have feelings for directly or indirectly rejects you and commits to someone else; someone you view as competition.
Because of destroyed self-esteem, she essentially makes you feel unloved and forces your brain to overthink things. It makes you experience so much anxiety that you want to fight for love and make her want you as badly as you want her.
Pain constantly tells you to compete with the person she chose and to coerce her to be with you. But sadly, pain doesn’t tell you that fighting for another person’s attention is wrong.
It’s especially wrong when she’s with someone else already and appears to be happy.
If they’re dating, they want to focus on each other and expect others (including you) to respect them and give them space. Space lets them go through the new relationship stages and prevents them from teaming up against you and resenting you.
As a person who was left behind, you don’t want this person to resent you and tell you to take a hike. If she gets angry and does something to push you away, you’ll feel even more rejected and unwanted than you already feel.
You may even feel that she used you and tricked you into keeping her company. Such thoughts could make you want revenge and force you to do something you’re not proud of.
That’s why you must give her the space she needs and let them have the relationship they want. You can’t stop them by force because they feel infatuated and can’t be separated by people who feel jealous of them.
I know that you don’t want to lose her to someone else, but since she chose another person over you, there’s nothing you can do to change her mind. She won’t be with you if you beg for another chance or threaten her. She’ll just view you in a negative light and feel more determined to stay away from you.
If you text her obsessively, she may even block you and get a restraining order against you.
So don’t fight for a girl’s attention when she’s giving it to someone else. Don’t let her see that you’re desperate for it because it will repel her and make her feel relieved about choosing the new person. Whether you were together for years or never dated, the girl fell in love with someone else and acted on her urges to be with him.
As difficult as it may be, you must accept the fact that she connected with someone else and decided to give that person a try. It’s not personal. She just felt more connected with him and wanted to get closer to him.
She didn’t choose him because you failed to take the initiative and sweep her off her feet but because she looked for different traits in her romantic partner.
It’s hard to say if this person has all the traits she wants, but it does seem that they’re emotionally incompatible. There are other ways in which they may or may not be compatible, but they’ll learn more about them later after they’ve gotten to know each other.
For now, you must remember that she finds certain physical and personality features attractive and that someone else will appreciate you more than she will.
In this article, we talk about what to do when a girl chooses another guy over you.

What to do when a girl chooses another guy over you?
First of all, let’s discuss what not to do when she chooses someone else. Don’t tell her you can make her happier than the guy she chose. If she was receptive to you and could be won over with persuasive arguments, she wouldn’t be dating this guy.
Her focus would be on getting close to you.
Another thing you shouldn’t do is stay in her life and compete for her love and attention. Since she’s attracted to someone else, she won’t pay much attention to you whether you bring her flowers or try to make her jealous.
Any attempts to make her fall in love with you will probably make her think you’re obsessed and desperate and that you deserve someone who loves you in ways you want to be loved.
You also shouldn’t talk to her new partner and try to reason with him or give him bad advice. The guy will find your behavior strange and manipulative and will relay it to the person you want for yourself. This will, in turn, lower her respect for you and make her want to be with you even less.
This is because the guy will look like a catch compared to you. He’ll look more confident (attractive) as he won’t need her as badly as you will.
So if you’re thinking about meddling with their relationship, I strongly recommend not to do so. Don’t think that you can get between them and make them break up. Assuming that you can intervene and prompt a breakup is a risky notion.
Any endeavor in that direction is likely to result in more harm than good.
What you should do when a girl chooses another guy over you instead is immediately back off. If you were dating, tell her you’ll be focusing on yourself and staying busy. That should let her know you respect yourself as well as her new relationship.
On the other hand, if you were friends or acquaintances, figure out if staying close to her is even worth it. It may not be worth it if talking to her and seeing them together hurts you and makes you feel unwanted.
You have every right not to keep the girl in your life. In fact, you probably shouldn’t keep her if she brings out unwanted emotions and shows no interest in being with you romantically. When a girl chooses another guy over you and hurts your feelings, you should protect yourself from additional rejections.
If you don’t step away from the situation, you’ll probably compare yourself to the guy and stay dependent on her for validation and healing. This means you’ll wait for her to acknowledge your worth and fail to regain emotional independence.
After you’ve distanced yourself from them, remind yourself that she’s not the only girl in the world. There are plenty of people who aren’t taken and appreciate you for who you are and what you have to offer. Your heart may want this person, but this is because you developed romantic expectations and got attached.
You’ll now need to detach by telling yourself it’s not the end of the world. You’ll get plenty of (better) romantic opportunities with people who actually deserve you and want to be with you. It will take time to fully heal, so until you’re ready, keep yourself occupied with hobbies and activities you enjoy.
Make sure to have a lot going on in your life as a busy life will prevent you from thinking unhealthy thoughts and doing things that push the girl further away. If staying busy doesn’t help, seek support from friends and family.
They will reassure you that the problem isn’t with you and that it isn’t the end of your dating life.
And if you feel like your friends and family don’t understand what you’re going through or aren’t supportive enough, consider seeking professional support. A professional may be able to address why you feel so rejected, give you helpful advice, and let you vent.
Of course, make sure to also use this negative experience to work on yourself. Reflect on your shortcomings and the things you need to improve. It will help you in your next relationship with whomever that may be.
Unfortunately, you shouldn’t tell the girl that she’s made the wrong choice. In her mind, this is the right choice as it’s reinforced with emotions. So respect her decision and do things that concern you and are in your power to control.
Perhaps one day, she’ll be single again and might see you differently.
But since “one day” could be years or decades away, it’s best to get over her and prepare yourself for a new romantic connection with someone else. The new person won’t be her, but that won’t matter because you’ll disconnect from her and be okay with other personality types.
All you can do now is focus on yourself and keep detaching from her. When you’re fully detached, you’ll see that obsessing about someone who doesn’t think the same way about you is a waste of time and effort. It doesn’t give you an advantage in being with her.
It just makes you uneasy and emotionally dependent on her.
So if you want to know what to do when a girl chooses another guy over you, don’t do anything drastic. Don’t tell her you love her more than the new person and that you can make her happier. That will make you look miserable and unattractive.
Instead, accept her decision and decide whether you’re okay with staying close to her or if you need to distance yourself and heal.
It’s not selfish to focus on healing and getting over a person who doesn’t want to be with you. It’s actually a very respectable thing to do as long as you don’t hurt anyone in the process. The girl might not want that, especially if she wants to keep you around for convenience, but she’ll have to accept it just like you did.
She’ll have to see that she can’t have the cake and eat it too.
Don’t worry too much about what she’ll think and feel after you’ve pulled away. If she’s with someone else, she’s in love and doesn’t need your pity. She’s doing just fine.
That said, here’s what to do when a girl chooses another guy over you.

Don’t date for a while
One of the biggest mistakes people make after a romantic rejection is that they start dating again. They don’t take the time to get over the person they desire, so they rebound and feel worse.
The unhappiness with the rebound person then makes them think that the person they dated before is their perfect match and that they lost someone amazing.
Consequently, they get anxious and spiral into depression. Due to two consecutive romantic failures, they convince themselves they’ll never be happy and that they should have done a better job at being with the person they idolize.
So if a girl chose another guy over you and you want the pain to stop, don’t download a dating app and try to replace the girl with someone else. You won’t be able to replace her if you download the app for the sole purpose of feeling better.
You should date again only when you’re 80% over the person who rejected you. That’s when you can get close to someone you like and let that person help you completely forget your previous love interest.
You can tell you’re ready to date again when you don’t feel anxious and depressed anymore and want to be in a relationship to contribute to it rather than take from it.
You can talk to other women if you’d like but do draw a line between dating and talking to them. Make sure not to connect with them and seek romantic validation from them as it will likely make you miss the girl more.
When you miss her, surround yourself with other people and rely on them for support. People in general should help you keep your mind off the girl and encourage you to get over her.
Did you learn what to do when a girl chooses another guy over you? Do you have any tips of your own to share? Post them in the comments section below.
However, if you’d prefer to talk about it privately, visit our coaching page for more information.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Am 24 now. Previous GF who was the same age left me for a 32 year old who she worked with. that was 9 months ago. We dated for 8.5 months and we’d known each other for 5 years prior, I still am devastated by it. For me it came completely out of left field, I was shopping for engagement rings while she was having emotional affairs with this dude. Been on dates and messing around with other girls but it all feels hollow and stupid. Girls my age aren’t interested in me and younger girls are too immature. Have tried to stay busy but I still think about her literally everyday. I know I shouldn’t, but I do check up on her social media. Every time I have a shit day I just hope she is too. Never happens. Found out after the relationship she had been sub tweeting me every time I pissed her off, yet she’s never done it to this dude. At the same time that our relationship was apparently failing, she’s basically begging this guy to propose to her – feels like shit knowing that this guy gave her what I couldn’t, and I’m stuck being alone. Therapy felt like a waste. I hate that I even have to resort to outside help like blogs and therapy but man, I just don’t want to be fucked up anymore. She was honestly a a terrible person for what she did, yet, she remains the best partner I’ve had by far. Not sure where to turn or what to do.
Hey Logan. The first thing you need to do is to stay off of her social media. They don’t call it Fakebook for nothing. Social media is nothing but a lie and personally I despise it. Everyone lies on social media, bragging about how perfect their lives are. It’s like one big competition trying to keep up or out do everyone else on who has the better life. It’s pretty pathetic in my opinion. My ex was no different, I remember many times she would get upset over Facebook posts because someone had something or was doing something she wasn’t. After our breakup, I went on her social media quite a few times and every time I went on it I was upset and felt like shit. She was bragging about all the things she was doing while I was alone doing nothing. I could not believe this girl who I was with for 5 years dumped me and carried on with her life like nothing happened, while I was completely devastated. But quite honestly, I believe she did it to rub it in my face and that’s a shitty thing to do to a person she just dumped, a person who did his best to give her everything he could. She basically dumped me because I didn’t get her a house even though I was trying, so you can see how petty she was. The last time I look at her social was a few months after the breakup and she changed her profile pic to her and some guy. I was completely gutted when I saw this pic, it was the worst feeling I ever had. Any healing I had from the breakup, was thrown out the window. I will never forget that day and it still haunts me almost a year later. I still miss my ex after 15 months, but I am pretty certain she had this other guy lined up before she dumped me and I need to remember that if she truly cared she would have worked on our relationship not looking to monkey branch to someone else. When I met her she had nothing I was always there for her and her son and this is what I got in return. I make sure to avoid her social media at all costs because I know it is only going to make me feel 100% worse. I definitely don’t need to see more pics of her with this other asshole and the things they are doing together. I’m sure she probably brags about how great this other guy is, even if he isn’t…again the deception of social media. Stop drinking that poison.
Your ex sounds like my ex, a selfish bitch who is only concerned about herself. I want to say be happy she is gone, but people told me that too and I never liked hearing that, but remember, what goes around comes around. She will get hers one day and hopefully when that day comes you will be doing much better. I understand how hard it is getting back out there dating and trying to find someone else. I have been struggling since the breakup to find another relationship. I had a a few dates and had a very brief relationship with another ex which I should have known better wasn’t going to work. Next to no one wants to give me the time of day let alone a date. It has been very frustrating and makes me question myself, trying to find out what is wrong with me. Why I am so unappealing? You have age on your side. I am twice your age and at this age most if not all the good women appear to be married or in a relationship. Online dating is a complete shit show, but I really don’t have any other choice. If it was up to me, I just wish I could have my old life back, but my ex took that from me and it is never coming back so I have to carry on.
It will get better for you. At your age, I am sure you will meet someone who will make you forget all about this ex. It’s just going to take time. Wishing you all the best my friend.
Hi Logan.
You’re convinced she’s the best partner, but she didn’t cheat and leave because you were the worst. She left because she lacked morals and sought emotional fulfillment outside of the relationship. This tells you she’s not a rare individual. When you heal and detach, you’ll see she’s not as great as you had thought.
Also, avoid going on dates. You need to heal before you try to connect with others. Let her do what she wants while you do your best to grow as a person and a partner.
Kind regards,
My ex left me for another guy, though she never admitted it. When she went public and I found out, I was completely devastated. I tried to find out as much info on this other guy as I could. I constantly compared myself to him and felt like complete garbage as this guy was younger than me and had a much better home, in a better location than I had. I could not believe how she could so easily walk away from our 5 year relationship with no regrets or concerns regarding me.
Over a year later and still still hurt. I still miss her, and I still get so angry that she is with this other guy and must be so happy with him as she never once reached back out to me. I assume she is still with this guy as I refuse to look at anything related to her socials because I don’t want see all the pics of her and him she probably has posted or all the places they went to together. See all this would just destroy me even more. Now the holidays are coming it makes me feel even more sad and bitter as she will have this guy to spend the holidays with and here I am alone again for another holiday season. I recall how absolutely miserable I was last year and these feelings have all returned.
As I said it has been over a year and in that time I could find no one. The most I had were a couple of dates and they went nowhere. Then another ex reached out to me about 3 months ago and like a fool I got back with her. That lasted about 7 weeks as she just used me as filler because she just got out of a relationship and can’t be without a man. This has made me miss my ex all the more. I question myself wondering why I miss her when she didn’t care about leaving me and getting with this other guy? I never thought she would leave me, I truly did think we were going to be together forever. I thought we had a happy relationship.
I am going to be 50 next year and I have nothing in my life and feel worthless, unwanted and empty. They say there are plenty of other people out there, but it doesn’t seem that way. I feel like everyone around me has someone or can easily find someone, while I can’t even get a woman to talk to me, let alone a date. I did get much support from anyone. I have next to no friends and my family basically ignore me about this issue. I was never married and I never had children. My ex and her son were my family and I miss them both so much. I do talk with a therapist, but I will never get all the answers I want my therapist either.
I met my ex when she had nothing and gave and gave to her and her son over the course of 5 years and then the time came when I couldn’t give her something, so up and leaves me for someone else. She probably hasn’t even had another thought of me since. She ruined my life completely and didn’t have a care doing so. Why does she get rewarded with a new and better life when she basically used me and then monkeybranched to this other guy? Where is karma? Why am I the one being punished with having nothing while she is being rewarded?
Hi Ed.
You’re looking for a rational explanation for missing your ex, but the one you’re looking for is of emotional nature. You’re not yet over her. A long-term relationship can take up to 2 years to get out of your system. It can take even longer if you’re codependent and have self-esteem issues to work through. It’s not fair that you have to suffer so much, but don’t think that she has an easy life either. Her relationship has slowed down by now, which means they have occasional disagreements and fights as well. Don’t assume everything’s perfect. The way you see things is not the way they are.
Karma will come when she faces the issues she refused to learn after ending the relationship with you.