The question I see people ask often is whether they should break the no contact rule and reach out to their ex. In this article,
I will explain when it’s okay to reach out to your ex first after being dumped. This post is only for those who have been dumped (dumpees).

Signs to reach out
You may be seeing signs your ex is trying to lure you into reaching out and breaking no contact, days, weeks or even months after you have started following the indefinite no contact rule.
Your ex may be talking to your mutual friends, saying she misses you or perhaps you see her posting melodramatic posts on Facebook about her sad and depressing life without that special person in her life.
Maybe her actions are completely opposite and she’s saying how great life is, instead.
In most cases, exes are trying to elicit some sort of reaction out of you for their own gratification. This may be to stroke their ego, strengthen their decision for breaking up with you or to make sure you don’t hate them.
If you see any clear signs, your ex may be trying to extract a response out of you, my advice to you is to stay in no contact no matter what.
Don’t fall for your ex’s schemes, as it will only hurt you and put you back towards the beginning of the breakup.
The best response is no response as it will keep your ex’s ego down and promote your recovery. It will also raise your value in your ex’s eyes and make you a challenge again.
You’re breaking the no contact rule because you’re in pain
Without hearing your story and the background of your relationship, I can completely understand your pain and how you are feeling.
I can say cliché things and tell you time will heal all wounds (and it will), but you are hurting in the present moment and you want to assuage the pain. In my opinion, the best way to make an intense pain go away is to do something of equal or higher intensity.
When I was in my teenage years, I had a school mate who was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
He was not to reach the age of 15 and was well aware of that. One of the things he said was “When you are in physical pain and a part of your body is hurting, hit yourself in a different spot and your attention from initial pain will be alleviated.“
Human beings cannot differentiate physical pain from emotional. That means there are a ton of ways to prevent yourself from stopping the agony.

What you need to do is distract yourself, either physically or emotionally to an extreme degree so your body won’t be reminded of the suffering from the breakup. To do this, you will need to meet the following conditions:
- be motivated to help yourself
- find the coping mechanism to deal with stress
- develop the ability to snap out of depression at any given moment
Extremities to avoid breaking the no contact rule
The absolute best way to cope with the post-breakup blues is to train your body mentally and physically.
If you are successful in this, you will have come out of this breakup recovery process as a new and improved person. You will have developed extreme self-control and perseverance on your journey to a healthier life.
1)Physical exercises
Now, when I say exercise, I don’t mean just taking the stairs to your apartment or walking to the nearby store.
Sure, if this is what gets your heart racing to the point of you getting a good workout, then that will do.
But for most people, this won’t be the case. I need your physical pain to surpass your breakup pain.
If you are new to working out, consult your doctor and start jogging, lifting, kicking and sweating.
Do at least an hour of extreme workout a day (heart rate more than double your resting heart rate) and stick to it. You will feel exhausted while you’re working out, but the reward after will be priceless.
As you develop stamina, increase the intensity and the duration of your workouts to keep pushing yourself. This truly works for everyone and anyone, so take my advice seriously.
This one is for you to figure out. I’d like you to write down 3 – 5 things that make you extremely happy. My list of things I enjoy indulging in looks like this:
- reading
- socializing
- exercising
- working
- writing
Next, I want you to become obsessed with them. Take it to another level and go absolutely crazy about it.
Get yourself so distracted, you will have no time to think about the breakup. You will find it hard at first, but I know you can do it. It’s the best way to beat your thinking obsession.
I would also suggest doing some meditation to lower your heart rate when it seems out of control.
You can always motivate yourself to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to your limits.
Do things you previously didn’t have the time or the motivation to pull off. Always wanted to go skydiving, but couldn’t muster up the courage?
This is your time to shine. If you’re afraid of snakes, try visiting the zoo and face your fears. Can’t stop thinking about your ex? How about you ask that cute girl/boy out for coffee?
Basically, do the things that scare the living pants out of you, and the pain of the breakup will fade away. I dare you to challenge yourself.
When is it okay to break the no contact rule?
You should never break the no contact rule when you have been dumped unless there are children involved.
If that’s the case, make it solely about them and nothing/nobody else. I may sound like a bad person, but, even if your ex is on deathbed and you find out about it, you shouldn’t make your move, and here’s why.
Since your ex has cast you out of his or her life, this person doesn’t want you anywhere near them. If they have the ability to contact you, they will. By no means should you force yourself closer to them just because they are in a vulnerable position.
You don’t ever want your actions to be the last nail in the coffin.
You should only break the no contact rule with your ex when they have reached out first.
Then again, they would have been the ones to break no contact anyway.
So let your ex do the work and fix the things he or she has broken. You want to avoid your ex giving you breadcrumbs to keep you hooked, so appear unaffected by the breakup and wait for the initial message.
You want your ex to say he/she misses you and to actually want to have you back.
Remember, your ex needs to be the one to bring up this subject, so be patient.
Many times exes come back between 6 months to 3 years.
You don’t want to jinx your chances forever by reaching out too early. If you do, your ex might reject you and set you back in your recovery.
So wait for him or her to come back to you on his/her terms. It’s impossible to force someone to love you. Emotions can’t be manipulated that way unless you win the lottery, of course, and literally win
Have you broken no contact with your ex? Let us know how that went for you in the comments below.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
I currently work with my ex. I been reading your blogs about no-contact rules but it is extremely difficult to follow because we see each other at work. I already accepted the fact that he was disconnected with me before we actually broke up. I asked for some important documents back but he has not returned them yet. At first the separation anxiety was over whelming, but after 5 weeks I can finally go days without talking / texting him. The only reason I see him now is because he comes looking for me during work hours even though he is the dumper. I do not understand why he is holding on to my things, and still has our pictures of us up for our coworkers to see, and continues to look for me when he is the one who broke it off. I am doing my best to follow the no contact rule, but i still would like my documents back. How much longer should i wait before i ask him for the documents, so I can avoid getting hurt?
Hi Stephanie.
Maybe he doesn’t want to remove your pictures because he thinks it could hurt you. I suggest you ask him for documents now and be done with it. I know it’s not easy, but it’s something you need. After that, do strict no contact and talk to him only at work when you need to.
Kind regards,
my ex left me with no explanation. after a few days he reached out accusing me of making him feel he was not enough. so i started the no contact rule. I was feeling better. but 4weeks later he reached out asking if i ever loved him and if so why im not reaching out. he called and vented out on how he is feeling. i did not argued. i listened. He did admit that he misses me and loves me. Well thanks to that, the next day i sent him a text saying “I love you and ive been thinking of you”. He never replied or read it. Now im back to square one. Im angry that i let him vent out and he can move on justified on what he did. Would that really happen? or will he come back to feed his ego?
Hi Itziu.
I think your ex has been searching for validation from you (not love). That’s why he ignored you the moment he got it. It’s better that you stay in no contact this time and ask him not to reach out anymore when he does.
I wish everyone in this forum strength. Going through no contact is extremely hard.
I never thought I would experience this type of feeling. It has been a month for me, and it has been radio silence. There is no news or messages from her. I broke it off after she was drugging me trough the mud for two months – breadcrumbing and talking about other guys.
I would like to use no contact to heal and move on. Waiting is still there, but it is part of human nature.
We should put ourselves first
Hi sk.
You may have dumped your ex, but you’re still the dumpee. She had detached from you a long time ago, leaving you with no choice but to leave her. No contact will help you, sk, have faith that it will. It’s slowly making you feel better, so keep at it and don’t break it at any cost.
You’ve got this!
My ex did say she misses me but then after a few weeks started seeing someone else. Am I losing my mind?
what if i cheated does this still apply
What if my ex reached out during no contact, should I reply?
My ex did reached out during no contact and I ignorrd his msgs, will he reach out again after he goes through the dumper’s 5 stages?
I was seeing a guy for a few months, but was struggling to give him the ok to make it boyfriend/girlfriend official. Obviously he deserved better than than my indecisiveness and he began to pull back, and by the time I was ready to make it official, he told me he was ready to start talking less and become just friends. I panicked and attempted to stay on as friends for a few months. We were very close, but he was not initiating as much as I was. As a girl, the emotional friend line felt very blurred and it felt as if we were almost in a relationship, but with no intimacy and all the work on my end. I knew he was re-activating dating apps and speaking with girls, as well as messaging his ex and I believe trying to get her back. We never spoke about it. I brought up a few times if I had a chance at ever dating, and he played it cool and said he didn’t know the future, but he loved hanging out and chatting. I realized that this simply put me as an option, so I stopped contacting him. At the end of the first week he messaged if we were ever going to talk again (note, he never texted me all week either to try and chat). I politely apologized and said I was taking space to myself, did not explain why, but he took it well and told me ok have a good time :). At the end of the next week I said f**k it I don’t care if we ever date again, I need him as a friend. Broke no contact with a hook message and time inbetween messages, and he seemed really really excited and blurted ++ texts about what he was up to and what was new. We texted sparsely but well for the next few days, but I was initiating every time. Eventually he texted and was “sup” and I refused to reply, the next day he stated that I was not going to reply. I explained all the stuff I was busy with and he said alright 🙂 and asked me a question about something he noticed on IG. All of this seemed so positive, he ended up inviting me over to make dinner with him and his brother randomly one night, and I caved and went. We had a great time, platonic, but felt like best friends. After returning home I restarted no contact. He also did not attempt to contact me at all, other then the first day sent and funny meme my way which I sent a one line reply to. The next day I saw he deleted a photo of me on my birthday off his IG. We haven’t contacted each other since x 2 weeks. I’m planning on continuing no contact seeing as how clearly he isn’t initiating at all either, but his actions that first week are so confusing to me.
On my personal experience, he seems afraid of being in a couple. He needs time to heal and to mature the idea of his feelings for you. Letting him room to grow during no contact will be positive for you too, because it will heal you and make you ready for the next love episode, with him or with a new guy, but a ready one. Good luck and strength to hold these moments