“Is my ex happy in his new relationship? Why does he look so happy on social media? Is he better off without me?”
If you’re asking yourself these questions and you’re wondering whether your ex is happy without you, I may be able to answer your questions for you.
I have divided this article into two segments. One segment is meant for those who are still in contact with their ex and the other for those who are in no contact.

The two types of happiness
In other posts, we have previously explained two different types of happiness. We have come to the conclusion that your ex is either internally or externally happy.
Here’s a picture explaining internal and external happiness.

Happiness may have external sources, but we can’t say the same for unhappiness. There is no such thing as external unhappiness as all unhappiness is of internal nature.
For example, if your work (which is an external source of happiness) makes you unhappy, you won’t feel externally unhappy. You will just feel unhappy.
Another great example is when you say that you’re unhappy because of external factors, such as drugs and addictions.
It goes without saying that such things directly affect your internal happiness—which coincidentally, makes you (internally) unhappy.
So what does this mean for your ex?
Basically, if your ex appears happy in his new relationship, you shouldn’t interpret it in the worst possible way.
It merely means that his happiness is built on an external foundation and is as a result prone to suffer from a lack of internal happiness.
Normally, this occurrence takes place when the dumper gets to the neutrality stage where he is forced to face reality.
So if your ex is seeking internal happiness from an external source, all you have to do is stand back and let him search for it.
The harder he looks, the more invested he will be. And when his new girlfriend doesn’t emotionally fulfill him, he is going to hurt as a result.
This is the reason why some people never find happiness. They seek it in other people and in all the wrong (external) places.
In search of happiness, they jump all over the place, play the blame game and make themselves miserable in the process.
No relationship is worth settling for and nothing others do is good enough for people who look for external happiness.
Such people can’t find happiness and therefore, can’t fulfill others in return.
Nobody should be in a relationship before he or she feels happy with oneself.
How do I know if my ex is happy in his new relationship?
Most dumpees get hurt when they see their ex happy. Just a glimpse of their ex smiling and appearing to be happy is enough for dumpees to sink in depression.
They immediately think that since their ex is having a good time in the moment, their ex must always happy.
Here’s a piece of advice from me to you.
If you see your ex happy, don’t be deceived. It doesn’t matter if he appears momentarily happy or if he actually is.
Everyone has the right to be happy so there’s no need to be envious of that.
If you see your ex happy, remind yourself that his happiness is not caused by your lack of presence, but rather because of his environment.
Tell yourself that your ex is happy because of what’s happening in his life at that moment and leave it at that. No further explanation is needed.
You must let your ex’s happiness be his happiness and your happiness—yours. Don’t try to mix the two or you could end up seriously worried to the point of severe anxiety.
Let’s first find out how you can know if your ex is happy when you’re still in contact with him.
We still communicate. Is my ex happy?
So how do you know if your ex is happy in his new relationship?
If you’re still in contact with your ex, it’s honestly not that difficult to tell as the human face has many ways to shape itself into a happy expression.
According to Mindfood, humans’ facial expressions portray happiness in 17 different ways. Additionally, 5 guises express sadness and anger, 4 show surprise, 3 display fear and only one conveys disgust.
If you take into consideration that there are 17 different ways to tell whether your ex is happy, you will eventually be able to discern if he is truly happy.

The face is not the only indicator of happiness. What your ex’s body says also matters. Is he showing confidence by sitting or standing upright?
Is your ex openly communicating with his hands and body? What about his behavior? Is he energetic or lethargic?
Lastly, pay attention to the actual words. Does it seem like your ex is bragging and living in a fantasy?
Dumpers have a tendency to do that so you can easily spot artificial behavior by listening to him to the pitch of his voice.
Is my ex happy in his new relationship or is he just faking it?
When your ex makes his new relationship look like a fairytale, he’s in the honeymoon stage of a rebound and only sees the positive qualities of his relationship.
Please remember that speaking too fondly of his new girlfriend is a clear sign of over-infatuation. It happens in many new relationships when things are still fresh, so don’t take it personally if it happens to you.
Instead, let him praise his new girlfriend like she’s the manifestation of Mother Mary.
Once his relationship is past the first stages and the excitement ends, the reality is going to sink in. That’s when he will stop faking and overvaluing his new girlfriend.

Some dumpers blatantly display signs of immaturity. They are so vindictive that they intentionally make their new relationship look overly successful.
They go the extra mile to prove that their new relationship is many, many times better than what they had with their dumpee.
So if you get the feeling that your ex is intentionally trying to hurt you, it’s probably for the best that you go no contact.
If you don’t, your ex’s extreme bitterness and vengeful behavior are only going to drag you down and take your worth remaining worth and happiness away.
If this is happening to you right now, you don’t have any choice but to cut him out. Consider it an act of self-protection and start avoiding your ex like the plague so that you can recover.
When your ex behaves either too happy or spiteful, his new relationship probably won’t last long anyway.
He will expect way too much from his new, infatuated girlfriend and will jinx the relationship himself.
I’m in no contact. How do I know if my ex is happy?
If you’re in indefinite no contact, there’s no direct way to tell whether your ex is happy. The strict no contact rule prohibits you from ever finding out about his happiness.
Since you can’t tell what your ex feels and have no clue if your ex-boyfriend is happy or not, all you can do is make observational guesses.
This means that the only way for you to obtain knowledge about your ex’s life in no contact is to stalk him.
Furthermore, it implies that you break the rules of no contact just to spy on him and see if your ex is happy in his new relationship.
So when you decide to stalk your ex, it leaves you with two options. You can stalk him online on social media or offline in life and try to figure out what his emotional state could be.
You can also ask your mutual friends about your ex’s happiness and break even more no contact rules.
I don’t suggest you choose this path as it won’t make you feel any better. Seeing your ex happy is going to depress you and seeing him sad (if by some rare chance you get to see that) is going to give you false hope.
My ex seems happy on social media
Let’s say you get curious and open your ex’s social media. To your surprise, he appears extremely elated with his new partner.
Since he appears to be having the time of his life, you get overwhelmed with anxiety. The gut-wrenching feeling in your stomach makes you want to vomit.
Suddenly, you feel as if you’re back to the day of the breakup as the setback kicks in hard. In other words, stalking your ex’s happiness ends up ruining yours so you soon regret your decision.
If this happened to you after your breakup, you are already aware of the dangers of stalking your ex’s new relationship. If you’re not, here’s what could happen when you cave in to curiosity:
- extreme anxiety and depression
- feelings of worthlessness and loneliness
- extreme nostalgia and regret
- increased heart rate and chest pain
- profuse sweating, trembling
- sudden anxiety attacks
- obsessive-compulsive behavior (overanalyzing)
- acting on impulse
You can avoid these symptoms by not looking at your ex’s happiness. It sounds so simple, yet so hard to do when you’re feeling down.
Say cheese!
Now, just because your ex appears to be happy externally by smiling or laughing at the camera doesn’t mean he’s actually happy.
Most people smile or at least appear to be happy when they get their photos taken. There’s a reason we pretend to do that, though. It’s because we don’t want our gloomy expressions to be overly examined by others.
All we want to do is fit in with society.
Everyone is happy, right? We must, therefore, be happy too! Or so so believe…
In human society, being happy has sort of become a norm, hence why we do it subconsciously—without any awareness.

Does that mean we’re internally happy? Maybe, maybe not… It’s really hard for others to tell solely by analyzing our picture.
A picture depicts how people feel at the time the picture was taken. Although it’s possible to force a smile and genuinely feel happy, that doesn’t mean it has a long-lasting effect.
Nor does it portray happiness before the actual picture was taken.
Camouflaging emotions
Human beings are good at masking their sadness and will, therefore, go to great lengths just to portray happiness.
For instance; once a person has had his picture taken or the event he’s participating in has come to an end, that person will immediately revert back to his unhappy self.
How many times have you seen people’s smiles and laughs return back to neutral expressions right after their photo’s been taken? My guess is hundreds of times.
Other times, they merely rode the wave and used their forced happiness as an incentive to keep smiling.
What you see in the picture is just an illusion—a temporary depiction of “happiness.” It’s not the real person.
Deep inside, he could be bleeding in pain and you wouldn’t know that.

So if your ex is pretending to be happy in his new relationship, he is likely going to give away signs he’s pretending to be over you as well.
If he doesn’t, that’s okay as your happiness is not connected to his happiness.
It goes without saying that your ex hasn’t found the everlasting happiness he’s been looking for since forever. Real happiness is not temporary, but rather long-term.
That’s the reason why rebound relationships fizzle out so quickly. They start out happy at first, accelerate at 20x the speed and eventually run out of juice.
Will my ex come back when his new relationship ends?
Most couples (85%) don’t work out these days and chances are, your ex’s new relationship won’t either.
When and if his relationship falls apart, he might decide to bounce back to his safety net. That safety net could be you or one of his previous exes.
Nobody knows who that person could be, but usually, it’s one of his recent exes.
Jumping in a new relationship with one of his exes is the easiest way for your ex to restore his diminished validation and the need to be in a relationship.
Lies and more lies
Did you know what people lie about the most? It’s not how successful or how rich they are.
People lie the most about the answer to the question “How are you?”
Most people automatically reply with “I’m good” or “I’m okay.” Very few actually express themselves openly and truthfully.
This is because of the aforementioned fear of being deemed as a misfit.
People want to connect with one another so they lie about their feelings all the time. Everyone wants to feel as if they fit in society.
Another way to prove this thesis is when people desperately try to act or behave similarly to the person they wish to impress.
So if a person likes chess, the person talking to him will often mimic his taste in hobbies to appear more appealing.
Your ex is doing the exact same thing when he pretends to be happy.
Only your ex knows if he’s happy
I personally can’t tell you whether your ex is happy in his new relationship. I also can’t say if he’s unhappy. Nobody knows that but him.
You’re probably hoping he’s unhappy in his new relationship so that he would come back to you. If you are, I don’t blame you one iota.
Although unhappiness in his current relationship is what it takes for you to get back together with your ex, I wouldn’t put too much hope on it.
It’s really not worth your own happiness by living in the past.
All you have to do is focus on your own happiness and your life will be as great as it can be. Your well-being wasn’t dependent on your ex before you met him and it shouldn’t be after either.
Anyway, observing your ex post-breakup and trying to figure out where he’s at emotionally is going to be difficult most of the time. All you will see is just an illusion—a fake image.

So before you embark on a quest to seek happiness from your ex, you should first remind yourself of the following.
I can’t know if my ex is happy by:
- comparing myself to his new girlfriend
- observing him externally (looking at his pictures)
- reading chats on social media
- asking my friends for opinion
- not having frequent contact with him
The only way to tell what a person is like and what he feels is by observing him consistently in person, time after time.
But if you can’t see your ex in person, try not to worry!
Not being able to see your ex actually makes things a lot easier for you. His absence saves you from unnecessary false hope and coincidentally, prevents you from causing any drama.
Sometimes, your friends or people that know him can tell you whether he’s happy. And other times, you will just have to wait for his new relationship to progress.
Do you think your ex is happy in his new relationship? Does his happiness make you sad? Let me know what’s on your mind by leaving a comment below.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
I’m sure my ex is happy in her new relationship because she got everything she wanted now. She ended our 5 year relationship over the fact that I didn’t get us a house. She wanted to get out of the place she was at badly. I suggested back in 2021 for us to get a house. It turned out to be a complete failure. The market was rough because of COVID and we couldn’t find anything for our needs within our budget. Since it wasn’t working out I asked her to move in with me. My house is on the smaller side and she wasn’t crazy about the city I lived in but she agreed, but it never happened. I take blame for some of that as I was never proactive in getting her to start moving her and her son’s belongings. She was dragging her feet too and it came out when she dumped me that she didn’t love me for about 5-6 months prior to the dumping so this explains why she wasn’t in a hurry to move in and I also believe this is when she began talking to her currently bf.
So after dumping me, she got what she wanted, a new house as she moved over an hour away to be closer to her new boyfriend, although she claimed she was moving to be closer to her mother. And what did it cost her? Nothing because she had my replacement ready to go, so she didn’t have to be alone, she still had someone to talk to, do things with, have sex with, etc. And she is also now closer to where most of her family lives so by dumping me, I am sure she feels like this was the best decision she ever made in her life. It’s been 10 months now and a never heard a word from her again so that only backs up my claim she is happy now. And yes, her happiness is in turn my sadness. My life has been lonely and depressing, I have no one, can’t find anyone and don’t have any real friends. All this makes me miss her all the more, but I shouldn’t miss her at all for her actions against me. It also angers me that she did me wrong and everything we right for her since.
Hi Ed.
There were problems in the relationships bigger than the house. If she loved you, she would have stayed with you literally anywhere. The fact that she didn’t, shows she gave up due to other reasons, most likely GIGS. I know it’s tough and that you miss her, but don’t blame yourself too much. She’s with someone else, which means she hasn’t done anything to grow. She remains her old self.
Focus on healing and growing. The time will come when you get over her and forgive her for betraying you.
Hi … I’ve been in a relationship with a guy for 7 months..we were happy together and all of a sudden he kept complaining that I like asking too much questions and a lot of stuffs,he kept making me feel bad about myself so I decided to call for a breakup thinking that’s going to make him free and happy since my presence makes him feel bad….I later went back to him realizing I loved him so much not knowing he has already started a new relationship and he sends the conversation between us to his current girlfriend and his friends…I still didn’t give up even though he was hurting me and saying all sort of bad stuffs to me…the reason why I kept going back was that he denies the girl all this while and kept saying the girl was just his friend.. also he said that the reason for the breakup was me …I feel so guilty for that…how can I please forgive myself for that
Hi Mee.
You can forgive yourself by understanding that the guy wasn’t honest with you. Instead of admitting to seeing another girl, he pretended she was a no-one and strung you along. You basically need to realize that you got involved with someone bad and that if anyone should feel guilty, it’s him.
Best regards,
My ex was cheating on me throughout the relationship, he would constantly abuse, strangle and hit me say that “ l deserved it” once I found out about his cheating he beat me very badly and is now looking at a jail term, he moved on the day after he beat me snd is still sleeping with the same woman, I tried to warn her but she has been brain washed early. I don’t care for him in just hurt that he got with someone else so quickly and that he tell me how great her body is and how awful mine was.
Hi so my ex is in a whole new relationship but keeps reaching out to me here and there he posted a pic of him and his new gf the other day and when I told him I saw it after him reaching out he posted on his page that he’s so happy right now and I feel like he posted that right after I told him I saw the pic. I’m trying to move on from him and all this drama but it’s just so hard at times, any advice
Hi Zan,
I’m going through a recent break up. We had a bad break up in mid April. One day he says he loves and missed me and the next day he says he no longer loves me and that he is not a good guy for me. He was drinking a lot prior to the pandemic but fast forward one month later, he is in a new relationship. He posted a photo on instagram with his new girl and declared his relationship on Facebook. He says he is now happy and that the break up was my fault, regrets ever dating me. It has made me feel like I’ve been the problem all along. How can I get through this without feeling like a failure?
What happened with your situation?
Hi Zan,
So here’s my story. January 2019 I fell in love with a person, who was unfortunately living abroad so our relationship was long distance for quite 6 months. We planned on getting engaged in July and I have sacrificed all my studies and exams postponed them as that was the only vacation he had. Unfortunately when he came there were some family issues that we couldn’t figure out. He seemed to be too weak infront of his dad. I stood by him and supported him against my family and fought for him. I stayed with him till his flight back and we just promised that we wont leave each other. then a week later he left me, I was left alone studying for my exams and was very devastated by how weak he was why didn’t he fight for me and all that. I waited for him to call me after I’m done with my exams to make sure I’ve passed and everything’s well, but he didn’t. I discovered 2 months after that he’s in a new relationship then the following month he married her. Yes he actually married her. And He posts pictures with her and she does too, I don’t know they seemed happy in their wedding, but it felt so weird. I feel hurt, devastated and betrayed. I don’t know what to do to feel well again. He was successful in his career, and He challenged me before he broke up with me that I will never be able to achieve what he achieved, I can’t help but feel anxiety about my whole future.. Seriously, how can I feel better. And how to know that this person is truly and happily in love or did he marry to only restore his ego and self esteem. And if so, will his new relationship last?
I can’t keep up with how fast everything had happened. Last year I was madly in love with a person, and now a year later he’s married to someone else and seemingly happy and totally over me, while I’m here trying to get over all that…
Hi Zan. Regular contributer here again ha! Another great article that seems to fall into place the min I’m in that position. I’m nearly 5 months into NC. 7.5 months post being dumped. I was blocked on social media out of the blue a couple of months back (unprovoked as hadn’t bothered her for months).
A mutual acquaintance of mine and my ex’s got married very recently. This mutual acquaintance was still on my FB friends. The wedding photos popped up on my feed and stupidly I looked with faint interest and saw a photo that had my ex dancing with a man, a man who looked similar to me. I nearly spit out my tea.
I found all the symptoms you describe starting the day or two after. I had the most horrific dream of our breakup last night and woke with all the emotions, it’s like I’m back at the beginning of the year. I found myself caught in anxiety, analysing what, who and if this figure in the photo is my replacement. I’ve not reached out or done anything stupid.
I’m finding it hard to stow this and get back on the horse. I largely think it’s because previously my mind had shelved our rele as “it’ll be alright on the night”, a kind of versions of false hope I suppose. My counsellor says it’s a natural way of processing large pain, and the mind unpacks it every-now and then to stare at the issue in the face, and then repacks it using coping mechanisms. That seemed to chime with what I’ve noticed.
Prob is I feel the box has now fallen off the shelf figuratively speaking and the emotions of our 11 years and all the nostalgia are scattered about the floor in full searing view and I can’t pack it all up again.
I’m struggling this week. I think it’s the open endedness that finding seeing a picture that could have so many stories creates terrible anxiety looping.
Cheers, Dave
HI Dave
I feel your pain and Im also just getting to 5 months NC.
Zan is right, its hard, its really f**king hard.
Ill tell you what helped me recently, not only re-visiting Zans previous post but looking at the guy on ‘mind that seeks the truth’ on youtube.
It really helped me with dealing with memories of me and my ex but I turned a corner, when I listened to him and realised, when you think about your memories with your ex, your brain also reminds you of the feeling/emotions you had with those memories and that took me back to day one because those memories were real and very strong.
We have the power because we created those memories. we made our ex smile, we made our ex laugh and we created the environment at the time, for our ex to say all those nice things.
It was down to us, we have those skills, we have those traits.
Good luck my friend and I don’t want to suggest things away from this great site but just thought Id share was helped me.
Hi David.
Sorry to hear you’re going through this too. But thanks ever so much for taking the time to share your experiences to help. Really appreciate it. I totally identify with what you say about those emotions and memories.
I described it to my sister earlier, to me it’s like 60 percent of the time my rele is like a folder with a title and a photo stuck on the front that you only look at the cover of. But this last week not only is it worse than opening that folder to look inside, it’s like walking into an old place you last visited ages ago. The feeling, the atmosphere, the lighting, the smell. It’s amazing how one photo of an ex dancing with a random man can spark it.
Thanks for the tip off, I’ll def check that YouTube channel out. That sounds an empowering way of looking at our contribution to those memories and I think that kind of thought process would really help me
All the best to you too mate and I hope it’s onwards and upwards for you too. Dave
Hey, Dave. I hope you’re doing better.
Looking at your ex triggered anxiety in you and made you analyze things again.
Consider it just a setback and the guy she danced with merely a random dude.
There’s no need to know what he is to her as you would only get hurt. Let him be whatever he is without your knowledge.
If you can prevent a future setback from occurring again, I’d advise you to do so. You probably don’t want to regress due to some silly photo again.😢