If a woman you like dumped you, you probably feel tempted to chase after her. You’re convinced that you must say or do something to show her you’re serious about her and capable of changing for her and the relationship. Before you act on impulse, though, you need to know that your ex doesn’t want you to chase her.
She may have wanted you to chase (or rather care about her) before the breakup, but now that she ended the relationship, she doesn’t want you to do that anymore. She’s completely unreceptive to your efforts, which is why she won’t think fondly of you if you refuse to leave her alone.
If anything, she’ll get angry with you and feel even less attracted to you. She’ll lose her remaining respect and pity you instead of love you.
So don’t think that you’re responsible for convincing her to give you another chance. The only person responsible for redeveloping feelings is the person who left. That makes your ex the person who has to correct her thinking patterns, improve her perceptions of you, and process the unhealthy feelings she’d created for you.
And the only way your ex can fix these internal issues is if you leave her alone. I wish there was some way you could help her process the separation and speed up the process, but, unfortunately, you lost the ability to influence her a while ago.
You lost it way before she decided to dump you. Probably a week or two before the breakup because that’s when she realized she doesn’t want to be with you. I know this is a hard pill to swallow because you still have feelings for your ex and wish that she would come to her senses and come back to you.
But since the breakup happened, you mustn’t stay focused on the past and beat yourself up for your mistakes. What’s done is done. You can’t change the past.
Now, you have different things to worry about. Things that involve preserving your worth, increasing your self-esteem and happiness, boosting your independence, and finding your purpose again. You can do all these things simply by following the no contact rule and avoiding post-breakup mistakes.
You must remember that your ability to control yourself and your willingness to give your ex space will determine how your ex thinks and feels about you after the breakup. Not how she felt for you prior to the breakup, but how she feels for you after.
In other words, you can’t control her perceptions of you prior to the breakup, but you can nonetheless make sure that you don’t make things worse by begging and pleading and doing things that make you look desperate for attention.
Desperation doesn’t encourage love to redevelop. It makes your ex see that you’re obsessed with her and that you don’t have what it takes to make yourself happy, let alone her.
So leave your ex alone after the breakup. Don’t call her, don’t text her. Don’t like her pictures on social media and don’t bother her friends. Act as if you’re okay with the breakup and focus completely on yourself.
This will give your ex what she wants and make your ex happy. And when she’s happy, she’ll probably work through her post-breakup suffocation (the overwhelming need for space), think about you every now and then, and eventually reach out.
She may not want to get back together, but at least she’ll get through the initial stages of a breakup for the dumper. That’s when she’ll need one final push – something or someone that will disappoint her and make her compare her unhappy present to a happier past.
If you’re lucky and she holds you in high regard, she might remember you, apologize for breaking up with you, and ask to get back with you. This really depends on how you portray yourself and how she perceives you.
The title of this post is, “If she dumped you, leave her alone.” We’ll talk about why distancing yourself from an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife who dumped you is necessary and what the dumper goes through when you give her what she needs.

If she dumped you, leave her alone
If she dumped you, leave her alone is a very common saying on the internet. Dumpees know that they have very little control over their ex-partner’s decision, so the only thing they can do is to respect themselves and leave their ex alone. By doing so, they don’t hurt their ex and make her come back out of desperation. At least not right away.
By leaving their dumper ex alone, dumpees give their ex the space and privacy she’s asked for.
And that’s more than enough because when the dumper enjoys her independence, she also appreciates her ex-partner for giving her room to breathe and thinks slightly better of him.
I’m not saying that all the problems disappear the moment the dumper gets some time to herself because that’s not what no contact does. I’m not saying that she starts to develop feelings right away either.
All space after the breakup does is that it allows the dumper to:
- process her negative pre-breakup emotions
- cool off and think rationally
- enjoy her life the way she wanted to enjoy it
- run into problems
The dumper needs time to do all these above things. She can’t just process her emotions right away and run into some kind of painful situation that she can’t handle. Right after the breakup, she feels elated and is nearly incapable of getting hurt and thinking about the past.
Most dumpers just don’t become nostalgic right away. Some do, but those who do are usually depressed and overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow. “Normal” dumpers tend to look for distractions and enjoy their own company after the breakup.
This is because they’ve been unhappy for so long that the breakup makes them feel relieved. And because they feel relieved, they also feel an overwhelming desire to do something with their excess energy. Oftentimes, they figure that the best thing to do with their energy is to use it on their friends, hobbies, work, and meeting new people.
Sometimes they also start doing the things they previously disliked.
And that’s because dumpers often feel like starting over. They feel like leaving their old lives behind, so they do things they previously disapproved of or complained about.
If your ex-girlfriend is acting out of character, you need to know that she’s extremely relieved. Whether the breakup was your fault or not, she felt unhappy for some time prior to the breakup and now thinks that she can finally be happy. Whatever you do, don’t blame yourself for your ex’s elation. Most of her elation is self-created by her inability to process the negativity.
It’s created by her unhealthy thoughts and feelings that she knowingly or unknowingly associated with you. To not get hurt from seeing your ex happy after the breakup, convince yourself that she’s happy because she didn’t know how to handle her negative emotions.
Instead of thinking thoughts that repair the relationship, she kept looking for reasons why the relationship wasn’t good for her. And she did it for so long that she lost feelings for you and left with a victim mentality.
Having said that, here are 10 reasons why you must leave her alone if she left you.

If she dumped you, leave her alone. Give her time to reflect on her choices (as well as mentality) and she may or may not realize that the problem is with her. Some women realize that they gave up too quickly when they encounter similar stressors from the past and have no one to associate them with.
Other women realize it’s their fault when they date someone new and that person makes them feel even worse than you.
So while you wait for something or someone to prove your worth to your ex, make sure to preserve your worth. Do things that make you happy because that will make your ex envy your happiness when she gets hurt.
Why do you need to leave her alone if she dumped you?
The breakup sucks because it’s completely out of your control. I get that. Other than leaving your ex alone and improving your shortcomings, there isn’t much you can do to alter her thoughts and feelings for you. You can’t just say something or do something and manipulate her into thinking you’re the right guy or her.
She needs to see with her own eyes that she’d made a mistake and that she must fix this mistake before it’s too late (before you lose feelings for her and find someone new).
Some people think they can reason with their ex because their breakup was peaceful, but what they don’t realize is that their ex has lost feelings for them. They don’t understand that their ex’s mentality wasn’t good enough for the relationship and that they can’t do anything to change it.
They can try to change it, but that almost always has the opposite of the desired effect. It makes their ex feel disrespected and causes her to defend herself. And when she defends herself, she feels even more convinced that the breakup needed to happen and that she must get some space from the dumpee.
As I said earlier, the only person who has the power to change her stubborn mentality is the dumper herself. She’s the one who deliberately or indeliberately changed it—and that’s why she must be the one to fix it as well.
Neither you nor your friends or her friends can change it for her. They can tell her she’s making a mistake, but to her, it’s not just a mistake. She feels unhappy, angry, smothered, tired, victimized, or strongly convinced that the issue is with you, so she thinks she’s made the right decision.
There are only two ways she can change the way she feels about you. And that’s by wanting to change the way she feels about you or by being forced to change the way she feels about you. The former requires maturity, self-awareness, and the ability to deal with unhealthy emotions while the latter requires a bad event or a series of bad events.
How your ex realizes your worth doesn’t matter. All that matters is that she finds a reason to reflect. A reason that makes you into a person of high value in her eyes.
Leave your ex alone forever!
If your ex dumped you, leave her alone forever. Not for a week, not for a month, and not for a year. It’s forever because if your ex left you for any reason at all, she isn’t only bothered by that one reason. That’s the least of her worries.
Your ex’s problem or rather, problems are the emotions she associated with you because of that reason. This is something dumpees have a difficult time comprehending. They don’t understand that dumpers aren’t the most logical creatures.
I like to think of them as very emotional people as the issues they have with their ex-partner are of emotional nature. Deep inside, they hold certain negative associations for their ex-partner and aren’t willing nor capable of disassociating those emotions and getting back with their ex even if their ex fixes the issues that broke them up.
Dumpers prefer to hold their ex responsible and see their ex for the person he or she was in the past. Doing so keeps their thoughts, feelings, and associations locked and gives them control over the situation.
So if your ex dumped you and you’re wondering if you should leave her alone, know that not leaving her alone will cause more problems than it will solve. Not only will it make it hard for your ex to respect you, but it will also keep your ex high up on a pedestal which will restrict you from enjoying your life to the fullest.
The only thing you can do about an ex who dumped you is to leave her alone. Start no contact (if you haven’t already) and find things to work on. Invest in your social life, improve physical and emotional health, do the things you enjoy, and find your passion and purpose.
Distractions like these will make you feel better and tell your ex that you aren’t waiting for her to come back to you.

Your ex needs to know that you aren’t waiting for her. She doesn’t want to hear things like, “Contact me if you change your mind.” Such comments won’t tell your ex that she has to hurry up. On the contrary, they will kill all sense of urgency as they’ll convey to your ex that you’ll be waiting for her for a very long time.
So give your ex some space. The chances of her missing you will be higher if you refuse to chase her and leave her alone.
Will she come back if I leave her alone?
Nobody can tell you if your ex will come back if you leave her alone. But now you know that she likely won’t come back if you don’t leave her alone. Pestering her and trying to be her friend will most likely suffocate her and annoy her. It won’t encourage her to miss you and come back.
Whether your ex comes back really depends on 1)her ability to process her negative emotions and 2)the negative experiences she encounters after the breakup. If she gets together with another guy, for example, she’ll be infatuated with him for a few months—which will delay the time it takes her to encounter difficulties.
But a few months later, they’ll eventually get to know each other and learn if they’re compatible. If they are compatible, your ex will stay with him for the time being. But if they aren’t a great match and argue a lot, she might compare him to you and run back to you for love and reassurance.
This is just one possible outcome. Your ex could also get hurt by some kind of stressor. A stressor like her job, friends, health, or something that matters to her. When she gets hurt, she could notice that she doesn’t have a proper support system and think about the times when she had it. That’s when she could send you breadcrumbs and/or ask to get back together.
Until that happens, you need to leave her alone. You need to mind your own business no matter what she does and how long it’s been since the breakup. Getting over the breakup needs to be your first priority. Everything else comes second.
Do you agree that if she dumped you that you must leave her alone? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Comment below.
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My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
I agree 100% that you should never chase women. Also, if you want the relationship to end, ALWAYS get her to break up with you. NEVER dump a woman if you can possibly avoid it. If she dumps you, she can’t have any logical reason to be upset with you. Not that she still won’t be upset (women are not logical) but all you have to say is “you dumped me.” Period. Tell her you accept her decision and never contact her again. And enjoy your new freedom!
Hi John.
I think you should be brave and leave her yourself. Exhausting her and making her leave you is unnecessary and strange.
Best regards,
I understand not contacting an ex, but I’m wondering what to do in my situation. My girlfriend sent me a text six weeks ago now saying she needed time to think about what she truly wants and that she’d ring me after getting back from a friends. I’ve not heard anything since and have been in no contact. I feel angry that she did this by text and didn’t even say she wanted to break up. Maybe this time and space thing is just an excuse. Is it worth me asking to meet and close it properly or just remain in no contact. I’m finding it very tough and the lack of explanation is what really hurts if I’m honest.
Hi Danryan.
It’s better to remain in no contact and wait for her to contact you when she’s ready. Since she didn’t call, it’s clear that she hasn’t regained interest and attraction. I know it’s hard, but you’ve got to stay away from her for your own good.
Best regards,
you definitely need to work on yourself man and just remove her out of your picture, think of the pros and cons of having her in your life and the benefits of being in a relationship with her. because more often than not, she hasn’t really contributed that much in adding value and growth to your life, just focus on improving and focus on your purpose. you’ll be just fine
So I have an interesting situation Zan. I broke it off with a girl because she wasn’t willing to commit. She finalized her divorce in June and we met in June 2022 and became close in July and August. But our communication wasn’t good. She knew I wanted a relationship and I knew she was waiting. I tried to play the cool guy and give her space (which prevented me from advocating for myself) because she feared getting into a relationship too soon. She would tell me periodically that I was her number 1 guy and that if she had to choose, she would choose me every time out of all the guys she was currently dating. She would say a lot of things about how attracted she was to me and how much she liked my personality. But she gave me a lot of mixed messages.
We had this weird commitment. We would only kiss each other on the cheek and neck, while she would go on dates with other guys. We didn’t kiss other people. Her reasoning was because it wouldn’t be fair to the other guys she was dating, if we kissed. And she wanted to date more before settling. I didn’t focus on dating any girls at the time because I just wanted to date her and I needed to focus on my masters and work. But the fact she was dating other guys, gave me great anxiety. There were a couple of times when she wouldn’t respond back until late at night while she was on dates. She never cuddled or kissed another guy at this time. But I was falling hard for her and I was afraid of getting hurt. We made out on our last night of hanging out, which was against her boundaries and she felt uncomfortable and said, “We need to talk.” She started to cry a little and expressed her feelings and said she didn’t think it was going to work because I was her first crush since her divorce. I told her how much anxiety the relationship was giving me and how I felt like I was competing for her attention. She told me that she would give me 3 options 1) Go on a date once a month 2) Continue what we are doing 3) Part ways. I told her I need to think about it. After 2 days we talked about it and I told her I felt like we needed to separate, but that I really liked her and wanted to be her boyfriend. She told me she couldn’t commit because she would still be looking for other guys. And also that she loves the attention she is getting from other guys. And that she was waiting 6 months from when her divorce was finalized. I told her if she changes her thoughts or feelings to hit me up. So I broke it off. And I didn’t contact her for 2 weeks. (Now I know the 30 day rule! I wish I did that!) After two weeks, we were at the same group events. I confide in her that I would like to date once a month. She said she wanted to reach out to me to apologize for how she treated me and had some additional thoughts. She said it was not about getting back together. She kind of brushed off the idea of dating. She said, “Just give me a few days. I have to think about it.” Well, I’m hurt and so I started flirting with another girl. That really hurts her. Her whole demeanor changed and I could see that she was getting teary eyed. I was trying to make her jealous. But I think it gave her all the reason to make me look like the bad guy and her the victim. The next day she brought a guy to the next event. I was pissed because she was doing something she knew would really hurt me. I told her in front of the guy, “Don’t you think it is a little too soon to bring another guy? You think? What is he your bf now?” She said she was so ashamed about how I acted. I later apologized at the event. She didn’t say a word. Then I texted her the next day and apologized again and said whatever she needed to say she could say it. She said I am going to hold off on my thoughts for now.
Two weeks go by of no contact and I reach out again out of weakness. They were short texts like have a good weekend or this reminded me of when we did this…catch you later. She responded to them in a friendly manner. So then I started getting this idea of sending her a letter. I read all of your articles regarding the negatives of doing so. I know my letter pushed her away and made her uncomfortable. I did it for me. I needed to make sure I said everything I needed to say about how I felt about her. The letter was not about getting her back because as I stated in the letter she is “not ready for a relationship.” And I wouldn’t get back with her unless she was willing to commit. I dropped it off at her place. She responded at the end of the day exactly how your articles said she would. She sent an audio message, “I appreciated it. Thank you. To be honest, I already knew that’s how you felt about me. I don’t know what else to say. So yeah, I got your letter.” I sent a text and said “Thank you for letting me know.” That was a couple of days ago and I haven’t contacted her since. I will admit her response affected my self esteem greatly. She sent an audio message so I got her exact tone, which indicated to me she was done. I am not planning to be around her or contact her in any way. I am going to avoid the events she will be at. I realize I need more self respect. Even when we were a thing she always had another guy to hangout with, especially in the 2nd month. Sorry for this long story. But it is unique because I am technically the dumper but I see her as more of the dumper because she always had the power and wouldn’t commit. Thoughts?
I guess my only question is- Have I ruined it if I sent a love/closure letter, if I am planning to not reach out indefinitely?
By the way, she was suuuuper excited to see me at the first event. And I have never liked her more than any other girl i have dated. I am currently 32.
Hi David.
This was a very strange, commitment-free relationship from the beginning. The girl didn’t value you as much as you valued her, so she strung you along despite knowing it wasn’t fair to you. She said it wasn’t fair to other guys to kiss, so that tells you a lot. It was selfish of her to date other guys when she wasn’t emotionally ready for a serious commitment.
You haven’t ruined things with the letter. The relationship ended a long time ago when she decided she was going to date multiple guys at the same time. The best thing for you to do is to cut her off permanently. When you detach, you’ll realize how wrong her behavior was. But until then, try to rebuild your self-esteem and detach.
Kind regards,
Thank you so much Zan! I haven’t contacted her since and avoid the events she will be at. I plan to do it indefinitely. Thank you for having a caring heart!
You’ve got this, David!
Keep pushing on with no contact!
My Ex left me 5 months ago. It has been extremely hard. I still think about her everyday. I still love and miss her.
She is with someone else now (according to her whatsapp profile picture). I have not reached out in months. She called me a few weeks back regarding a personal matter and she seems so angry and resentful towards me for reaching out to her mom and not her. Bur after the call, I have not even reached out. It still hard. I still want her back but I know leaving her alone won’t do any harm.
The hardest part is in these 5 months, we had contact on and off. She seemed very loving again and seemed like she misses me. I told her my feelings but since then, she went cold with no explanation. I have not bombarded her. I have left her alone. She even checks my instagram stories from time to time (even though she doesn’t follow me).
I am concentrating on myself and making me happy again. But there is always a hope that she comes back. But I need to remove the thought if she is any chance of her returning?
Hi David.
She’s seeing someone else so she needs to go through new relationship stages with him. It could take her a long time to break up with her boyfriend, so don’t wait for her. Keep detaching and moving on. Yes, there’s always a chance that she’ll come back, but try not to stay hopeful. Hope is making things difficult for you.
Best regards,
I’m kind of going the never chase a women route. Or is there an exception when you have not been present and she feels abandoned and like she can not count on you. ( https://magnetofsuccess.com/no-contact-rule-does-not-work/ )
I’m confused now!
Me and my ex were dating for 2-3 months I said something out of pocket, she need space I didn’t give space and time, I now have come to understand I need to fall back and not contact after 2 weeks. Did I blow it ?
Hi Anthony.
You’ve got to leave this person alone. She asked for space, so give her space by going no contact. Wait for her to make the next move.
Best regards,
My Ex and & I split, on a rough topic which we spoke about and she apologised a week after via text but ended it with – “You can always get in touch and I’ll be here for you as I respect our time together.”
Then “Take care of yourself”
I took that as the door is finally closed.
I wanted to include some more information around not understanding how sick she was, or the fact I didn’t act in certain ways because of my emotions at the time – objective reflection for growth. It was the first time things happened in that way and I felt rejected.
It’s been a month of NC and I wrote my response a few days later. I can’t help but think, I need to send this message for my closure.
I genuinely believe in being the best version you can be, not as a means to get her back but as a, thank you/my growth.
Hi Mr Jones.
If sending her a message will help you get things off your chest, do that. But keep in mind that if she ignores you or responds in a way you don’t like that you’re going to get hurt really badly.
Best wishes,
I wish I read this article a couple of weeks ago, my ex keeps contacting me to tell me that she misses me and loves me and then just keeps disapearing telling me she needs space after I have reciprocated. She keeps telling me that she has broken up with the guy that she is currently seeing and needs to think about what she wants. I’m just tired of these calls, I literally shake like a junkie when she phones and try to just calm down.
My question is if I have screwed up previously will not recipricating the ‘I love you’ work? Won’t she just keep remembering the times I have told her that I’ll always love her?
Hi Jules.
Your ex feels bad for leaving you, but she doesn’t feel bad or rather, hurt enough to want you back. That’s why she’s repeating her vanishing act over and over again and hoping that you’ll be friends with her.
If I understand you correctly, Jules, telling her you love her won’t work. She doesn’t want, need, or deserve to hear your “I love yous.” She has to feel alone and emotionally comprehend what life without you is like. Your best course of action is to give her nothing and ask her politely not to reach out anymore. That’s what you need to do to get her to respect you.
Kind regards,
I think leaving her alone is the best. I tried everything. When she broke up 10 months ago, I was devastated. I told her how much I loved her and I would do everything to make it work. Then she told me she found someone else and I left her alone for a month until she sent me a pointless message, probably out of guilt. Then I tried to stay in touch. We met up a couple of times and I once again confessed my eternal love to her this summer, then I went no contact. After a little less than a month she sent me pointless message. And a couple of days later she sent me a message. So I told her that I could stop by her place if she needed me to help her, she said yes to that. So I’ll just wait and see when she wants me to come. Anyway, Im staying in no contact and dont initiate anymore. It just makes my life harder by staying in contact and keep hoping.
Hi Broken heart.
I think you should cut all contact with your ex. Seeing her in person and chatting with her is making it hard not just to heal, but also for her to see your worth. You’re always there for her, ready to help, so get some space and let her be on her own. It’s what she’s asked for.
If you want to be friends with her months down the line, you can do that once you get over her.
Kind regards,
Hi Alex,
This is all nonsense you wrote – it does not work this way…
You have been probably reading too many articles from Dan Bacon and watching his videos “Get your Ex back super-system” = this is a full money scam and there many “relationship experts” that will try to sell you their proven ideas.
Magnet of Success is the only website that will provide you true and honest information.
Wow, this article is absolutely misleading info for guys. It must be writen by a person who has zero knowledge about women and their psychology. Never leave a woman alone for too long. Find a way to talk her if she wants to break up. Find out why she wants to break up, let her speak it out, even if she feels angry with you, ask her how she feels. Its very important for a woman to feel safe to speak things out to you, she needs it, its called emotional security, It is one of the thing that a man can provide to a woman. If you are lacking this ability, you have no chance to have a relationship with any woman. Only and only this way she will trust you more and will feel safe to be with you. One of the reason she wants to break up because you left her alone for too long. Two weeks maximum if you need some space or to stay in your “cave”, if more then than woman learn to live without you and be sure she will! So ones again don’t leave her alone if you want to be with her. Make love, no war.
Hi Alex.
What you say applies to relationships, not breakups. You should definitely speak to your girlfriend/wife and look for a solution when she’s upset with you. But you can’t do that with an ex because exes (dumpers) are completely unreceptive to what you say or do. They need time to themselves because their dumpees’ presence smothers them.
And yes, there’s a chance that an ex will move on if you leave her alone. But if you don’t give her space, there’s an even bigger chance that she’ll also despise you.
Best regards,
I hope my “ex” has a painful death, that’s how much i hate her guts.
Hi I’m fine.
I understand you’re angry, but try not to let your ex control your emotions and actions. Whatever she did, she isn’t worth it.
Best regards,
Hi Zan. Do you think you can make an updated “Get your Ex Back Guide?” It’s been about 9 months since we broke up and I’m definitely not that same person she remembers. How do I get my ex girlfriend back? I’m now in a place where I can comfortably say that I don’t NEED her back, but I WANT her back.
Hi Mike.
I might do that one day, but right now, it’s not something I can do because an article like that takes a week to write. I’ll probably do a short “Get your ex back” post that will entail the most important information. Is that okay with you, Mike?
Best regards,
Zan I totally agree that if he/she dumped you, you must leave him/her alone…
It was so hard to understand that “you need to know that your ex doesn’t want you to chase his/her.”
and I learned with time and your help that I need to mind my own business no matter what. And getting over the breakup needs to be my first priority. Everything else comes second.
Thank you for all this help ❤️
Hi Linda.
Everything will be okay. Just focus on yourself and you’ll find your happiness whether your ex comes back or not.
Stay strong, Linda. You’re doing so well!
Its best to leave them alone, its crippling at the time of the breakup, you just want to reach out and sort through the issues that caused the breakup
Leave them be and go no contact, it will be horrendous at first but as time goes by, you start to process it yourself and you start to find the things that make you happy again and it actually causes more motivation to improve yourself, physically, and mentally, living with the emotions and feeling them as they arise
Id personally reccomend journalling as a great tool to help get your emotions out, and it really helps understand where they come from
But never chase, its weak and devalues yourself, and if they do come back, you will be in a better position and you can decide if you even want to talk with this person, to accept an apology, be friends or if she wants to get a back together, it will be your choice as to whether you want to or not
I agree with you, Chris.
Leaving your ex alone after the breakup is all dumpees can do. It sucks, but they must do it so they can heal and lose hope.
I also think that journaling is a great way to get your emotions under control. That’s why I suggest it to most dumpees.
Thanks for the empowering comment, Chris!
Kind regards,
Leave her alone !! Let her go !!!
Will she come back if I leave her alone?
Yes, but it will happen after long time when you don’t want her anymore… and then she will be hating you like crazy
LOL your answer literally cracked me up! You’re absolutely right though. If she wants to leave, don’t argue, don’t engage, say ok and smile on her way out. Never ever chase her and if she cheated like 9/10 of them, then kill her in your head and never ever disgrace yourself with her again. She belongs to the streets.
It might happen in the future, Milan, nobody knows. Life works in mysterious ways.
But leaving your ex alone is absolutely necessary.
Best regards,