If you ignore a girl to make her miss you, it’s unlikely that your behavior will make her think you’re amazing and a catch. It might make her slightly insecure and wonder why you ignored her, but other than that, her feelings won’t grow at all.
It’s much more likely that she’ll find ignoring rude and childish, get annoyed, and confront you about it. When she does that, her respect and interest will plummet, making it impossible for her to miss you and want to hang around you.
Of course, she could also brush it off and patiently wait for your reply, but that won’t change her perception of you or how she behaves as a person. All it will do is show her she’s not a priority and that it may be better to talk to someone more available.
Ignoring a person you like and want to be with is immoral and completely unnecessary. If she likes you and wants to get to know you better, you should talk to her rather than ignore her. Ask her about her hobbies and interests, compliment her, flirt with her, ask her out, and show interest rather than disinterest.
Build rapport and trust with her instead of trying to make her feel ignored, unwanted, worried, or anxious.
Rest assured that a person who enjoys spending time with you won’t lose interest and attraction. She’ll keep wanting more attention and (eventually) start craving affection from you. She won’t be able to get enough of it from you because she’ll be infatuated with you.
Don’t let your insecurities tell you to make her chase you. If you act busy and unavailable on purpose, you’ll be lying to yourself and tricking someone you care about (and who cares about you).
You probably don’t want to start a new relationship by deceiving her. You want this person to love you for your availability and communication, not because your absence makes her insecure and hungry for validation and bonding.
In relationships and soon-to-be relationships, communication and bonding are essential. They need to be healthy and constant so that your partner feels wanted and eager to invest back.
If you start pulling away because you want her to need you, your partner could do the same. She could force herself to stop investing time and emotions in you and do everything in her power to avoid being taken for granted.
Anything could happen if you ignore her. If you’re not prepared for “anything,” it’s best not to play with fire. Respond to her texts or calls and inform her when you might have the time to respond. This is how you’ll build trust and stand out from manipulative and unavailable men.
What about ignoring a person after a breakup?
If your ex left and hurt you, you’ve probably searched the internet for advice on what to do when your ex reaches out. You’ve come across various sources that suggest ignoring your ex and forcing your ex to take you seriously.
Although your ex probably doesn’t deserve your friendship and responses, your ex doesn’t deserve to be ignored either.
She deserves and expects a response that tells her you’re not emotionally ready to communicate. Instead of ignoring her and making her think you’re angry with her, tell her you need some time to process things and that you’ll let her know when you’re ready to be friends.
There’s no need to ignore an ex who reaches out, especially if you have kids or obligations that you need to communicate about.
Ignoring your detached ex won’t make her miss you and regret leaving you. Her lost feelings won’t come back if you treat her like a nobody. The girl or woman will consider coming back only if you present yourself as a mature ex who can communicate efficiently during difficult situations.
She’ll come back if she sees you respect her feelings and time. Of course, she’ll also need an incentive to miss you romantically. She’ll probably need to get her heart ripped out and stomped on by someone she likes and has expectations of.
You see, reconciliations require much more than ignoring an ex.
They require the dumper to focus on the new life for a while. If the new life doesn’t go according to plan, the dumper may become nostalgic and crave the life he or she had with the dumpee.
Nostalgia, mixed with unhappiness and fear could make the dumper regret leaving and cause him or her to feel a strong urge to reconnect with the dumpee.
So bear in mind that ignoring your ex won’t make her miss you. It will probably make her see that you hold grudges and that you’re incapable or unwilling to communicate.
It will make her miss you and want you back only if she has no intention of staying away from you.
But in that case, she’ll come back on her own when she sees you’re not chasing and giving her the validation she craves. In other words, an ex who seeks power and control will return when she doesn’t get the reaction she wants from you and starts feeling forgotten, sad, and anxious.
My advice is to ignore an ex only when she doesn’t leave you alone despite asking her multiple times or when she’s causing problems for you and your family. In that case, you can ignore her and probably block her as well.
But if she only reached out once or twice and doesn’t understand that you don’t want to communicate, it’s better to tell her you need space and encourage her to stop reaching out.
In today’s article, we talk about whether ignoring a crush, a girlfriend, or your ex-girlfriend will make her miss you.

Will my crush miss me if I ignore her?
If you’re not in a relationship with a girl but want to be because you like her, ignoring her may or may not make her miss you. This depends on her attraction to you and what you mean by ignoring. If you consider ignoring reading her messages but not responding, she probably won’t like that.
She’ll think you don’t want to make time for her and that you’re not the best at telling her what you’re up to. She won’t miss you if you make it obvious you’re deliberately not responding because you find other things or people more interesting.
However, if she feels attracted to you and doesn’t see you online and that you’ve read her messages, then she probably will think about you and miss you.
She’ll wait for you to come back and continue the conversation.
Whether she misses you or not also depends on how busy she is. If she has a busy schedule, a highly social life, or matters that need to be taken care of, she’ll think about you less and also miss you less than someone who doesn’t have much to do.
She’ll miss you mostly when she’s available and you’re not. Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Therefore, whether/how much your crush misses you depends on:
- her attraction to you
- how busy or stressed she is
- whether she sees you’re available to others but not her
If you’re avoiding her on purpose while talking to other people, she’ll probably get hurt and take it personally. Depending on levels of pain and maturity, she might do the same to you when you’re willing to talk or meet up.
That will make you both afraid of being too available and tempt you to play unavailability/mind games with each other.
I know it’s not attractive to be overly available to someone you’re still getting to know, but perhaps this indicates a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. Maybe you need more hobbies, activities, ambitions, friends, or a better social life in general.
When you get busy because you enjoy being busy, you won’t think about ignoring this person to manipulate her feelings.
You’ll simply talk to her when you have the time to do so and tell or show her what you’ve been up to since you last spoke. This will make her more interested in you whereas ignoring will make her feel wary and less interested.
So if you like this person and want to get closer to her, don’t ignore her to hurt her and artificially boost her attraction for you. If she’s interested already, simply talk to her and create opportunities to bond.
However, if she’s not interested or if she’s pulling away despite talking to her and doing what you can to bond, then she’s probably super busy/stressed or doesn’t want to keep talking/dating.
She may have met someone else and/or wants to see what else is out there.
A general rule is to never chase a woman who has verbally or non-verbally rejected you. When she stops putting in the same amount of effort, time, and emotions as you, it’s time to call it quits.
New relationships or about-to-be relationships shouldn’t have moments when people feel disconnected and confused.
They should be full of moments when they’re captivated by each other and not want to talk to any other person. Love blinds people for months and makes the world revolve solely around them.
Of course, there are some exceptions. If people are depressed, stressed, or in the process of grieving the loss of a family member, they may need some time to process their emotions before they return to their normal loving selves and invest in their partner or potential partner.
I advise you not to ignore a girl or woman—especially one who is going through something difficult. If you’re unreliable when she needs you the most, she could look for someone else to support her during tough times.
Will my girlfriend miss me if I ignore her?
Assuming your girlfriend has feelings for you, she probably will miss you if you don’t speak for a while. Depending on her self-esteem, she’ll wonder about you and may even feel jealous or insecure.
A lack of response from you will make her worried about you and want her to reconnect and feel loved.
If she doesn’t have romantic feelings, however, then she likely won’t miss you when you ignore her. She’ll appreciate you giving her space and continue to focus on people or things who make her feel positive emotions.
Ignoring her when she’s thinking about leaving will only make her leave quicker as it will confirm her reasons for detaching and leaving.
Healthy communication might save the relationship, but it’s much more likely that it will just delay it. It will probably make her doubt her love for you for a while longer – until she decides to give up completely.
Despite that, you should do what you can to stay with her. Her relationship mentality will have to improve significantly, so start by asking her to open up about her problems and feelings. Make sure to listen and ask her what she needs from you.
Once you’ve heard her side of the story, suggest individual therapy or couples counseling.
If she still wants to make things work and believes in therapy, she’ll agree to go. Conversely, if she’s done with the relationship and doesn’t want to go, she’ll reject your ideas and keep her problems to herself. Eventually, she’ll break up with you and want to be alone.
If you’re not happy with how things are between you and your girlfriend, don’t ignore your girlfriend and expect her to change for you. Ignoring won’t force her to make any long-term changes. It will either get you ignored back or make her act on anxiety and do what you want in the moment.
As soon as you accept her and validate her, though, she’ll revert to the person she’s always been.
There are better ways to improve parts of the relationship you’re unhappy with. The most effective approach is to communicate. Find a good date, time, and location to discuss relationship problems and start with praise.
Tell her what you like about her and that you’re grateful for everything she’s done and continues to do.
When you have her attention, tell her there are a few ways to make the relationship even better and that you’ll be even happier if she makes some changes. A mature girlfriend will gladly listen to your suggestions and try to be a better girlfriend to and for you.
Only an immature girlfriend will say something like, “You’re trying to change who I am. I don’t change for anyone.” A person like that is set on her ways and won’t compromise no matter how you express yourself.
She may not be your ideal partner.
Will my ex-girlfriend miss me if I ignore her?
Ignoring also won’t make your ex-girlfriend miss you and want you back. Since she’s lost feelings, she’ll need to first change her perception of you and redevelop feelings. This means she’ll need to see that the path she’s currently on isn’t going to fulfill her wants and needs and that she’ll be happier and safer with you.
She’ll be able to feel that way not when you ignore her but when she gets her expectations crushed and sees that the grass isn’t greener on the other side.
Regret occurs when reality hits hard and makes the dumper scared for her happiness and safety. That’s when she starts questioning her decisions and thinking about backup plans, which are the fastest ways to deal with problems and be happy.
Don’t expect your ex-girlfriend to miss you romantically before something unpleasant happens. Expect her to feel relieved and contented with her decision instead. She’ll feel that way for as long as she sees a path forward and doesn’t need your help with anything.
Dumpers seldom miss their exes romantically; especially when it comes to exes who mistreated them and ignored them throughout the relationship. They miss exes they were codependent on and those who were nice to them and communicated properly.
Such exes can help them assuage their guilty conscience or give them relationship benefits. They can make their life easier and better.
Sometimes they miss dumpees non-romantically also – the friendship aspects of the relationship. They miss having someone to talk to and rely on. Because they aren’t used to not having their ex in their life, they occasionally even breadcrumb their ex, tell their ex they miss him, and confuse him.
This doesn’t mean they’re having a hard time moving on but that they’re struggling to accept the loss of their friendship and replacing that part of their life.
There’s no point in ignoring an ex who only misses you as a friend. Ignoring will make her think you’re taking the breakup personally and that you’re bitter or vengeful. Instead of ignoring her, tell her you’re still processing the breakup and that you want to focus on yourself.
She might not like that, but she can miss you as a friend all she wants. You have bigger things to worry about. Things such as falling in love with yourself and getting over the breakup. You can be friends or try to be friends once you’ve improved your self-esteem and gotten your ex out of your system.
What do you think? Will she miss you if you ignore her? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
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My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.