10 thoughts on “I Can Feel My Ex Thinking About Me”

  1. Zan I had those questions on my mind of the beginning of my breakup and I had β€œI can feel my ex thinking about me” feelings
    But was all because I thought all the bad feelings would go away if he would return back so everything would return as it was… but then with time I saw that all the power is inside of us
    Thank you god your analysis of those situations 🀍

    1. Hi Linda.

      You were hurt and hoped your ex would return, so you kept rationalizing with your anxious brain. Fortunately, these thoughts stopped when you detached from your ex.

      You did well!


  2. Yes, but maybe when you are not very busy and the nostalgia kicks in, you can send them love and not avoid the emotion.. If they were not a very bad person. Because they were still a part of your life and possibly gave you a valuable lesson. This also helps you heal better and no, you don’t have to contact them or have false hope.. It just warms your heart and you’ll also be more peaceful and open to meet someone new

    1. Hi A.

      Internally, you can wish your ex well in his or he next relationship and send love his/her way. There’s no harm in doing that.

      If you can do that, it’s a sign you’re mature, emotionally detached, and hold no hard feelings.

      Best regards,

  3. That has happened to me many times and i have detached from the relationship! It’s been a year and a half now. But she hasn’t come back and we have been in no contact for nearly 4 months now. Therefore i know its a complete waste of time and energy to think like that. In reality, you would think after living with her for 4 years i would’ve left a mark on her and i would be in her thoughts from time to time, but then who really knows? I’m not her so i cannot say what she is thinking. I dare say she is thinking about herself and her partner most of the time. All I’m doing is staying away and getting on with my life That’s all i can do and control. Otherwise thinking about what she is thinking will drive you insane.

    1. Why did you stay in contact for over a year after breakup? Sounds like she didn’t have a chance to miss you until she has already safely detached. At least I doubt she couldn’t detach in over a year.

      I’ve only made post breakup mistakes for 2 weeks after an extremely immature and cruel breakup and still it took 8-9 months of no contact for her to send the tiniest, least significant breadcrumb my way. And even that she did only because it was my birthday. If I kept looking for her all that time, she wouldn’t even have done this, I bet.
      The breadcrumb was her sending a friend request to my sister on social media and quickly canceling it. The most indirect approach possible. I bet it will take way over a year of NC for her to finally realize she has made a huge mistake. Or even if she realized it sooner, she would still lack the courage to admit it, let alone act on it. She was so cruel, I doubt she would forgive me if the tables were turned and I bet she knows that fully well. Even I doubt I could, despite me being a lot more forgiving than her. And I told that to her on the first day, because I wasn’t thinking clearly, nor did I have any experience with breakups.
      Lucky for us dumpees, because these people are way too immature to be in a relationship with anyone anyways. At least my ex. She was extremely selfish and really a horrible girlfriend with whom I’ve felt alone even when we were living together. I think even if she would ever reach the minimum level of empathy and self sacrifice required for a relationship, it would be years down the path. Not worth waiting that long.

      1. I stayed in contact because she developed cancer and i felt it was the right thing to do. I detached as well yet she continued to contact me on her own for another 7 months. I merely responded. Hopefully for my sake she has truly detached and will never bother me again. I care for her and have no hard feelings but i can’t deal with mixed messages and confusion any longer. Maybe i’ll hear from her in the future maybe i won’t. Actions speak louder than words.

    2. Hi J.

      You are on her thoughts from time to time, but you’re not someone she’s thinking fondly of. You probably won’t be until she feels guilty or nostalgic. The best you can do for yourself in the meantime is to stop yourself from thinking about the past and keep moving forward.

      A time will come (if it hasn’t already) when you stop wondering what she thinks and feels about you.

      Stay strong!


      1. Hi Zan, thanks for your reply.
        Makes you wonder why someone who doesn’t think fondly of you would bother to stay in contact for 16 months after the break up and while she is with another person. It only stopped because i stopped it.

        1. Hi J.

          Some exes like to stay in contact. They don’t want to lose us completely, so they string us along. Your ex probably shouldn’t have done that since she was with another person.


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