He Knows I Like Him And He Still Talks To Me

He knows I like him and he still talks to me

If the guy you like knows you like him and he still talks to you, the guy may not have developed feelings for you yet. It’s possible that he’s still in the early stages of getting to know you and that he needs more time to get to feel something for you.

Whatever the case may be, you mustn’t expect him to like you and confess his feelings to you just because that’s what you want.

Guys don’t always develop crushes simultaneously with women (and the same is true for women). Sometimes love at first sight doesn’t happen because people have personal issues they first need to address. Issues like getting over their previous partners, overcoming depression, regaining their independence, or learning to relax around others and trust them.

Sometimes they also don’t feel attracted to other women and don’t feel the need to tell them that. Rejecting people is not easy, so they tend not to break bad news unless a woman expresses feelings to them and expects a clear yes or no answer from them.

They prefer to leave things the way they are and hope that “the problem” will just go away on its own.

If a guy knows you like him and he still talks to you, that’s not necessarily a bad sign. Technically, he’s still engaging in conversation with you and staying close to you both physically and emotionally, so he still likes you as a person and doesn’t feel the need to run away from you.

Some guys don’t do that. They don’t know how to handle a situation they lack the courage and morals to handle, so they avoid communicating with the person who has feelings for them by staying away from her. This is how they tell her they’re not interested in dating and that they want to be left alone.

If a guy doesn’t like you but is still talking to you, my biggest concern is that he may unknowingly string you along. He may be oblivious to how romantic expectations are making you feel and just pretends everything’s alright – that your feelings will disappear.

Well, maybe they will, but it’s better for you to know what he feels (or doesn’t feel) so that you can date him or get some space from him and stop feeling attracted to him.

If you met recently, it may be too early for him to drop his guard and be his normal self around you. In that case, you should probably give it a bit more time (a couple of weeks or so) to establish a stronger bond. He may be in the process of developing feelings or mustering up the courage to take things to the next level. It really depends on the guy’s personality. If he’s shy, reserved, or scared of opening up, he may be waiting for a better opportunity to tell you how he feels.

But if you’ve known him for a while and he still doesn’t show any signs of romantic interest (no flirting or wanting to spend time with you), then he may not be into you. He may just be afraid of telling you he doesn’t have any feelings for you because he’s scared of rejecting you and hurting your feelings.

Sometimes guys don’t do the right thing because they don’t want to hurt people and make them react strongly. They usually avoid strong emotional reactions like the plague.

In today’s post, we’ll discuss what it means if he knows you like him but he still talks to you.

He knows I like him and he still talks to me

He knows I like him and he still talks to me

First of all, if you confessed your feelings to the guy or in any way, shape, or form made it obvious to him that you like him, it’s probably safe to say that the guy likely doesn’t like you back (yet). If he liked you, he would have immediately said he liked you too because that would have been the golden opportunity for him to date you.

He’d have to be extremely shy not to make use of an opportunity like that. That’s why it’s probably for the best that you stop talking to him and get over the rejection before you resume your friendship. You can just tell him that you’ll be taking some time to yourself and that you’ll let him know when you’re ready to be friends again.

But if the guy heard from others that you like him, then he may still want to make sure for himself whether you truly have a crush on him. In such a case, don’t expect him to come running to you just because he heard that you like him. You’ll still need to build up attraction normally the way regular crushes do – by talking, hanging out, flirting, etc.

Sometimes people develop feelings for another person when they learn that he or she likes them, but sometimes they also lose attraction and feel a bit pressured. I suppose they lose attraction and feel pressured when they had doubts about that person and feel they need to make a decision quickly.

So if the person you like knows you like him but isn’t doing anything about it, know that he’s probably not interested or incapable of being interested (has unresolved issues). Either that or he barely knows you and hasn’t talked to you enough to understand you and feel attracted to you.

It’s hard to say do this or do that because every situation is different, but do consider the situation you’re in. Figure out if this person has had enough time to develop feelings and reciprocate yours. If he has, you probably don’t want to stay around him and keep hurting yourself.

You deserve better than that, so get away from him and regain your emotional independence.

Here are my suggestions on what to do when a guy knows you like him.

If a guy isn’t ready for a new relationship, you shouldn’t wait for him to be ready. It could take him months and months to deal with his past and open up to new people again. And even then he may not be ready to date you or even feel attracted to you.

You can support him if talking with him is not hurting you, but if you’re not ready to help him deal with his issues, I suggest that you focus on your own problems (on detachment).

You can’t be of much help to him if you’re anxious and need him to make you feel better. I get that you may feel a desire to help him (many women do), but he probably doesn’t want your help. People prefer to deal with personal issues personally – by themselves.

They don’t like to involve others. Especially guys.

He knows I like him but hasn’t made a move

The reason this person isn’t doing anything is that he’s not you. He doesn’t feel how you feel.

If he knew how you felt, he likely would have expressed what he thinks and feels because he wouldn’t want to string you along and pretend everything’s okay. He’d do whatever it takes to ease your uncertainty and/or anxiety and make sure you get what you need.

It’s just that he doesn’t feel the need to do that at this moment.

You’re not making it obvious to him that you’re waiting for him and that you’re not exactly enjoying it. That’s why he’s remaining oblivious to your wants and needs and doesn’t seem to make a move.

If you want this to end, you have to do something about it. You shouldn’t expect the guy to make a move on you or to say he’s not into you. He may be a guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s emotionally strong and communicative about such things.

Always remember that you are in charge of your actions and that you have the power to either tell him you like him or back off. At some point, you have to stop waiting for him.

Decide how long you’re going to stick around

Now that you see things from a different angle, figure out what your next step will be. If you made it clear to the guy that you like him, ask yourself how long you’re willing to wait for this guy to develop feelings. Most people develop feelings rather quickly because they like feeling wanted. They develop expectations and a desire to take things further.

Those who don’t have any expectations typically don’t develop feelings for a long time if ever. More often than not, they move on to someone else and try their luck with that person. You need to be aware of that so you don’t wait for this guy forever. If you wait, you could see him dating someone else and feel foolish for keeping your hopes up.

I suggest that you don’t wait for a person who rejects you or is too afraid to reject you. Such a guy could knowingly or unknowingly lead you on and keep you attached to him for a very long time. He could make it seem like he’s into you and that he’s developing something for you.

But I can tell you that relationships aren’t that complicated. The good ones have healthy and somewhat strong beginnings—and then slow down a bit over time. It’s not unreasonable to expect that this person should show more interest in you from the get-go.

He would have it if he wanted to get to know you on a more personal level. But he doesn’t at this moment, so that leaves you with only two options. Either you wait for something to change his feelings for you or pull away and try to detach.

Sooner than later, you’ll find out if you meant anything to this person. The only question is how long you’re willing to wait and how much of your happiness you’re willing to put on the line for him. Just keep in mind that waiting for someone to be ready or to notice your worth isn’t heroic.

It’s disrespectful to yourself and a big waste of your life.

So what are you going to do if he knows you like him but still talks to you? Let us know your plan of action in the comments section.

And if you’re interested in signing up for relationship or breakup guidance with us, visit our coaching page for more information.

2 thoughts on “He Knows I Like Him And He Still Talks To Me”

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    Thank you Zan ❤️

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