Have you ever wondered why men leave good women? Why do they abandon them and go with someone that is the complete opposite of them? I know I have. I thought men get bored or tired of women, but the truth is much more complicated than that.
They take good women for granted because good women don’t challenge them.
They’re emotionally stable people who provide them with love and stability. And stability some guys can’t appreciate. They want a woman who keeps them on their toes at all times and needs them less than they need her. Such a woman is a high-value woman in their eyes because she stimulates them and makes them go through emotional ups and downs.
If you’re a woman and your ex lost interest in you, you shouldn’t change yourself into someone difficult to work with just to appease certain types of guys. You should remain the way you are and remember that only immature guys crave chaos and instability in their relationships.
Immature guys take good women for granted and go after Instagram influencers and models. Such guys are so brainwashed by what they see on social media and in adult movies, they think a woman should have big breasts and posterior, a submissive personality, be completely understanding of guys’ wants and needs, and possess a hyena-like sex drive.
This notion inflates their relationship expectations and completely messes with their brain. It makes them think that what they have with their girlfriend, fiancée, or wife is mediocre at best and that they can get more out of life with someone else.
They completely forget that a person’s worth isn’t determined by superficial things like looks, fame, and money, but by the way she thinks and acts toward them and others.
Because they value the wrong things in people, they often leave good women when their relationship gets old and make them feel unattractive and not good enough. In reality, they’re not good enough for good women because they’re years behind in personal development.
You see, guys who leave good women focus on things their girlfriends could be better at. They don’t remember their girlfriends’ loyalty, gratitude, respect, generosity, compassion, and the things their girlfriends do to make their lives better.
Ungrateful guys stop thinking about those things because they don’t understand relationships require constant work. They assume relationships are supposed to get better on their own, so they oftentimes meet someone new or fantasize about being with someone different.
That puts them in situations where they can fall out of love with their partners very quickly and fall in love with someone else.
In this article, we talk about 5 moments that could cause a man to become remorseful after the breakup. We also discuss what he usually does when he realizes he lost a good woman.

1)His new relationship failed miserably
When a guy thinks the person he left his ex for or the person he met after his ex is the best possible partner for him, he pins his hopes on the new person and becomes infatuated with her. He invests a lot of time, emotions, and money in her and imagines settling down with her and living a perfect life with her.
Little does he know that the reason things are going so smoothly for him is that he’s going through the early stages of a new relationship. He doesn’t remember that things won’t always be so easy.
When he gets used to the new woman and she to him, the relationship will slow down and become much more realistic. That’s when disagreements, arguments, and old personality traits and beliefs will come to light and require them to communicate successfully and put a lot of work in.
Depending on how developed the guy and his new partner are, they could resolve differences of opinion maturely or react to each other like fire and ice and put pressure on the relationship. It all depends on how they perceive problems and react to them.
Most people start showing their true selves and facing problems 4-5 months into the relationship. At that point, they’re no longer able to pretend to be someone they’re not and continue controlling themselves.
If you’re wondering when a man realizes he lost a good woman, one of his best moments of realization is when he experiences relationship issues he previously didn’t experience. By experiencing problems and comparing the new relationship to the previous one, he can start to regret losing a woman he lost and become nostalgic.
If you got dumped and want the guy back, the guy entering a new relationship is your best bet. That’s because relationships bring out people’s true personalities and demand that they work on them. If they can’t or don’t want to work on them, they experience personality clashes and may even start craving the past.
You need to be patient (give your ex time to date someone new) and let your ex start failing romantically. When he does, you could receive texts or calls from your ex and see that your ex hasn’t been very happy.
2)He got dumped by you or someone else
If anything causes a guy to realize he lost a good woman, it’s a breakup as a breakup can make a guy experience negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. These emotions have the power to force a guy to start wondering if he was partially or fully a fault and if he’s lost someone worthwhile.
The only condition is that he must love his partner and be capable of reflecting.
If a guy doesn’t care what happens to him, what his partner thinks of him, and how his behavior affects others, he’s most likely not going to get affected in ways you want him to. He won’t make emotional progress, realize your worth, and want to be with you because he’ll have different priorities and goals in life.
Guys who learn their lessons after the breakup realize their faults very quickly, work on themselves, and make sure not to repeat the same mistakes. Such guys have better relationships with their ex or other people as a result of their hard work and dedication.
People who don’t reflect, on the other hand, don’t learn and improve much (if at all). They blame their partner for the breakup and refuse to change anything about themselves.
So keep in mind that an ex who’s going to learn your worth and regret losing you will do so after a breakup (most likely the first one). A breakup will be his opportunity to realize he lost a good woman and that he needs to get his act together.
The reason for this is that the separation will hurt him, hit his ego and self-esteem, and bring him back to reality.
If you left your ex, he’s going to understand your worth the moment you deliver the bad news. But if your ex left you, he’ll get his chance to value you when someone new dumps him and makes him go through the kind of hell you went through.
Hell or in other words pain, makes dumpers realize they lost someone who cared about them and remained loyal until the end.
3)His problems remained or got worse
Another thing that could make a man realize he lost a good woman is the realization that you weren’t the cause of all his problems. This realization can cause a guy to feel guilty and ashamed for projecting his problems onto you and making you feel responsible.
It can make him reach out, apologize for hurting you, and ask to get back together.
A guy can tell you weren’t to blame for his problems when he sees his problems remained or got worse even after the breakup. Seeing that he’s not happy can make him miss you and feel that thanks to his decision, he needs to deal with the reasons the breakup ensued.
Some things that can help him realize you weren’t the problem are post-breakup:
- anger
- alcohol/drugs addiction
- poor self-control
- panic attacks
- stress
- depression
- financial issues
- fears
- doubts
- and all kinds of problems
If he doesn’t know how to cope with these emotions and problems, he can realize he blamed you for them and that you put up with more than you should have.
Sadly, guys (and women) usually need to go through something painful to realize they made mistakes and were at fault (too). They need to get hurt and feel the need to take responsibility.
Those who do that can realize they lost a good woman who cared about them, accepted their faults, and stayed with them no matter what.
4)He needs emotional support
Guys who need emotional support also realize they lost a good woman. It may not be a woman they love, but perhaps someone they could rely on for support and healing. Such guys realize their woman was special but that they couldn’t appreciate her enough to stay with her.
They had unresolved (childhood) problems or were simply not mature and developed enough to maintain a romantic relationship with them.
Whatever the case may be, your ex-boyfriend could start to miss you (or certain parts of you) when he needs your support, advice, recognition, forgiveness, or anything he badly needs and can’t get without you.
That’s when he could start talking to you again and treating you like he should have treated you before.
So if you want to know when a man realizes he lost a good woman, it’s when life gives him lemons and makes him crave his ex’s support. Difficulties and problems can make a guy think about times when life was less stressful and problems easier to handle.
If a guy doesn’t have good coping mechanisms, chances are he’ll remember his ex, recognize her strength and value, and contact her for emotional support. All a woman needs to do is appear strong and independent and wait for her ex to hit a snag.
5)He realized your worth
Guys who realize their ex’s worth do so willingly or forcefully. They realize it forcefully because of failure and pain and willingly when they’re open-minded and thinking positively.
Sadly, most dumpees expect their ex to realize their worth willingly – through self-reflection just because they were nice to their ex. They completely overestimate their ex’s ability to de-victimize themselves and see things from different angles.
That’s one of the reasons dumpees stay hopeful and prolong their recovery. They think their ex’s return depends solely on what they did before and after the breakup. In actuality, it depends on what happens to the dumper and how he or she thinks.
So if you’re hoping your ex would realize your worth on his own without going through anything painful, know that your ex has to be a very mature person. He has to be wise enough to understand why he took you for granted and lost feelings/broke up with you.
Don’t expect him to regret hurting you just because you did everything you could to make him happy.
What happens when a man realizes he lost a good woman?
When a man realizes he lost a good woman, he doesn’t just sit around and do nothing. He may be good at internalizing emotions, but when he regrets something a lot, he takes action. He’s a rational creature of action.
This means that he gets back in touch with his ex and tries to get back with her.
Some men will call their ex and say they made a huge mistake whereas others will invite their ex out first and then look for a good opportunity to express their sorrow and regrets.
I don’t think any men will let a good woman go if they realize she’s a good woman. Not unless they have depression or anything like that. That wouldn’t make sense to them because they’d know their ex is the best they can find and that they need their ex to be happy.
So rest assured your ex will come back if he realizes he lost a good woman. He’ll do all the work you expect him to do (and more) and show you that he wants to become a good man for you so he can earn your trust back.
What do you think a man does when he realizes he lost a good woman? Let us know in the comments below the article.
And if you want to talk to us about your breakup situation, click here to get in touch.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi! I was in a relationship with a man from ages 21 to 27, we broke up a year ago, and it was completely his doing, for example he had an emotional affair with a married coworker, blindsided me with the breakup, we were engaged, it was absolutely terrible, the entire time he was breaking up with me I was taking care of my 14-year-old dog that we had together who was dying ( I had to put her down the same week he officially left me) anywho, since then he has contacted me a couple times, and we have hung out, and it was just like our honeymoon era, no physical cheating but for example we went out to multiple bars and his hand was consistently on my back as my guardian big man person . He also was very emotionally available at this first encounter of ours, but every other meeting we have had since then he has been extremely aloof even though physically he is not doing as well as me. He cut off contact with me after we broke up, and then he reestablished contact with me a few months later (christmas), and then cut off contact with me again (1 month later after spending every weekend in january together in another honeymoon phase) he told me he had gotten into a new relationship during the time that we have hung out, she is much more successful than me like she has gotten a master’s degree while neither of us have gotten a bachelors degree, still successful but she is obviously a career woman. I know that he is not as attracted to her as he is to me based on when we have hung out within the past 2 months, and also just pictures she seems very conservative whereas im the wild child. they started dating at the same time as when he cut off sexual relations/communication with me post break up this past january, but the reason we died was due to losing ourselves in our relationship to the covid quarantine and weight gain, however I have lost all of the weight, and I am back to my wild sexy self, I was extremely depressed during the end of this relationship, and he sought attention elsewhere. I have never stopped loving this man and I know that he has treated me extremely poorly and that I should never accept the kind of treatment he has treated me with but I also know that I think he might be the love of my life and when we are doing well I know that he feels the same. I know that I am not giving myself the dignity I deserve with toying with this person even though he is in another relationship, but I also think that this is a rebound relationship even though she is more financially successful than me. I just want to know if you think he is worth it, when I don’t know if I will ever find that spark again, and I’m not just talking about liking a person, I’m talking about when we are good and we are together it is like nothing that I’ve ever seen in any relationship that I’ve experienced or watched with my friends its akin to fictional TV, I have never fathomed this connection before and yet he was so eager to give it up when things weren’t good. PLEASE send advise xoxo
Hi Catherine.
The only reason why he was warm toward you the first time after the breakup was that he felt bad and needed to reassure himself that he wasn’t a bad person. Once he’d done that, he turned cold and distant. This was the time for you to cut him off and let him focus on his relationship. He wasn’t going to come back just because he felt bad for hurting you.
Right now, you feel that he’s the love of your life, but that will change soon, Catherine. When you regain your self-worth, you’ll see you should never settle for someone who can discard you and hurt you this much. You deserve much more. Stay in no contact and refuse any form of communication. He should date and see if his relationship is worth staying in.
I lost nothing. It was all a fantasy. Great looking, great sex. Broken cheating mess underneath it all
That’s good, Jaytee.
You gained much more than you lost.
Great article!!
It’s very clearly depicted why man comes back and it also teaches woman about self worth
Thanks for reading, Suhanaa!
such a good article and good points Zan!
My ex had depression but i hope he is better with his new life.
I’m healed and happy with my life. And most importantly grateful for good things and people on my life
thank you Zan ❤️
That’s a very mature thing to say, Linda.
I wish you the best of luck in your next relationship.