The horror of seeing your ex happy when you’re miserable is devastating beyond comprehension.
“How can my ex be happy when I’m so miserable? Why is my ex posting happy pictures on social media when I’m dying on the inside? Is my ex happy in his new relationship?”
These are common questions broken-hearted dumpees ask themselves when their ex is in the 1st stage of a breakup for the dumper.
If this is you and you’re feeling miserable after the breakup, please read on.

My ex is happy and I’m not
It really hurts whenever I see dumpees in pain and their exes happy—on cloud 9 as if nothing happened.
The number of emails and messages I receive about happy exes is truly saddening.
I hear things, such as dumpers living their lives to the fullest, partying and dating others as if there’s no tomorrow.
I’m also told that they post their new “amazing” lives on social media and pretend like they’re on top of the world.
Dumpees, on the other hand, notice how elated their dumper appears to be and become miserable and depressed as a result.
Since they stalk the dumper, they can’t stop themselves from obsessing over their ex’s happiness or their new relationship.
Devastated dumpees also can’t stop themselves from wondering how their dumper was able to move on so quickly.
They think to themselves, “My ex is happy and I’m miserable. Did I not mean anything to my ex? I wish this nightmare would end already!“
They are in so much pain after the breakup, they would sell all their fortunes if they could be cured of the breakup blues and just get over their ex already.
Why am I so depressed after the breakup?
If you’re unhappy and your ex is happy, this is happening because of something called the dumpee’s syndrome.
In a nutshell, this breakup syndrome occurs when the dumpee is abandoned and his or her primal instincts kick in.
The dumpee’s syndrome entails:
- fear of loss
- hurt ego and self-esteem
- loss of security
- lack of direction
- craving what the dumpee can’t have
- separation anxiety
- attachment style distress
- withdrawal symptoms
All of the above-listed calamities cause the dumpee’s syndrome and the dumpee to suffer after the breakup.
These are just the initial breakup difficulties the dumpee faces. Unfortunately, there’s more.
The post-breakup terror
Once the dumpee has gone past the initial stages of grief, he or she then develops something I call the post-breakup terror.
Since the dumpee spends days and nights thinking about the dumper, he or she overvalues the dumper and puts him or her on a pedestal.
As a result of anxiety, the dumpee then transforms the dumper into a god-like being and fears him or her like one too.
This happens because of emotional dependence.
Furthermore, anything the dumper says and does after the breakup, the dumpee overanalyzes and misinterprets.
Consequently, the dumpee comes up with thousands of reasons for the dumper’s behavior and puts all of his or her hope into reconciliation.
Seeing the dumper happy also doesn’t help the dumpee one bit. If anything, it only deteriorates the dumpee’s health and slows down his or her recovery.
Oftentimes just seeing the dumper happy makes the dumpee so anxious, that merely hearing about his or her ex makes the dumpee’s hair stand on end.
Add depression and frequent setback on top of that and you have the post-breakup terror which soon develops into a fear of ex.
So when the dumper finally reaches out, the dumpee, as a result of the post-breakup terror, experiences unbelievable anxiety and suffers from breakup symptoms all over again.
Why is my ex happy without me?
Contrarily to the dumpee’s syndrome and the post-breakup terror, dumpers suffer from the dumper’s syndrome.
This means that as a result of the breakup, your ex is incredibly happy without you.
It’s not about who you are as a person and what you provide, but rather about the act of dumping itself.
You see, letting go of someone shouldn’t feel good, but it does. Because the dumper has been intending to break up for so long, he or she felt trapped and miserable.
So once the dumper finally initiated the separation, he or she began to feel ecstatic.
We could describe this breakup feeling as euphoric and compare it to the honeymoon stage of a new relationship.
This is because suddenly everything appears peaceful, fresh and magical.
Pre-breakup struggle
Dumpers also create certain emotions. Contrarily to the dumpee’s syndrome, these emotions occur before the breakup.
Since dumpers are far from suffering from withdrawal and low self-esteem, they instead experience emotions that are absolutely toxic to the romantic relationship.
We’ll call this phenomenon the pre-breakup struggle.
The pre-breakup struggle includes:
- doubt
- anxiety
- guilt
- suffocation and lack of freedom/independence
These are the culprits that caused the breakup. They are emotions that triggered the dumper’s syndrome and drove your ex away.
So if you consider the dumpee’s syndrome, post-breakup terror, pre-breakup struggle and the dumper’s syndrome, you will have a clear picture of your emotions as well as your ex’s.
You will understand why your ex is happy and the reason you’re miserable.
Ex seems happy after the breakup
If your ex seems happy after the breakup and you ‘re not, please don’t fall for your ex’s illusion. I know it hurts to see your ex happy when you’re crying in bed in pain.
If your ex seems exuberantly happy at your expense, don’t get pulled into depression. It really has nothing to do with you as a person.
As we mentioned earlier, your ex is happy because of all the pre-breakup and post-breakup emotions that have very little to do with you.
Your ex seems elated because he or she lacks:
- a lot of self-awareness
- and a deeper understanding of the breakup emotions
Your ex merely goes with the flow. The brain is telling your ex to be happy, so your ex obeys. There’s nothing wrong with being happy, right?
What if your ex’s happiness is at your expense? Is it still okay for your ex to be happy? Well… that’s for you to decide.
If you’re willing to forgive your ex for not caring about your well-being, then that’s okay.
The point is that dumpers don’t know why they feel happy. The first thought that comes to their mind is, “Wow! I’m so happy because of the breakup. It was clearly the right thing to do.“
Reacting instead of acting
People are instinctual and therefore react to all sorts of stimuli. If someone tells us we’re ugly, we become defensive and feel angry.
When we’re told we are appreciated, we feel flattered and happy and we automatically like the person back. And when our partners break up with us, we feel the loss and therefore, grieve in depression.
Dumpers react in the exact same way. They are human beings capable of all sorts of emotions as well.

On the day of the breakup, your ex is happy and you’re miserable. Both of you are reacting to what you want and need.
You want to be in a relationship with your partner and he or she wants to break free from it.
Since your ex gets what he or she wants, elation and relief protrude through the surface.
You, on the other hand, obviously don’t get what you want so you react negatively.
Become happy with yourself after the breakup!
Now, it makes sense that protons (positive) and electrons (negative) charges attract each other.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply to breakups and life in general. It’s impossible to attract the dumper when he or she is unbelievably happy.
This is especially true if you’re miserable. It’s just not happening!
Like attracts like. You might have heard of the law of attraction and although I don’t advocate it, I agree with its basic concepts.
It’s important to become happy—especially when your ex is happy. You must, however, do it for yourself so that your life can resume and continue in the right direction.
Is it hard? Yes.
Is it worth it? You bet!
Only once you’ve accomplished happiness are you able to attract your ex back and not a second before.
No contact starts with you and ends with your ex
It’s of vital importance that you work on your happiness after the breakup. I don’t care if your ex hates your guts or if you’re so broke even your reality check bounced.
Every human being has his or her own troubles. This includes me, you, your friends or anyone you know and don’t know.
Getting out of negativity can be overcome. But for that to happen, you need to get in the right mindset.
I can’t bring you out of the dark hole by giving you a virtual slap which you so badly need.
That’s why you must dig deep and gather the courage to stand tall yourself.
You are the one who holds the power to recover from this. All you have to do is find it.
Correction, you must be willing to find it.
The willpower is what it takes to get out of it. To reiterate, you need the willpower to snap out of a negative spiral and the willpower to stay out of it.
Basically, you’ll need a lot of willpower.
It’s easier said done that. I know that. If deciding to be happy is all it took, there would be no depression or unhappiness in this world.
An experiment to feel strong
I’d like to encourage you to try to feel powerful for a minute. It has helped me and many others so it can’t hurt you by giving it a try.
Stand up for a minute and clench your fists and teeth. Focus on a particular point in your vicinity and get angry. Feel the energy flow through you.
Feel the electricity in your eyes, the loud thumping in your heart, the tightening of your muscles.
When you feel strong, breathe slowly, but deeply and imagine yourself in complete control of your body and mind.
Next, start bouncing on your tiptoes as if you’re in a ring facing a strong opponent. You’re now getting ready for a fight.
With your stronger arm, punch your open palm once, twice, thrice and feel the static course through your vigorous body.
You are now in your most powerful form, ready to wrestle a gorilla, let alone a fighter.
If you followed my concise advice, this is the state you need to be in to become happy.
You need to be in absolute control of your body. When you activate your fight response, you will break free of your fears.
You will become strong and empowered.
If you do this right, you will annihilate depression and splatter it like a bug on the floor.
The reason why pumping yourself up works like magic is that humans are biologically wired to fight or retreat. Although it’s not the real fight or flight response, my little trick comes very close to it.
Human beings project what we feel in the moment.
For example; when we’re sad and miserable, our body takes a form that matches our inner state. We bend our backs forward, look at the floor and sulk in depression.
To break free of this negative, self-destructive pattern, we have to physically do the opposite and cause a temporary disruption—a desynchronization to our negative pattern.
When we unmatch what we feel on the inside with what we portray on the outside and boost it by doing something extreme, such as jumping up in the air, we force ourselves to snap out of negativity and therefore feel better as well.
When we act erratically, we create an opposing force to our inner state (depression). We have a negative feeling on the inside and a powerful reaction on the outside.
Suddenly, it won’t matter to you if your ex is happy and you’re miserable because you will feel energetic again. You won’t even feel miserable. You’ll feel great.
All you have to do is want it bad enough, get out of bed and perform this exercise.
This is also one of the reasons why I advocate getting a lot of physical exercise after the breakup. It has a similar effect.
Please don’t underestimate the power of the mind. If it got you miserable, it has the power to make you happy too.
My ex is happy (phobia)
I know life is tough, but its really only as difficult as we perceive it.
So when you spend time in your room crying and telling yourself, “My ex is happy and I’m miserable,” you’re only feeding your already anxious brain.
By observing your ex’s external happiness, you are making your internal happiness suffer as a result.
Does this make any sense to you? You are unhappy for all the wrong reasons.
The happiness your ex is experiencing isn’t long-lasting, nor is it true happiness. Your ex is in an infatuated stage of elation and relief, therefore—what he or she is feeling is fake.
You’ve probably never heard of fake happiness before, so here’s what BetterHelp has to say about fake happiness; “Faking happiness is when we appear happy to others but don’t truly feel happy internally.
It is not something we feel on the inside no matter how much we try to force it and pretend to others.“
So every second you spend dwelling on the past and envying a “happy” ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, you only end up wasting your life.
It’s like worrying about World War III. You know it hasn’t happened yet and it likely won’t happen in the near future.
But are you crying yourself to sleep or thinking about the war 24/7? I don’t think so. That’s why the “my ex is happy” phobia is self-created in a similar way.
It’s an illusion, produced by your own fears and insecurities. You’ve invented this fear based on your false observations from judging your ex externally.
My ex looks happy on social media
Previously, we’ve mentioned how your ex seems happy after the breakup. You must remember that what you see is an illusion—a mere depiction of your ex’s best self.
Nobody posts sad pictures on social media. Your ex won’t either.
He or she might post some cheesy quotes, such as; “Sometimes you have to let a person go to start living your life.”
Try not to look too much into it. Your ex is just posting whatever comes to mind. Overlook it. It’s not real and/or it won’t last.
Most of these things don’t go on for a week anyway. Tell yourself that it’s just a distortion of reality and forgive and forget!
Your ex will eventually stop posting happy pictures and quotes and will revert back to the neutrality state when he or she runs out of steam.
All your ex needs to get there is plenty of time which you happily provide when you stay in no contact.
Are you miserable and your ex is happy? Did this article provide useful information? I’d love to hear your thoughts so please leave a comment if it’s not too much trouble.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
It seems like when my ex did me so wrong when she ended us but yet she was rewarded. After blindsiding me she immediately moved and got another house which is closer to her family and then shortly after that, she was in a new relationship, though I believe she monkey branched to this guy, but kept it quiet so it didn’t look like she was cheating. She got everything she wanted, a new house, closer to family and a new relationship where she didn’t really have to spend any time alone. Her life didn’t skip a beat, just got better, so of course she is happy. It’s been 10 months almost and I never heard another word from her again. After 5 years of doing everything I could and always being there for her, this is what it meant to her…NOTHING!! I will never forget the day when I saw both her and her bf change their profile pics at the same time. I will never forget the pain it caused me, especially when she gave his post a “love”. It killed me to know she can use the word love to another man. I never looked at their profiles again and since I never heard from her again I have to believe all is still great in her life with him. My life went to hell and I have no one, 10 months later and still hasn’t improved much. Just don’t get how she could do the wrong and have all this good come her way while I am the one she wronged and I am stuck in an endless cycle of nothingness. So yes, she is happy and I am miserable…these are no illusions.
Hi Ed.
She did you dirty and doesn’t deserve your love. Although right now she’s happy and you’re miserable, this won’t always be the case. When you recover, she’ll begin to encounter various issues, especially problems she refused to work on. That’s when she’ll begin to struggle and you won’t. Life gets better, Ed. Push through this and you’ll see!
Best regards,
Been in a relationship with lots of love with ups and downs. Been 7 years fighting for that girl; and although the things got better from times to times, that only happened because I had to threaten her with breakups for her to react. Nowadays, I’m here, after evolving and fighting so hardly for a girl, making her the best she could be, just to find myself outta love on me. She moved on, blocked me everywhere making sure I never get in touch with her as she stated “Forget us, it’s done forever! Stop chasing me!”. Never I got so down and managed to be on depression as I am, while she posting pics on insta being happy and showing bikini and booty pics, a thing that she was so afraid before. Just to hurt me. I hope I leave this state shortly
Hi Dave.
You’ve contributed to your ex’s life and probably taught her a lot of things, but you didn’t teach her how to be self-aware, nor give her relationship skills. That’s something people usually learn after the breakup when they’re forced to change. So don’t expect your ex to be the perfect person. She won’t be until she’s put in a similar situation to you.
She’s relieved and needs time to herself. I suggest that you stop checking up on her online. Go indefinite no contact.
Kind regards,
My ex GF broke up with me for not showing enough affection, I was her first everything. After I begged and pleaded every few weeks, I found out she very happy without me and moved on to hooking up with a mutual friend a month after we broke up. When I confronted her about, she told me he treats her better than I ever did in 2 years. We both began to say some hurtful stuff and she eventually blocked me. We havent spoke In a month besides a nod or hi on campus. I’m still blocked and she still is with this guy. I’ve decided to do no contact and try to move on but part of me still wants her back, because she was such a caring good person and we got along better then any girl i’ve ever been with.- I know i shouldn’t reach out and I won’t but I also don’t know how to feel better.
Hi Brice.
Your ex had decided to break up and hook up with other people. This shows her heart is no longer in it and that she’s convinced she could have been happier. If I were you, I’d stick to nods and his for now and continue to detach. She’s of no use to you right now.
Do no contact and you’ll eventually see that she’s not the person you idealized.
3 weeks ago, my partner of 7 years ended our relationship. His.reasons? Because I was down alot of the time and reasons for this? My dad is battling cancer, only 3 months ago we got kicked out of our home, a year since my gran died of cancer and I had surgery that didn’t work as great as I wanted.
I went through one of the worst years, everyday scared my dads going to leave me. I was back and forth helping my parent as he was in and out of hospital.
I wasn’t myself the past few months but never neglected my ex, I was there as much as I could be and loved him truly. Always telling him these hard times are temporary and happiness will come. But he couldn’t see these tough times through with me.
I cry everyday because I’m in disbelief how he broke my trust when I needed him the most right now. He blames me for everything, and truth I’ve given up explaining why I have been so low of late. He doesn’t seem to listen nor care. 5 years ago he left me for 10 months but we got back together and I gave him a chance..I recall the last time he left me when I was facing hardtimes. I feel stupid for not seeing who he really was when there were signs, I gave my all and fought for this relationship but how easily he walked away. Threw me out of our new home im back with parents and even told me to take our pets we adopted together.
My emotions are so raw, and so many questions left unanswered. I honestly stayed no matter what he went through and would never have left. I guess it was too much to ask for that same loyalty back after 7 years
I am crying right now and feel devastated after seeing my ex with the new person, the reason why she left me. It’s almost 2 years now and I am still in pain. I recovered but now that I am back here in the province, I can’t help but remember all the heartache I have experienced and seeing them happy while I am miserable brought me so much tears, like I just wanna die to stop this pain. My ex left me for someone else after I caught her cheating on me.. I’ve been reading all articles here.. It is somewhat helping me.. But I cannot still control my emotions.. This breakup has caused me so much emotional burden and can’t even function normally.
Hey brother, I feel you ! dealing with a very similar situation…it hurts like hell !
This is the best post breakup article i have ever read. It covers all aspects. Thank you so much for sharing it. God bless you🙏🏻
We been together 14yrs and we have 3 beautiful kids. She threw bombshell early this week saying marriage is over because she saw me deleting some WhatsApp messages in my phone of which l didn’t think l needed her approval since all messages were old deals l made since l am self employed. My phone has no password and if anything, she already had access to everything since l had nothing to hide. Now all she do is put pics of kids and herself on social media as if l never existed. I am hurt beyond repair. I feel life is not worth living anymore. I don’t drink or smoke and hardly go out with other people. She was my only friend. Could it be this was fore-planned and all she wanted was an exit reason ? Please ladies have a heart. What goes round does certainly comes around….
Zan,I think God helped me to found this website and al your advices ,thank you so much you don’t know how much money I spend to hear all what u wrote for free ,From my heart thank you so much for helping us.
Thank you for the great advice.
Thank you for commenting, Kaung!
Best regards,
Thank you for all this great content!. This article and all your others have been so helpful in helping me sort out my feelings. Its ironic that I have the feelings of the dumpee when I am the dumper…what are your thoughts on that? My ex’s social media is absolutely killing me but I’m doing my best to cut it off at all costs. I am realizing just how critical timing (in terms of goals and life in general) is for a successful relationship. As a guy, its difficult to find this kind of emotional guidance.
Thank you
Michael I am in the exact same boat. I am the Dumper. My Fiance became physically abusive. He was warned and hurt me again. So I left. His Instagram is out of control. It is killing me. Is this the real him? Was our entire relationship a lie? Was he settling as he quotes on social media? Etc. You are not alone. Thank you for your post/comment.
My ex left me we have a 10month old baby, he still sees him but he went back to his ex its his wife. They never finalized papers to divorce. He seems happy with his life besides not being around our son like it used to be according to him. He said I made him miserable but when I ask are you happier now he won’t answer that. Its been over a month and seeing him all the time kills , not to mention i had gotten him a job with me. Please make the pain stop
I have been in a 11year relationship which I believe we were absolutely soul mates everyone that new us said the same. However 6 weeks ago he left saying he was going thru something like made a middle age crises. 5 weeks he is in bed with a women and he now tells me that I’m Toxic and I make him anxious that I never made him feel good…..I’m ummm just no words just soul broken….any advise for me??
Please don’t eat that, I’ve been there. It’s nothing to do with you. Even It’s not you, he would say the same thing to other person. Just wait another 11 years or less. People change dear, but don’t blame yourself for what happened which you can’t control. Just be happy with yourself and others will adore you .
Its been 5 months and my ex already attempted reconcillation with me 3 months ago. That ended pretty badly when they wanted to keep me around while they looked for someone else. Now that they have found someone else, it hurts to watch them be happy.
This was the most helpful article I have read. Thank you for dishing out the realist shit!
I simply deleted Facebook and Instagram and Twitter. I only have What’s app now which I check once a day. It’s been tough but it’s better than checking on an ex.
Yes!!! He is fucking happy while im 5 months pregnant im so miserable Zan 🙁
Hang in there, Mariah. You deserve better so take care of your baby first.
Best wishes,