6 thoughts on “My Ex Disappeared From Social Media”

  1. I am a recent dumpee and decided to give a social media a break. I deactivated my Facebook account and deleted my instagram account. Pretty much for the reasons Zan mentioned in this post. I have been off of SM for two weeks and I can say I never realized how addictive it was. I would wake up each morning looking to check Facebook. I no longer do that which I consider to be healthy. My ex has a very unhealthy relationship with SM. She has an impulsive need to post everything. She presents as being the happiest person in the world on SM even though she presents as being utterly miserable in the real world. Her SM self and real world self are nothing alike. I never realized this disconnect until our breakup.

    I don’t plan on returning to SM anytime soon. I may eventually do so but I’m very much enjoying this break. I am old enough to remember the pre SM days. They were good times.

    1. Hi James.

      I’m glad that taking a break from social media has had such a positive effect on you. Clearly, it’s helping you obsess and worry less and focus on yourself more. Your ex’s compulsion to present herself in the best way possible is no longer something you have to deal with daily, so keep it that way for a while. You can always return to social media after you’ve gotten over her and stopped caring about what she posts.

      Kind regards,

  2. It sometimes is not all about you. Maybe the dumper/dumpee stopped social media because he/she just needed a break like Zan said. Sometimes when you make big life changes like a break up the person needs to regather who they are. Social media is mainly full of fake people and friends. It is also very negative on our mental well being and relationships. I recommend everyone take a break from social media. I have been off it for over a year now and don’t miss it at all. If they are real friends they will call or text you in person.

    1. Hi Nikki.

      I agree with you. Social media can have a negative effect on relationships and dumpees. Sometimes taking a break from it can feel refreshing Thanks for commenting!


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