Finding out that your boyfriend likes other women’s pictures instead of yours can be very upsetting. It can make you feel as if your boyfriend doesn’t appreciate you as his girlfriend and that he’s looking for something from someone else.
His reckless behavior can affect you badly. So much so that it takes a toll on your confidence in your abilities and makes you question your self-worth.
It’s heartbreaking to think that a person you love is liking other women’s pictures on Facebook and other social media platforms, but, unfortunately, many guys do that. Many guys think that liking, commenting, tagging, or reacting to other women’s pictures is harmless and that they have the right to like anyone’s pictures.
Although the latter may be true, it’s also true that liking other women’s pictures can be painful to us women. It can give us the impression that our boyfriend is fickle-minded and that he doesn’t care about our well-being. At least not enough to stop doing things that make us anxious, sad, or jealous.
Many guys seem to think it’s their girlfriend’s job to deal with insecurities and that they shouldn’t have to worry about making her feel secure. Such guys often forget that relationships consist of more than one person and that people in general have different perceptions and tolerances to pain.
Because they forget this vital piece of information, they often absent-mindlessly like other women’s photos and make it difficult for their girlfriend to relax and trust them.
Trust is gained with continuous acts of care. And if care is not given appropriately (commonly and consistently), women tend to have a difficult time trusting a guy because he fails to fulfill their basic relationship needs.
Although it’s true that women should be confident and have faith in their partner, the real question is how can we do that when our partner does exactly the opposite of what we need to feel secure? When he ignores our feelings and likes other women’s pictures regardless of how much it hurts us?
I’m not saying every guy who likes other women’s pictures on social media can’t be trusted, but with all the cheating going on in this world, it’d be naive to trust a person when he makes very little effort to be trusted.
Every man deserves to be trusted because he committed to us, of course, but he can’t expect to be trusted when he likes other women’s pictures but not ours.
He especially can’t be trusted if he gets angry and calls us immature, weak, insecure, controlling, or demanding when all we ask of him is to ease our worries. A guy who explodes during moments that are difficult for us doesn’t understand our feelings and isn’t open to change.
He’s closed-minded and will probably remain closed-minded for quite some time.

My boyfriend likes other women’s pictures on Facebook but not mine
When girls raise a concern about something that hurts them, many guys’ response sounds somewhat like this, “You’re jealous, insecure, difficult to deal with, you have to trust me.” They don’t consider the fact that their words and actions hurt their girlfriend and affect her emotional health.
And because they don’t consider their girlfriend’s emotions and point of view, they think their girlfriend’s pleas for change are a nuisance and a waste of time.
Guys who think this way obviously have no idea what it’s like for women to feel unlistened to. They just know that they have most of the power in the relationship and that they can act how they want to act because they are in a position of power.
Needless to say, a heavily imbalanced relationship in terms of power and respect usually doesn’t last forever. It can last months or even years because some people put up with unhealthy behavior longer than they should, but eventually, most people get tired of feeling disrespected and separate themselves from their partner.
My boyfriend also sometimes liked other women’s pictures and made me feel uncomfortable. At first, I didn’t know why he liked other women’s pictures because he had me, but after talking to him, I realized that his reasons for liking women weren’t what I thought they were.
He didn’t like other women’s pictures because he finds them physically attractive or because he has feelings for them. He liked them because he was friends with them and wanted to show them his support.
It took me a while to understand this because I don’t like other guys’ pictures for no apparent reason. I like or even heart my girl friends’ pictures because they are the people I love and appreciate.
The same goes for my family.
My boyfriend on the other hand liked other women’s pictures for almost no reason at all. It’s as if his actions were emotionless gestures that didn’t have a (deeper) meaning.
Why is my boyfriend liking other women’s pictures on Facebook?
First, let’s talk about why your boyfriend likes other pictures and later (in the following chapter) why he isn’t liking yours.
The biggest reason he’s liking other women’s pictures is because of something I call the no reason-reason. He simply likes pictures because that’s what people do these days.
They absent-mindlessly scroll through Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms like braindead zombies and like things without giving much thought to their behavior.
This is the biggest reason why guys like other women’s pictures. The second reason is that they wish to support the people who post pictures. They want to say, “I like what you’re doing and I support you.”
There’s nothing wrong with these kinds of selfless acts as long as they truly are selfless. If a guy posts hearts and compliments other girls visually, that probably isn’t selfless. It’s probably “a bit” too flirty and a completely different story.
But if he’s just liking without expecting anything in return, his intentions are probably genuine and there’s nothing to worry about.
Thirdly, a guy who likes other women’s pictures with his girlfriends’ awareness does this because he doesn’t find anything wrong with it. He thinks his girlfriend is/should be okay with it and that he can do what feels right to him.
Obviously, such a guy lacks self-awareness and relationship skills—and it’d be wise of him to engage in some introspection and learn a thing or two about relationships.
To learn more about why your boyfriend likes other women’s pictures, have a look at the infographic below.

Why is my boyfriend not liking my pictures?
Now that you know why your boyfriend likes other women’s pictures, statuses, or comments, let’s figure out why your boyfriend isn’t liking your pictures. Surely, he should be excited to like your pictures, right?
Well, not exactly. Relationships may start strongly, but after a while, the initial excitement decreases—and with it, behaviors that existed only because a relationship was new.
What I mean by that is that your boyfriend sees your pictures and appreciates them, but because they don’t make the kind of impression on him that they did at the beginning of the relationship, your boyfriend doesn’t always remember to like them.
I know this is a silly excuse, but sometimes he forgets or doesn’t think about liking them, so he likes other people’s pictures or comments instead.
This happened to my boyfriend as well. I noticed he liked another woman’s pictures even though I posted mine, so I asked him, “Why are you liking this woman’s pictures but not mine?” I expected him to defend himself, but in my astonishment, he said, “I didn’t even realize I didn’t like yours. I was just scrolling and randomly liking a bunch of stuff.”
The truth is, we all have certain expectations of our partner, so when those expectations fail, we compare ourselves to others (usually to those who have nothing to do with our relationship) and get hurt.
We’ll do much better if we don’t compare ourselves to others.
Anyway, another possible reason why your boyfriend doesn’t like your pictures is that he’s used to seeing your pictures. He practically sees you all the time, so he thinks (and feels) that he doesn’t need to acknowledge your pictures all the time.
He thinks he spends enough time with you and that he doesn’t need to like and comment on everything you post online.
We girls think that our boyfriend should pay even more attention to us because he’s our boyfriend, but that’s not how guys think. Guys think that because they’re our boyfriends that they can focus on themselves and others more.
So if you’re looking for answers on why your boyfriend likes others women’s pictures but not yours, make sure you understand that sometimes he forgets about liking your pictures. Either that or he doesn’t think it’s important to like your pictures because he sees you all the time.
To him, liking pictures means nothing, so he doesn’t think about it too much.
Is it bad if your boyfriend likes another girl’s picture?
It’s not necessarily bad if your boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures. It’s bad only if your boyfriend’s social media activity hurts you and he doesn’t do anything about it. That would mean that he doesn’t see the bigger picture.
The picture that liking other women’s pictures hurts you.
Maybe it shouldn’t hurt you because his likes really are meaningless and harmless, but that’s beside the point. The point is that your emotional well-being is at stake and he’s partially responsible for easing your pain and fulfilling your needs.
If he doesn’t realize this, he hasn’t grown up yet. He only sees his side of the story and needs to learn how it feels to be anxious and worried.
What do I do if my boyfriend likes another girl’s pictures on Facebook/Instagram?
If the guy you’re with doesn’t want to make you feel better I suggest you remind him why you’re jealous and why it’s important that you work together on this issue. You can do that without accusing him and making him feel bad.
Simply say that you’d like him to understand why you feel insecure and ask him if he’s okay with working on it together. If he is, devise a long-term commitment plan on how you can both feel calm and respected in a relationship.
But if he doesn’t listen and insists that your problems are yours alone, then that leaves you with only two options. You can do all the adjusting for now and hope that he matures up one day and learns to respect you and care about you.
Or you can leave him, take some time to process the breakup, and eventually find yourself a more open-minded boyfriend.
As a disclaimer, I’m not saying you should break up with your boyfriend just because he’s liking other girls’ photos. I’m saying you should break up with him if he’s immature, self-centered, and doesn’t consider your feelings.
If he doesn’t do anything about liking other women, there’s a high chance that he won’t be very cooperative with upcoming differences and disagreements either. He’ll probably put the blame on you and continue to make you feel insecure.
So if your boyfriend likes other women’s pictures on Facebook but not yours, talk to your boyfriend about it first. Tell him how you feel and come up with a plan so you can both feel secure with each other. After that, make sure that you and your boyfriend stay aware of this issue by talking about it every so often.
This should help the two of you make some important internal and external changes.
But if your boyfriend isn’t the type who’s open to compromise, then your only options are to put up with it or to break up with your boyfriend. My advice is to try to resolve the issue before you resort to breaking up.
Does your boyfriend like other women’s pictures on Facebook but not yours and makes you feel jealous? Share your thoughts and feelings below.
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I’m Angelie, a writer and a designer at Magnet of Success. Whether I’m writing compelling content or designing engaging pictures, I create content that resonates with our visitors and aids them on their self-improvement journey. I enjoy writing about relationship dynamics and the difficulties couples may face.
I’m in a situation just like that the one where the boyfriend comment on a Girls page only it’s not my boyfriend it’s my husband that’s comments on another woman’s page and what make makes it so bad the woman’s status is married and he is also married and he comment on her page and said hi sexy I love you you’re my type and I screenshotted it and sent it to him and I confront him about it he said someone tagged him in that post which I know was a lie so I’m asking I need some suggestions on what should I say and do should I get him back and comment on a man page and let him see it and lie like he did saying that someone tagged me in it what should I do??
Hi Tosha.
Don’t become vengeful. It won’t make the relationship any better. What you should do is have a civil conversation with him in which you encourage him to open up and admit his wrongdoing/s. Your husband needs to feel safe to open up to you and promise you not to do it again (whether it’s a joke or not).
Best regards,
My ex liked a particular girls photos, lots of bikini and chest shots, frequently. He always made out I was paranoid but he had only met her once at a wedding and somehow ended up giving her thousands of pounds for her new business…then she was a friend of his sister….it never really added up. A couple of months after we broke up they went to Iceland together and shared a bed for 4 days and she posted about it (even filming the bed) on Instagram. Sometimes it does mean more than just a “like”.
Hi Frances.
It means more than a like when a guy has a crush on her and won’t admit it/refuse to do anything about it. Such a guy is sneaky and unfit for a serious romantic relationship.
Kind regards,
My boyfriend likes my current pictures. But goes through profiles of his friends and likes every picture of his female friends. Even ones from years ago. We have argued this and he doesn’t see the problem. I see it as flirting. He calls me negative. He also doesn’t see a problem seeing other women friends one to one
Hi Leanne.
Your boyfriend doesn’t understand he’s hurting you as he doesn’t currently have the emotional intelligence to put himself in your shoes. It’s important that he matures up otherwise you could have trouble expressing yourself to him.
Kind regards,
This is a reasonable article. I have been facing this issue with someone I’m dating and it have been 2 years now but I am not have courage to talk about it I don’t want to he knows that I stalking him.
Hi Calenthia.
I know you don’t want any problems, but he’s your boyfriend. If something’s bothering you, communication is necessary.
I just broke up with my boyfriend and this was one of the problems. He kept trying to twist it around. I have very few bikini shots and he purposely would not like them because he doesn’t want other men looking at me except he feels it’s different looking at other women and it’s OK that they’re posting their photos it’s just not OK when I’m posting mine??? never mind him actually liking my photos. We had lot of other things that were not working and this one would piss me off to no end and nothing ever got resolved. He thought I was trying to control him because I wanted him to like my photos and no I just wanted him to support me… it’s not a big tall order in order to make your girlfriend happy but he was adamant and I told him I take it that he doesn’t like my photos that’s what he’s telling me I making sure he doesn’t like them. And he had the nerve to tell me well he can look at other women’s photos and like them because it’s not mine and then he’s not his girlfriend so he doesn’t care about other men looking at them he doesn’t even make sense when he’s talks ….we as women see literally millions of images of other women out there day in and day out and sometimes we want to feel beautiful and sometimes we do that by posting a photo and he should understand… and I tried to explain that to him but he just never gets it because he’s jealous himself of other man looking at me so ridiculous so then I tell him all the other women are posting for you I guess and that’s OK right?
And we just go around in circles and it’s ridiculous so I’m DONE with him. And it put a very sour taste in my mouth on him it may not seem like a big deal but it turned into a big deal. I mean I don’t see any other answer than someone’s boyfriend saying oh I’m sorry honey I love your photos and I’ll try to remember to like them when I see them. Goodluck! I know you’re not stalking him it’s kind of human nature especially in this world of social media and it’s not the same for men and women… it’s always scantly clad half naked sexy women everywhere that we women have to look at …men don’t have the same pressure or issues to deal with so most of them will never understand. But they really should because it’s pretty freaking obvious. It’s not so easy for women like this and it’s only more difficult now socially more images in our faces constantly. I just came back from Brazil and so many women have boob jobs (and BBLs) and it’s downright sad. The standards are not made in nature and only unattainable thru a surgeons office. And it seems like they value the fake look above anything and it starts to get into peoples heads like my boyfriend that he thinks it’s real.
And well I don’t think all men are that naïve. Most any mature men understand the pressure women face and I am a very attractive woman by any standards except it’s still difficult. I didn’t hear that with these beautiful celebrities that they face these difficulties and you think oh my God unbelievable when looking at someone like that to Magine that they suffer as well shows you what a screwed up world we live in. Women have come a long way but we’ve really been held back by this more than ever it’s worse than ever. Young girls .. and the ages are getting younger and younger for them to be not happy with their bodies and its ALL directly related to our society and showing women’s bodies as a collection of parts. There’s studies that show this directly when women are exposed to the media and online etc. that their self-esteem starts to plummet. And it’s not just because the girl is a weak. It’s a fact that it’s a difficult thing to deal with because not everyone is born looking like Jennifer Aniston etc….. anyhow I rambled on and on but it’s such a big subject. Best of luck!!
I would have liked you to address this topic in the early stages of dating (not strictly when in a relationship). There was a guy I was dating who never bothered to “like” any Facebook or Instagram post of mine. I then got curious to see if he did this with everyone so I can confirm I wasn’t crazy, but I discovered he certainly took time to “like” other girls’ posts – female friends, random IG models or accounts of women he didn’t know, AND even the ex girlfriend. With the ex, it was always photos of her alone but never with her new boyfriend.
Hi Samantha.
The guy probably like other women’s posts because he wasn’t that close to them (anymore). I know that this doesn’t make sense, but let me explain. Sometimes guys like girls’ posts even when they don’t know them. It’s easier for them to like random people because those people have nothing to do with them and want nothing from them. They’re unimportant and pique their curiosity because of unfamiliarity.
I think that if you talk to the guy in a non-accusing manner that he’ll be able to explain his behavior.
Kind regards,
Such a good way of article! Thank you ;))
Thanks for reading!