If a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you, it certainly doesn’t mean anything good. The guy has put his temptations, fulfillment, and happiness before his girlfriend and is looking for sexual gratifications outside of the relationship.
The guy is happy as long as HE is happy.
This means he doesn’t care much about his breach of commitment and trust and doesn’t deserve his girlfriend’s loyalty and respect right now. He deserves whatever reaction or punishment awaits him so that he can reflect and realize why he cheated and why he mustn’t do it again.
A guy who cheats on his girlfriend with you needs to admit to cheating right away. By so doing, he can restore at least some honesty and trust to the relationship and show that he’s got some moral values at least and feels some guilt for what he’s done.
Being honest about cheating won’t magically make the cheating okay, nor will it fix the issues they have as a couple.
But it will let him and his partner decide whether they still have love for each other and if their relationship is worth saving.
If it is worth saving, you’ll have to stop messing with the guy’s head and leave him alone. You’ll have to give him space so he can focus on his girlfriend and try to grow morally and communication and commitment-wise.
If they decide not to give their relationship a chance though, then they’ll just end things and be done with each other. This may seem like a good opportunity for you to jump in, but try not to see it that way.
Just as you’re not supposed to get involved with a married man, so too you’re not supposed to date someone who just got out of the relationship and has no idea what’s happening to him and what he wants.
A person who gets out of the relationship goes through stages of grief or conversely, stages of relief (depending on whether he’s a dumpee or dumper).
These stages will make the guy appear different (more into you and more ideal) than he actually is, so try to avoid dating him for a couple of months at least for him to process everything he needs to process.
If you rush into a relationship with him, you won’t only feel responsible for breaking them up, but you’ll also be worried that the same thing could happen to you. And keep in mind that the same thing does happen to people. Maybe not in 3 months, but in a year or years later when some other girl infatuates them.
So if a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you, keep in mind that it sounds like trouble. Don’t deceive yourself by telling yourself that his relationship was not working out or that they were going to break up sooner than later anyway.
You don’t know that as you weren’t there to understand their relationship. You merely got dragged into this mess.
The only question is whether you slept with him knowing he had a girlfriend. If you did, you’re in the same boat as him as you both acted on short-term gratifications and refused to do the right thing.
The right thing required you both to assess your personal values and do what was right rather than what felt right.
If you didn’t do that, the guy is now marked as a cheater whereas you became his accomplice and a homewrecker.
If you didn’t know the guy was in a relationship/married, however, then you needn’t blame yourself for getting involved with the guy. You didn’t do it on purpose, so your conscience is clear. You just need to get space from him and work on forgiving yourself.
So if you’re looking for information on what it means if a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you, and you want my advice, distance yourself from the guy as soon as possible. Show him you don’t support his behavior and that you won’t be a part of his charade.
That will make him think about his betrayal and hopefully encourage him to want to be a better person and romantic partner.
This post is for women who wonder what it means if a guy cheats on his girlfriend with them. We’ll talk about why guys cheat and what you should do when you’re the girl a guy cheats with.

If a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you, what does that mean?
If a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you, the guy isn’t boyfriend material. If he’s young, he probably will be one day, but right now, he doesn’t know how to control himself when an attractive woman enters his life and makes him sweat.
If he were mature and in control of his impulses, he would have told you (and everyone woman he encountered before you) that he had a girlfriend and that he loved her.
He would have done everything in his power to value his girlfriend and keep harmful thoughts about cheating away.
But because he didn’t value his girlfriend or himself, he allowed himself to continue thinking fondly of you and interacting with you.
He enjoyed the feeling that some other person other than his girlfriend found him attractive and showed interest. The guy liked it so much that he kept talking to you and grew closer to you. Eventually, he stopped paying attention to his girlfriend at home and laser-focused on you.
That made him infatuated with you and drove him to get intimate with you.
Because the guy didn’t step on the brakes on time, he cheated and revealed he’s the type of guy who values female attention and takes stable relationships for granted.
He clearly didn’t understand that all new people are fun and exciting at first and that it’s only a matter of time before you or any woman he commits to becomes a little bit boring or unstimulating like his girlfriend.
This is a big issue in modern society as people expect relationships to be thrilling and exciting at all times. They completely forget that relationships go through stages and that it’s perfectly normal, healthy, and expected for relationships to slow down a bit over time.

Couples who expect butterflies to just magically fall out of the sky are met with disappointment. That’s because they wait to feel the butterflies instead of expressing gratitude and showing each other the love they have for each other.
It’s normally the people who passively wait for butterflies to happen that eventually feel butterflies from someone else. Such people develop feelings for other people and feel tempted to cheat.
I think that every person gets an opportunity to cheat at least once in life, but not every person takes that opportunity. Many people cherish their relationship so much that they don’t even think about throwing it all away for a quick fling.
The guy in question isn’t one of such people. He’s not at the maturity stage yet where he can treasure his long-term relationships and comprehend the scope of problems cheating causes to all parties involved.
So don’t be an accomplice in his cheating. Don’t let him drag you deeper into this than he already has. If you let him, you’ll both suffer from his misdeeds.
His girlfriend probably won’t take revenge on him and make things difficult for both of you, but you will have cheating on your conscience for months to come.
That is if you care about your behavior and actions. If you don’t care, then you should probably set some healthy boundaries to live by.
To conclude this chapter, here’s what it means if a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you.

Don’t meddle with their relationship anymore
If you were his girlfriend, you wouldn’t want some random chick talking to your partner and developing a bond with him behind your back. You probably wouldn’t be with him if he cheated, but that’s a topic for another day.
What you need to remember is that the story the guy feeds you about his partner not minding the cheating likely isn’t true. Most people who get cheated on get extremely hurt. Some suffer so much that they develop trust issues and fears and need months of time to get over the cheating.
How long they need to recover depends on how attached they were to their partner when they learned they got cheated on. If they were super attached and starved of love because their partner was chasing some other person, cheating hurts them more than words can describe.
It completely shatters their self-esteem and forces them to take the cheating personally.
So don’t let anyone convince you that cheating isn’t a big deal. Cheating says lots of bad things about a person. One of them is that the guy is impulsive beyond the point of normality and shouldn’t be dating. He should be improving himself and making sure he doesn’t hurt people again.
Whether the relationship was working for the guy and his girlfriend is not important. The fact is that they were still in a committed relationship and that one of them (his GF probably) had plans for the relationship and didn’t intend to break up.
She stayed loyal, so it wasn’t right for you to get involved with him.
Now that cheating happened, a guy could try to downplay and justify his cheating so you wouldn’t worry about it too much. He could make it seem like he was going to leave his partner anyway and that all he can think about is you.
You have to be careful about a guy like that and remember what your relationship values are. Do this by putting yourself in the victim’s shoes and imagining how you would have felt if the same thing happened to you.
You’d probably be devastated, furious, and regretful for wasting years of life with an ex who backstabbed you in the end. That’s why you have to cut the guy out of your life now. Don’t get rid of him just romantically or sexually, but as a friend as well.
He needs to have a discussion with his partner about their plans without the reassurance that you’re his backup plan who’s going to wait for him in case things don’t work out.
While he’s doing that, figure out what made you get involved with a person like him in the first place. If you didn’t know he was taken, was it because he seemed really into you, flirted, and told you all the right things?
And if you knew he had a person waiting for him at home, was it because it’s been a long time since you felt loved and didn’t want to say no to the opportunity?
This is your chance to discover your motives for sleeping with this person.
Give it some thought so you know what reeled you in and also so that you make more effort in getting to know the men you like before you sleep with them.
If a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you, does it mean he’ll cheat on you too?
Nothing is certain but the unforeseen. But if a guy cheats and doesn’t show any regret, the guy hasn’t learned any lessons. He hasn’t learned the importance of commitment and gratitude, so he could cheat on you too.
This is especially true if he cheated twice or more already because in that case, cheating is a pattern that needs to be taken very seriously. Although we should forgive people, there is only so much forgiveness cheaters deserve.
If they don’t start working on themselves right away and change, they’re of no use to you because they’ll just do the same thing to you.
They won’t do it when the relationship is new and they’re limerent, but they will get more opportunities in life.
Some straightforward advice is to be wary of guys who have tons of girls friends and think they’re entitled to close friendships with them. Such guys will create a lot of situations with those girls in which they could cross relationship boundaries and cheat.
Not every guy with female friends cheats, of course, but those who express the need (not desire) for female company in their life often do. Guys like that meet a lot of women, overconfide in them, flirt, and do stupid things when alcohol is involved.
They believe that they have the right to hang out with women whenever they want and make their partner jealous with their lack of care and understanding. This kind of thinking sets the stage for feelings and cheating to occur.
So bear in mind that unsympathetic, uncaring, immature guys who talk to females on deeper levels cheat the most and that they could cheat on you too if their mentality doesn’t change. And let’s be honest, their mentality tends not to change.
Especially not when they feel loved and empowered.
It changes when they realize they’ll have to face the consequences of their actions.
Did you learn what it means if a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you? What do you think it means? Let us know in the comments.
And if you want to talk about a cheating guy with us, click here to get in touch.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
It seems men think of women like livestock–we are commodities like that to them. They much rather prefer to be single, being in a relationship is hard for them. The only time they can be in a relationship and not act like assholes are when they are so old they are dependent on being cared for. I wish Zan would write about cheating behavior more. Then he will have to touch on the basic biological fact that men get tired of women quickly. It is that way with all higher mammals. They can’t help it. They are good to open jars and reach things, but don’t get taken in by one. Make your own money and just use men for fun times. Take nothing and give nothing. Be upfront about that in the beginning.
I think You’re seeing just one side or blaming cheating on just men in general. Woman do cheat and they get away with it way more often than men.
I’m single by choice and I have multiple chats with ex girlfriends who reach out to me as “friends” but then they turned the conversation into sexual talking. Some of them even have children, funny thing’s to watch their social media the next day uploading a photo of a “happy family”.
Cheaters come on both sexes (or any sex if you like) is not a matter of “all men are pig” just as no all woman are gold diggers…
I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but it’s really unfair to generalize. I know that you might be going through some hard time, but We all are at some point.
I just hope You feel better soon.
Hi Rinca.
You need to find the right guy. If you do a little more searching and ask the right questions, you should come across a guy who respects relationships as much as you. My advice is not to give up on all men just because your ex didn’t value you.
Kind regards,
Such a critical article from you, Zan!
And yes, my ex cheating on me completely shattered my self-esteem, and I took it so personally.
Until I found your MOS website and one-on-one help, I started to heal thanks to your advice.
Thank you, Linda.
I’m glad you don’t take it personally anymore and that you’ve found your strength.
Kind regards,
If a guy cheats on their girlfriend with you… And you are aware of that and let that happens, then congratulations, you are officially a ho. And if that guy can cheat on his woman, what makes you think he won’t do the same to you?
That’s one way to put it, Luna.
People can be very selfish at times. They meddle with other people’s relationships because they can benefit from them. But because they play with fire, they often get hit by karma later.