This list is about the 7 different types of exes that come back after they’ve spent some time away from their dumpees.
If you recognize your ex or one of your previous exes in the following points, please leave a comment when you’ve finished reading the article.

1)The team player
The first and most common type of a returning ex is what I call the team player. As the name suggests, this type of person is strongly dependent on his partner for success.
Success includes emotional, physical and financial support and anything that the dumper isn’t able to achieve on his own.
In other words, a team player is a person who lacks the strength and self-sufficiency to survive alone in this world and as a result, needs others to exist.
This person is so insecure, he always looks for somebody to be in a relationship with. To a team player, the intimacy of another person provides security while a lack of bonding causes anxiety.
You will likely hear from this type of ex in the future after he has exhausted all possibilities to provide a sense of security for himself.
2)The cheater
There’s something peculiar about cheaters. Either history repeats itself in their new relationships or karma gets them hard when they least expect it.
Most of the time, the cheater’s new relationship starts badly and ends even worse. This happens because the dumper’s new relationship lacks all the fundamentals of a healthy romantic relationship. And that’s just the beginning of his downfall.
Unresolved shortcomings and burdens from the previous relationship carry over and eventually destroy the new relationship from within.
When that happens, the cheater suddenly has two failed relationships to deal with. Consequently, a sudden fear of loss and feelings of insignificance kick in, disdaining the dumper and causing him to panic.
Since the cheater is presented with reality and hurts as a result, he then tries to weasel back into the dumpee’s life, pretending not to feel uneasy.
3)The crazy type
Some people find themselves unbelievably attracted to the types of exes that treated them badly in a relationship and possibly after as well.
This spectacle occurs due to something called traumatic bonding. Basically, it means that whenever the couple argued in an unhealthy manner and solved their disagreement, they overcame an obstacle and bonded on a deeper level.
In so doing, they created a false sense of trust and security and grew emotionally dependent on each other.
If your ex was the crazy type who threw tantrums and caused havoc, he will likely continue behaving in his crazy way for a while.
This is almost guaranteed as the breakup likely hasn’t taught him a lesson. Only another person can knock some sense into your ex.
In my humble opinion, crazy types of people shouldn’t be tolerated. If you put up with your ex’s insanity, it’s time someone else finishes the job that you should have finished ages ago.
When that someone does just that, you will hear from your “crazy” ex.
4)The magician
The magician is one of those types of exes who disappear inconspicuously as if you never existed. One moment you’re with him and the next he’s gone.
He disappears into thin air, leaving you confused and shocked that a person you love could do something like that.
The magician oftentimes comes and goes as he pleases. He comes back for a month, leaves for 2, returns for a week and leaves for 6.
He is always performing his disappearing acts but never actually manages to amaze his partner. It’s as if his tricks are getting old.
Sometimes the Magician can take many months or years to reappear. In such cases, you will receive a text from him saying how much he missed you and that he needs you back.
5)The exhausted warrior
One of the most common types of exes that come back is the exhausted warrior. This kind of person is similar to the magician, with the exception that he comes back absolutely defeated.
The exhausted warrior is often depressed or in extremely low spirits and therefore, comes back to cure his unhappiness.
He also has the tendency to leave multiple times by using one of the most generic breakup excuses known to man.
His excuses are often expressed in the following ways:
- I don’t deserve you
- I need to find myself
- If only I knew what I was doing
6)The sorry type
The sorry type is the kind of ex that experiences the sour side of life and comes running back faster than the roadrunner. Once he’s back, he will promise the world and express his utmost regret.
He will also express his desire to apologize to you, your friends, your family, and even your dog.
If your ex is the sorry type, his apologies will appear 100% sincere. They will, however, be self-centered.
A person who apologizes profusely does so for his own selfish reasons. It could be to present himself as a person of value or to regain positive karma for his wrongdoings.
So when your ex apologizes with the intention to regain your trust, he does so because he knows that his words are the fastest way to your heart.
What you actually need from the sorry ex is his wish to create a solid improvement plan. Something, anything that showcases long-term commitment.
7)The jealous type
The last type on this list is the kind of ex that comes running back the moment you get involved with another person.
He is so insecure, just the thought of talking to another person sets off his caveman instincts.
Because his existence feels threatened and his significance under attack, he behaves irrationally and immediately requests to get back together with you.
Unfortunately, this kind of relationship often doesn’t last very long.
The reason for that is because the couple quickly reunites again without actually working on the issues that caused the breakup in the first place.
I hope you enjoyed reading about the 7 different types of exes that come back. If you did, please leave a comment. ?

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Zan what is LOA that you and Dan are talking about?
Hi, I’m not sure what type she belongs to. Broke up with me due to a change of job (most likely an excuse as it was only for a week that she started on the job and she worked from home all the way other than going to the office on her first day). Just ended things with me via text. I replied to her text to let her know that I respected her decision. It has been 2 weeks and she’s gone.
We have been together for 11 years and soul mates well i thought so we are middle aged and he has recently just worked out not just from me but from my whole family including grand children.
He is financially crippling himself while sleeping with a work mate…..I’m im just beside myself with not direction no understanding i have nothing :-(((
I just need someone to give me some sort of understanding of what is going on??
It’s been 8 weeks now and I started NO Contact last week.
The greatest magician mine is. Every thing for number for is her.
HI Bailey.
It’s been a while so I hope you’ve detached from your ex and feel better.
Kind regards,
My on-again/off-again is a combination of these.
She’s a team player because she relies on others for her happiness.
She is also the exhausted warrior because she comes and goes feeling totally defeated.
Before I took a good look in the mirror and realized my faults, It seems that I was the crazy type. Before I fell madly in love with her, I treated her poorly. With LOTS of study, LOA has taught me to respect others, always be humble and kind, and have an attitude of gratitude. I practice this always. My family and friends see the difference and I’m a better person for it.
My ex will certainly benefit as well.
Thanks for commenting, Dan.
I’m glad you’ve realized your faults and that you respect LOA now.
Don’t stop improving!
The crazy type
🥴 Hang in there, Prashant!
Exhausted warrior🙋🏻♀️
You’re the best, Inaho 🤣
What about the one that broke up due to long distance and then came back after the long distance is closed (as in moved to the same city/country with you) ? Is that one worth a second chance?
Hi Hannah.
I think love is not defined by physical distance. But if your ex comes back once the distance is closed, you need to think twice about accepting him back. You deserve his full commitment at all times, not just when you’re within physical reach.
It’s worth another try only if he’s prepared to work hard to make it work again. And I mean REALLY hard.
Ah—LOA means law of attraction. I looked it up. But Dan and Zan, how does LOA help? How do you start LOA? Also Zan, I need to book some counseling time with you, please email me so I can arrange it please, thanks!
Hi Claire.
The Law of attraction attracts similar people to you. But as we’ve discussed, it doesn’t only bring the kind of people you want into your life. If you’re desperate for love, you’ll attract desperate people or those who take advantage of desperate women.
To start LOA, you have to know your worth and be confident in your skin. You have to know what you want and don’t want because that’s when you’ll get rid of anyone who doesn’t reach your standards.
Kind regards,