If your ex blocked your number, the unfortunate truth is that it’s over. The relationship has ended – at least for now because your ex can’t handle the unpleasant emotions created by your wish to talk or chat. Interactions with you make your ex feel pressured and annoy or tire your ex.
They make him invest energy and patience—and that’s something your ex doesn’t have. He ran out of it towards the end of the relationship when he decided the relationship wasn’t worth it.
So keep in mind that your ex wants to be free and relieved, not forced and pressured. If he feels forced, he gets smothered and repulsed and wants to run for the hills. The thought that you could reach out any time you want scares him. You don’t even have to contact him and ask for closure or affection to trigger his fears.
It’s his perception of you, your expectations, and what you could say or do that threatens his well-being. And he’d rather not take a risk and let you hurt him. Hurt not in the way that you get hurt, but in feeling overwhelmed with anger, resentments, and other repressed pre-breakup emotions that hearing from you would trigger.
You see, dumpers’ pain differs from dumpees’ pain.
While dumpees experience anxiety and depression, dumpers feel pressure and guilt. They hunger for freedom and are prepared to go to great lengths to obtain it. That’s why interrupting their desire to self-focus brings out their emotions of power and makes them display a side of them you didn’t know existed.
So if your ex blocked your number and you’re wondering if it’s over, the truth is that relationships are over when someone gives up on them. No begging or pleading can fix them because the dumper is in control of the breakup and feels an overwhelming need to distance himself from the person he thinks is not good for him and is causing him pain.
The only thing that can change his opinion of the dumpee is his thoughts. And usually, that’s only if some negative experience or life lesson destroys his ego and hurts him badly.
This post is for everyone who got his or her phone number blocked by an ex.

My ex blocked my number: is it over?
Whether you made your ex block you by refusing to accept the breakup or got blocked randomly out of nowhere, your ex blocked your number for a reason. That reason is that your ex felt overwhelmed with negative emotions and couldn’t imagine speaking with you again. Certain thoughts and feelings were too difficult to handle, so your ex decided to avoid dealing with them completely.
Normally, dumpers block their exes on impulse when dumpees guilt-trip them by begging, apologizing, and promising things. But sometimes, dumpees don’t do anything at all. Sometimes months go by and they still get blocked.
Why is that?
The reason why some dumpers block their latest ex after months of no contact is that they don’t want to block their ex right away when emotions run high. They want to wait until they and their ex feel better and won’t react to blocking. That’s how they can safely disappear from their ex’s life and not have to worry about the past.
They can just worry about the present and future and do what feels right to them.
So if your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend blocked you any time after the breakup, keep in mind that your ex has burnt out emotionally. Your ex lost respect for you and is going to get angry with you if you find another way to reach out to him or her.
For example, if you reach out via email or friends, your ex will see that you’re desperately trying to connect while he or she is trying to disconnect. That will disturb your ex’s incessant desire for peace and quiet and bring out a bad reaction.
I can’t say what your ex will say or do, but the worst-case scenario is that your ex will threaten you with a restraining order, tell you he/she is dating someone already, or ignore you. If you’re not ready for any of that, you shouldn’t look for alternative ways to get in touch with your ex.
Your ex isn’t ready to communicate yet. And you aren’t either because your self-esteem took a toll and badly needs to recover. I get it, you want to improve it by speaking with your ex and hearing some kind of explanation as to why you got blocked. But as you likely already know, your ex doesn’t want to give you explanations right now.
Your ex doesn’t think he or she owes you anything because your ex is convinced that blocking you was the right thing to do. It wasn’t the nicest thing to do, but it was relieving as leaving the past behind and starting fresh gave him or her peace of mind.
So if your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend blocked your phone number and you’re wondering why he or she did that, try not to look for secret meanings in your ex’s blocking. The picture below will explain everything you need to know.

What to do when your ex blocks your phone number?
If your ex blocked your phone number, you already know that your ex doesn’t want to speak to you—and that’s all you need to know. There’s no need to dig for additional answers when all the answers are already in front of you.
You just need to accept them and learn to live with them.
It’s hard, I know, but you have to understand that an ex blocking your number indicates your ex lost respect for you. He didn’t see the point in keeping you in his phone book because he thought and felt that he won’t be contacting you for a while.
Not for as long as he feels uncomfortable seeing your name on his phone every time he tries to dial someone.
So instead of taking the initiative and demonstrating you’re bothered by his blocking, prove that you’re not going to react strongly just because an ex blocked you. Prove that you’re going to be okay even though the breakup didn’t go the way you’d hoped it would go.
Keeping your composure takes immense self-control, but if you can pull it off, you’ll let your ex benefit from blocking you as you’ll allow him to be free and enjoy relief. You’ll also increase your self-awareness and become more resilient to rejection pain because of it.
Everybody wins if you handle the blocking maturely. But you have to fight temptations to reach out, explain to yourself a million times if needed why your ex blocked you, and keep moving on. That’s all you have to do when your ex blocks your phone number and makes you feel that you’re not even worthy of some kind of explanation.
My advice is to focus on rebuilding your ego and self-esteem. It will take some time to get anxiety out of your system, but you need to know that you don’t need your ex to do it. Yes, your ex could clarify things and help. But if your ex doesn’t want to, you have to do it on your own.
You’ll become emotionally stronger if you do it without your ex, anyway. And that’s because you’ll discover and learn relaxation techniques that ease your pain and anxiety.
So even though you feel the need to communicate with your ex after getting blocked, don’t do it. Don’t reach out because you’ll embarrass yourself and get hurt. It’s much safer for you emotionally to just let it slide.
Here are some things you shouldn’t do when your ex blocks your phone number:
- asking your ex’s friends and family to get involved
- begging for an explanation
- contacting your ex through email or social media platforms on which your ex hasn’t blocked you yet
- calling your ex from a hidden or different number
- and showing in any way, shape, or form that you’re affected by the blocking
Some dumpees get their egos hurt and tell their ex what a coward he or she is. But I can tell you that such dumpees usually push their ex away even further and lower their chances of hearing from their ex and getting back with their ex once their ex has processed the breakup.
The best thing you can do when an ex blocks you is to just act as if you didn’t notice her blocking you. Stay or go no contact if you haven’t yet and wait for your ex to unblock you. She’ll do it when or if she’s ready to do so.
And also, don’t keep checking your phone to see if she’s unblocked you. Knowing if she did won’t help you feel better nor get her back as you don’t need to reach out the moment she hits the unblock button. You have to wait for her to find a reason to 1)contact you and 2)get back with you.
And while you’re waiting, you also have to keep getting over her so you don’t appear desperate when she finally reaches out.
Do dumpers unblock and come back?
Most of the time, dumpers feel victimized and block their exes in the heat of the moment. They think blocking will make them feel better—and surprise surprise, it usually does. It lets them cut off their past without fixing their issues. That’s why they often spend some time enjoying themselves, wasting their self-improvement time, and then unblock their exes when they calm down and become more rational.
It’s the exes that block their dumpees much later that don’t always end up unblocking. The reason for that is that they don’t make highly emotional decisions. They block mainly because they dislike their exes and think they’ll be happier if their ex can’t contact them.
Such dumpers also block their exes on social media. They don’t want to see reminders of their exes and their exes watching what they’re up to. They want a complete separation, which is why they shut their exes out and give them very few ways to contact them.
Usually, they only leave email or an infrequently-used communication channel open through which their exes can contact them in case of an emergency.
Of course, you can’t just base whether your ex will unblock your number on how long after the breakup your ex blocks you. A much more important factor is how long you stay away from your ex. That’s because time away from you can let your ex experience life without you and allow your ex to get in trouble. I’m talking about emotional pain kind of trouble that can cause your ex to reflect and become curious and nostalgic.
So if your ex dumped you and you’re hoping he or she would unblock you right away, know that it may take a while before that happens. Your ex created a negative image of you and as a result, thinks that the only way to feel better is to push you out of sight and out of mind.
Your ex doesn’t want to work on easing his or her negative perceptions and associations and will now need some time to get hit by karma and unblock you. That means your ex will likely need to get a reality check the hard way through failure and pain.
Yes, there’s a chance that your ex will mature up the healthy way too, but it’s unlikely your ex will grow significantly in a short amount of time without getting hurt. It’s much more likely that something bad will affect your ex and urge him or her to unblock you.
Whatever you do, don’t forget that your ex blocked you and that your ex must unblock you of his or her own will. If you push your ex to do it, your ex will feel even less eager to unblock you and speak to you. And that’s because your ex will think you’re trying to control the breakup. So get things right the first time and maybe your ex will eventually unblock your number.
Are you wondering if it’s over because your ex blocked your number? Did it make you feel rejected and cause you a lot of anxiety? Post your comment below the post.
And if you’d like to talk to us about your ex’s blocking, sign up for our 1-on-1 coaching.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi Zan
Can you please write a post about ex changes her number? My ex blocked me first then after a year she changed her number. I dis not contact her the whole year, then why would she change her number? I was already blocked! Why changing her number?
Hi Sunny.
I’ll write an article about ex changing his/her number, or might just mention it. Thanks for the suggestion.
It’s hard to say why she changed her number. It could be that she wanted to leave her old life behind or that someone was harassing her.
The relationship has ended, that’s true. My ex didn’t block me, as far as I know.
But it’s okay. I was waiting for everything from him after he cheated on me and married that girl.
so yeah, I’m still standing and more vital than ever
I’m happy to hear you’re doing so much better, Linda!
You’ve healed completely and are ready for new adventures!
I was in a very LTR and I am older. It about killed me when I was ruthlessly and unexpectedly dumped. She changed her number but never blocked emails and always had me there as a fallback, or so she thought. I finally changed my number of 20 years and I have significant programming skills so I used google scripts to test for her email accounts and respond with a user is blocked reply and trash and delete the email. It also alerted me they tried but I never sw the emails. That’s when she tried to email me 200 times thinking I was joking and the number was dead. When the guy she monkey branched me for turned out to be a disaster (oh how nice that felt) she found a way around my firewall and apologized for the lousy way she treated me and that I never deserved that. I accepted but if you go totally off the grid, it can drive them nuts.
So enjoy it. Payback has its upsides and realizing she lost a man who stood by her through breast cancer every single day has really hit her hard. I was utterly faithful and devoted.
Play hardball and play to win.
Hi DT.
It looks like karma hit your ex hard. Sometimes it takes a bad experience to realize you lost someone good. That’s just how life works. Those who don’t appreciate things and people need a painful reality check.
Glad you’re doing better, DT!
Totally true. She blocked me on social media like FB but on telegram.she didn’t and I note she came more often on telegram to see if I would react to it or reach out for her. But again I did not. Only at Christmas I reached out to give her and her family best wishes. She did the same and I thanked her. After that complete silence. So I deleted her number and the conversation. But didn’t had the courage to block her forever. Anyway I made shire I would not reach for her first that way. Life goes on. I find a better one.
Hi Alessio.
A partial block means your ex wants to leave a channel of communication open for holidays, birthdays, and emergencies. It may also show she’s a bit curious about you but not curious enough to communicate.
Best to keep moving forward.