If you are currently going through a breakup, whatever you do, avoid contacting scammers that offer you magic beans.
They will exploit your vulnerabilities and sell you love spells and potions that do absolutely nothing. In fact, they do something, alright. They empty your wallet and leave you even more desperate for your ex.
That said, let’s examine the worst breakup experts you can find online. Please feel free to have your own opinions and argue about the points I make.

Tricksters, scammers, and con-artists
1)Rat Drowning
Also known as the self-proclaimed breakup Rat is one of the biggest breakup “experts” on YouTube with over 300.000 subscribers. His videos are so commercially strategized that he catches poor, brokenhearted dumpees off guard and pumps them up with hope.
This hope, of course, is false because his strategies are dishonestly advertised—and intend to hurt the dumpee. And when the dumpee is hurt, he or she becomes more desperate for success.
The reason why Rat is so infamous for his ex-back tools is that he advocates the pretentious 30-day remedy to get your ex back instead of offering anything legit to the world.
After researching the 30-day NC in and out, I can say that it’s a hoax that isn’t based on any psychological theory. It’s a plan devised by the cunning “experts” that intends to rub dumpees of their money and leaves them more hurt than ever before.
To avoid any copyright claims, I will deliberately avoid posting any pictures. Instead, I will copy paste false advertising by Rat:
- “The one simple phrase that can often make your ex miss you like crazy.”
- “The reminder/nostalgia/thinking about you text”
Bruce Lee
Not only are this person’s testimonials completely fake all over his website, but they also include coaching links which I find preposterous. Just about every page includes a ton of coaching requests—in case you missed it the other 5 times.
Just like Rat, Bruce Lee is sly and perhaps even more shameless when it comes to self-advertising his services. Here are some examples:
- “make your ex girlfriend miss you to the point that she can no longer stand it!”
- “convince her that you are the only man in the world that she really wants”
- “and to make her fight for you, no matter what it takes, until she is finally in your arms again.”
On the positive note, he doesn’t defend the 30-day no contact rule. He just advocates that you contact your ex after some time and try your luck.
Little does he care about the fact that contacting the dumper hurts the dumpee and that it resets the dumpee’s emotional progress.
Moreover, it also smothers the dumper beyond belief.
Crispy Settler
Just another random 30-day NC coach. And just like other scammers on the planet, he also tries to sell his services in a really forceful manner.
He makes you believe he’s your savior and that his book has helped millions of people all over the world.
It’s a shame how low he’s prepared to sink just to get a little bit of fame and money.
Ban Dacon
Don’t fall for this guy’s scams. Literally nothing this person says makes any sense. If you contact your ex after 3-7 days as he suggests, you can say goodbye to the detachment and hello to pain again.
I’m baffled that his online resources cost 500 dollars.
Everyone who charges excessively
There are some coaches on the internet who charge a lot of money for 30-minute or 1-hour sessions. Some of them charge as much as 1000 dollars, so be very careful not to fall for their nonsense.
Keep in mind that a 1-hour session isn’t going to take your pain away. If it did, there would be no psychologists and mental health experts.
Use that money on real therapy instead and talk, talk, talk about the things you need to talk about. Don’t let yourself get scammed by someone who doesn’t like to work in life and charges as if he or she has figured out the secret to getting your ex back.
Trust me. There are no ex-back coaches whose 60 minutes of time are worth half your salary. There are just people who pretend they know it all—as they portray themselves in a way that makes them more knowledgeable than others.
Learn from people who aren’t ruled by ego and shameless, deceiving tactics. Share your problems with those who are willing to listen.
Someone who doesn’t care that you have to work hard for your money likely doesn’t care about your problems. He or she only cares about your money.
Have you been deceived by any breakup experts before? What did they tell you to do? Comment below.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
I fell for Dan Browning and purchased his top plan. He preaches the 30 day no contact rule. I realized 2-3 weeks in that this was a scam. Fortunately, I found MagnetofSuccess. Strangely, the best material out there is free. I completely agree with Zan’s philosophy of indefinite no contact. Any other “strategy” simply doesn’t make sense. I’ve been on indefinite no contact now for about 3 months after some initial mistakes during the first 1-2 weeks. I’m also letting go of hope (not quite there yet). The best hope of reconciliation is for the dumper to to initiate it on the dumpee’s terms. I encourage any recent dumpee to read the material on this site.
Hi Bert.
I’m sorry to hear that you fell for the scam. From what I remember, he says that no contact will make your ex lose interest and advocates expensive programs that don’t only push the dumper away but also make you feel anxious and scammed.
Stick to sites that tell you the truth you need but don’t want to hear.
Bacon scammed me out $1400 when I was at my most vulnerable between 2012 to 2018. He kept telling me just to go for it with women and stop doubting myself. But he would actuslly give me tips on how to do it – He just kept repeating, use the flow and you’ll get women. But failing to take into account that autism doesn’t make it easy for someone – in fact, it makes it much harder.
To cut a long story short, I became more desperate, more disappointed at seeing other guys getting girls without all the dating nonsense to guide them, and I got beaten up by two of a woman’s male friends in a club one night for trying to chat her up, which only resulted in her being freaked out. But instead of those guys getting kicked out of the club, they were regulars and the security were mates with them, whereas I wasn’t known
Hi Anthony.
I’m sorry to hear about your horrible experience. Some people on the internet have no shame and will advocate things (desperate) people want to hear. I hope that you’ve recovered and had some good relationships since. 🙏
They must be doing something right, since they’re still around. If their advice and tactics did not work at all for anyone, they wouldn’t be around still.
I was never going to use any of their advice anyway, since it’s not tailor made for my exact situation, and I do know that I could do it all, enhancing my looks, money, and status and everything else heavily, but it still might not work out. I hope that doesn’t happen due to anything, but I guess if it does, I will have to move on and let go, even though she was my first real relationship of any kind, and she was also the first woman I’ve ever seen nude too, so it’ll be hard and painful, and it will be all my fault.
Hi Thomas.
Most of them are selling false hope. And false hope sells like hotcakes. Focus on healing, improvememnt, and detachment instead.
Kind regards,
I like Coach Lee & Masculine Energy (Kyle). These two were my favorite coaches. Their videos helped me get through dark times. Their advice is also simple. Coach Kyle was nice to listen to & follow in the background as I was working.
I have listened to Coach Craig Kenneth & Clay Andrews.
All coaches have their strengths & similar mantras.
Coach Lee – Focuses on No Contact & Strength
Coach Lyle – Same as Coach Lee
Craig Kenneth – Anxiety & Self Development
Clay Andrews – He’s interesting. He focuses on dynamics & psychology
Love Chat – Is good & blunt with everything
Breakup Brad – He’s good too. But I’ve hard stories about him
Love Advice TV – Is alright. I can see why some don’t like them. Coach Natalie is good though.
All coaches focus on No Contact & Self Development however
Hope this helps!
I like too Coach Lee but I’am not sure if he is Bruce Lee, who is disqualified here in this post. I am not sure if they are the same person. I hope not.
Actually, Clay Andrews only advocates for no contact in specific scenarios. He himself isn’t a fan.
I’ve been going through his new beginnings program and I am pretty confident about it as I’ve actually seen progress in my relationship. He’s help more than the rest for me.
I recommend Craig Kenneth’s YouTube channel. I certainly wouldn’t pay for coaching because it’s far too expensive, but having been duped in the past I am fairly confident he knows what he’s talking about and both he and Margaret are qualified therapists.
I agree, but I think he gives people false hopes for far too long. this blog is refreshingly honest and helps people focus on actually moving on. coach Craig tells people to move on, but he really doesn’t … he tells pple to go into no contact but still kinda be pining for their ex. Overall, false hopes will waste so many months and years of one’s life
Hi Zan,
I actually bought Dan Bacon’s Ex Back Super System when my ex wife and I seperated 3 months ago. I also followed his advice on what to say to your ex when she said “It’s over.” Now my ex resented me for what I said to her. Thanks to Dan Bacon, my marriage is now beyond saving.
Recently I have been a regular reader on your website and am following the infinite contact rule. Though I know my ex still hates me, now I actually feel so much better about myself and am becoming a better person day by day.
So thank you for creating this website. Keep on the good work!
I 2nd the dating guy, he’s painfully honest as you are.
I don’t like Love Advice TV so much. I would recommend The Love Chat and Dating Guy’s Youtube channels.
I like your honest appraisals ,I would like to say I enjoy coaches Natalie and Abby from Love TV
What about Clay Andrew? He constanly mentioning the “active no contact” in his videos which I found stupid as well
Well, he actually doesn’t like the idea of no contact. For most instances, he believes most relationships can be saved without it.
I’ve been going through his program and actually seen progress in my relationship.
Completely agree with your comment about Dan Bacon. After recently losing my ex, his was one of the first sites I found. This not being my first breakup and learning from experience, thought it was odd someone would be trying to get guys to contact their ex so shortly after a breakup since they are in the “relief” stage. Would actually be curious of his success rate as opposed to others who propose “no contact”.
Hi Loud.
Thank you for commenting!
Be careful about who you trust with your money and well-being.
Best regards,
I am a dumpee and I quickly fell for these con artists because I wanted to believe it would work. What I slowly realized was why would I want to get my girl back through trickery? I want an honest and sincere relationship, not one built on some ruse, special words or phrases, or psychological mumbo jumbo. How long would that truly last? After I gained my senses (and found your blog), I righted the ship. The fact that you don’t have videos that get you pumped up then ask for money to access all the secrets says everything in the world to me. Also, your approach makes logical sense and has helped me tremendously during indefinite no contact. I did get therapy, but I often come to your blog when I am weak or have a setback. Your words always put me back on the right path. YOU have NO IDEA what YOU have done to HELP me HEAL!!!!!! You saved my life. Thank you, sincerely.
I follow Christopher conwell. He runs yt channel named develop attraction and also has blog of the same name.
The reason I believe in him is that all of his stuff is based on scientific research.
Hi Prashant.
I’ve come across his website and articles before.
Thanks for sharing!
Zan- I like your approach while dealing the break ups. Dan Bacon just keep our hopes alive but his way of dealing the break ups means stooping one selves down and more on chasing the ex by using different way of communication style.
Hi Bish.
It’s impossible to communicate with someone who isn’t receptive. You have a better shot at talking some sense into a bull. 🐂