My Boyfriend’s Snapchat Score Keeps Going Up ⬆

My boyfriends Snapchat score keeps going up

If you’re asking yourself, “Why does my boyfriend’s Snapchat score keep going up even though my boyfriend says he’s not using the app,” know that your boyfriend may not necessarily be snapchatting other girls behind your back.

It’s possible that his Snapchat score increases by a few points every now and then because that’s how Snapchat’s algorithm works. It adds points when a user views and sends snaps—and posts a snap to his or her story.

The vague thing about Snapchat and its point system is that it doesn’t add points to your account the moment you earn them. It’s perfectly normal for the points to remain frozen for a little while after you send a snap—and update when you least expect them to.

So don’t worry that your boyfriend’s Snapchat score keeps going up if your boyfriend told you he barely uses the app. The points may just take a while to update.

Moreover, you also need to know that if your boyfriend hasn’t used Snapchat for 6 days and then suddenly logs back on and does something that gives him a point, Snapchat is going to reward his return to the app. It will do so by giving him 6 points, making up for his lost time.

There are a few more tricks to your boyfriend’s Snapchat score suddenly increasing, so read on if you’re suspicious of your boyfriend’s account activity.

My boyfriends Snapchat score keeps going up

Why does my boyfriend’s Snapchat score keep going up?

Before you behead your boyfriend for lying and being disloyal to you, you’ve got to understand that Team Snapchat sometimes sends snaps too.

They send promotional pictures and videos about their new features and send them to users around the globe. It’s their way of self-promoting themselves and spreading awareness.

And if you remember that opening a snap counts as a point, you’ll understand that gaining points on Snapchat isn’t very hard. In fact, your boyfriend just has to open received snaps and his points go up.

How much they increase by depends on what he does, of course. If he just opens them and doesn’t respond, he gets 1 point for each opened snap and 6 points if it’s been a while since he opened any.

But if his points increase by a 3-digit number (let’s say 100 or more), then something’s clearly not right. Your boyfriend is either opening hundreds of snaps or sending his snaps to hundreds of people.

Keep in mind that your boyfriend gains points for each snap sent whether his recipients open the snap or not.

Here’s an infographic explaining why your boyfriend’s Snapchat score keeps going up.

Why does my boyfriends snapchat score keep going up

If your boyfriend’s score suddenly increased by many points, it’s highly likely that he sent a snap or multiple snaps to many people at once.

And that’s because a large increase in Snapchat score without much activity indicates that your bf increased his score in the fastest way possible – by sending snap/s to many people.

My boyfriend doesn’t use Snapchat but his points keep increasing

If your boyfriend says he’s not using Snapchat and his Snapchat score keeps going up by a few points once in a blue moon, you probably have nothing to worry about.

He’s probably just logging on to check his messages and isn’t particularly doing anything that violates your trust.

This is why you need to “blindly” trust your partner with everything you’ve got and remember that it’s not your responsibility to investigate your partner’s actions. Doing so will only complicate things between you and him.

It will make you doubt your boyfriend’s commitment to you and conversely, damage the way your boyfriend perceives you.

And that’s because trust goes both ways. Whenever you express a lack of doubt and project your fears and insecurities onto your relationship, you create distance between you and your boyfriend.

You tell him you don’t trust him—which automatically makes him trust you less too.

Keep in mind that a relationship without trust is a relationship that’s breaking at the seams. It’s lacking on the fundamental level and is prone to falling apart if trust is not quickly restored.

So try not to make things worse by confronting your boyfriend about his recent increase in Snapchat score. If he gained 10 points or so, it’s probably not worth losing your head over.

Instead, trust your boyfriend despite not knowing how he got those points and let it go. It’s the mature thing to do.

Remember that your boyfriend is still your boyfriend and that he sometimes opens the app out of boredom. This doesn’t, however, mean that he’s an active user of the app.

So if you’re a girl and your boyfriend’s score increased by merely a few points, you probably shouldn’t continue to pry into your boyfriend’s private life to the point of obsession.

You shouldn’t criticize him for gaining a few points either.

It’s better for the sake of the relationship that you give your boyfriend the freedom to do what he wants because essentially, he has the right to use the app.

My boyfriend’s score keeps increasing every day

If your boyfriend’s Snapchat score keeps going up every day, you need to know that some guys use Snapchat as their main social media platform.

They use it to send messages and videos, watch and create stories, and to do whatever the app allows them to do.

Once again, there’s nothing wrong with that. They use Snapchat just how some girls use Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok – to talk to their friends and to have fun.

However, if your boyfriend keeps hiding his unusual Snapchat activity from you, such as the people he snaps with and refuses to communicate with you like an adult about it, then that’s a completely different story.

Your boyfriend is probably not very proud of the way he uses Snapchat, so he’d rather hide it from you and not cause any issues.

Maybe he’s talking to other men and girls and because his exes reacted with jealousy in the past, he now refuses to show you the conversations. He could be afraid of your reaction and thinks he deserves some privacy.

Whatever the case may be, talk to your boyfriend in a non-offensive manner and tell him you won’t react badly if he decides to show you who he’s been snapchatting.

If he does that and you see that there’s no guy or girl that threatens your relationship, simply let it go and let him do what he wants.

It doesn’t cause harm to the relationship—so if he’s a smart guy, he won’t monkey-branch to a new relationship. He’ll continue to love you and only you.

But if he refuses to show you his profile and appears defensive about it—be okay with his decision too. Work on bettering the communication in the relationship by telling your boyfriend that you love him and that as a girl, you’d like him to be more transparent with you.

Tell him that it’s not that you doubt him, but that you want to have the kind of relationship where he willingly shows you who he snaps and talks to.

Encourage him, don’t threaten.

If your boyfriend is mature and respects you, he will give you what you’re politely asking for. And if he doesn’t despite asking him nicely multiple times, you may want to think about whether he’s the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Chances are that he’s very secretive about his conversations and that he won’t change in the foreseeable future.

Here are 5 ways your boyfriend can use Snapchat without gaining any points in return.

5 ways you can't earn points on Snapchat

Guys with high Snapchat scores

Some guys compete with one another by trying to increase their Snapchat score as much as possible. Due to their competitiveness, they constantly desire to be on top of the list and send as many snaps as possible.

They want to earn points and are willing to do anything to stay in the lead.

For such guys, Snapchat is the place to show off, have fun, and escape from reality. And although sending hundreds of snaps every day may not be the most respect-worthy hobby in today’s society, it’s nonetheless way better than spending countless hours at the bar every day.

Using Snapchat excessively can be classified as an addiction because it’s fun an additive just like Facebook and other social media platforms—and serves as a time-filler.

It was originally intended to be used to exchange photos without saving them—and soon developed into an app that some people can’t take a break from.

Snapchat is essentially a business. The more users it has and the more time they spend on the app, the more the app profits.

Checking your boyfriend’s Snapchat score

Just how your boyfriend can become addicted to sending snaps, you can become addicted to checking up on his score using the same app. Your anxiety can shape you into a fearful person and makes you react on impulse.

So to avoid acting in an unsightly way, learn why you don’t trust your partner. Has he ever been unfaithful to you before? Do you have a reason to doubt him or does it have something to do with your overall trust in people?

It’s of vital importance that you understand your emotions and the reasons behind them before you act on them. If you simply act without thinking, your unpremeditated actions will likely stir up a bad reaction from your partner—and you’ll find yourself in an argument.

As we mentioned before, trust is absolutely vital to a healthy relationship. So before you unleash your fury on the person you love, take some time away from your partner. Go for a jog or call your friends to release your negativity.

And once you’ve collected your thoughts, choose the kind of approach that doesn’t make your boyfriend feel angry, guilty, or disrespected.

Does your boyfriend’s Snapchat score keep going up? Have you talked to your boyfriend about it or do you intend to? Post your thoughts in the comments section below.

12 thoughts on “My Boyfriend’s Snapchat Score Keeps Going Up ⬆”

  1. i havent logged in snapchat for a while, but this last week my snapscore has gone up. (someone told me) accused me of lying and being “active” on snapchat.

    i have logged in, and there are unopened snaps from the last 2 weeks, then 8 weeks prior there are snaps that i havnt opened but they look opened, this goes for 12-16 weeks.

    is it possbile if someone sends me a snap, i receive a point for receiving a snap?
    team snapchat have also sent a video which is still unopened would this also cause my score to increase.

    1. Thankyou Zan, I am an overthinker and mental health issues, this really helped me reason with my paranoia and saved my bf from unnecessary grief and made me see reason before it came to that haha, seriously thankyou.

  2. Does the 6 pts for 6 days not logged in occur we very 6 days? I haven’t logged in to mine for well over a year and my score went up well over 600 pts. Which, of course, prompted my fiance of accusing me of running around. I actually had the app uninstalled the whole time.
    The list of snaps said that i opened snaps as recently as last week. They were actually the last snaps from last year.

    Any advice?

  3. My partner has been unfaithful multiple times in the past. From a range of actually hooking up and texting. We have tried to work on this but it’s always in the back of my head. Things have got better but I loose it in my mind all the time when I see any area that could potentially mean he’s cheating again. I don’t want to be that person because I never was that person before. I love him to bits and I believe he does love me too. I don’t understand the cheating and I’m not sure he does either I just don’t know how to deal with all the doubt. Will it go away will I trust him or is the relationship basically doomed.

    1. I know exactly how this feels! My man’s snapscore keeps going up and he just tells me not to worry as he won’t hurt me this time! I suffer with mental health issues and so does he! In the past he’s spoken to other girls behind my back but he says it’s different this time! I’m trying so hard to trust him but it’s hard cause he’s done it before and when Facebook messenger says he’s online but he later tells me he wasn’t and the snapscore going up by a lot it makes me panic so much

  4. Hi Zan,
    So if someone seems fine with life without you. If the thought of losing you forever does not make their anxiety skyrocket and if they experience little regret and not missing you enough, they will never reach out to you ever again?

    1. Hi New.

      The fear of losing you is not present after the breakup. It appears much later when the dumper comprehends what he or she has done.


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