If you’re in a relationship with your partner and you notice your partner behaving abnormally, you might detect some signs that your boyfriend is going to break up with you.
You might see him appear busy, distant, unresponsive, and perhaps even cold. Such are the signs that something’s changed in the relationship and that you should be alert.
But “alert” doesn’t mean that you should jump to conclusions and accuse your partner of cheating or neglect.
Talk to your partner first and see what exactly is causing him to behave differently.
If it’s exams, work, finances, business, personal health, family, or something that needs urgent attention, try to be understanding of him.
Support him with his stressors and offer him your unconditional love and support. He’ll then decide whether he wants your help or not.
If he rejects your kindness and his behavior appears inexplicable or inexcusable, your boyfriend may not want, nor need your help at all.
He could be feeling smothered by your presence because he no longer feels happy around you.
Here are 10 signs your boyfriend is going to break up with you.

1)Cold and distant
The most obvious sign that your boyfriend is going to break up with you is if he acts cold and distant toward you. If he acts uninterested in your life and acts mean or rude toward you, your boyfriend is likely detaching from you.
He’s cold because he’s enjoying spending time without you a lot more than he does with you. So pay close attention to his enthusiasm and determine whether he’s developed some sort of resentment toward you.
You can find out if he has by expressing the desire to bond with him. Simply text him or call him and examine his attitude toward you. It shouldn’t take long before he reveals his feelings for you.
Here are 5 obvious signs he’s going to break up with you.

2)Avoiding relationship topics
The next sign on the list is when your partner avoids important relationship topics such as marriage, children, mortgage, introducing you to parents, etc. If you notice your boyfriend purposely avoiding such topics, he’s revealing signs of doubt.
He’s not entirely sure if you’re the one for him yet, so he’s taking his time to figure out whether you are.
The reason why this is one of the signs that your boyfriend is about to break up with you is that unresolved doubt very often leads to separation.
It lingers on people’s minds for so long that when the first big argument or problem occurs, it quickly reinforces people’s doubts and convictions and pushes them to break up.
So to confirm whether your boyfriend is on the same page with you, ask him a few questions about the future of your relationship. Ask him if he’s ready to settle down with you, have kids, or get married—and he’ll quickly verbally or non-verbally tell you if he does.
3)Lack of intimacy
Another sign that your partner is going to break up with you is when you notice your partner withholding love and affection. This kind of behavior indicates that your partner’s feelings for you are changing and that he no longer feels emotionally attracted to you.
At least not all the time.
He might still find you sexually attracted and likes you as a person, but relationship-wise, he’s losing faith in you.
You can notice a lack of intimacy in the relationship when your partner stops:
- Holding your hand, hugging you, and kissing you
- Having sex with you
- Calling you nicknames
- Expressing his love for you
- Asking how you feel and what your goals are
If your relationship with your partner seems very repetitive, you and your boyfriend likely stopped going on dates and making each other feel special. You’ve gotten overly comfortable with each other to the point where you stopped being lovers and became friends.
This could be a sign that your relationship lacks diversity and that your boyfriend no longer feels excited to see you and do things with you.
And if he doesn’t feel excited to plan his time with you, he’s likely operating on autopilot and has fallen out of love.
To break repetitive relationship patterns, shake things up a little bit. Take your partner to the place you met him and remind him why you fell in love with each other in the first place.
If you do this right and the date goes well, your partner could soon feel stronger about you and become hopeful for the future again. Just don’t stop watering your relationship after one date.
Continue to create new exciting moments and encourage your partner to do the same.
5)Lying and treating you badly
Lies and deceit could mean a lot of things. On top of poor moral values, they could indicate that your partner’s losing patience and respect for you and that he thinks he can get away with treating you badly.
If you notice your partner behaving unfairly, angrily, or uncharacteristically, you’ve got one of the worst signs that your boyfriend is going to break up with you. The reason it’s such a bad sign is that relationships require enormous amounts of love, care, and attention.
They are built on mutual respect and therefore, can’t function properly when couples lack maturity, kindness, and self-awareness. Not until they grow inwardly.
So if you catch your boyfriend lying, manipulating, and treating you poorly, you might want to ask yourself whether staying in an abusive/toxic relationship is even worth it.
If you realize that it is and notice that your partner is open to change and improvement, do your best to work on the relationship with him.
Nobody’s perfect and we all have shortcomings. But only people who become aware of their shortcomings and bad behavioral patterns can actually change for the better.
When there’s a will, there’s a way.
6)Lack of gratitude
Another big sign that your boyfriend is going to break up with you is when your boyfriend stops appreciating you. When he thinks of you as someone who’s always going to be there for him, he stops valuing you as his partner and consequently, risks falling out of love.
The truth is that your boyfriend needs to appreciate you to be with you. He has to secretly admire you so that he can feel the desire to fight for you.
So if his desire to fight for you is lacking and his gratitude non-existent, it’s only natural that he’ll eventually stop investing in you. He can’t continue to invest if he doesn’t feel inclined to invest.
Some people think that getting into a relationship is the hard part. But that’s the easy part because relationships are lifetime investments. Only those who put their thoughts, feelings, and time into their partner get the results that they deserve.
The same goes for your partner. He also needs to invest in you and engrave into his mind that you’re important to him. If he doesn’t, he’ll take you for granted and neglect your worth.
As you sow, so shall you reap
Keep in mind that people are reactive beings. We react to one another depending on how we feel toward them.
This means that if you want your boyfriend’s gratitude for you to increase, you must take the lead and tell him you appreciate him. Tell him you’re really happy with him and that you enjoy spending time with him.
In theory, your words should make your boyfriend feel good and cause him to express gratitude in return.
7)Nasty arguments
Occasional arguments in romantic relationships are perfectly normal and sometimes needed so that couples balance out the power in the relationship.
They show that couples respect their own opinions and that they want their partner to consider their point of view.
But when arguments turn into yelling, fighting, and stonewalling, they become completely counter-productive. They stop balancing out the relationship and instead cause issues and incompatibilities.
The reason why arguments occur is that familiarity breeds contempt. The more intimately we know our partner, the higher the chances that we’ll argue with him.
8)Making excuses not to see you or spend time with you
You can sometimes tell that your boyfriend is going to break up with you if you see your boyfriend making excuses not to see you. If you see him postpone or cancel meetups and make plans with other people instead of you, your boyfriend probably doesn’t want to be your boyfriend anymore.
He’s avoiding you because he feels smothered by the negative associations he developed toward you throughout the relationship. So try not to make things worse and call him out on his disrespectful behavior by unleashing your fury on him.
Such actions will make your boyfriend lose remaining respect for you and urge him to put an end to his suffering.
Keep in mind that if a guy makes excuses not to see you, he’s clearly not interested in seeing you. He’s interested in himself and others because that’s what he’s putting time and effort in.
9)Asking for space
As you now know, excuses to spend time away from you are indicators of detachment. They show that your boyfriend prefers to be on his own and that he doesn’t want you around at the moment.
If he doesn’t find a way to stop feeling repulsed, smothered, or angered by your presence, you’ve got a sign that your boyfriend is going to break up with you.
Couples need to put an end to their negative thinking patterns, otherwise, they could start to fancy alone time.
10)Saying you’re not attractive, fit, smart, ambitious, or funny anymore
The last sign that your boyfriend is going to break up with you is if he says that you don’t live up to his expectations or that you’re not the way you used to be.
Such comments show that he’s been comparing the ideal version of you to the person you are now and that he’s not entirely happy with who you’ve become.
To fix this, talk to your boyfriend and ask him what he’d like you to work on. If he says he’s not happy with certain relationship aspects, work on them. Show your partner that you’re willing to grow with him—and that it will likely take some time, patience, and understanding.
If he loves you a lot, he’ll understand and wait for your relationship to get back on track.
And if he’s not, he’ll probably leave and enjoy his new-found freedom.
No matter what happens, you’ll be okay because deep inside, you’ll know you did everything in your power to make your relationship work.
Do you agree with the 10 signs that your boyfriend is going to break up with you? Have you noticed any in your boyfriend or girlfriend? Post your comment below.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Dear Zan,
My ex dumped me out of the blue without any explanation after more than two years of relationship. I thought we were great. He certainly claimed I was the one in the beginning. Obviously not. Now I see some of the signs you are mentioning here. He has a past with many relationships of about two years and one marriage of ten years with much trouble. He always leaves his girlfriends devastated or angry. He is capable of blocking his emotions and memories very well. He always claims he never think about the past. After the breakup he buried himself in work for about four months. I have been in no contact for nine months now. I did everything you advised. When he sent me an email five weeks ago asking how I was I hoped it would be a start. I replied in the way you advised, short and I mirrored his words. Now I see him flaunting his happiness with a new girl on his whatsapp profile photo for everyone to see. He never cared about his profile photo. He doesn’t care about social media, he is not on Facebook or Instagram. So why this flaunting? He is holding her tight and they both look radiant. Do you think all my hope is lost?
Best, Mary-Inga
Thank you Zan for article! I found myself on all of them… I did what I could to stay in relationship but he wanted out for long time I think
Hi Linda.
Thank you for your comment.
There was nothing you could have done to change your ex’s mind because his mind was set on leaving. He was going to cheat and detach no matter what you did.
Best regards,