If your boyfriend blocked you due to anger rather than resentment, he could miss you and unblock you when he reflects on his actions and realizes he still has romantic feelings for you. He could even apologize for letting emotions get the best of him and promise to express himself better next time.
But if he lost feelings and blocked you after breaking up with you, then he likely won’t miss you for a while. Instead of coming back and working on the relationship, he’ll continue to remember your negative traits and mistakes and make himself feel victimized. By thinking you’re entirely to blame for his negative feelings and actions, he’ll justify his blocking and disrespectful behavior and need much longer to become nostalgic and regretful.
I couldn’t tell you how long he’ll stay bitter, but it could take him years.
Every guy handles negative emotions differently. If you did something nasty like cheating, being violent, or lying about important matters, he may never unblock you. He may associate such negative feelings with you that he loses all respect and stays bitter for a very long time.
Again, it depends on what you did and his personality, beliefs, and respect he still has for you.
Not all guys unblock their exes. Some like to keep them blocked to prevent them from apologizing, rationalizing, begging, and trying to change their mind. They’d rather think they’re the victims, focus on themselves, and keep their exes at a safe distance. Distance gives them control over the breakup whereas conversing with their ex reminds them of times they felt mistreated.
So if you want to know whether he will miss you after blocking you, it depends on his personality, the severity of the issue, and his emotional attachment to you. These are the main things that determine if he’ll deal with his anger/resentment, unblock you, and perhaps even reach out.
It’s worth mentioning that many guys unblock but don’t reach out. These men don’t expect to be contacted. Rather, they leave their ex unblocked for emergency purposes, to do the morally right thing and think positively of themselves, or simply to keep the options open. They want their ex to have the ability to reach out even though they’re not interested in conversing.
When their feelings are gone, they typically don’t miss their ex much or at all. They can’t miss their ex when they badly want to focus on themselves and feel free. Most of the time, they miss their ex when something bad happens to them and makes them feel sorry for themselves. That’s when they quickly remember their ex and all the nice things he or she did to make them feel validated.
Don’t expect your blocking ex to miss you just because you had a decent relationship. That may indeed help create feelings of nostalgia, but it likely won’t be the main reason your ex misses you. It will probably take quite a bit of time and some negative experiences for your ex to really think about his behaviors and disassociate negativity from your persona.
The worse he perceives you, the bigger a problem he’ll need to face to forget about his beef with you.
Dumpers can be super resentful and need months or longer to stop blaming their ex for their mistakes and feelings. Only manipulative dumpers come back within a week or so. That’s because such dumpers have no intention of leaving, still have feelings for their ex, and merely want to force their ex to change.
When their ex changes or gives gives them his or her power, they feel in control and return to get the most out of their ex. Needless to say, such relationships typically don’t last long or aren’t very healthy. They tend to break when the dumper hogs all the power and loses interest in the dumpee. Either that or the dumpee gets tired of feeling unheard and deprived of power and importance.
If you want a long-term relationship, you must aim for a healthy balance. Healthy balance includes mutual respect and healthy ways of dealing with disagreements and problems. Breaking up and blocking aren’t healthy behaviors. They’re power moves typically initiated by the less communicative and patient person.
It’s a sign he or she as well as the relationship has a lot of work to do.
Anyway, a guy could miss you if he blocked you, but you shouldn’t keep your hopes up. Remember that he probably blocked you out of anger or resentment and that he’ll first need to process his emotions. The main questions are whether he’s capable of processing such strong emotions, encountering something bad that incentivizes him to let go of negativity, taking partial responsibility, and becoming nostalgic.
Every dumper thinks and feels differently. Saying that they all become nostalgic after a while would be an overgeneralization. The truth may be hard to hear, but when a person hates your guts or feels unsafe with you, it takes a miracle for him or her to miss you, let alone desire you.
Forgiveness and reconciliation after blocking usually take a ton of pain and feelings of hopelessness. A person must feel unhappy with him/herself in order to let go of the past and change his or her perception of the dumpee. If unhappiness doesn’t occur, it’s unlikely that he or she will become nostalgic and want the dumpee back.
In today’s post, we discuss whether he will miss you if he blocked you.

Will he miss me if he blocked me?
If a guy blocked you just to extort power from you, he’ll definitely miss you. He’ll worry about losing you (especially to someone else) probably within days of blocking you. That’s because he’ll process his anger, check your social media, and see that you’re not chasing and giving him what he wants. That could invalidate his feelings and expectations and urge him to unblock and reach out.
A man who blocks to punish you still has feelings for you. He’s trying to prove a point and force you to change because communication isn’t his strong suit. He’d rather hurt you and make you change your behavior by force.
If your boyfriend or ex-boyfriend blocked you to prove who’s boss, he’s either young, inexperienced, manipulative, controlling, or just immature. Either way, he’ll miss you when he realizes you’re not doing anything to get back in touch with him and beg him to be with you.
The situation is a bit more complicated if your ex felt he had no choice but to block you. If he lost feelings, became resentful, and blocked you due to something you said or did, he probably won’t miss you very soon. He might miss having a familiar person to talk to and/or rely on after some time, but he likely won’t miss you romantically.
Romantic nostalgia requires respect and a desire to be close to you. He must think his life has gotten significantly worse since he left/blocked you and that he’s made a big mistake. That’s the only way he’ll consider coming back as a partner and investing in you.
Therefore, an ex can miss you romantically and as a friend or person. If he misses you as just a friend, he might unblock you and even breadcrumb you. But if he misses the romantic aspect of the relationship and wants to be with you, he’ll do much more than unblock, initiate the conversation, and breadcrumb. He’ll also compliment you, apologize, and fear getting rejected.
His attitude toward you will be totally different because his happiness will depend on whether you take him back and help him deal with his problems.
It’s important to understand the difference between romantic and non-romantic nostalgia. If you want to be with your ex but your ex only misses the fun things you did together, you shouldn’t talk to your ex. Talking will get your hopes up and make it harder to detach and move on.
You should entertain your ex only if your ex unblocks, reaches out, apologizes, explains things, and expresses romantic interest in you. When that happens, you can talk about rebuilding trust and ensuring your ex won’t block you again. But until then, you must remember that your ex doesn’t miss you, miss you enough, or miss you in ways that encourage him or her to reconnect with you romantically.
Your ex likely still thinks negatively about you and doesn’t feel the urge to unblock and be with you.
And that’s okay. As long as your ex perceives you in a bad light, you’re better off without your ex. You can focus on yourself rather than the person who rejected and blocked you. Blocking doesn’t feel good because it forces you to leave your ex alone, but if you communicate with your ex, you won’t feel any better either.
You’ll get your hopes up and think you may be able to reattract your ex with patience and perseverance. Unfortunately, a detached ex is … well… detached. He’s disconnected emotionally and can’t be reasoned with. The only thing that can change his mind is something shocking and painful. This can be a romantic rejection or breakup.
All in all, whether he blocks or leaves the channels of communication open doesn’t matter. You must look at his actions. His actions indicate that he lost feelings and can’t be talked into doing what he doesn’t want to do. It doesn’t leave you with any other option but to leave him alone and focus on increasing your self-love.
Being blocked sucks, but at least it shows that your ex isn’t waiting for you to contact him and win him over. It lets you work on losing hope.
There aren’t many positives to being blocked, but if I had to choose one, the best thing about it is that it prevents you from pestering your ex and degrading yourself. Instead of reasoning with your ex and putting your ex in charge of your emotions, it leaves no doubt in your mind that your ex wants space. He probably feels stressed, guilt-tripped, angry, and emotionally exhausted.
For these reasons, he expects the breakup to unfold on his terms and give him peace of mind.
You must respect that and let your ex block you if he wants to. What he does as your ex doesn’t concern you anymore. All that matters is that you recover emotionally and grow from the breakup. If you grow stronger emotionally and maturity-wise, you’ll soon stop caring about whether your ex misses you after blocking.
Simply put, you’ll have better things to think about. Things that actually add value to your life.
That said, here’s when your ex will miss you after blocking you.

Will he miss me if I block him?
The guy probably won’t miss you if you block him. He can’t miss you because he lost feelings and doesn’t take your behavior to heart. Who you are and what you do now that you’re his ex doesn’t affect him because he disconnected from you and stopped relying on you. He’s probably okay with you seeing other people.
If he’s okay with that, then he’s okay with being blocked too.
There’s no point in blocking him back. You may keep him out of sight and feel good about it for a while, but you may eventually start to question your decision and wonder if he unblocked you and is trying to reach out. That might cause you to unblock your ex and perhaps even reach out.
It’s better to just leave things as they are. Don’t respond to blocking with blocking of your own. Also, don’t block and unblock your ex and show he’s on your mind day and night. Your ex needs to stop thinking highly of himself and see his true value. When he sees it, he might decide to check up on you and/or want you back.
The future is uncertain, but if you want to avoid making him feel overprioritized and stressed, avoid sending him the message that you’re analyzing his social media all the time and retaliating against his blocking. Act as if being blocked doesn’t affect you, even if it has a devastating impact on you.
Besides, he probably won’t even notice he’s blocked. As long as you’re blocked, he’ll focus on anyone and anything but you.
Use this time to present yourself in a positive light. You can do that by investing in your growth and learning to live life to the fullest. When you get your life under control and stop thinking about your ex obsessively, you’ll be glad you stayed strong and refused to stoop down to your ex’s level.
My advice is to focus on things that help you grow and excel in life. Such things will secure a happy future whereas vengeance will make you look reactive and weak.
Do you think your ex will miss you if he blocked you? What might cause him to feel nostalgic? Post your thoughts below.
And if you want help with getting unblocked by someone you love, get in touch with us. We help dumpees understand breakups, get closure, and become the best version of themselves.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.