Do you find yourself suddenly missing your ex after 10 months of no contact? If you do, this is perfectly normal. Many dumpees have moments of weakness and nostalgia months or sometimes even years after the breakup.
They tend to miss their ex because something bad happens to them that reminds them of their ex and makes them want to feel safe and cared for.
Usually, it’s a bad day at work, an argument with a friend, an unfulfilling social life, a breakup, depression, or something taxing out of their control that triggers their nostalgia. Something that makes them want to re-experience the comfort and safety of the past and forget their current concerns.
Hardships drag them into the past and make them think about the people they had a bond with and relied on for happiness, validation, and emotional support. Such people can show them care and help them overcome their issues and stressors.
Another reason you may be missing your ex all of a sudden is that you haven’t fully let go of your ex yet.
If your relationship was long, intense, or unhealthy, you may need more time to completely detach from your ex. You’re probably looking at another few months before you can process your ex’s abandonment and accept that your ex may be gone for good.
The reason you started missing your ex could have something to do with:
- your self-esteem
- ambitions
- hobbies
- friends
- romantic relationships
- mental health
- stressors at work
- lack of self-sufficiency
- desire for love and validation
- breakup mistakes
- surge of hormones
- societal pressure
- desire to settle down
- and your overall happiness
It’s difficult for me to point out exactly what’s causing you to suddenly miss your ex after 10 months of no contact, but if you recently checked your ex’s social profiles, heard about your ex, or dreamed about your ex, you probably remembered your ex and miss him or her because you experienced a strong emotional reaction.
You were reminded of your ex both rationally and emotionally and now need to get your ex off your mind.
Sometimes dumpees dream about their exes for no particular reason. They see themselves kissing their ex or imagining their ex with someone else. This triggers tons of anxiety in them and makes them miss their ex regardless of whether it’s been 10 months or 10 years since they broke up.
This is especially true if they’re not happy with themselves or their lives. The less fulfilling their lives are, the more likely they are to miss their ex and want to be with him or her.
You need to find out why you’re suddenly missing your ex after 10 months of NC. Is it because of some unwanted experience or is it completely random? If it’s random, it could be that you’ve remembered your ex out of the blue and got nostalgic because you haven’t gotten over your ex yet or because you haven’t succeeded in the most important areas of your life without your ex.
If you can’t find the physical reason for missing your ex, the reason may be psychological. You may be stressed, lonely, sad, grieving the loss of a family member, and having a difficult time loving yourself. You may also have a hormonal imbalance or some other unresolved issue that resurfaced.
Whatever the reason may be, you’ve probably been feeling down or unfulfilled recently and started looking for people to care about you and support you. Find out what’s causing your unhappiness and you’ll know how to get over this hurdle.
In this post, we discuss why you’re suddenly missing your ex after 10 months of no contact and advise you on how to deal with it.

Why am I suddenly missing my ex after 10 months of no contact?
There could be several reasons why you may be missing your ex. The most feasible explanation is that something negative caught you by surprise and forced you to think about your ex. Something that triggered your insecurities, fears, nostalgia, and cravings that made you want to talk to your ex and be with him or her.
This can be anything from losing a job, friend, and place to stay to visiting places you used to go to with your ex. Nostalgia can be triggered quickly, especially when you’re still in love with your ex and willing to get back together.
It’s also possible that you’ve been thinking about your ex more than usual recently and that you’d allowed curiosity to build up over time. That suggests you’ve increased your ex’s importance in your eyes and created desires to communicate and bond with your ex.
Dumpees often miss their ex like crazy when their ex does something they don’t like. For example, if their ex posts happy pictures of himself/herself and the new partner, they suffer unexpectedly and become extremely nostalgic.
Some even turn the breakup into competition and force themselves to think about their ex 24/7. They become obsessed with beating their ex as they want to be happier than their ex.
If your ex has been on your mind a lot, you’ve probably switched from rational thinking to emotional thinking.
You’ve become emotional and gone back to seeing your ex as someone who completes you. This tends to happen right after the breakup or months into the breakup when dumpees struggle to love themselves and fail to form strong emotional bonds with other people.
If you’ve rebounded with someone or seen your friends being happy, getting married, and having kids, it’s possible you’ve compared yourself to them and developed a fear of missing out and a fear of not having a family.
You’ve subconsciously convinced yourself that time is running out and that you need to find happiness, security, and purpose in life as quickly as possible.
This tends to happen to women more often than men as women feel pressured at the peak of their reproductive years.
As you can tell, many things could have made you suddenly miss your ex after 10 months of no contact, including a desire to start a family. And the strangest thing about the reasons for missing your ex is that they don’t have to be directly related to your ex.
Something as simple as running out of money can help you remember that you had more financial freedom with your ex and that your ex wasn’t a bad partner for you.
All you need to think about your ex and crave him or her is to encounter something that reminds you of the past and tells you that you no longer have the same benefits.
So don’t immediately assume that you miss your ex as a whole. Although you probably miss some parts of your ex, you’re probably not happy about one specific part of your life (let’s say you don’t have anyone to exercise with) and that this one lacking in your life led to overthinking and nostalgia.
Nostalgia can be triggered by tons of cravings and regrets. If you said or did something nasty to your ex, you may be missing your ex because you want to apologize and forgive yourself. You want to move on but your conscience isn’t letting you until you get some things off your chest.
Maybe it took you 10 months to grow and realize you made mistakes during or after the relationship and that you must apologize to your ex for hurting him or her. If that’s what happened, you now wish to communicate with your ex but can’t because you’re in no contact, healing from the breakup and respecting your ex’s need for space.
You’re missing your ex because you’re not happy about the person you’ve portrayed yourself as. To resolve this particular issue, you must distance yourself from the mistakes you’ve made by reminding yourself you’ve grown significantly since the breakup and that you wouldn’t have learned those lessons any other way.
As badly as the breakup sucked, it needed to happen for you to evolve as a person.
With that said, here are some explanations for why you’re suddenly missing your ex after 10 months of no contact.

Dumpees are much more nostalgic than dumpers. That’s because dumpees get rejected and put their ex on a pedestal. They prioritize their ex’s good points over the bad ones and want their ex to validate them even if they don’t want their ex back.
Dumpers on the other hand are detached. They fall out of love and don’t need dumpees to reassure them. They just want to be left alone so they can invest time and energy into other things and people.
Dumpers feel relieved and victimized and are often prepared to do anything to hold on to the negative image of their ex. Doing so gives them strength and control over the situation they think they previously lacked control of.
Because dumpers hog power and control, they tend to starve dumpees of validation. They make them crave their acceptance so badly and scar them so deeply dumpees need months to get out of denial and back on their feet.
Breakups can be traumatizing and can cause dumpees trust issues, panic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts, and tons of other issues.
Nostalgia is the lesser of the evils as it’s typically easier to deal with than the above things. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still hard. But nostalgia alone doesn’t cause much or any short-term and long-term damage.
Not unless it grows into bigger problems.
What can you do when you’re suddenly missing your ex after 10 months of no contact?
Whenever you miss your ex, remind yourself that it’s normal to miss an ex who left you. It’s normal to miss him or her even if 10 months have gone by since you stopped communicating.
Nostalgia occurs when you’re not happy with your life or when you think that the past was great or better and that it’d be nice to experience moments from the past.
It doesn’t, however, mean that you need to act on bittersweet emotions and reach out to your ex. Talking to your ex just because you’re remembering the good times would be a big mistake. It’d stop your healing and force you to develop expectations of your ex.
Expectations that would devastate you if your ex doesn’t meet them. And your ex probably won’t meet them unless he or she wants to get back together.
So keep in mind that your ex has to come back to you (not vice-versa) and that your ex will do all the necessary work (and more) once he or she gets hurt, becomes regretful, and realizes your worth. Your ex will do what you’re willing to do right now and try to reconcile with you as quickly as possible.
You don’t need to do anything to get your ex back. You just need to work on yourself and do your best to stop missing your ex.
A good way to stop feeling nostalgic is to get busy and distract yourself with hobbies, activities, and other people. I don’t mean you should date because that will make you rebound, but you should surround yourself with people and get your confidence and self-esteem back up.
They’re important for your health and well-being.
Make sure to talk to a therapist about this too. Someone who understands mental health will identify your attachment style, unresolved issues, and cravings for your ex, and give you tips on how to stop missing your ex.
He or she will advise you properly and be a part of your support system.
It doesn’t mean something’s wrong with you just because you’re suddenly missing your ex after 10 months of no contact. It means that something or someone has made you nostalgic and that you need to figure out what that is so you can stay away from it.
This is the time for you to reflect and learn what’s making you miss your ex all of a sudden. Some kind of experience, thought, or feeling is responsible for your cravings for the past.
Think about the cause of your nostalgia and begin working on it immediately.
The best way not to miss your ex now and in the future is to avoid thinking, feeling, or doing things that trigger your nostalgic cravings. If you need to avoid going on Facebook and watching other couples having a great time, do that.
Do whatever it takes to keep nostalgia away and stay in control of your thoughts and emotions.
You’ll miss your ex much less if you eliminate your triggers and focus on things that help you move on from the past and make you feel good.
Are you still wondering why you’re suddenly missing your ex after 10 months of no contact? Share your thoughts and feelings with us below.
However, if you’re looking for breakup coaching, visit our coaching page for info.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi Dan, thank you for such a great article, I have been 9-10 months no contact – and keep thinking back to the last conversation where I was told ‘there’s something inside me I can’t unlock’ after slow distancing, cancelling plans and saying he was confused.. just over a month after I had met his father, or he had said prior that he had spoken to his. mother about me and she said I should come to church and he talked about wanting to have a family together and what university we would send them too- for a relationship that was barely 6 months, to say I was hurt, is a quite a statement. I had met him by chance and was undergoing fertility treatment (freezing) in the middle as having a family IS important to me.
Your articles have been incredible – a source of incredible support. I have gone back to the beginning, when someone states that they themselves are an obstacle or its unorthodox to be with an older woman and chases you.. faking a future you could have.. only to silence you when you express yourself, stone wall you, keep you on egg shells, I know now its not love, it can’t be.
This time last year I was preparing for my exam, when the break up happened, so perhaps this is a trigger as well as feeling behind.. and unable to find love in the interim.
I have an upcoming exam in 2 weeks.. the urge to think or reach out and ask why… what happened.. why he suddenly lost interest.. why when I asked if he was lying the whole time ‘ the response was no I would have won an Oscar’.. I flip from being angry to wanted to let go almost a year on .. why would someone (Me) want to meet their ex, knowing that they most likely would never trust someone who abandoned them, someone who made tiny arguments over small things- like if you said something in tongue of cheek ‘example’ – how was my curry, 7/10, next time I see you I will hit you with a saucepan (wink) and say it is funny when a woman hits a man but violent when a man hits a woman…. 2 days after meeting their father who they have a complicated relationship. in this case, I know his father.. left him and remarried.. which would possibly explain why he would go on to say ‘I would never bend the knee, marriage is a discussion and to ask my thoughts about pre-nups’.. all of this.. now in hindsight must believe .. none of it was real..
Thank you for your advice.. and thank you for your article about not texting an ex- rereading it- has helped me not to send anything.
Hi MV.
It’s clear the guy had doubts. Maybe he wasn’t doubtful from the beginning, but he definitely developed them at some point. He didn’t think he was on the same page with you, so he slow-faded and made you wonder where you went wrong. I know you want to ask him lots of questions, but you already have the answers you need. You know that the guy lost interest and that it wasn’t your fault. You need to accept this explanation so you can fully let go and heal once and for all.
Hang in there!
Thanks so much Zan, honestly I just want to forget him and be ‘mentally free’ – like so many others, and of course free to have hope that there is a better aligned partner but with the fear that when you gave something so much, what could you possibly do any different.. but Your video’s are fantastic, your articles and in particular the pictures are sensational as It solidifies your take home messages! I wonder if you have a podcast for dating/growth and relationships ? My biggest fear is that I will never ever find love.. or that I’m running out of time and in comparison to peers… Im still single, it would be incredible to ask if you have an article that addresses this ‘how to heal, when you feel you’re running out of time and how to fall in love again’ without fear of abandonment/betrayal..
Hi NV.
I don’t have any articles that focus specifically on fears of staying single and running out of time, but I do mention from time to time how to address such fears. Firstly, try not to compare yourself to your peers. You’re not them. You have your own life and experiences to live and can’t go through the same thing as them. And secondly, know that you have all the time in the world to find someone you like. You need to be patient or you could rush things and meet/settle for the wrong person.
Kind regards,
such a good article! As always!
Thank you for being here 🙏🏻
Thanks Linda!
I’m glad that you’re here too!