Due to its unpredictability and fast spread, many people are afraid of the new Coronavirus.
They worry that it will impact their everyday lifestyle and most importantly, that it will infect them and their loved ones.
If you’re also one of those people who worries about the future because of the Coronavirus, let me tell you that a little bit of worry is okay. It raises your awareness of hygiene and consequently decreases your chances of contracting the disease.
Slight worry helps you stay cautious.
But when you obsess over Coronavirus by watching the news 24/7 and read about every little change politicians make, you do more harm than good.
You unknowingly put yourself in survival mode and disrupt your brain in a way that it fears the Coronavirus more than hell itself.
As a result, you grow addicted to every and all negative outcomes that the media feeds you and become dependent on it for improvement.
So much so that you begin to rely on the news for your emotional well-being.
It’s how radio and television channels capture your attention.
They tell you about the negative occurrences in your area and around the world and instill fear and worry into you.
They make you feel weak and powerless by telling you about the worst of the worst and in return make you depend on them for some kind of relief.
But since positive news doesn’t come because Coronavirus is a pandemic, you soon start to fear that the Coronavirus will spread to your home and deliver its fatal blow.
That’s when you lock yourself in your home and start to think solely about what you can do to survive.
It’s the way our brain works as some of its primal functions are designed to keep us alive and content by securing us food, water, shelter, and security.
So when the brain thinks that it’s on the brink of death, it immediately goes into overdrive mode and starts telling its host (you) to do foolish things.
Things such as, “You must hoard 100kgs of rice, bread, and pasta and do absurd things that people in self-quarantine do. It’s about the survival of the fittest.”
These are the actions that the fear of the Coronavirus makes us take. It basically controls us instead of us controlling the virus and makes us act on impulse.
Just so we can continue to exist when all hell breaks loose.
In this article, we’ll talk about the fear of the Coronavirus and provide you with some tips to stop worrying about it.

I’m scared of Coronavirus ??
First of all, Covid-19 is serious. It’s our most recent pandemic that’s taken roughly 6000 lives at the time of writing.
By the looks of it, it will continue to take more until a sufficient remedy is found.
But this doesn’t mean that you should be afraid of it to the point where you endanger your mental health.
That would be a huge waste of your life because eventually, Coronavirus will come to an end.
Take The Black Death Pandemic in 1346 for example. According to mphonline.org, it’s killed between 75- 200 million people. But just like most pandemics, it ended with quarantines and precautions.
A more recent pandemic in 1968, called The Flu Pandemic, took one million lives. It originated in Hong Kong and got resolved with vaccines.
This means that the world has faced many (worse) pandemics before—but people always either found a cure or a way to stop it.
In some cases, such as HIV, virologists learned how to delay and control the spread of the virus—so that they can protect as many people as possible.
According to WHO, HIV has killed over 32 million people, which makes coronavirus inexistent compared to it.
At least right now.
The point is that being scared of Coronavirus is a waste of your time and energy.
It’s the most self-destructive thinking you can currently engage your mind in whether you’re completely healthy or suffering from the effects of the virus.
So why not “worry” about the things you can control—while making sure that your hand hygiene and cleanliness are up to good standards?
In that way, you’ll stay both physically and mentally healthy.
Should I worry about Coronavirus?
Living under stress, fear, and anxiety can have severe consequences on an otherwise healthy body.
It can cause a person to:
- have memory issues
- age faster and slow down his or her digestive system
- increase his or her heart rate
- experience cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems, such as heart attacks and ulcers
- die prematurely
- weaken his or her immune system
This means that excessive worrying about the Coronavirus can actually make your body less resistant to it.
It can make you more receptive to pathogens that could potentially infect you.
And if you end up contracting the virus, Coronavirus could take advantage of your weakened immune system caused by your poor mentality and make your recovery significantly more difficult.
So if you’re afraid that the Coronavirus will get you and you can’t stop obsessing about it, the first step is to become self-aware of the mental effects it has on you.
Acknowledge it as a virus that’s trying to weaken your defenses from afar before it even physically has the chance to enter your body.
Will we run out of food in case of an epidemic?
I can assure you that there’s no need to worry about food and supplies.
We’re not in the midst of a world war crisis where the enemies are bombing factories and implementing their own regime throughout the lands.
Currently, most of the world lives in union, so worrying about running out of food because of Coronavirus is unreasonable.
Farmers continue and will continue to grow their crops regardless of the outbreak—which means that there’s plenty of food to eat even if you’re in quarantine and uncertain about this virus.
So don’t panic about Covid-19 as it’s not the end of the world.
Especially if your local store ran out of your favorite cornflakes. It merely means that the demand is higher than usual because people are hoarding food.
I’m certain that your government will provide you with the necessities that you need to survive even if you can’t afford food or don’t go to work.
If it can’t, other countries of the world will step together and aid those countries who lack the resources to do so.
Humanitarian agencies are also there to assist you, so there’s plenty of help out there.
Pandemics have never been easier to handle than they are today, so don’t panic about the new Coronavirus.
Excessive worrying will damage your mind and body if you do.
How do I stop worrying about Coronavirus?
You can stop worrying about Coronavirus by distancing yourself from the source of pain.
This doesn’t mean that you should get inside a space rocket and fly to Mars (although that would make the fear disappear for sure).
I’m saying that you should get rid of the fear by changing what you do in your spare time.
If you’re sitting at home, watching the news all the time, it’s perfectly normal to worry about Coronavirus.
The virus epidemic represents a big part of your daily life, so it’s perfectly understandable that you’re anxious or depressed about it.
It’s nearly impossible not to be when you’re constantly feeding your Coronavirus fear and obsession.
You’re incessantly thinking about Covid-19 infecting your family and ruining the comfort that you had prior to its existence.
So stop it.
Don’t give random people the ability to control the happiness in your life. Especially if these people belong to the media—and if their job is to scare their viewers or readers for profit.
Stop watching the news about Coronavirus
If Coronavirus scares you, it means that the media is doing their job well. They are converting you into a loyal follower who helps them increase their profit.
And they’re perfectly happy with that.
As long as their shocking headlines glue you to the television screen, newspaper, and radio—and boost their income multiplied by the number of times you read, watch, or hear them.
It’s all about the numbers and it always will be.
So stop being afraid of the Coronavirus pandemic and start thinking and talking about something else.
Something that you actually like and genuinely care about.
Get rid of the Coronavirus fear by changing your focus
The easiest way to stop worrying about Coronavirus is to shift your focus to something other than the virus.
There are a million better things that you can do.
You can browse the internet, play videogames, call your friends, exercise, watch movies you’d never had the chance to watch, and much, much more.
Do the things you truly enjoy doing and the wait for the pandemic to end will become much more pleasant.
It’s a guarantee.
Just don’t obsess about Coronavirus 24/7 or it will drive you insane and make you sick with worry.
I know there are a lot of new rules and regulations taking place right now, but you needn’t sit by the television and memorize every single one of them.
The most important instructions from the government will come back around to you in one way or another.
You’ll hear them from your friends, family, neighbors, or even strangers.
So disconnect your brain from unnecessary worries and obsessions and do something meaningful that you always wanted to do.
I know I’ll finally finish a few books I’ve been putting off for ages.
What about you?
Coronavirus will make you think you’re sick
When your Covid-19 obsession worsens, you will start to feel sick. You will feel nauseous, sweaty, feverish—and might even develop a cough for which you will immediately suspect that it’s Coronavirus.
You will basically become so conscious of contracting this new virus that each cough, sneeze, and throat ache will cause you anxiety and convince you that you’re infected.
So don’t let the fear of getting Coronavirus affect you so badly that you hallucinate. Don’t let it turn into an obsession or you will become as sick as if you had the virus.
If you value your health (both emotional and physical) let go of this fear of infection and move past it.
Get rid of it and forget about it. It’s not doing you any good.
I guarantee that if you focus on enjoying your life to the fullest that your chances of contracting the disease are going to be smaller than if you worry.
And that’s because your emotional and physical health go hand in hand. They’re interdependent on each other.
My suggestion is that if you’re going to worry about Coronavirus day after day, worry about your mental health as well.
Are you afraid of Coronavirus and its effects and aftereffects? How are you coping with the spread of the disease? Comment below and let readers know.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Hi Zan,
You might not see this comment, but I just want to thank you for your articles. They really calmed me at a time when I thought the world was over (my first break up lol). It’s been 6 months and I really don’t care if he’s not around. Of course I know I would still be sad whenever he finally moves on, but I don’t check on him enough to see lol. I had made post breakup mistakes (stupid 30 day rules from brad browning lmao) by reaching out, begging and pleading for a day or 2. And this process lasted a week and I was back to square one being anxiety stricken and rejected. It took hearing from my ex that he “he still loves me but..” or he doesn’t care if I talk to him ever again and reading your articles to put myself first and don’t worry about someone who always made little lies, avoided me and ignore me during our relationship and would rather hang out with his friends. For timeline purposes, he broke up with me mid October and the last time I reached out to him was around December 1st. Then after that I put on my big girl shoes and stopped calling, stopped checking what he was doing etc. of course from time to time I looked at his ig, but he doesn’t post pics anyways, but other than that no contact and I tried really hard. I thought he would never speak to me again (I thought he was too stubborn like everybody else), but like you predicted (u said most exes contact) he hit me up on Valentine’s Day (called me and when I didn’t answer he left a text saying “just wanted to wish u a happy vday”). I didn’t know what to do so I didn’t respond till the next day. We had a short text convo back and forth, which I ended :). And after that I went back into no contact until today, his father messaged me on Facebook asking me how I was and 3 mins later my ex texts me asking how I’m doing since I am on lockdown in Cali because of the virus ( he lives in Alabama, we were long distance for two years). I decided to respond as I always have with kindness and had a nice convo with him. The texting lasted about an hour in between me answering some texts later than others. He was telling me to “stay safe”. It seems like every time an event comes up he wants to hit me up, breadcrumbs in a way. I’m sure he cares about my overall health, but I just found it funny that he literally texted me a month ago and he’s texting me again. The universe is just giving him excuses to talk to me. He even sent me a picture of his new haircut today (I didn’t ask him for it). Of course I didn’t send a pic back because he doesn’t deserve that lol. But I just found it funny. He told me to update him. I’ve decided I’m going into no contact again. I am never contacting him first unless it’s something serious (like I have the virus serious, someone got hurt/ died close to me etc.). I don’t even want him back. I’m about 95% sure! The only way I could is if he actually made real change and did the things he was supposed to do or made an effort to come live out here but he’s still immature so that would take years, and I will probably be with another Better man by then. What do you think I should do if he texts me again though? I guess since I didn’t answer his call on vday he resorted to text messages lol. I really don’t want to be his friend. It’s either I’m with him or not. For now I didn’t mind too much because he’s only contacted me twice. But I don’t want to make it a habit unless he actually stepped up to the plate which is unlikely.
Thank you again!
Anybody reading this, it does get better. Yes I still have love for him but I’m not in love with him and I don’t think about him that much anymore!
Toxicity is gone and now i am free!
Let them come to you, don’t initiate contact first. And even if you mess up don’t stress. If you are an amazing person they come back “checking on you” because they miss you on Valentine’s Day and would feel bad if you got sick. You don’t need that validation from them, so don’t be sad if they never contact. But all the crap he said to me at the end of our relationship is replaced with how nice and unbothered I am to him right now. It’s up to your ex to change that. Don’t let them walk over you! If my ex wants me, he better tell me because I won’t be texting him to find out lol. Imma just see how things go, but back to no contact for me unless he contacts again lmao. When they text don’t ignore, wait a a bit to answer, and don’t give them compliments. Treat them like an old friend or acquaintance.
Hi Zan, would it be harmful to contact my ex or her family to see how they are doing ?
Yes , if she cared she would have reached out to you by now.
My ex contacted me today after almost one year of No Contact, breaked only by her, contacting me once in a while and some special occasions like birthdays and Christmas. She is in a relation for more than a year. She says she would like to have our friendship again and her feelings are true like she never experienced before. In our country there’s an order to stay home and we are working from home. In her message she says she would like to count with my support, friendship and advices. What does she want really? What should I do?
Why would you want to be friends with a woman who dumped you? Does her current boyfriend know and/or approve of this idea?
Stay safe everyone! Don’t worry, don’t panic. God is still in control. Let’s turn our hearts toward the truth and love of Jesus. Now is the time! Take care!
Thanks for the comment, Evan.
Take care of yourself and make sure you helps those around you.
Kind regards,
I think the economic fallout will be much worse. The US is already creating 100s of billions of dollars out of thin air and announcing bailouts for everything. I think this is the end for the US dollar as the reserve currency.
Hi Trevor.
The longer this goes on for the bigger the consequences will be. A lot of people could lose their job and face a shortage of money.
There’s no telling how the crisis turns out, so let’s wait and see.
I have been no contact with my ex wife for 7 months. We are officially divorced in May. Her family is from Italy and she is currently in Spain. I have communicated with her family but not her. I’m tempted to reach out because of this pandemic. Is that a bad idea? She was a bad wife but I still care for her and want to wish her well. Thoughts?
I’m no contact for seven months too and have no intention of reaching out for any reason. Let her contact you.
Remember, indefinite no contact, she’s probably having the time of her life,literally.
Hi Bud.
Reach out only if you don’t intend to reconcile and you’re doing it selflessly.
Kind regards,
Thank you for this informative article. I was really worried and after reading this, it helped me calmed my nerves down a bit.
Thanks for the comment, ynjjjzl.
Being afraid of Coronavirus won’t make your life any easier. It will complicate things for you and those around you.
So take care of your mental health.
Kind regards,
Corona virus hysteria has made me stop thinking about getting back together with my ex.
Good to hear, Linda.
You now see that you’ve put too much importance on your ex.
Kind regards,
I am going out tonight in my designer haz mat suit with accentuating gas mask and can of lysol.
Such a helpful article during those days that we see tv news all the time. So will chance the focus
Thank you Zan for always thinking for best articles as always 🙂
Thanks for the comment, Linda!
Changing your focus will change the way you feel about the virus.
Best regards,