First of all, you should never try to break up a couple. Every couple is responsible for taking care of their relationship and making their relationship stronger. If you step between them and try to break them up in evil ways, you’ll be interfering with a relationship that doesn’t concern you.
You may think it concerns you because you care about one of them (or both) as a friend, parent, ex-partner, sibling, or some distant family member, but their relationship is theirs to maintain. They have agreed to be exclusive with each other, so you shouldn’t try to confuse them and turn them against each other.
That’s what opinionated parents, backstabbing friends, and envious or jealous ex-partners do. Supportive people regardless of their relationship with a couple only express their opinion in ways that contribute to their relationship.
That means that if a couple’s relationship is toxic, you should tell them some of their behaviors are unhealthy instead of convincing them they’re not compatible and that they should break up as soon as possible. You need to understand that it’s not your place to tell a couple what they should and shouldn’t do.
Your job is to encourage them to grow individually as well as a couple. And you need to do it in ways that boost their confidence and trust in each other.
With that said, you should note that there are many evil ways to break up a couple. The methods mentioned in this article may not work all the time, but if a couple is struggling emotionally, financially, or in any important way, you could plant seeds of doubt in their minds and tempt them with manipulation techniques that make breaking up look like a good idea.
For manipulation tactics to work though, they must think you’re on their side and respect you because that way, they will follow your harmful advice. They’ll think you’re trying to help when in reality, you’re giving them advice that benefits you.
If their relationship is going strong, on the other hand, I can tell you right now that you won’t be able to stop them from being together.
You can think of the evilest ways to break up a couple and you won’t be able to break them up because they’ll ignore your vicious deeds and continue to stay in love. They might even realize you’re toxic for their relationship, team up against you, and cut you off.
I can’t say what will happen with certainty, but if you try to damage a good relationship, it could result in getting blocked and isolated. You need to think about whether losing two people is worth it. If it is worth it, you probably aren’t happy with the way your life is going and want to cause problems for others to make yourself feel better.
Instead of doing that, you should figure out what’s lacking in your life and why you have these overwhelming desires to break a couple up. Once you understand your cravings for destruction, you should begin working on yourself and doing the opposite of what your venomous heart tells you to do.
Moreover, if your ex broke up with you, know that it’s okay to have thoughts of your ex breaking up with his or her new partner and getting back with you. Rejection makes you want your ex back more than anything. But that doesn’t mean you should try to break them up yourself.
For the third time, they need to go through relationship stages without interference and see if they’re compatible with each other.
This post is for people who want to know how to make a couple break up. The information in this article is for you to understand that certain things can affect couples who are having relationship problems and doubts.

1)Picking sides and giving them bad advice
If you want to break up a couple, the sneakiest, yet the evilest way to do that is to make them doubt their love for each other. Doubts make a relationship unreliable and unpredictable (in bad ways) as they harm the foundation of a relationship.
So if you want to be evil, create some doubts by siding with each one of them individually and giving them bad relationship advice.
Tell them, “Your partner is treating you poorly, you deserve better. If I were you, I would have left the relationship already because it’s toxic and not working out. It’s only a matter of time before he/she cheats/does the same thing again and hurts you. Are you that desperate that you’re willing to keep getting hurt?”
Such words make a person feel victimized and want to defend himself or herself. They cause a lot of uncertainty and encourage a fearful or tired person to want to give up.
We all know that there are no victims in a healthy relationship. Both people contribute to problems in their own ways. But to resolve problems, they must see each other as worthy individuals and put time and energy into the relationship.
If a committed person in a relationship stops valuing his or her significant other and withdraws emotionally, the romantic relationship is in big trouble.
That’s because the relationship enters the phase of uncertainty and confusion, during which the more detached person is tempted to keep his or her distance and perhaps even gravitate toward someone new and more attractive.
So if you want to learn some evil ways to break a couple up, the most vicious way to do it is to pretend to have their best interests at heart and act as an intermediary. But when they trust you and listen intently, tell them they aren’t good for each other and that they’ll be happier if they take a break or split up permanently.
This is how you can instill even more negative thoughts into their minds and wait for them to give in to them.
Lots of people actually interfere with others’ relationships like this. They have no intention of breaking people up, but because they pick sides, they make someone feel victimized and encourage him or her to want to be happier alone or with someone else.
2)Identifying their weaknesses and spreading rumors
Rumors are also extremely poisonous for struggling relationships. For example, if you tell someone that you’ve seen his or her partner with another person (especially after that person has been unfaithful), you can force the cheatee to develop trust issues and watch everything his or her partner does.
You can make the insecure person accuse his or her partner of infidelity and other hurtful things. And that can put pressure on their relationship and drive a wedge between them.
So if you want to know how to break a couple up in one of the sickest ways, use their insecurities and weaknesses against them.
- incite jealousy
- create trust issues
- make them question each other’s loyalty, integrity, and respect
- and trigger their fears
You may not be able to destroy a relationship directly, but you can affect it indirectly by spreading rumors and making them think and feel negative thoughts and emotions. Any kind of negativity can cause problems for a couple that is on the brink of breaking up.
Always remember that rumors can create problems for couples. Especially those couples who have a lot of unresolved problems and can’t handle any similar problems.
3)Comparing them to their previous relationships and bringing their exes back into the picture
Another evil way to break up a couple is to compare them to their previous relationships and say they were more compatible with their exes.
Such words not only make them think about their exes a lot, but they also tempt them to contact their exes and see what their exes are up to.
If their exes are single and find them attractive, they could start to communicate again and redevelop a connection with them.
That would make it possible for them to get back with their exes if they discern things aren’t going smoothly for them in their new relationship.
One thing to note is that this plan likely won’t work if your ex dumped you and you want your ex back. But it can work if you dumped your ex because in that case, your ex might still be heartbroken (not fully healed) and have some feelings left for you.
4)Telling them it’s okay to quit if it’s not working
Encouraging couples to abandon their relationship if their relationship seems hard may appear caring, but it’s anything but.
By telling them that relationships aren’t supposed to be that hard, you can convince them that something’s wrong with their relationship and that they may be better off without each other.
You can also add that many couples break up and that there are plenty of prettier, smarter, and richer people out there. In such a way, you can normalize breakups and push them not to hesitate to end things.
Sometimes couples just need one final push to fall out of love and break up. You can be the person who makes that push if you disguise yourself as a caring person and say that you’re just looking out for their best interests.
5)Threatening to disown them
This is a highly toxic move initiated by parents, family members, or guardians. Threats to disown a loved one can cause a lot of damage to the relationship as it forces a couple to choose between each other and the person or people threatening to disown them.
In some cultures, it’s very common for parents to disapprove of their children’s relationship or marriage and force a breakup. But the worst thing about it is that couples can’t do much about it. If they object to the disapproving person, they feel that they’ll lose their loved one and live with regrets for the rest of their life.
That’s why they often struggle for so long that they fall out of love and choose family over their love interests.
So if you’re a parent or a parental figure to someone whose relationship you don’t want to succeed, know that the easiest, yet most painful way to break them up is to threaten them by disowning them.
Threats like that can put them under a lot of pressure and stress and make them do what you want them to do. Of course, there’s also a chance that the people you’re trying to break up will stay together despite your threats.
But if that happens, they’ll probably cut ties with you and elope. If you’re not prepared to lose people, my advice is not to threaten them with abandonment. Ultimatums are the last thing you should give to people you love.
Today, you’ve learned a few evil ways to break up a couple. Whatever you do, don’t actually use any of these strategies. The purpose of this article is just to spread awareness of ways you could knowingly or unknowingly ruin a couple’s relationship.
If you want us to dissuade you from doing something evil, click here to get in touch with us.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.
Agreed Linda. I also think Zan wrote this to help people who have experienced such external interference in their relationships, and who may have been too trusting of the meddlers. Zan is showing us what to look out for here, as well as not to do these things to others.
Exactly, Claire.
I wish people would be considerate of others’ relationships and stay out of them.
I learn from ever new articles of yours Zan!
but those strategies are super evil ways to break up a couple. I don’t know how people do that
Hi Linda.
They’re super, super evil, but they happen from time to time, unfortunately.
Best regards,