Interview With The Dumper Who Came Back

Interview with the dumper who came back

This is the interview with the dumper who came back.

Special thanks to the advisor of the Magnet of Success Discord channel who interviewed his dumper ex and shared his information with us.

Thanks to the community for asking him questions as well.

Interview with the dumper who came back

Interview with a dumper who came back

1) How long were you and your boyfriend together before you left?

About 3 ½ years.

2) Did you get him back?


3) How long did it take you to come back?

About 4 months.

4) How many relationships did you have before you met him? Do you mind telling us how long each of them was?

I had 3 serious relationships. I can’t quite recall, but they all lasted around 1 to 3 years.

5) Did you leave your boyfriend for someone else?

Yes, I did. But I frequently compared the new guy to my ex-boyfriend and soon realized that he could never keep up. After a few months of ups and downs in my new relationship, I got fed up with it.

6) What made you feel that the relationship with your boyfriend wasn’t going to work?

That’s a good question. Honestly, I can’t really tell. I just felt more and more unhappy every day and thought that he is the source of my misery. But he wasn’t. It took me a while to figure it out.

7) How did you let him know that he needs to change or adjust his behavior so that you get along better?

I gave him silly hints and expected him to pick them up. I got very emotional with him. So much so that I oftentimes started an argument out of nothing. Now I know that this wasn’t the right way to go about it.

8) How long did you try to change him until you finally decided to break up?

For a long time actually. I think I wanted him to change for over 8 months.

9 ) If you were deeply connected to your boyfriend, what has stopped you from acting on the “what if” doubts? You know, in case he changes his behavior or if circumstances surrounding the breakup change.

At some point, you simply give up and leave. You don’t intend to return no matter what because you just don’t care anymore. I was certain I did everything right and that he is the source of my unhappiness. I didn’t think he would change so I had no doubts about making the wrong decision.

10) Was your attraction to this person completely gone before you left?

At the time of the breakup, yes. I wasn’t in the mood for sex at all, if that’s what you mean by attraction. Also, I tried to avoid any form of physical contact. Even though I didn’t want to, I stayed physically close to him from time to time just so he wouldn’t know that I was about to leave him.

11) Have you ever thought about returning to your ex while you were with the other guy?

Not right after the breakup. I was happy that I finally told him about not wanting to be in a relationship with him anymore.

12) Did you experience any feelings of regret at all?

Not at first, but after a while, I started to feel regretful. My perspective on the relationship changed and I thought that the breakup was my fault. I felt that I was often too emotional and that I overreacted when we argued. I did a lot of thinking during our time apart and realized that I often tried to control him and that I forced him against his will. Needless to say, this caused arguments in the relationship when we should have handled them like grown-ups.

13) What else did you learn from the breakup?

Communication is so, so, so important in a relationship. We need to express our feelings and talk to each other like adults. Men are terrible at picking up hints. I learned that you should tell your partner whenever something is on your mind. Don’t hold things inside and expect him to mind read. Express yourself. He will understand if he’s the one that wants to be with you.

14) Do you think you would have been there for him if he had a difficult time getting over you?

It’s hard to say, but I think that I would’ve helped him. I suppose it depends on the time when he reached out. If he reached out to me just days after the breakup, I know I wouldn’t have been super happy about it.

15) When did you revisit the idea of getting back with your ex?

I think I first started doubting my decision roughly 2-3 months after the breakup. But that was not when I decided to reach out. It took me another month or so to text him.

16) What did you remember the most about your ex and what were the times when you thought about him?

I remembered that he supported me and understood me more than anyone else. As for the second part of the question, I can’t really answer.

17) Did seeing him move on/not move on affect how you felt about wanting to reconcile?

I never actually thought about him moving on. Again, it depends on what specific time you’re talking about. If you’re referring to the early phases of the breakup, I couldn’t have cared less. But later on, when I felt sad, I most likely would have cared a lot.

18) What if you saw your ex having a great time with someone else on social media? Would that make you reach out?

I can’t really answer that since I didn’t see him moving on. If I saw him moving on when I was angry right after the breakup, I don’t think it would have changed anything. I would probably move on.

19) Have you ever heard of no contact?

Not until I got back together with my ex. He told me about it.

20) Do you think that your ex not reaching out to you made reconciliation easier?

Yes, definitely. To be honest, I was expecting him to come crawling back to me. But it didn’t happen. This really changed the way I felt about him, myself and this whole situation. Now I’m glad that he didn’t reach out because it could’ve changed my mind about getting back together with him. Also, no contact was not a problem for me at first, but after a while, it put me through emotional hell.

21) How did you make it clear that you’re coming back to your ex?

I made an excuse to reach out to him and said that I have something that belongs to him. I basically set up a meetup and he agreed to it. It was very difficult for me to do this though because I was afraid that he’ll reject me.

22) Is there anything you want to say to all the dumpees who are suffering from a devastating breakup?

If your ex left you, leave him alone. Don’t call him or text him. Let your ex do all the work.

Did you find this interview with the dumper informative? Would you like to see more posts like this in the future? Let me know by leaving a comment.

27 thoughts on “Interview With The Dumper Who Came Back”

  1. So it shows that dumpers are really selfish people who think that they are better than their dumpee and their new fling!?? WOOOW!

  2. My ex has left and come back 5 times in 15 months. Last time she came back just looking to hookup. This changed after a couple months of doing it to her asking to get back together. She told me she doesn’t feel anything anymore and cut me off again. Think she could still go through this even though she’s left and come back so many times? Longest time so far was 5 weeks and this time it’s already been longer..

  3. Zan I wish you could interview a Man who wants to get back to his ex .. from a Man’s Perspective.. on the same questions you asked this lady..

  4. I love reading this type of article. It feels more real and relief at the same time. Because we, as dumpee, are always wondering what is going on in the dumper’s head. Thank you. and please keep doing this.

    1. Hi Monleykey.

      I’ll do more interviews with dumpees and dumpers in the near future.

      Thank you for your feedback as well as the kind words!

      Best regards,

      1. Hey Zan,

        I hope you’re doing great brother i need to know when you’re going to do more interviews with dumpers who came back after rebound or monkey branching?. I hope youll reply me soon.

        Kind regards,

  5. What a amazing article for all dumpees in the globe.
    Thank you for giving as best example how to react in the hardest situations of our life

  6. I did consider it before I found out she was seeing someone shortly before she left me.I had a few women tell me that women always have a back up plan when they leave, meaning another guy ,that made me sick and also as time went on I got better I developed a habit of going to the gym everyday to be distracted for an hour and that was very therapeutic and I started feeling better . I believe I became more attractive to women, I met 2 at the gym one older one younger, both were wonderful. If my ex had never contacted me or reached out that would have been fine, but since she did it was my opportunity to hear her and for her to know what I went through especially after finding out she went with someone else, I can imagine both of them laughing and taking pity on me while I was devastated for a time and she had no time for me to explain or listen during the time we were broken up. I could never trust her after she did such a thing to me, my feelings were,let her be someone else’s problem, I feel like I dodged a bullet. There are people in this world who are not cruel that way, I would never do to her or anyone else what she did to me,I’m not that kind of guy.

      1. I was,but as the old saying goes,that which doesnt kill you only makes you stronger and smarter. I also told myself if this couldn’t get resolved within a year I was out one way or another, I was not going to spend years pining away for someone, that was before I came to know she was involved so quickly with someone else, that didn’t want me. Living well is the best revenge and I feel like I’m living well without her and with the beginnings of someone new.

  7. I like this post, I would like to read more content from / for dumpers. I feel that I made a big mistake breaking up with my boyfriend, even though the relationship was not healthy in the end. I should have put my all into it. I wish I had known better.

    1. Thank you, K.

      I know that most articles are written for dumpees, so thanks a lot for the input.

      You indeed should have put your all into the relationship whilst it lasted. Now that it’s over, learn from your experience and do your best next time.

      Kind regards,

  8. You jumped into another relationship immediately after or maybe you were already involved before you dumped your boyfriend, whatever , it sounds more like you got bored with the routine. My ex had done the same and reached out to me , we met and I asked her about why she got so involved so quickly with someone else,she didn’t have a really good answer and all I could think of was she was in the other guy’s arms making love with him and being intimate while I was going through my pain alone. I know she would have literally done anything for me when we met up to resume the relationship, I decided I didn’t want it,I didn’t want to be where another man was physically and emotionally. I couldn’t get the picture of them being together out of my head, especially thinking of them being intimate. I told her these things and told her I didn’t want her anymore and to move on and my strength from the pain of the break up a year later made me so much more stronger and confident, it made me more attractive to the woman I am falling in love with now. Ex’s are ex’s for a reason and for me they will always stay ex’s. I don’t know why he took you back ,I wouldn’t.

    1. Cuba did you at some point before the meetup consider taking her back or were you trying to get her back? Was it only when you found out she was with another guy that you realized you didn’t want her back?

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