
My name is Zan and I'm the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.

How To Get A Guy Back?


Men are known for being more rational than women, but that doesn’t make the reconciliation process any easier. When people develop negative associations toward their ex, lose feelings, and decide to leave, they can’t be talked back into a relationship. Talking tends to suffocate, overwhelm, and annoy them and cause them to stay guarded. They

How To Get A Guy Back? Read More »

He Let Me Walk Away So Easily


Not all men beg their ex for forgiveness and another chance. Many men know their worth because they’ve been through a difficult breakup before or did the self-work, so they simply walk away and never look back. They understand that begging is self-degrading and that couples should work on issues while they’re together. When they

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