Here are 10 techniques every person should start using when they want to stop feeling angry. They are simple and work like magic.
The hardest part about them is implementing them and actually remembering to use them when needed.
If you are a very angry person I suggest you get a physical reminder like a bracelet, ring, any item—and have it with you at all times.
When you start feeling angry, take that item in your hands and remind yourself to calm down.
It will work like a charm. ?

1)Count to 10
When you feel angry, slowly count to 10. This technique should slow down your heart rate and help you think rationally.
Just remember to use it when you want to stop feeling angry.
2)Unclench your fists and relax your muscles
We inadvertently clench our fists and appear tense when we’re angry. We express our frustrations both verbally and non-verbally.
So by becoming aware of our body language, we can take control of ourselves and deliberately relax the body and mind.
What we portray on the outside is how we feel on the inside. So unclench your fists whenever you feel angry.
3)Will it matter tomorrow/a month from now?
Most things we get concerned about in this world are trivial and forget about them once we have dealt with them.
So ask yourself, “Will it matter tomorrow?”
4)Breathe deeply
This is one of the easiest, yet most undervalued relaxation technique we know. Simply inhale and exhale deeply.
You can always take it a step further and meditate if you want to.
5)Go for a walk
If you’re having an argument with your spouse or you find your job stressful, take a 10 minute walk.
It will cool you off and help you think rationally again.
6)Get busy
Dive deep in work, school, hobbies, or anything to get your mind off the thing that is making you angry.
When you finish indulging your mind in another activity, chances are you won’t even remember what made you angry in the first place.
7)Spiritual healing
Yoga and meditation can help reduce anxiety and stress—and promote emotional well-being. So practice them 10 minutes in the morning and another 10 in the evening.
You’ll end up feeling better in no time.
8)Talking to other people
Having conversations with other people will prevent you from expressing anger. You can share your problems with your friends and they will offer support in return.
By talking about your issues, you will start to feel understood, and your anger will quickly dissipate.
That’s because talking to people is so incredibly therapeutic, it can help you stop feeling angry.
9)Caring for animals
Animals will always calm you down and cheer you up.
So grab a fuzzy little friend and pet it. It will unquestionably love you unconditionally.
10)Smiling and laughing
Have you ever heard that laughter is the best medicine?
That’s because it is, so laugh whenever you can.
And If you can’t, force yourself. It will release endorphins in your brain and help you stop feeling angry in a matter of seconds.

My name is Zan and I’m the founder of Magnet of Success. I enjoy writing realistic relationship and breakup articles and helping readers heal and grow. With more than 5 years of experience in the self-improvement, relationship, and breakup sphere, my goal is to provide advice that fosters positivity and success and avoids preventable mistakes and pain. Buy me a coffee, learn more about me, or get in touch today.